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 Post subject: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 11th, 2012, 7:43 pm 
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This deal is only available for about 6 more hours.

You pay $20 for a mystery box containing 20 DVDs. I'm not sure what to expect, but realistically there's probably going to be 3 or 4 good DVDs, and then a bunch of Fuzzy Bunny I've never heard of.... old movies, probably some 5ep DVDs from various shows, etc. Anyway it's only $20, you could always sell the stuff you don't like. :awesome:



 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 11th, 2012, 8:05 pm 
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20 copies of Justin bieber's Never say never

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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 11th, 2012, 8:06 pm 
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killa kiaba wrote:
20 copies of Justin bieber's Never say never

It's anime. :P



 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 11th, 2012, 8:08 pm 
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tough thats what your getting

edit: tho tbh don't watch anime, maybe yu-gi-oh/db-z-gt/guyver/, Not a weebo like you :P

Edit2: just looked again its 30 copys and i quote
Sorry, this deal is not available in your region

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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 16th, 2012, 3:30 pm 
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My box just arrived, much earlier than I'd expected.

I haven't heard of most of these shows/movies, do you guys have any opinions on them? Looks like I'll be selling most of them. :down:

Unboxing pics:

List of DVDs in alphabetical order:
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar Summer Special
Black Heaven Vol. 3
DokKoiDa!? Vol. 1
Elemental Gelade Vol. 3 (L.E. metal plate)
Fafner Vol. 2
Gad Guard Vol. 1
Gantz Vol. 9
Girls Bravo Vol. 3
Girls Bravo Vol. 5
Girls Bravo Vol. 6
Gregory Horror Show Vol. 1
Gun X Sword Vol. 1
Gun X Sword Vol. 5
Gun X Sword Vol. 6
Heat Guy J Vol. 1: Super Android
Heat Guy J Vol. 4: Hidden Fangs
Kurau Vol. 2
Mao Chan Vol. 1
Serial Experiments Lain Vol. 1
Someday's Dreamers Vol. 1
Star Ocean EX Vol. 2: The Dragon's Teeth
Starship Operations Vol. 2
Submarine 707R
Tenchi in Tokyo Vol. 3
Tetsujin 28 Vol. 2: Tetsujin Vs. The Mafia
The Law of Ueki Vol. 1
The Law of Ueki Vol. 2
Vandread Vol. 3
X Vol. 5



 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 17th, 2012, 2:58 pm 
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With my limited anime experience I've only heard of two of them.

Not a bad deal. Less than $1 per DVD. BTW the deal is still going on.

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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 19th, 2012, 2:53 pm 
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I've never heard of any of those. Well maybe one or two, but I'm not so sure. I kind of also expected the 2 or 3 things we've all heard of. :P



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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 19th, 2012, 3:05 pm 
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Well spent.
Rather than sell these, trade em.(Yard sales, craiglist, whatever) See what you can get. Then trade the next thing you get. continue trading until you work your way up to a nice TV or a car or something ;)



 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 7:17 am 
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Market Man6 wrote:
Well spent.
Rather than sell these, trade em.(Yard sales, craiglist, whatever) See what you can get. Then trade the next thing you get. continue trading until you work your way up to a nice TV or a car or something ;)

Not a bad idea. Wonder what the local game/movie shops would give for them?

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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 7:32 pm 
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I've heard of them because almost all of them are on Netflix. Probably sent sales plummeting; that's why you got the odd volumes so cheap.

Gun x Sword I've heard isn't very good. I've heard Gad Guard is. Vandread is really weird, but Lenkai likes it. DoKaiDa is really weird, so I didn't get past the first episode. Tenchi in Tokyo is okay if you like Tenchi Muyo, but the continuity between it and Universe was pretty hazy if I remember right. Appleseed was hilariously bad, but I'm apparently a minority in that opinion. I removed Heat Guy J from my instant queue because it went from a five to a two when I cleared out my former roommate's ratings (he liked big boobed chicks with guns, I like shows that don't suck).

If you can find somebody who would trade, that's probably a better bet than selling them. There's a lot of DVDs out there that only hit bargain bins because of streaming services who bought up the rights for cheap, and it sounds like anime is starting to fill those bins too.

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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 8:56 pm 
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bluecoat wrote:

I've heard of them because almost all of them are on Netflix. Probably sent sales plummeting; that's why you got the odd volumes so cheap.
[Tristan Taylor] That makes perfect sense!



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 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 9:09 pm 
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bluecoat wrote:
Appleseed was hilariously bad, but I'm apparently a minority in that opinion.

Which version did you watch? 1988 or 2004?

I got the 2004 version. I gave it a shot a couple nights ago, but I just couldn't get past the first 20 minutes. The animation style makes it difficult to become immersed in the film. I felt like I was watching a really long cutscene from a video game. It's a bold style, and I'm sure there's a right way to use it, but it just didn't work out in this film, at least in my opinion.

I've heard good things about the 1988 version, though.



 Post subject: Re: Crunchyroll Mystery Box: 30 DVDs for $20
PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 10:17 pm 
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I think the 2004 version; it was a movie, and it sucked, and that's all I remember. I did manage to sit through the whole thing though.

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