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>> Head back up to your cubicle and read one page back in the GIANT BINDER
You climb up to FLOOR 17 safely.
You climb up to FLOOR 18 safely.
You climb up to FLOOR 19 safely.
You climb up to FLOOR 20 safely.
You climb up to FLOOR 21 safely.
You climb up to FLOOR 22 safely.

You successfully reach your CUBICLE on FLOOR 23, back from the CAFETERIA, when your GIANT BINDER catches your eye again. You don't like to nonchalantly flip through it, but certainly it wouldn't hurt to see what's on the previous page?

>> Since the middle filing cabinet door is locked, try to kick and force it open

This FILING CABINET sure is sturdy. You can't manage to break the MIDDLE DRAWER open at all. Looks like you'll still need the KEY for it, wherever it is.
>> Check STATS!

Your STATS TAB accurately reflects all of your recent experience gains.
>> Examine your computer desktop

You take a closer look at your COMPUTER'S DESKTOP. The background WALLPAPER is from one of your favorite video games, THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU.
[Mr. Hanekoma] The world ends at your horizons! Enjoy the momennnnnnnnnt!
Oh, Mr. H, your sage advice is an asset to us all. (You also make a really good cup of coffee!)
There are three icons on your DESKTOP: E-MAIL, where you can send and receive e-mails; MINESWEEPER, a popular game you've been itching to play; and RIDDLES, a file you like to update containing the best riddles you've heard.

Uh-oh! Out of nowhere comes DREDLOCK, your MANAGER. He's not a very fun guy to be around, and sure enough, as soon as he appears he starts berating everything in sight. First he tells you to take down that DILBERT COMIC as it's against APEX COMPANY POLICY to put funny things on CUBICLE WALLS or something. Then he tells you to stop slacking. Then he launches into a tirade because you broke a WATERCOOLER. This guy is so annoying!
◄ Chapter 4, Page 4 | Chapter 4, Page 5 | Chapter 5, Page 1 ► |