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 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 4:38 am 
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Added data from:

Tal Set 65 (steel and iron dragon drop amounts)
Boa (KQ, KBD, Giant Crab and Mith dragon drop amounts)
Dino Slayer 2 (Penguin info.)

Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
~ The Database Team

dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 12:27 pm 
The Mutts Nuts
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The charms
Left to right:
Abyssal and Obsidian charms work like the raw chicken to a dreadfowl.



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 1:39 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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simons pure wrote:
Abyssal and Obsidian charms work like the raw chicken to a dreadfowl.

Also, unlike the others, they are not stackable.



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 3:17 pm 
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The items already in the DB, simon.

Are you telling me that Abyssal and Obsidian charms will work in place of any other type of charm?

And that they are not stackable?

I'll add when I get confirmation ;)

dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 4:33 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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No, he means to say they are secondary ingredients. The abyssal has 2 uses so far, and the Obisidan will gain uses in February, assumably for various TzHaar monsters.



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 19th, 2008, 7:11 pm 
The Mutts Nuts
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~Boa~ wrote:
No, he means to say they are secondary ingredients. The abyssal has 2 uses so far, and the Obisidan will gain uses in February, assumably for various TzHaar monsters.

He nailed it.
Use 100 of them to summon Jad please? :D



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 3:59 pm 
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Could one of you write we a description of the 2 items uses to go in the "notes" section of the entry please?
You've been very useful so far, thank you :)

dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 4:04 pm 
♫ Hakuna Matata ♫
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People you don't need to bother making screenies editing pictures and posting on a site if I already did it.
Check the first page before doing so, it will make your life easier ^^ and youll still be credited ;). Ty for support


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 20th, 2008, 10:47 pm 

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Infernal Mages drop Gold and Green charms. Tested 2/4 with a wealth.


90 combat party IS ON!!!


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 1:28 am 
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Aberrant Spectres drop Crimson, Blue, Green and Gold Charms

Bloodworms (Barrows and Chaos Tunnels) rarely drop Green Charms

Somebody probably already posted this but... Ice Warriors commonly drop Crimson, Blue, Green and Gold Charms

Dark Paladin, nobody even had the level to get a pack yak pouch when you posted, and since thats true, where'd you realy get all your images from?

┤H Ercule S├
99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Range, 99 Cooking, 99 Magic

Draconic Visage Drop


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 2:42 am 
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h.ercule.s wrote:
Dark Paladin, nobody even had the level to get a pack yak pouch when you posted, and since thats true, where'd you realy get all your images from?

Go on runescape, then on your stats page (the one that shows what levels you have), click on summoning and it shows you all the pouches, scrolls and some pets.

Leave him alone, he did it fair and square, you don't need to have a go at him just because he used some initiative to help his site.

And guys, if you are going to post what drops what, here's a tip: All monsters that drop 1 type of charm, drop all 1. It just takes longer to get a drop because they are rarer.
What we need to know is how many they drop in one kill (usually 1-10).

dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 6:11 am 
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Familiar's Name:sheepdog
Examine:Come by! Come by!
Where Found:Yanille petshop
Level Required to Summon:1
Additional Information:
when you choose the "talk to..." option you get some really odd reply, pm/post me a reply if u want screenshots of the quotes.

super smash bros brawl FC: 5284-2954-7818

Rare drops:

Dark Bow (5) | Dragon Med (3) | D Chain(1) | Dragon legs (1) | Dragon Boots (104) | D Spear (3) | shield left half (2)
| Visage (0) | Whip (11) |
1k Agility Tickets | Abyssal head(1)


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 24th, 2008, 6:16 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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This should remain announcement'd :( It's hard to find now :o



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: January 29th, 2008, 4:17 pm 
♫ Hakuna Matata ♫
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Got the PM, I'll add it as soon as possible. ~Donut


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2008, 12:38 pm 
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So,like any clues or hints for me on what you guys still need?

|418th to 99 Construction.|


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2008, 12:44 pm 
♫ Hakuna Matata ♫
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Don Toboy wrote:
So,like any clues or hints for me on what you guys still need?

For summoning we are almost done I guess, but you can check out the link in my signature and check if everything is there.
We need some information about Meiyerditch and the new hunter creatures though.
ty ~Ethem


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2008, 2:00 pm 
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Toboy, I'll try my best to get up a list as quick as possible. My school work is piling now-a-days, so I'm not being able to be as efficient as I usually was.

Basically, we still need the higher leveled pets and familiars, and of course, we'll need the familiars/pets added in the Summoning Batch 2.

Thanks for your interest in helping. :)


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: March 18th, 2008, 5:49 pm 
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Level 13 Rock Crabs drop all...
Level 2 Goblins drop all (1 in 11 drop, mostly gold with every 10 gold having a crimson)

The robed zamorak warriors (both levels) at the zammy wine hut drop crimson rarely.

Done, thanks ~ The Database Team


 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 1:46 am 
Champion of Saradomin
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A few summons missing from the DB. Figured now's as good a time as any to post 'em for you guys.

Familiar's Name: Rune Minotaur
Image: Image
Examine: He's just a big bully.
Where Found: This familiar can be summoned in any summoning enabled area if you have the required Summoning level to summon the familiar.
Race: Animals
Level Required to Summon: 86
Additional Information: 154 Combat Level. Max hit 16. HP 570. Lasts 151 minutes (2 hours, 31 minutes). Has massive defence to melee and ranged; Is very difficult to defeat one-on-one without Verac's set or Magic. Gives you experience in Defence and Hitpoints when he does damage.

Familiar's Name: Lava Titan
Image: Image
Examine: Made of lava.
Where Found: This familiar can be summoned in any summoning enabled area if you have the required Summoning level to summon the familiar.
Race: Titan? XD
Level Required to Summon: 83
Additional Information: Combat 148. HP 528. Max hit 14, but its ability allows it to hit an extra 5 on occasion, effectively raising its max to 19. Additional needed info in knowledgebase.

I'd love it if you could PM me a list of DB entries you need for summoning, up to 88. (I'll get the unicorn's info up as soon as I can summon one) As soon as I have free time I can burn through most of the DB stuff you need.



 Post subject: Re: Summoning Skill Submissons!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 11:11 am 
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Added. Thanks greatly, Boa. Your expertise in Summoning is more than appreciated :)

I'll work on that list also.

Edit: Voilà.

  • Macaw - Image
  • Adamant Minotaur - All
  • Forge Regent - All
  • Talon Beast - All
  • Giant Ent - All
  • Fire Titan - All
  • Ice Titan - All
  • Moss Titan - All
  • Hydra - All
  • Spirit Dagganoth - All
  • Swamp Titan - All

Also, the combat level for the Beaver, Fruit Bat, Ibis, Macaw, Magpie, and Unicorn is required.

Thanks so much, Boa.

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