(Originally posted May 26, 2009)
I'm going to point out a couple of things about the game real quick, please don't be offended if I use your suggestion. ^_^
Players wrote:
>>Go find monsters/insects/employees to fight. You need the exp.
>> If you find him, follow the cashier, and attack him from behind with your bazooka cupholder. (We need to get our level up somehow, don't we?)
>>G0 Spartan mode on the cashier
While The Adventures of Jimmy does seem to have some RPG elements, it's more like a puzzle game; a mock RPG, if you will. If you ever read Problem Slueth on mspaintadventures.com, they do a lot of that where the levels are basically just silly things that mean nothing.
Well, they don't mean
nothing here, as leveling up will give you new skills and abilities. But put it this way--Adventures of Jimmy isn't a true RPG. More often than not, you're not going to go looking for trouble, but rather, it'll find you. More on that later.

Players wrote:
>>G0 Spartan mode on the cashier
>> mortal Kombat w/ cashier
>> loot cashier
Also, this is a good example of getting a little bit ahead of yourself. The IT Boss Battle took several pages, and even that Spider battle took a couple. You're not going to engage an enemy, defeat him, and get the spoils of war all in a single post.

Onward! (Thanks to Jackstick for helping me with the animation this time. I need to get my own GIF animator, lol.)
>>Find a way to bend the Otherworldly line into an extra inventory space.
You still can't interact with the OTHERWORLDLY LINE in any way. You might as well forget it's there for now, because it seems to be lodged in your INVENTORY and won't budge.
>>G0 Spartan mode on the cashier
He still seems like a nice guy. You'd rather not bring unnecessary turmoil down upon him.
>> Take ALL monies from the register.

The CASH REGISTER is locked! You can even see the KEYHOLE to access its contents. What is it with this company and using keys for everything? However, you see a FIVE-DOLLAR BILL under the CASH REGISTER. Perhaps the CASHIER forgot to put it in the drawer after a transaction. You greedily take it.
>> leave DIMEQUARTER on COUNTER as a tip (throwing the peanuts and stealing a new bag was pretty rude)

You do that, too. By losing a QUARTER and gaining a FIVE-DOLLAR BILL, you now have a total of $6.70!

On an unrelated note, your MAGIC TAB indicates that enough time has passed, and you have regained 1 MP.
>> investigate other items in the store.

You investigate the CAFETERIA's current selection of four items more closely. LEIS seem to be normal potato chips. The bags of DOORITOS (shaped like a door, no less) appear to be cheesy chips. The HONEY ROASTED NUTS have no exterior markings. You can only see one side of the BOTTLE OF SODA, but you turn it and learn that it is called ANSI.
>>Grab a bunch of those red things in your arms and run for it!
You're more ethical than that (despite having just stolen $5 and a second bag of peanuts.) Besides, you really don't want to get fired.
>> Wonder how long you've been at work today.
You got here around starting time, so probably...an hour, if you had to guess? Maybe less.
>> Contemplate going home.
Your workday isn't over yet! It all comes full circle on that not-wanting-to-get-fired thing.
>> head to Administrative Offices
Unfortunately, you have no idea where the ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES are located. Perhaps you could figure this out through the use of your COMPUTER?
>> Look at pages 1534 and 1535 of the binder, since they should speak more of employees and vortexes.
Your LARGE BINDER is also in your CUBICLE. You figure that you might as well go there first.
You make a decision to go back to your CUBICLE before doing anything else. And just because you need exercise and/or wouldn't mind a few random encounters, you take the STAIRS.
You climb to FLOOR 11 safely.
You climb to FLOOR 12 safely.
You climb to FLOOR 13 safely.
You climb to FLOOR 14 safely.
You climb to FLOOR 15 safely.

OH SNAP. As you reach FLOOR 16, you see not one, but four quick SPIDERS blocking your path! Are these things breeding or something? They're creepy--there's no way you're passing through this area without dispatching these guys!
>> ?