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 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: April 26th, 2013, 12:33 am 
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Between continuing my personal work, cleaning up multiple storage spaces, welding my bed frame back together, and a family event next weekend, I don't see much opportunity for running a group in the next week or so. However, in two weeks, I should have a sufficient, even huge, window of opportunity.

Since I, for some reason, seem to have the most flexible schedule out of everyone having anything to do with this campaign, I will suggest the following: all of you come together to work out a good time frame, then contact me. If this doesn't work, I'll keep pestering all of you on skype regularly anyway.

Bluecoat has also informed me that he'll be working to systematically steal as many of you as possible for some ill-explained pipe dream of his, so I'm guessing nobody will be suffering much RPG withdrawal. Aside from me... Then again I have a bunch of Fuzzy Bunny to write anyway.

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: April 26th, 2013, 4:05 pm 
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Some of you probably already know, but as part of a class on rpg design I'm taking I'll be helping write an expansion book for the game Total Eclipse:

I'll be playtesting a few of my contributions (and possibly those of other group members) over the next month or so. This won't be formal, so I won't be slapping you guys with any five page surveys or anything. I'll likely just be noting any issues you guys bring up and asking some questions in a group and/or one on one at the end of the sessions.

This week I'll be needing as many playtesters as I can find, but after that I'll likely only need four or five highly dedicated ones (I've already got three). If you would like to volunteer for any or all of it, drop me a pm. The first things I'll be testing out are various sheets for character creation so if anyone is curious about the system, that's the way to check it out (while helping me out in the process).

Interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons playtesting paper and pencil rpgs playing Dungeons and Dragons with your fellow villagers? Drop me Eadwulf me a pm!


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: April 29th, 2013, 10:01 pm 
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So... How about the weekend of the 11th?

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: April 30th, 2013, 7:04 pm 
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I'm open for both days that weekend.



 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 6:18 pm 
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I might be able to on the 11th, but the 12th is Mother's Day and is an absolute nope.

ImageEpic sprite by GoatbroImage
Penguinguy told me what a signshur was.


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: May 4th, 2013, 10:32 am 
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I will be out of town.

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 Post subject: Re: D&D: Bah
PostPosted: May 5th, 2013, 3:25 am 
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I'm terribly sorry for not spending more time harassing all of you on skype, but I've actually been terribly busy lately. However, I've been looking into online group calendar services that we can all use to coordinate our respective windows of opportunity for gameplay. I was looking at Google Calendar this morning, but it doesn't look like you can set it up to have an entire group modify the same calendar the way I currently intend it to.

Edit: Turns out a group can use it the way I want. I can invite everyone to use the same calendar via Google. If you don't have a Google account, then you should probably ask yourself why it's 2013 and you still don't have one!

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Need Google
PostPosted: May 7th, 2013, 10:05 pm 
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Right, so, we've got the calendar set up, and everyone aside from Penguin now has access to it, so I'm going to have you start using it.

Here's how this is going to work: everyone puts up any window of time they even THINK they'll be available for two hours or more for D&D. I'd prefer that everyone keep the calendar up to date with as much as two weeks in advance (although I'm not expecting... certain people who clearly work for bureaucratic morons to be able to do that consistently...)

So, all you have to do is use Google Calendar's highly accessible interface to add notes accordingly. Just put your name on your block, don't mess with anyone else's, and if you like, pick a unique colour for your entries. That last one isn't essential, but it may make it easier for everyone to read.

I've cleared everything aside from what I'm calling my "standard" time just for the sake of getting things rolling; I'll update accordingly as time goes on. Don't worry about anyone else's posts, and just put every window of time you think you'll be available. I'll be the one to worry about actually scheduling the sessions.

I believe that once everyone's accustomed to using this system, it will be a lot easier than our previous communication methods. Firstly, because everything is on the screen for everyone to see and there's no need to sift through a bunch of forum posts or Skype messages, and secondly because it's Fuzzy Bunny Google. All you need is an internet connection and it's a matter of a few seconds to do everything you need; you can do this crap on your phone if you want to. Thus, I honestly don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect everyone to adapt to using it regularly.

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D: Start Schedulling
PostPosted: May 28th, 2013, 6:23 pm 
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In case no one suspected, this whole thing is on hiatus until I and everyone else can conjure enough free time. When/if things are resumed, I could end up switching it to a basic and informal dungeon crawl.

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D
PostPosted: October 14th, 2013, 8:56 pm 
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Due to massive amounts of... that thing... people have... Sometimes...

Life, that's it. Due to that, I've not had the time to even consider D&D for most of this year.

That being said, and bearing in mind that this is only on the off chance that I get the free time, if any of you still peruse this graveyard of a website, what might you say to a generic dungeon crawl?

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"


 Post subject: Re: D&D
PostPosted: October 16th, 2013, 12:03 am 
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I'm game.



 Post subject: Re: D&D
PostPosted: November 5th, 2013, 12:07 am 
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Sorry penguin; your teammates suck and I don't do solo adventures.

I believe the campaign as it stands is officially dead. Still, if anyone wants to know what I had in mind, I suppose I could divulge.

Imagine a perfect beach
Without a mermaid
Imagine a perfect hideaway
Without a time
Imagine a perfect Eden
Without a friend, without a serpent
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness"

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