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>> cast gravity on stapler

You cast the spell GRAVITY on the IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE's equipped weapon, and laugh as he struggles to hold it. As far as you can tell, his defenses are totally down!
You wonder how many things you can cast GRAVITY on before it inexplicably will fail to work.

Another look at your MAGIC TAB reveals the answer. You can clearly see by your MAGIC SURPLUS GAUGE (was this here earlier?) that you have two MAGIC POINTS (hereafter referred to as MP.) Also, it looks like the "(1) - " next to GRAVITY's description means that it takes 1 MP to cast. You have 1 MP left.

You look at your STATS TAB, which displays a bunch of general information about you, including your NAME, LEVEL, RANK TITLE, HP, EXP, EXP TO NEXT LEVEL, and other SKILL LEVELS. You still have the 2 EXP gained from killing that loathsome SPIDER earlier, and 2 ADVERSITY POINTS from eating it. It looks like those 2 ADVERSITY POINTS turned into 20% ADVERSITY EXP. Other skill levels seem to be hidden for the time being.
Your STATS TAB also shows your current mood. You look menacing, almost as if you were in a heated battle of some sort!
You see no floor under the IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, true.
But you also see no floor under yourself, either.
It reminds you of Closed Space...except without all the skyscrapers and paperclips.
>> Use gravity on sword
>> Throw sword at IT employee

You cast GRAVITY on your ONE-DOLLAR BILL ORIGAMI SWORD and send it flying. Unfortunately, the paper sword's inherent AIR RESISTANCE combined with the EXTRA WEIGHT you seemed to add to it makes it hit the ground long before it reaches the IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE. You also used up your last MP for a while. Way to go, chief.
>> Pick up magic 8 ball.
>> Ask magic 8 ball the chance of victory.

You pick up the MAGIC 8-BALL, shake it, and examine its underside.

Gosh, the MAGIC 8-BALL seems to know everything. Its proclamation of your apparent imminent victory gives you confidence in the battle ahead.

You put the MAGIC 8-BALL back in your INVENTORY, which is now nicely sequestered to its own little tab as well. Very snazzy.
The IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE begins to lift his STAPLER. You think you can hear him growling at you.
>> He must be a werewolf! Check for silver.
No SILVER found!
You're not entirely sure if the LAWS OF PHYSICS apply in your world. Nonetheless, your GRAVITY spell pretty much only added to the ORIGAMI SWORD's WEIGHT ATTRIBUTE, which is why it fell as fast as it did.
>> fold up remaining dollar bills into origami swords
That sounds like a great idea! ...Unfortunately, you don't have the DUAL-WIELD ABILITY yet. It might have something to do with only being at Level 1. Would you still like to refold one of the ONE-DOLLAR BILLS into a single ORIGAMI SWORD?
>> Retreat, you are clearly losing this battle. You should farm on Spiders for a while.

The notion seems feasible, but you don't know where the EXITS are in this blasted place. It looks like you have no choice but to see this battle to its end!
In the meantime, the IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE finally raises his weapon, and with a shaking grip, gets ready to fire another STAPLE BARRAGE. Do something, fast!
>> Fashion a ball and chain using the dollar bills and the staples on the floor around you!

That sounds like a fairly good idea, but unfortunately, the STAPLES fell through the floor after being fired and have been falling downward for such a long time that you can't even see them anymore. Despite that, you seem to be on firm invisible ground. What the heck is up with this place? At this point you just want to leave, but as mentioned before, there aren't any exits, either.
>> Don't waste time and effort folding another sword, leap forward and grab the gravity-enhanced sword and use your momentum to launch it even further, possibly severing a limb off the IT Guy.

You dash forward to grab the ORIGAMI SWORD that's already on the ground. You grab it and begin to stand back up, only to realize that the IT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE has fully overcome his defenselessness. He's already crossed the distance between you and him, and is pointing his weapon directly at you! And from the looks of those shining yellow lines beginning to protrude from the ground, he's powering up for a devastatingly powerful attack!
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