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 Post subject: Woodcutting Guide [Complete] by Megaandrew69
PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 12:56 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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I have decided to make a Woodcutting guide to replace the existing extremely out-dated Woodcutting guide.


Woodcutting is used to chop logs from trees. These logs can be used for firemaking, fletching, or for building items used in construction. In order to cut logs from a tree, simply left click on the desired tree. You will need to have a woodcutting axe handy in order to cut logs from any tree. The different types of axes are as followed: Bronze, Iron, Steel, Black, Mithril (AKA Mith), Adamantite (AKA Addy), Runite (AKA Rune), and Dragon. As you move up in attack, as well as woodcutting levels, you will have the ability to user higher level axes, which mainly grant you the ability to obtain logs much easier and faster.

A great place to start, if you don't know much about woodcutting, is the woodcutting tutor, located in lumbridge just near the castle.

Bronze axe
Woodcutting Level: 1
Cost: 16gp
Location: Tutorial Island, Woodcutting Tutor, and Bob's Axes shop in Lumbridge.

Iron Axe
Woodcutting Level: 1
Cost: 60gp
Location: Bob's Axes shop in Lumbridge.

Steel Axe
Woodcutting Level: 6
Cost: 212gp
Location: Bob's Axes shop in Lumbridge.

Black axe
Woodcutting Level: 11
Cost: 4-5k from people.
Location: Monster drop.

Mithril Axe
Woodcutting Level: 21
Cost: 1.5k
Location: Player made.

Adamant Axe
Woodcutting Level: 31
Cost: 4k
Location: Player made.

Runite Axe
Woodcutting Level: 41
Cost: 20k
Location: Player made.

Dragon Axe - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 61
Cost: 2.7Mil - 2.9Mil
Location: Drop from Dagganoth kings, Waterbirth Island.

Machete's are mainly used for the mini game "Tai Bwo Wannai clean up", they are used for chopping the light, medium, and dense jungle. By playing this mini game you will recieve trading sticks, which you can use to purchase these special types of machete's.
Cost: 60gp

Opal Machete - Members only
Cost: 600 Trading sticks.

Jade Machete - Members only
Cost: 1,200 Trading sticks.

Red Topaz Machete - Members only
Cost: 2,400 Trading sticks.

Normal Tree, Evergreen Tree, Dead Tree, Achey Tree - Members only
Image Image Image Image
Woodcutting Level: 1
Woodcutting Experience: 25
Location: These trees are found all over Runescape. Achey trees are found in Southern Runescape areas, such as: Feldip Hills, near the hunting grounds.

Light Jungle - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 10
Woodcutting Experience: 32
Location: Light Jungle is located in Tai Bwo Wannai Village, it is cut with a machete to gain for trading sticks.

Oak Tree
Woodcutting Level: 15
Woodcutting Experience: 37.5
Location: These trees are very common all over Runescape.

Medium Jungle - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 20
Woodcutting Experience: 55
Location: Medium Jungle is located in Tai Bwo Wannai Village, it is cut with a machete to gain for trading sticks.

Willow Tree
Woodcutting Level: 30
Woodcutting Experience: 67.5
Location: These trees are found all over Runescape, mostly near water.

Dense Jungle - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 35
Woodcutting Experience: 80
Location: Dense Jungle is located in Tai Bwo Wannai Village, it is cut with a machete to gain for trading sticks.

Teak Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 35
Woodcutting Experience: 85
Location: Teak trees are found in Tai Bwo Wannai village.

Maple Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 45
Woodcutting Experience: 100
Location: A great location for Maple trees is around Seer's Village.

Hollow Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 45
Woodcutting Experience: 82.5
Location: These trees are only located north of Canafis.

Mahogany Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 50
Woodcutting Experience: 125
Location: These trees are located in Tai Bwo Wannai village.

Arctic Pine Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 54
Woodcutting Experience: 40
Location: These trees are very rare, and only located on Neitiznot.

Yew Tree
Woodcutting Level: 60
Woodcutting Experience: 175
Location: There are many locations for yew trees. In members, west of Catherby is the best location. In F2P, between Lumbridge and Draynor Village is a good location.

Magic Tree - Members only
Woodcutting Level: 75
Woodcutting Experience: 250
Location: A good location for Magic trees, is just south of Seer's Village.

Random Events
While Woodcutting, you may encounter a random event. There are four random events specifically for the skill of Woodcutting: Tree Ent which will damage your axe (Bob can fix your axe for a price, he is found in Lumbridge), Tree Spirit which will attack you, the third one may cause your axe head to fall off and finally a birds nest may fall out of the tree (members only).

Tree Ent
Image Image
If you encounter a tree ent, the name of the tree will turn to yellow. If you continue to cut the tree, the Ent will break your axe. You can take your axe to Bob in lumbridge, he will then fix your axe for a small fee.

Tree Spirit
Among other NPC randoms, you may encounter a "Tree Spirit". Be careful, this monster may seem weak, but it is very strong if you don't have any armour or a weapon. To get rid of this random, you may either kill it, or simply run away until it dissapears. If it is killed, it could drop a rune axe (rare).

Axe Head Random
Image Image
When you click a tree, your axe head may come off. Be careful about this, especially in F2P, most of the time someone will try to stand on the axe head until it becomes visible to others, then take the head. Make sure you're paying attention when you click on the tree. If your axe head does come off while Woodcutting, it will fly a decent distance away, sometimes barely off the screen. When the head comes off, all you have to do is find the head, then use the head on the axe handle, then you will have your regular axe back.

Bird's Nest
There are 3 kinds of bird's nests which can fall out of a tree while Woodcutting.

Herb Nest
If a herb nest drops while you are Woodcutting, you may pick it up and search it. It may have any of the tree seeds in it, including: Acorn, Willow, Maple, Yew, Magic, and Tree Spirit.

Ring Nest
If a ring nest drops while you are Woodcutting, you may pick it up and search it. It may have any of the rings that you can make using smithing (except for Dragonstone and Onyx), these rings include: Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond rings.

Egg Nest
If a egg nest drops while you are Woodcutting, you may pick it up and search it. It may have one of 3 coloured eggs which are possible from an eggs nest. The 3 coloured eggs which you may find are: Red, Green, and Blue. There are no current uses for each of the eggs.

Lumber Jack outfit
The lumberjack outfit is received as a reward by completing the mini game "Temple Trekking/Burgh De Rott Ramble". The full suit, consisting of four peices, gives bonus exp per log cut. The exp per log with the full suit varies per tree.

Woodcutting Skillcape of Accomplishment
You may buy the Woodcutting Skillcape of Accomplishment when you have mastered the skill of Woodcutting.
Once you have reached Level 99 Woodcutting, you may talk to the Woodcutting tutor in lumbridge and he will sell you the cape for 99,000gp.

Made by: Megaandrew69
With help from: Mackerel, Halley92

Last edited by Megaandrew69 on June 9th, 2007, 2:07 pm, edited 48 times in total.

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PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 12:58 am 
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I'll be adding some stuff soon. The guide we have is quite old :P

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PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 1:42 am 
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Here. I made some changes to it, grammatical errors, spelling errors, etc. etc.

Woodcutting is used to chop logs from trees. These logs can be used for firemaking, fletching, or for building items used in construction. In order to cut logs from a tree, simply left click on the desired tree. You will need to have a woodcutting axe handy in order to cut logs from any tree. The different types of axes are as followed: Bronze, Iron, Steel, Black, Mithril (AKA Mith), Adamantite (AKA Addy), Runite (AKA Rune), and Dragon. As you move up in attack, as well as woodcutting levels, you have the ability to user a higher level axes, which mainly grant you the ability to obtain logs much easier and faster.

A great place to start, if you don't know much about woodcutting, is the woodcutting tutor, located in lumbridge just near the castle.

You don't have to use it, but it sounds more professional, in my opinion, and I fixed some punctuation errors.

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PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 1:46 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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Thanks, I just used that for something to post. We were going to edit it after anyways >__>
But now you posted it so I'll use it :) Ty. Saved us a little time :D

There are 2 tiny errors in yours :P I fixed that up and edited mine :)



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PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 3:51 am 
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Ok guys, I want to quickly remind you of something; here at RuneVillage, we have a dedicated guides team. The team will take care of all editing, so you guys don't need to worry about it at all. As long as I can read it, I can edit it ;)

By the way, I seen an error in your version already 8-[

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This space left blank intentionally.


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PostPosted: May 21st, 2007, 3:23 pm 
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Well I wasn't really editting it, but more of a suggestion to how I think it should be re-worded. I didn't want them to get offended, so I just said that.
I knew we had an editting team, but if your job is to re-word things as well to make them sound more professional, my apologies.

The wrath of God is unleashed in the hands of man.
This is their plans; to infect the lands,
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PostPosted: May 22nd, 2007, 8:11 am 
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I don't encourage adding prices of the various axes. They can fall or raise, and it'd be troublesome to have to edit the guide everytime the price changes.

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PostPosted: June 8th, 2007, 2:49 am 
Priest of Saradomin
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I think the guide is pretty much complete. If anyone thinks there is anything missing, please post it here ;)



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PostPosted: June 8th, 2007, 4:41 am 
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BlitzAceSamy wrote:
I don't encourage adding prices of the various axes. They can fall or raise, and it'd be troublesome to have to edit the guide everytime the price changes.

True, but the only price I see changing would be the Dragon Axe. Rune and below have been at a constant average price for, like, ever.

Possibly, just for the Dragon Axe, put "Player Dependant" for the price.

Other than that, the guide looks good. I'm not sure if it's missing anything though as I'm not big on WCing..

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PostPosted: June 8th, 2007, 5:59 am 
A5chow, yo.
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Don't worry about the market prices of items. We plan on launching a Price guide.


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PostPosted: June 8th, 2007, 8:19 am 
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A5chow wrote:
Don't worry about the market prices of items. We plan on launching a Price guide.

Okay, so should I leave it there? or take out the prices for now?



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PostPosted: June 9th, 2007, 8:02 am 
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Looks much better now all the pictures are resized.

That picture of the dead tree is good. :shifty:
A huge improvement on the old guide, well done.


dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


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PostPosted: June 9th, 2007, 8:55 am 
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i have copied this to the guide editors forum for editing (duh...) so it should be ready on-site ASAP

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject: Re: Woodcutting Guide [Complete] by Megaandrew69
PostPosted: June 9th, 2007, 12:15 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Megaandrew69 wrote:
Ring Nest
If a ring nest drops while you are Woodcutting, you may pick it up and search it. It may have any of the rings that you can make using smithing (except for Diamond and Onyx), these rings include: Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond rings.

You can probably tell why this post was made. You make the exception of Diamond, but then turn around and say it's find-able. Did I read that wrong, or is there a difference?

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PostPosted: June 9th, 2007, 12:29 pm 
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I think he meant "(except for Dragon and Onyx)" :D Mistake nonetheless :)
Nice catch!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 9th, 2007, 2:06 pm 
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I was certain I changed it to Dragonstone after I read it...Oh well I'll change it now, Thanks ;)



 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 10th, 2007, 3:07 am 
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you dont need to change anything anymore, im editing it up for the main site! im going to add some xp stats for the lumberjack outfit and add the dying tree that is found in varrock. apart from that, its grammatical changes and spelling :|

edit: as the aqchey tree gives achey logs, i am going to add it as a seperate tree.

ill post what ive altered here

ps, glod transparentised the dying tree pic i am adding., so he had played a part

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 10th, 2007, 5:58 am 
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The123king wrote:
you dont need to change anything anymore, im editing it up for the main site! im going to add some xp stats for the lumberjack outfit and add the dying tree that is found in varrock. apart from that, its grammatical changes and spelling :|

edit: as the aqchey tree gives achey logs, i am going to add it as a seperate tree.

ill post what ive altered here

ps, glod transparentised the dying tree pic i am adding., so he had played a part

No offense, but you make quite a few spelling and grammatical mistakes, who will be checking for these? :-s



 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 10th, 2007, 6:00 am 
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Megaandrew69 wrote:
The123king wrote:
you dont need to change anything anymore, im editing it up for the main site! im going to add some xp stats for the lumberjack outfit and add the dying tree that is found in varrock. apart from that, its grammatical changes and spelling :|

edit: as the aqchey tree gives achey logs, i am going to add it as a seperate tree.

ill post what ive altered here

ps, glod transparentised the dying tree pic i am adding., so he had played a part

No offense, but you make quite a few spelling and grammatical mistakes, who will be checking for these? :-s

there is my editing type, and then my normal type, thats this

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 10th, 2007, 6:24 am 
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The123king wrote:
Megaandrew69 wrote:
The123king wrote:
you dont need to change anything anymore, im editing it up for the main site! im going to add some xp stats for the lumberjack outfit and add the dying tree that is found in varrock. apart from that, its grammatical changes and spelling :|

edit: as the aqchey tree gives achey logs, i am going to add it as a seperate tree.

ill post what ive altered here

ps, glod transparentised the dying tree pic i am adding., so he had played a part

No offense, but you make quite a few spelling and grammatical mistakes, who will be checking for these? :-s

there is my editing type, and then my normal type, thats this

Aha, I see :D


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