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 Post subject: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 6:01 am 
I post here sometimes
Champion of Saradomin
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Well, you're probably thinking "ZOMFG!!! Another attention-seeking post from King!!"

Well, your probably partially right... But heh...

As some of the british RVers probably know, May-July is exam time. SAT's GCSE's and A-levels all happen around now. As it is, i'm doing really crap in some manditory subjects (noticably maths (i'm currently running at an E)) Because of this, i want to take a bit of a break from RV at least.

That was one reason, now for the other one. As some of you might be aware, i'm running a MechScape fansite called MechSphere. Due to the fact that Mechscape is apparently going to be relerased in June, i want to get the site in more of a working state than it is at the mo. That includes a FunOrb review section and hint an tips about Funorb games. Fun

Also, if you look in my sig, i've taken over development off the Anti-Spam ACP for PhpBB2. Now, with that, i want to convert it to some more bulletin boards like PhpBB3 and PunBB etc... so that will take up a lot of my free time.

Now, to life. I'm not going into any big detail, but i've learned a lot about my life so far, and personally, i'm quite disturbed with it. Child abuse isn't a nice thing, mother. And also, my dad has been having a hard time recently, so i ned to support him.
That, and the fact that my copy of GTA4 is in the post, and the fact that i'm trying to build a PC for under £30, is eating up my time.

So, RV, You havn't got rid of me yet, but i need to get my priorities straight, and schoolwork is at the top and RV is at the bottom. Sorry.

Friends, pals, you know who you are and you know how to contact me. I really apreciate the friendships i have made here,and personally, i think you have helped me a lot.

Anyway, i think i've done enough rambling. See you in July, or even in a few weeks. I need some time to get my priorities straightand sort out some deep and dark things in my life.

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 6:30 am 
RV's Swimming
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It's good to take a break once in a while, I'm sure you'll be fine in the GCSE's, good luck :)

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 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 6:33 am 
I post here sometimes
Champion of Saradomin
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Aragorn Ix wrote:
It's good to take a break once in a while, I'm sure you'll be fine in the GCSE's, good luck :)

DT coursework = C
Geog coursework = C
Maths coursework = E
English = B/C
Physics = A
Chemistry = A
Biology = A* (WTF? I don't even like Biology)

I'm screwed for A-levels :|

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 6:38 am 
RV's Swimming
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King, I wouldn't judge your outcome in the actual GCSE's by using current estimated grades unless you truely have tried your hardest. Mainly because I was predicted a hell of a lot lower than I actually achieved, I'm pretty sure you can too. About the A levels comment, I got a B in GCSE history, I'm getting an A in AS level other words not everything works out the way people say it does. Just take a break and do revision on any key areas of subjects you struggle with, maybe using online research/practice questions etc to help you along the way.

Hope this helps

|Items and Monster Database Staff|Villager Writer|Guide Writer|Image
Gamestar is my twin :D


 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 12:39 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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The123king wrote:
So, RV, You havn't got rid of me yet. Sorry.

:bunny: .

Anyway, like Aragorn said, don't judge your achiements on your current predicted grades. I was predicted like D-C in ALL of my subjects, pretty much. I was getting E-C in History, but when it came to the actual GCSE I got a C. But, I only took half the exam.
Seriously, you're smarter than I am. You're going to be fine.

Though, A Levels are no walk in the park -.- So beware next year.

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 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 5:38 pm 
the still lurking
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The123king wrote:
Aragorn Ix wrote:
It's good to take a break once in a while, I'm sure you'll be fine in the GCSE's, good luck :)

DT coursework = C
Geog coursework = C
Maths coursework = E
English = B/C
Physics = A
Chemistry = A
Biology = A* (<img src=></img>? I don't even like Biology)

I'm screwed for A-levels :|

At least you're doing good in the science's. <3 Science. I take it that you took Triple Award Science?

Anyway, good luck in your GCSE's and see you soon.

Barely active anymore on RV or my RV msn, if anyone would like my real msn feel free to pm me!

Thanks for the sig Dino!

Last edited by Mageman on Tue Sep 1, 1969 2:30 am; edited 4945 times in total


 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 28th, 2008, 1:45 am 
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Aragorn Ix wrote:
King, I wouldn't judge your outcome in the actual GCSE's by using current estimated grades unless you truely have tried your hardest. Mainly because I was predicted a hell of a lot lower than I actually achieved, I'm pretty sure you can too. About the A levels comment, I got a B in GCSE history, I'm getting an A in AS level other words not everything works out the way people say it does. Just take a break and do revision on any key areas of subjects you struggle with, maybe using online research/practice questions etc to help you along the way.

Hope this helps

The problem for King is the fact he doesn't give in his coursework/homework/normal work.
He has currently handed in none of his I.C.T coursework in a normal subject, this wouldn't matter too much but it's 100% cw in ICT #-o

siggy care of ownagePK
Image Man U till I die!!

Rupert Chawner Brooke wrote:
"If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is forever England."



 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 28th, 2008, 5:57 am 
the still lurking
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Neil 1231 wrote:
Aragorn Ix wrote:
King, I wouldn't judge your outcome in the actual GCSE's by using current estimated grades unless you truely have tried your hardest. Mainly because I was predicted a hell of a lot lower than I actually achieved, I'm pretty sure you can too. About the A levels comment, I got a B in GCSE history, I'm getting an A in AS level other words not everything works out the way people say it does. Just take a break and do revision on any key areas of subjects you struggle with, maybe using online research/practice questions etc to help you along the way.

Hope this helps

The problem for King is the fact he doesn't give in his coursework/homework/normal work.
He has currently handed in none of his I.C.T coursework in a normal subject, this wouldn't matter too much but it's 100% cw in ICT #-o

I'm sure it's 80% Coursework and 20% Exam, I mean if it's 100% coursework what's the point of having an exam?

Barely active anymore on RV or my RV msn, if anyone would like my real msn feel free to pm me!

Thanks for the sig Dino!

Last edited by Mageman on Tue Sep 1, 1969 2:30 am; edited 4945 times in total


 Post subject: Re: GCSE's, MechSphere and life...
PostPosted: April 28th, 2008, 6:04 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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you know where i am buddy :)

Once a Staff, always a Staff.

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