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 Post subject: Updates?
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2009, 2:40 pm 
is the famous
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Well, I play Runescape for about 7 years. I hate all the new updates. I would prefer RS to stay like it was back in '06. What do you think about it?

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2009, 3:32 pm 
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Moved to RuneScape Discussion. :)

There have been updates I've loved and updates I've hated. But ultimately, the constant updates are what have me coming back to RuneScape. I miss the game the way it used to be, but new content is what keeps RuneScape alive. :P

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2009, 4:37 pm 
is the famous
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I agree with you partly. You see, my point is that updates keep new players coming and veterans quiting. The GE is useful, but it destroyed all the fun of searching for rare stuff ; (

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2009, 8:28 pm 
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I disagree with you there - There are many veteran players, myself included, constantly being drawn back by the new content.

You're never going to please everyone, so they try to appeal the the majority. That's the best that can be asked of any company. Without new content, the "veteran" players would eventually get bored, quit, and the game/company would die.

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 24th, 2009, 3:56 pm 
is the famous
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You are right, but they could at least make a pre-07 copy of the game! :?

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 24th, 2009, 6:15 pm 
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Alex!!1! wrote:
You are right, but they could at least make a pre-07 copy of the game! :?

But then I'd want a pre-2005 copy of the game, someone would want a 2006 copy of the game, and so forth.

Honestly, if you have a problem with all the updates (I dislike the majority of them), just ignore them for the most part. The newest quest I did was the one for summoning... You can't deal with the GE and the lack of pking/unbalanced trade, but you, as an individual, aren't going to make a difference.

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 25th, 2009, 12:13 pm 
is the famous
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There weren't any major updates before '07. Then they started puting GE and s**t... :glare:

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 26th, 2009, 11:30 am 
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Alex!!1! wrote:
There weren't any major updates before '07. Then they started puting GE and s**t... :glare:

The GE and trade limits helped save the game though. As it was Jagex was in some very hot water because of all of the Credit Card scams and theft associated with the game. People had been using Runescape as a means to get people to try and buy GP and then when they provided their information, like CC #, they stole it. The game was also filling up with autoers who only existed to gather supplies for all of the gold farmers.

If you read the news posts from when they did it, you can obviously tell that Jagex didn't want to implement that stuff. They were almost forced into it, and even though things are drastically different now a lot of improvement came from those updates.

It would be great it stuff like the trade limits and PvP worlds weren't needed, but unfortunately a few bad eggs ruined it for everyone.



 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 26th, 2009, 5:17 pm 
is the famous
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Autoers? If Jagex did it only because of them, I would tear them apart! RAWR!

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 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 27th, 2009, 9:23 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Not really botherd, I dont play RS anywhere near a smuch as I used to, but when I do i'm pretty happy with the game. I don't even think what it would be like before the nerfing of the wilderness, so apart from that I don't see any reason to create a back log of games.


 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 27th, 2009, 3:01 pm 
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im a veteran of idk like 7 years? rsc was the original and rune was purple and attack and defense requirements werent around, i guess it was kinda towards the very beginning, i still play

jagex Just use these rules I thought up for you. Next time you guys really want to make a new update, stop and think...
1. Does this update have any real purpose?
2. Who are we ******** here?
3. Am I sober?
4. Am I doing this to make my co-workers laugh?
5. Have I run this by the players?
6. Am I still sober?
7. Is this update so pointless that people might think its a glitch?
8. Does this negatively affect the economy?
9. Why are we doing this?
10. Last but not least, Does this update involve picking anything out of a hat?


 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 27th, 2009, 5:47 pm 
King Of Whackamole
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i myself hae been playing RS for about 6 years and i think that the updates werea good thing except for the nerfing of the wild



 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 27th, 2009, 7:43 pm 

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ive been playing since late 2002 i miss classic too


 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: December 31st, 2009, 3:53 am 
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I didn't really like the updates because it ruined PVP and set prices for all items which made Merching harder and slower. Although without the update the world would be filled with all the bots swarming the yew trees and the mining guild, which would have made the game nearly impossible to play. Well, people can't always get what they want and just have to deal with what they are given. It's been interesting to see how the Grand Exchange works and what the new PVP worlds are like, so I have still enjoyed to play RuneScape even though the updates had some negative influence on the game.



 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: January 5th, 2010, 10:46 am 
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It's hard to compare modern RS to the RS of old. Back in the days of RSC and for a year or two in to RS2, the game was mostly for hardcore players. Keep in mind that Jagex didn't just implement the new updates to counter RWT, but also to help out new players. I'd say if I'd gone on a seven year vacation from RS and came back today, I could hardly call it the same game. (That doesn't mean it's bad.)

If you're looking for a way to play RSC, on the other hand, I recommend taking a look at RSC Angel.

They have a 2x experience private server going, free of charge. Maybe playing there for a few minutes will remind you why they didn't keep RSC around. xD

EDIT: Typo corrected.


 Post subject: Re: Updates?
PostPosted: March 30th, 2016, 9:19 pm 

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Excuse me bumping this from the, but I just wanted to mention that there is a runescape classic server that has an android compatible version, which I play when bored. The website is I am surprised, yet happy I can play on my android when bored.

Edit. I updated the game site, as this one supports more mobile gameplay and is completely free! :)

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