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 Post subject: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: November 19th, 2020, 8:00 am 
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Just thought I'd pop in here and say hi to everyone!! :D

How are you guys?! Hope you're all well!!

It would be fun to play alongside some old friends. Is anyone into Old School Runescape?



 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: November 19th, 2020, 8:03 am 
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Sorry not sorry for double posting ;)

I'm happy my images are still working! And I still love those images that goten made for our sigs :)



 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2020, 3:23 am 
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I don't play it, but I think there are a few that still do. You can likely ask around in the Discord, and someone will get back to you. :)

I'm glad some of the images are still working, too! I think I have all of Goten's sig images (and many of his others) saved in case they ever vanished from hosting sites, lol.



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 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: January 6th, 2021, 3:57 am 
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I just finished playing theTrailblazer League. Literally came back to OSRS to do that and then I'm leaving again probably. It was a fun few months. Managed to max my account actually (note: you get 16x exp rates eventually).

Maxing earlier today

Max Cape

Everyone dropping their Fuzzy Bunny at the end

Me and my mole pet I got at 58 KC (1/5000 drop rate) (That green dot is Buloo)

Jmod spawning bosses in Wildy

Final skills

Final clues/bosses. Finished top 5% for League Points which means I get a Rune trophy in my POH. Top 1% was Dragon.

Guild Wars 2
~ Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~ Nevermore, H.O.P.E, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
~ WvW Rank 964, sPvP Rank 75, 25,437 AP ~


 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: January 6th, 2021, 2:51 pm 
Priest of Saradomin
Priest of Saradomin

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Nice. Meanwhile, i started playing OSRS seriously early 2020 and have 998 total lvl, 100 Quest points, level 75 Combat. I recently finished A Porcine of Interest and Getting Ahead. They were Interesting Old school exclusive quests.


 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: January 11th, 2021, 2:25 pm 
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Muscy: I've never heard of this, but I followed your link and it sounds amazing. 16x exp, a finite set of achievements to conquer, and a relatively short time limit so it doesn't last forever? That sounds right up my alley (if I weren't already playing so many other things). Are they going to be doing it again sometime?

What relics did you pick? Mining ores going straight into your bank seems just...clearly a winner, but I bet it was hard to pick.

EDIT: Forgot to ask -- what tasks did you not complete that made you *not* in the top 1%? Feels like anyone who maxes all skills would probably get pretty darn close.



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 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: January 31st, 2021, 3:27 am 
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Saten Ruiko wrote:
Muscy: I've never heard of this, but I followed your link and it sounds amazing. 16x exp, a finite set of achievements to conquer, and a relatively short time limit so it doesn't last forever? That sounds right up my alley (if I weren't already playing so many other things). Are they going to be doing it again sometime?

Yeah it was a ton of fun. Bit hard not to get completely drawn in, so even better if you have a couple of months to spare. This was the second league, I didn't do the first; both were different concepts but similar. They will definitely do more. Too much for them to gain from doing so I think. I literally renewed my sub for 3 months just for that then cancelled it again hah.

Saten Ruiko wrote:
What relics did you pick? Mining ores going straight into your bank seems just...clearly a winner, but I bet it was hard to pick. ... gue#Relics

1. Endless Harvest (banked/2x resources)
2. Eternal Jeweller - was great in early game but last recall was too OP in late game so I missed out. To be fair, I didn't know how far into late game I would get.
3. Fluid Strikes (basically melee buffs instead of magic or ranged)
4. Unnatural selection (pick your own slayer task)
5. The Botanist - farming + herblore were much easier, basically.
6. Draining strikes - attacks restore HP and prayer at some % of damage dealt.

Saten Ruiko wrote:
EDIT: Forgot to ask -- what tasks did you not complete that made you *not* in the top 1%? Feels like anyone who maxes all skills would probably get pretty darn close.

OSRS is very heavily PVM focused these days. So I didn't do a lot of PVM stuff that I wasn't really into nor ever very good at. A bunch of it was RNG drops which I also thought "If I ever play the regular game again, I'd rather get the drops on there" (whoops Mole pet). I also started 9 days after everyone else so I eventually decided to max rather than compete with a 9 day handicap plus somewhat of a life! I maxed on literally the last day so it still required quite the time commitment.

Guild Wars 2
~ Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~ Nevermore, H.O.P.E, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
~ WvW Rank 964, sPvP Rank 75, 25,437 AP ~


 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: February 1st, 2021, 3:26 am 
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Thanks for following up!
Muscular Ape wrote:
Saten Ruiko wrote:
What relics did you pick? Mining ores going straight into your bank seems just...clearly a winner, but I bet it was hard to pick. ... gue#Relics

1. Endless Harvest (banked/2x resources)
2. Eternal Jeweller - was great in early game but last recall was too OP in late game so I missed out. To be fair, I didn't know how far into late game I would get.
3. Fluid Strikes (basically melee buffs instead of magic or ranged)
4. Unnatural selection (pick your own slayer task)
5. The Botanist - farming + herblore were much easier, basically.
6. Draining strikes - attacks restore HP and prayer at some % of damage dealt.

Nice! Looking through these, I'm fairly certain I would have made the same choices. Infernal Gathering at Tier 5 was the only one I considered otherwise, but with 16x exp I think banked ores would have been more useful than auto-smelted ores. Since Farming is bound by time, it seems like it would automatically make the most sense to shorten.



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 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: February 1st, 2021, 3:35 pm 
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Musc, looking at your screenshots makes me wanna start playing again :P




 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: October 9th, 2021, 11:00 am 
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ayy i jus started playing OSRS this month. my girlfriend started as well.

holla at me i'm tryna make some friends to play with. in game name is---

head knocka


 Post subject: Re: Is anyone playing Old School Runescape?
PostPosted: October 9th, 2021, 8:46 pm 
Priest of Saradomin
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Muscular Ape- Are you maxed in RS3, too?

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