Riptide's still got one more vote than Defeat, so if you're worried about a deadline hammer vote, you're a bit late.
Also, I don't see a deadline coming any time soon. Top only applies them when the game has become stagnant, and we are far from that right now.
Also, let me go on a tangent.
Animal, I don't know how you have it in your head that Riptide is such a terrible player when, quite frankly, you're worse than him. I don't know if it's a recent development or if I'd missed it in the past, but somehow, I have no idea how, you have it in your head that voting for someone you don't like and then going "lol" a ton is an acceptable playstyle while Riptide's is not. Honestly.
1.)Oh, yeah. I would know that you're the one to roleclaim early.
Leaving this for Kik, not a point I'd make.
2.)Meh. I thought it was a decent response (for my 1st time ever playin' a game like this). Oops...I did it again (no my role is not Britney Spears).
It's not.
Newbie or not you're held to the same standards, you have to explain your actions.
3.)Who says an "importent thought" was needed at this point...You? Fine. No deal.
Kik's main point here was the "Random as random can get" response of your, not the "important thoughts." With the important thoughts though, Kik was saying, why are you saying you have important thoughts (Which are
always necessary.
) and then not vocalizing them?
4.)At that point, you were still all over the place (like I'm being accused of now). Hmm. Happens to the best of us?
Leaving this to Kik but I don't believe that being all over the place is something we've accused you of.
5.)Here I feel the need to role claim. There was something you didn't pick up on. "I'm here to save." was the line...therefore...I am Metatron. The highest angel. Some say I'm the voice of God Himself. At night I can save 1 person from being lynched, and @ this point I ask the question: Can I save myself? I am Town affiliated.
6.)See rebuttal #5.
My comments on that above. But on that topic, I would like you to clarify, when you say "protect" do you mean from people attempting to kill others at night, is the mafia, or from the majority-based lynches during the day?
Also, I don't believe you ever elaborated on your "If I were mafia..." vote for Paidea, which I requested you to do.