Applequest wrote:
dr henry wrote:
Anyway, the bunnies weren't really needed Apple, and I had expected you to be the least likely person to post like that, but I do agree on some terms with what you said.
They were needed. To reflect how truly upset I was, quite a few more would be needed. The one thing I will never stand for is for people to accuse the staff of corruption. We all work way too hard, poor in way too much of our time, effort, and thought, to deserve that. Though Im not at all surprised Shadow did that (least surprising thing of all time actually) I still wont stand for it. Its a thankless job, even more thankless when we are being denigrated by disgruntled users on their way out. This is the second time Shadow has done this, I for one am sick of it.
Since you have said it several times (both in this post and in the one after I got banned), I should mention that I never accused the staff of corruption. In the few worst cases that occured with the staff, a person may call those situations corruption, though even in those cases that would be a stretch; however, I never used the word corruption and this was not simply a coincidence. I'm not sure who started the rumor of me accsuing the staff of rampant corruption, but it's annoying; I even had mods messaging me who thought that as a quote I had accused them in particular of being corrupt. If this is something you believe from reading my post, I suggest you read it more carefully. I do not deny, however, that I accuse some staff members of abusing their power, and not necessarily on a small scale accident.
I suspect that at least part of the reason you are reacting so strongly is because you think these comments are directed yourself, and while you are at least to some degree part of the staff I reference, among them, your reaction was the most reasonable and tolerant I recieved. While you claim indignation about me supposedly dragging the staff through the mud, you have no problem with myself being dragged through the mud. While you claim indigation over me supposedly distorting the truth, you had no problem with those staff members who flat-out lied about events that occured, even when the exact quotes showing the opposite could be presented. While you claim indignation over me supposedly leaking mod forum info, you had no problem when every other staff member leaked mod forum info in an attempt to smear myself. You claim indigignation for me "only presenting one side of a story", but you didn't care that in my first quitting post that the staff used my attempt to present both sides of the story as a way to make sure the post was banned. Furthermore, you showed no indignation when user's posts were deleted and the users threatened by staff simply for siding with shadow's actions or for correcting lies made by the staff. You want sympathy for putting so much time into RV, but from what I'm reading seem to believe that I deserved even worse from the staff (correct me if I'm wrong), though I myself have likely spent just as much time answering the questions of others (in the extreme, spending up to an hour writing an answer to a single question). You complain that being staff is a thankless job from the members of RV, but could care less that I myself never have recieved thanks from the staff nor asked for it (I will mention, however, I have often recieved thanks from the members I have helped and do not want them to think it is unappreciated). You complain that your job is made even worse by the harassment of members on the way out, but could care less that my job is made harder by disgruntled staff members on the way in. Despite all this, I will repeat again that I have no charges of corruption against yourself or even the rest of the staff. However, at least in this case, you are a hypocrit.
The reason this is the second time I am leaving is because, when I came back to Runescape, I was bombarded by many requests to join RV again. I did so, suspecting that if I was being asked to come back by normal members, then there was something I could contribute there. And this appeared to be true from what I saw. However, from the moment I came back, I continued to run into problem after problem after problem with the staff, even to the degree that some people seemed to take it upon themself to remove random mundane posts of mine, including answers to questions in the Question forum.
One of these days, another issue arised (one which was mentioned in my first post), and I tried to resolve it. I got a few answers from the person involved, and it appeared there was a misunderstanding about what had happened (the part of my post I think you were talking about when you thought it was a lie and that I had shown my true colors). I was eventually able to track down several messages between me and this person in the past; these were the messages that they were referring to in the incident. I asked the person for any messages they had saved related to it so I could take a look at them myself. They claimed to have none (which, from what I heard, is particularly odd as I was told they had supposedly quoted me in their hidden topic). I sent them a copy of every message I could find between me and them, which showed the opposite was true of what they had said in the hidden forum to which I couldn't respond. Furthermore, I said that if there were messages that had been sent that had been inappropriate, I unambiguously apologized from them but said I was concerned in that everything I could find seemed to suggest it never happened. The reply was met by silence after the person read it. My initial reaction was, "Ugh, how am I going to fix this? Another staff member with a problem with me who flat out ignores anything I have to say." It was then I realized, "Why am I dealing with this?" I have made every effort to work out any problems with the staff that I could possibly make. I had been willing to spend hours discussing any problem with any staff member if necessary, and they almost all just snubbed me, an absolute refusal to listen anything I say (a pattern I see arising in yourself, Apple, though in your case it's more a matter of "I'll just believe anything Shadow7 says is false). I thought about this question, and I couldn't answer it. When it comes purely to me and the staff (not counting anyone else), they were doing nothing to help me, nor had they ever for the most part. If anything, I was the one helping them by improving the site. So why should I be the one to be constantly abused? Like a battered wife, I kept trying to fix the problem in hopes that one more try and they would finally treat me fairly to at least some degree on that next try. I realized, it was never going to happen, and there's no reason to allow it to continue to happen. And thus, I decided to call it quits. Of course, Apple, I do suspect you will read this, but I also suspect that you have done with every single statement of mine, you will just chalk up the entire thing to a series of lies and manipulations by myself, but I post this in hopes that maybe I will be wrong about this. I gain nothing by typing all of this. In the worst case scenario, if you read this and just disbelieve it (or simply don't read it), then we will likely never be in contact again. This won't affect those who are in contact with me, though, and thus, I will neither be better off nor worse off. Rather, I type this in hopes that you will possibly listen to it and open up a contact with me again, though given past patterns I do not expect it to be likely.
As for everyone else, I mentioned the site I was going to at least for now, but am not encouraging anyone to join there. I am simply mentinoing it as a way of contacting me if necessary, much as a person might leave an e-mail. I have no affiliation with the site yet other than being a one-day member. Furthermore, an alternate method of contacting me is to simply message me in Runescape.
"I would drill through a polar bear's head to get cheaper oil." -Glenn Beck
Currently playing World of Warcraft.
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