Amateur Photography From the Man in the MarketWelcome to the week of December 7, 2012.
[rimg width="200" height="150"][/rimg]Photography has been a hobby of mine since the fall of 2011, when I got my first camera. It is a cannon T3, with an 18 - 55mm lens, which is what all of these pictures have been shot with. I became interested in photography because i enjoy sharing some of my unique sights with others, And at work, my surroundings are constantly changing which provides me with a variety of views to capture.
While driving back from a job site, a wolf crossed the road about a half mile away from me.
When I pulled up to where the wolf crossed, he was still on the side of the road. Just in the trees.
He started walking through the trees towards a clearing. That is where I took this picture.
Grey Jay
With all the activity in the area over the past several months, these birds had become rather tame.
For this picture I was sitting in the driver seat of my truck with the door open.
The bird flew up and perched on the open door for a moment before flying away.
Horizon From the Top of a Hill
This photograph was taken while doing a job north of Edson, Alberta.
The jobsite was on the top of a hill that gave us a view which lasted for several miles.
I took the picture facing South, along the road we used to get to the location.
While driving from Grande Prairie, AB to Edson, AB on highway 40, I crested a hill and this was the view to the West.
I was several miles north of highway16 and highway40 intersection; which is approximately 40 miles east of Jasper.
Night Photo
For this shot, I had to set up the tripod, as the shutter was open for 30 seconds.
The tree heights are varied here due to partial regrowth after being cleared for a powerline.
The moon illuminated the thin clouds and the light brightened the snow covered ground.
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