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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 20th, 2012, 7:58 pm 
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Eadwulf wrote:
Posts here have mentioned social climate, gun control, and religion, and barely managed to avert a flame war.

I'm curious.

Why hasn't anyone brought up the entirely relevant topic of mental health treatment?

Just a thought. I'm not insinuating anything here. Not a fan of controversy, personally.

Well, apparently the guy had aspergers and also apparently couldn't feel emotional or physical pain. The latter of which may just be a load of BS, but it's what I've been told.

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Oh man Jan, you just got zinged by Riptide. How much does THAT suck?

Well, statistically speaking, slightly more than a giant suckusaur. A dire one.

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 20th, 2012, 10:30 pm 
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Eadwulf wrote:
Posts here have mentioned social climate, gun control, and religion, and barely managed to avert a flame war.

I'm curious.

We're just that good. :)

Eadwulf wrote:
Why hasn't anyone brought up the entirely relevant topic of mental health treatment?

Apparently the only person that was semi-close to the shooter was his mother and his mother was more of his boss than his mother. Probably help would have made a greater difference with this case, but help is usually given to the willing to seek it out. If he didn't care about himself and his mother just controlled him there would have been no option or alternative for him to receive the treatment.

Riptide wrote:
Well, apparently the guy had aspergers and also apparently couldn't feel emotional or physical pain. The latter of which may just be a load of BS, but it's what I've been told

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 21st, 2012, 10:03 pm 
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Arya I could be mistaken but I read somewhere that the mother had more than 3 guns but more importantly was legitimately preparing for the impending end of the world... ... a-gun.html

How do we solve these problems? More guns!

As someone who doesn't live in America it is completely mind-boggling how some can be so conditioned towards guns. It's honestly frightening.

In other news, there's been another (albeit much smaller) shooting where people armed with guns were shot/injured! Amazing. Who'da thunk it? Maybe everyone over the age of 4 should carry a gun. ... ting-spree

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2012, 12:02 pm 
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Muscular Ape wrote:

How do we solve these problems? More guns!

As someone who doesn't live in America it is completely mind-boggling how some can be so conditioned towards guns. It's honestly frightening.
As someone that DOES live in America I personally think it's the stupidest thing ever. I have a two-hour work commute each day so I spend a whole lot of time listening to the news reports on AM radio and it just boggles my mind.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
I think the key would be stopping the bad guy from getting a gun, then?
[Interviewer] So people are calling for stricter regulations and bans on assault ri--
[Person] THAT DOESN'T WORK! Banning faster-firing guns does NOT WORK! Banning larger magazine clips DOES NOT WORK!
[Interviewer] Well then, what DOES wor--
[Person] SHOOT HIM!
I'm just like


I mean seriously, all this talk of arming teachers with guns so that they can protect themselves. Can they seriously not look into the future and see that would only open the floodgates to a zillion different other types of tragedy? Maybe the teacher is the one that goes insane, or maybe the teacher just passes out because they're epileptic or something I don't know and a kid gets the gun, and then how do you stop them? Shoot the kid?

I don't know if stricter gun control works, though so far I've heard nothing to back it up besides people screaming "IT DOESN'T WORK" on the radio, but solving the issue with more guns seems the most counter-productive thing I've ever heard of. It's got a sort of "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" thing going on.



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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2012, 12:15 pm 
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Gun control is a tricky subject. I personally cannot ever imagine owning a gun, but I do appreciate that some people do. I believe Tucson would be a very dangerous city if there were no guns. As it stands, there is a surprisingly low property crime rate. The reason for this is that you'd have to be crazy to try to break into somebody's home, because the odds are good that the homeowner is armed and that they are gonna shoot to kill. So the challenge is trying to strike the right balance between allowing people to protect themselves and protecting society as a whole. I think banning these high powered guns would be a great first step. You dont need that kind of power to protect yourself, those are just killing machines.



 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2012, 12:20 pm 
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Applequest wrote:
Gun control is a tricky subject. I personally cannot ever imagine owning a gun, but I do appreciate that some people do. I believe Tucson would be a very dangerous city if there were no guns. As it stands, there is a surprisingly low property crime rate. The reason for this is that you'd have to be crazy to try to break into somebody's home, because the odds are good that the homeowner is armed and that they are gonna shoot to kill. So the challenge is trying to strike the right balance between allowing people to protect themselves and protecting society as a whole. I think banning these high powered guns would be a great first step. You dont need that kind of power to protect yourself, those are just killing machines.
I totally agree; there's "I need this to protect myself" and then there's "I need this to protect myself from the upcoming zombie invasion". At some point certain guns become too powerful and they're just not needed.

I do understand the deterrent provided by homeowners having guns and I know it works. I really think my childhood would have played out differently if my elementary school teachers were packing heat, though. Schools are just not the place. :(



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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 22nd, 2012, 4:15 pm 
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Don't need gun control, just the people who do own guns need to have them locked away where NO ONE can access them except YOU.

My dad had a lot of guns when I was younger. I was told a story about how my sister, 7 at the time, found one of his guns hidden underneath the bed. Ever since then, he had them locked in his vault. I never once remember as a kid ever seeing his guns, because they weren't for anyone to use but him.

If idiots with guns leave them laying around or hiding, they will eventually be found. These idiots are the problem.

As for the religion bullcrap going on here, just shut up.

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2012, 1:33 pm 
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Eadwulf wrote:
I'm curious.

Why hasn't anyone brought up the entirely relevant topic of mental health treatment?

Just a thought. I'm not insinuating anything here. Not a fan of controversy, personally.

Rip wrote:
Well, apparently the guy had aspergers and also apparently couldn't feel emotional or physical pain. The latter of which may just be a load of BS, but it's what I've been told.

You've been told a load of crap by stupid people, Rip. Frankly, I've heard some incredibly stupid things about mental illness on the news about this, and while I'm glad somebody is mentioning mental health reform a midst the "ban all guns" debate, the things people are saying is outright ignorant. I'm a little peeved the APA isn't taking this opportunity to get some lobbying done that's publicly known. Thankfully, the NRA president is doing so on their behalf:
NY Times wrote:
He blasted what he called “the political class here in Washington” for pursuing new gun control measures while failing, in his view, to adequately prosecute violations of existing gun laws, finance law enforcement programs or develop a national registry of mentally ill people who might prove to be “the next Adam Lanza,” the gunman in Newtown.

There are soooo many things wrong with a "mentally ill" registry. And ignoring the fact that it wouldn't have worked in this case; Adam Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger's, which (depending on your point of view) is just a high functioning autism. I don't even think they've had it classified as mental illness up until the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (and even then, it's absorbed into the autism spectrum).

Asperger's is a very mild disorder that doesn't necessarily impact your everyday life, assuming somebody taught you some basic skills. OF COURSE they feel emotional pain. Whoever said they don't feel physical pain is outright ignorant (not you Rip, whoever told you that), and I wouldn't be shocked to hear that crap on the news at this point. They just have a little bit of trouble picking up on social cues or putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Chances are, everyone involved in this conversation knows someone with it (assuming that there isn't anyone here with it). I can't even count the people I know who have it or may have it.

Anyway, here's a nice article on the situation (never would have thought I'd be saying that about Science Daily). ... 173944.htm

tl;dr: Everyone on the news is stupid, and the NRA shouldn't be lobbying for mental health reform. The end.

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2012, 4:10 pm 
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I know a kid with Asperger's; he lives a couple streets over and I drive him around sometimes. He's just a normal kid, with the exception that he talks a lot and is kind of oblivious to certain manners. It does seem like a form of autism, but that's only from my personal experience.

There was also the character on Boston Legal that had it. That's television of course, but I think they'd have gotten a lot of crap for getting it wrong if they had.



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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 28th, 2012, 8:18 pm 
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I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.


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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 28th, 2012, 10:54 pm 
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Sayaka wrote:
I know a kid with Asperger's; he lives a couple streets over and I drive him around sometimes. He's just a normal kid, with the exception that he talks a lot and is kind of oblivious to certain manners.

actually, i must retract my previous statement. this sparked my memory, and i remember my brother worked with an individual that had aspergers. the guy was very stable and enjoyed mechanics :awesome:



 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 29th, 2012, 11:08 am 
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Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?



 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 29th, 2012, 11:13 am 
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Applequest wrote:
Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?

I had alot of weapons in Afghanistan :laugh:


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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 29th, 2012, 11:21 am 
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Archbishop of Banana wrote:
Applequest wrote:
Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?

I had alot of weapons in Afghanistan :laugh:
Haha, that's totally different you noob. :P (But that makes me wonder; how many did you have and how many do you have now that you're NOT in Afghanistan?)



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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 29th, 2012, 11:24 am 
The Flippin Sweet
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Sayaka wrote:
Archbishop of Banana wrote:
Applequest wrote:
Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?

I had alot of weapons in Afghanistan :laugh:
Haha, that's totally different you noob. :P (But that makes me wonder; how many did you have and how many do you have now that you're NOT in Afghanistan?)

:laugh: Well when I was there I was signed for an M4 an M203(grenade launcher) and an M2(50cal). Now that I'm not there anymore I have none :)


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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: December 29th, 2012, 12:42 pm 
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Applequest wrote:
Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?

Yeah we have 7 gun cases (they hold 2 each) they are behind my tv, and I have 1 next to my bed and 1 next to the door. Those 2 both have a few bullets. Yes we use them. Protection ( which is the usual excuse ) and for enjoyment ( goin out back with shotguns and shooting stuff ) and last should be the most obvious... Hunting :). I have 700acres out in the country.
Archbishop of Banana wrote:
Sayaka wrote:
Archbishop of Banana wrote:
Applequest wrote:
Arya wrote:
I have been AWOL a while now. :D got on from my iPod... This topic has branched out. Anyways like I was saying. I personally own 5 guns and I have 12 more in my room that are my moms. Like one of those quotes banning guns won't work compare it to quitting smoking "cold turkey" or an alcohołic becoming completely sober over night. My family how small it is... Won't give up ours Easily.

What is the thought process that goes into owning that many guns? Is it just a collection at that point? Do you ever use them? How do you keep that many guns, are they just sitting in your closet?

I had alot of weapons in Afghanistan :laugh:
Haha, that's totally different you noob. :P (But that makes me wonder; how many did you have and how many do you have now that you're NOT in Afghanistan?)

:laugh: Well when I was there I was signed for an M4 an M203(grenade launcher) and an M2(50cal). Now that I'm not there anymore I have none :)

I want some of those guns :p
Edit: I guess my family is sorta red neck ~.^


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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: January 22nd, 2013, 5:40 am 
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Well there's been several more shootings since this incident, though this one is a little closer to home so to speak: ... z2IgO2scNj

Oh and

Archbishop of Banana wrote:
Some people really need to find Jesus ... FztFpWNEkN

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 Post subject: Re: Tragedy strikes CT.
PostPosted: January 22nd, 2013, 5:02 pm 
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Time to ban .22 caliber rifles. They're assault weapons. Next up, air guns!

Yet again another child that was ignored by parents/medical health professionals. Homicidal/suicidal thoughts? Yeah, kid was f'd up!

Also take notice, the kid got the guns from a closet. Irresponsible gun owners. You keep your guns locked up or at least so children cannot get to them. Stupid owners make the rest of us look bad. If you can't afford a safe, you can afford a gun luck. Can't afford a gun luck, you have no business owning ANY gun......period.

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