It's October 1st, RuneVillagers!
And you know what that means. It means the RuneVillage Time Capsule 2011 has been opened! Take a gander here at yourself a year ago and see what's changed in your life.
Want to participate in this year's time capsule to be opened in October 2013? Then head on over to
this other topic. (Don't post new messages here!)
Phat Hobo wrote:
RV Name: Phat Hobo
Post count: 4800ish
Message: Have you at least reached stage 3 yet? Tell me you have.
bartoron wrote:
RV Name: bartoron
Post count: 11,245
Message: If you're reading this, then I guess RV is still around (in some form, at least). Did you ever get a job/intership/research opportunity? If yes, then hooray! If no, then... that's bad. You'll be about halfway done with college by the time you read this (unless you decide that you want to do the coterminal program or eventually go to grad school

), but yeah, that's pretty crazy. Hopefully you did well sophomore year, because at the time of this writing you were a bit overwhelmed. But it's ok, because you're awesome.


Riptide wrote:
RV Name: Lunar Flame
Post count: 2274
Awesome. Another one of these. If you read this, you'll probably think of your old self as an idiot. Again.
Anyways, did you ever build something epic in Minecraft? Write a book? Did you continue with Cross Country even though you hated it? How much weight have you put on? Are you at least 6ft tall now? How are your grades? They better than last year's? (This could mean 6th or 7th, whichever.) Gotten expelled from the school yet?

How's your family? Did Jack find a good college? Have you though of where to go for your college and/or high school? Did you get a new laptop? Did you start trading stocks and stuff with Mom? What kind of music do you listen to? How far ahead is Homestuck? Have you picked out a good highschool to go to? Is it big or small? How many people left after 7th grade?
And this is a lot of questions. Have fun answering them and facing your (possibly) guilty conscience.
Scar wrote:
RV Name: Scar
Post count: 3417
Hello Jeremy from 2012,
I was reading our post from the last one of these and I was really amazed how much had changed in the last year. As I write this we are in shape at last, working hard towards our weight loss goal and a healthier life style so hopefully that's going ok, by the way I hope you started to eat some salad or something every so often.
So, right now your big thing is the Cardboard chair project, we are just making scale models right now for class Monday morning for weight and stress testing so that should be a fun class. I wonder what our final chair will look like as well, the first prototype was ugly and had some big flaws, but we were working towards something really good I think. Thune also mentioned some new project we were going to be doing in the Spring instead of the work with Acro Mills, what did that ever end up being?
Where do you live 2012 me? Right now we live in the nice dorms on campus with Josh, Scott, and Cody but I know we had planned to live with Aaron next year when he transfers schools. Did that ever happen? If not why? If so is it fun to live with someone you've known so long? Hopefully he is a good roommate and you guys don't destroy your friendship or anything.
On a different note, are we still single? As of writing this we have been for about 6 months now so maybe it would be good to hop back on the horse? I know we've considered it but haven't really gone to pursue it as of yet.
Do you have a job yet? We are unemployed at this point which is a bummer considering all of the cool things we could do if we had money, hopefully you have a job somewhere, or at least found a way to make a little bit of cash on the side while you go to school. If not, you really need to find one just to ease the stress of those around us who worry about our fiscal situation. Perhaps try investing on a small scale? Right now we have a few sites bookmarked including one that has a virtual practice exchange on it that we were thinking about using and I feel like it could be an interesting opportunity to make some small cash gains.
Is Runevillage dead? The site was hurt badly a few weeks ago, and some changes have started being made to try and keep it alive, but for now things do indeed look bleak. Hopefully you are reading this message on the forums and not in an email that Jaron sent you.
Speaking of today though we just saw the finale of Season 6 of Doctor Who and were a bit underwhelmed, I'm not sure if a new season will have premiered by the time you get this but if it has what do you think of it and does it make up for the lackluster season finale we got this year? Hopefully the season started after the Olympics and we won't have to wait until next fall because that would kind of stink.
I feel like I have typed alot so far, but there is a lot more I want to tell you/ask so I will try hard to pop back in and add to this message as things arise.
Rory wrote:
RV Name: Rory
Post count: 6,295
So by the time you get this, I imagine you'll be half way through the first year of university. You're in Geelong, away from home. Hopefully you've been visiting the folks often! Did you move into the house you've been looking at? How's that working out?
Speaking of keeping in contact with people from Melbourne, are you still hanging out with mates for a drink? I sure hope you do, as well as having mates in Geelong too!
Anywho, not much else to say, so, have fun, good luck, whatever!
Goten wrote:
RV Name: Goten
Post count: 9,550
Sup future-dawg.
As usual, I have some irons in the fire right now. Although I'm hoping, not as usual, that those irons are nice and hot by the time you're reading this.
First off, how's Digital Metropolis going? And Digital-Complex too I guess. Are you sticking with it? Got a decent update schedule hammered out? How far into the story are you? HOW MANY MORE CHAT AVATARS HAVE YOU NEEDED TO TORTURE YOURSELF WITH?
Things better be going well. This is what we've wanted to do for so very, very long, and I'm working hard to make this happen. Don't you give up on me, and if you already have then just reach down into your subconscious and pay future-past-me a visit. I'll happily kick your ass.
Where are you living now? Hopefully not where I'm at right now, and hopefully not back up in Montana. Both of those places are pretty much intolerable. I hope you finally figured out a way to get some of that mad college knowledge into your brain, because I'm still not seeing much of a way to get that figured out. If by some miracle you have found your way to Flagstaff, good job future-self-bro. If not, I hope you figured something out.
How is everyone? Mom still on-again-off-again with the same jerk? Probably. How's Austin? He still with A New Faith? Probably not. I hope I'm wrong on both accounts but these things never seem to change. ...How's Alysa? Hopefully you two are still keeping contact. We've had our fair share of trouble because of her, but let's face it - She's the one we're never gonna let go of. Although I'm now to the point where I can genuinely wish her well in her new relationship, so.. Hopefully there haven't been any relapses there. And on that note, YOU DATING BRO? IS SHE CUTE? Or are you still foreveralone.jpg? Whatever the case, don't give up on love. YOU HAVEN'T HAD A GREAT RUN SO FAR (at the time of my writing this) BUT YOU'LL FIND THE GIRL FOR YOU. And I guess I should ask how Krista's doing, though I doubt you've spoken with her any time recently. I wonder if she's married yet though. She better marry the guy considering she left us for him, anyway. Otherwise it just makes the betrayal all the more disheartening. BUT AH WELL.
It's strange how a year used to seem like such a long time, and yet now it seems to feel like it was just yesterday. Time's moving too fast... I'm sure when you sit down and read this next year it won't even seem like anything special. But I guess it's a nice sentiment.
Anyway... Good luck, man. I get the feeling you'll need it, whatever's going on.
~ Future-Past-Chris
n00b 4 m1nin wrote:
RV Name: n00b 4 m1nin
Post count: 2132
RS Skill Total: 2000
Current RS Display Name: N00b 4 M1nin
Message: Listen to Metallica 'Enter Sandman' while reading this because its awesome.
Same questions as last time, with a few exceptions.
Have you found the meaning of life yet?
Has Justin Beiber been assasinated yet?
Has World War 3 started?
Did the war in Afghanistan finish?
Did you get another 99 is RS?
Did your A-level's go well?
How are "the Mighty" Scunthorpe United doing?
How's Dad and Mum, what about our sisters?
Did you get a job yet?
You'd be 17 by the time you read this. so you know.
P.S. The Game
Tanksandguns wrote:
RV Name: Tanksandguns
Post count: 9087
Well, it's October 2nd, 2011 and you're not feeling too bad. Your comedy seems to be taking off nicely, and hopefully it will be even further along at this point next year. You're about 1 month from your first stand up routine. How did it go? Are you still doing your Minutes? You seriously have a gift of making people laugh, and I think that's what's needed in this sometimes depressing world. A little laughter.
Battlefield 3 and WoW have been taking up a great majority of your time, how did both of those turn out? Also how about Skyrim and Mass Effect 3? As awesome as you're hoping a year ago?
What about the girl situation? It's been up and down, back and forth for several months now, but it's finally starting to be looking up again. A few days ago you and her had a talk, and now you're feeling extremely optimistic. Are you still? How did it work out? Please tell me well, she's an awesome person and one of your best friends. If it didn't, at least be friends with her still.
How about your degrees? Still adding History as a second one? Hopefully, and hopefully you're one step closer to graduating *finally* and also that you will never have to take another Math class in your life.
How's RV doing? It's looking fairly bleak at this point, but there's always room for optimism. Tell me we -finally- took a turn for good and not worse around here. At the very least, if you're reading this RV's still around.
Everything is going fairly well in your life right now in 2011, and hopefully it's still going well in 2012. If not, remember that you always have your humor, and your friends. Never forget who you are, and who your true friends are.
It's currently 6:39 am, and your sleep schedule is horrible. Hopefully that's fixed *somewhat* in the next year.
As an after thought- I hope you're not back to using tobacco, it's not worth the risks. Also, how's the anxiety? Probably came back a little bit reading that, didn't it? You know me too well...

Hopefully you'll get off medication by this time, or sometime soon after. If not, it must be working still.
Simons Pure wrote:
RV Name: Simons Pure
Post Count: 4890
RS Total: 2399
RS Display Name: Neeb
So, right now it's the 1st of October and you're starting university in 2 days. How was your first year? Did you quit? I assume not as you're tight fisted when it comes to money and no one wants to throw a mass amount of money away. Did you make any friends at uni? Or are you just hanging around with Luke more?
Are you still BFFL's with Ste?
You're going out with Dawn...AGAIN...Have you moved on there?
Met up with any RVers yet? You said you were going to meet up with Jimmy this year.
Presumably you're still using the HTC Desire S, how is it?
Have you started being a bit more active and stopped driving everywhere?

, you'll be 21 now, you better have done something epic to celebrate.
Market Man6 wrote:
RV Name: Market Man6
Post count: 574
RS Skill Total: 1791
Current RS Display Name: Market Man6
currently going for 2000 total level. and all stats 70+ ...did you get these?
also, how are things going at work? for you it will be about 1 year left till shareholder!!

hows tay+sim?? they were married less than a month ago.
how are plans for the house?
how was the trip to UK in may?
Dakota Lesmercy wrote:
RV Name: Dakota Lesmercy
Post count: 660 (counting this post)
Message: Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :3
Current RS Name: Mr. Lesmercy
Melancholia wrote:
RV Name: Melancholia
Post count: 3,353 as of posting (including this one)
RSN: Melancholy M
Skill Total:
I will say that the message from 2010 was a bit dusty since I graduated High School since. Now that I went from being Clan Chat Mod for 4-5 months, experienced rather interesting shenanigans, and other things, I guess this is the part where you see a message you'll forget existed:
Okay, so you watched some interesting anime, drew some stuff, made a Facebook account, etc. in 2011. Of course, during the gap of here and October 2012 (get the sake for the two months that’ll follow), let’s see if you achieve (or at least remember) these things:
*List at least 5 interesting animes you started (or finished) by the time the next capsule goes around.
*Psychologically destroy your brother so you are permenantly one-up on him at any given moment.
*Mom still has breast cancer? As I posted this, she (and the rest of my family aside from me) shaved their hair off., so I assume she has gotten better since.
*Caught up on Homestuck, at least?
*One final thing, still playing Runescape?
Melancholia/Marik/Whatever name(s) you adopt.
Phantomrose wrote:
RV Name: Phantomrose
Post Count 467 (including this one)
RS Name: Phantrose
So far, you've been working two years at your job can you make it to three perhaps? Maybe so.
You just got the LOTRO expansion pack. Try to make it to 75 by December at the latest.
Have you been hanging out with your friends more (becoming more social?)
Have you been balancing your time wisely?
Most importantly, have you been spending/saving your money wisely?
Animal wrote:
RV Name: Animal
Post count: 4,644 (this one included)
Message: 2011 has certainly been an interesting year thus far. The hiker thing being probably the strangest thing to happen. You certainly were disappointed with the BF3 Beta, and all the stupid changes they made to an already fantastic formula. Did you ever end up getting it and if so, how are you enjoying it? After cancelling your BF3 pre-order, you decided to pre-order Skyrim. How'd that turn out? The RV TF2 server still a thing? Did a rv mafia revive attempt happen, and was it successful? How's life? Any interesting developments on that front? Finally get a job?
Magicana Drofulcus wrote:
RV Name: Magicana Drofulcus
Post count: 5630
Message: 2369 total level, 316,360,432 XP at time of posting.
Got a girlfriend yet? How's dat politics going - How's your new big group of conservative friends going? How's the Australian political system going - Julia still in power, or has she been knifed by Kevin Rudd and/or apparatchiks in the Labor party?
How's the guitar playing going? How many solos have you mastered now - I can only do the second one from Fade to Black currently.
DaleX99s wrote:
RV Name: DaleX99s
Post count: 4 & this makes 5
Message: Hope that the rest of 2011 went Good. Get a Job yet? Hope that you have been to a few RV Events, made new Friends, Helped Suggested Changes. Hanging out with friends is always Fun. PANIC December is GETTING Closer!
Mogo wrote:
RV Name: Mogo
Post count: 9707
Message: So I'm actually on RV at the moment and now I'm visiting it again in a year from when I'm writing this? That's impressive if nothing else if I do say so myself. How many more hours of Anime have you watched? You're at roughly 1 month, 3 weeks, 4 days, 20 hours and 48 minutes at the moment. Lol. (Make that 22 hours 24 minutes, you didn't update "The Sacred Blacksmith"). You've been working for a certain well known retail clothing company for over 7 years. And although you're at Head office at the moment, please say you've got out now... If not, you better be on much better pay than you are right now, or they'll be trouble Mister!
Moose out
Ezcal wrote:
RV Name: Ezcal
Post count: 2325
Message: RS Skill Total: 21-something
You're still in school for Computer Engineering - you're actually in ECE171 as this is being typed. Hopefully you're about a year away from graduation when you read this... If you'll remember, we're quite behind at this point.
Dude, Katy got married! Remember how quickly she did that? Hahah, you dodged a bullet there. Yikes.
Is Sean still living with you? He just moved in, it's been a lot of fun and late nights so far. Got a new TV yet? Or Xbox? How's the 9900?

Are you still using that T61, or have you moved on to the newest model?
Uhh, what else... Any new speakers, or other projects, like building the Kingfisher boat? Or lasers maybe.
Speaking of science, they think they've found a way to make particles move faster than the speed of light. So hopefully that pans out and everyone has their own planet and stuff. I don't know.
Oh yeah, you work at Big 5 at this point in time.
I love you, of course... And have a great day!
Kikori wrote:
RV Name: Kikori
Post count: 9,681 once this post is complete.
Message: The fun part...
The fact that, as I write this a year ago, 90% of my thoughts seem to revolve around whether or not certain peoples' problems are solved pretty much proves Michelle is right. Hopefully the book has been read and taken to heart. That doesn't stop me from wondering how it looks in the future for a few certain individuals, though. Namely, Brian's attempt at getting into the Military to work. Michelle's home and job--she mentioned she's not heading to Tibet recently, but she's still not 100% sure where she
is going, after all. Nathan & Katie: good news or bad? And yourself? Today's a birthday, as I type this, and a pretty controversial one. :\
Current interest seem to be...
Final Fantasy XII: Basch and Vaan duo run has me currently heading for Giruvegan at mid-60's level, but we've got a lot of marks to complete before taking that route properly. Also, I haven't yet beat Yiazmat... Wish I didn't miss out on the Zodiac Spear for that file.

Advance Wars (Days of Ruin): All Trial maps finally completed (thank god), and currently farming for medals with the Design Map feature.
Runescape: Yeah, yeah, we're all mad at Jagex. But the game's still fun enough to play. Same scorn goes to Bestheda for their crap against Notch, but that doesn't stop Fallout 3 from being fun. Quests have turned out a bit more enjoyable now that I don't have to document every step... for better or worse.
Phantasy Star Online: Raine can get through a lot of the Mines now, which is good. Takes a bit of Rafoie spam-glitching, through. Kiko, Ziva, and Shadow are coming along nicely, two of the three just recently hitting Hard mode. ... I wish I had a friend to help tank.
Writing has pretty much hit a halt. So is drawing.
DnD has, sadly, slowed down because people are getting more and more busy. The PvP tournament was supposed to start this month, but we have five out of eight players currently, with the sixth being worked on very sporadically. Though now I'm curious if the plan worked out for James.
There will probably be an edit after this, the bathtub seems to need cleaning.
EDIT: That chore was thankfully not hard. Though nobody's excited to clean a toilet. :p
As you type this, it's a waiting game for the Willow Branches needed for a Falador task in Runescape. Odds are you'll be no closer to an "Efficient" player of games (hope not!) and still able to chuckle about the weird wait times of cutting branches. Le sigh.
Finally stepped a foot into the modern world? No cell phone, no Ipad, no second computer or laptop, no tech job yet. Seriously? Have shame on your past self, as I hope future self is a little more techie. At least tell me you have a laptop so you can Flyff with both an Assist for Goten's future self and a Psykeeper for yourself.
Bankar the Graveler -> Bankar the Golem? Lloyd the Scyther -> Scizor? I hope so, eventually. If not, you fail at reliving the no-lifing of ~300 hours of Silver version.
With how much your hair's grown since that measly little haircut of 19.5 inches late August, how far are you now? Hopefully long enough to feel back to normal!
Wolfwood wrote:
RV name: Wolfwood
Post count: 1512
Message: Hey, man.
I'm not going to ask how you've been the last year or so, because really, you're talking to yourself. But, as G.K. Chesterton once said, "If a man does not talk to himself, then he's not worth talking to." Or something like that. I can't remember exactly.
I bet that new Xbox you're getting is pretty awesome, and that laptop as well. If you're in college by now then props. If not, well, you're a damned failure. xD
I hope you get into film school. John Paul the Great looks pretty good. You should be entering just as Tim graduates.
Don't get cocky with your motorcycle, and keep riding the longboard.
One love.
Kainth wrote:
RV Name: Kainth
Post count: 1,163
Well here we are again, when you read this you will have graduated high school and maybe hopefully have started university. I doubt Sara and you end up together. You've probably moved on by now, which is good cause right now she's all you really think about. Hopefully you haven't been popping as much... and you haven't moved on to anything worse, it was only a couple days ago when you fainted. Keep your head up. Even if shooting stars don't grant your wishes... you know what I mean... MoD, good luck.
Regulus wrote:
RV Name: Regulus
Post count: 3511 (including this one)
RS Skill Total: 2028 & 738 on RSC
Current RS Display Name: Gali Finally
Message: How's uni going? Is your job still going well? Have you been more of yourself? Lastly, is it still a no go with SB?
Iffy wrote:
RV Name: Iffy (Jaron)
Post count: 16,471
Haha, I can't believe it. I just wrote up a huge long thing to give to you, and then at the last second when I went to mess with the exclamation point in Poor Shark, I hit backspace while the cursor wasn't on the box and lost EVERYTHING.

Let's try this again, shall we? Actually since this'll take forever anyway I think I'll patch FlyFF. I've been wanting to hear the music again lately, to match it up with Houkago. (Ooh, 7136 files to go.) And I'm listening to the Steins;Gate ED if you want to try for another Country Train-type thing like last year.

こんばんわ! にほんごおはなしますか? いちよんに.
It took me 13 days to finally do this, which I guess means I'm not as excited about the future as I was last year. And certainly, I'm on such Limited Time that I've settled into a pattern: commute, work, comic, games, special stuff. It's a rare sight that I get to watch some anime or practice my Japanese these days. So instead of asking questions about the future, I'll recount what's going on now, and you can see how things progressed over the last year!
Work: Going well at the moment. Today we nuked magnolia's path because it has all sorts of whiny problems and can't run sh. ...I think it might've worked. How's the table? Right now it's very basic; can't move any columns or anything, no horizontal scrolling, gonna try for row/column/neither selection tomorrow for the facelets component. Protocols are probably hella awesome or non-existant, I figure. Is everyone still there? I can't imagine anyone leaving, but then again, we lost a few this year. Anyone new?
My bookcase is totally stuffed. Got three Peanuts books--I'm partially through 1952. I recently found an unread Calvin and Hobbes book. Did you get around to that one, or continue to forget it existed?

If Crankshaft made anthologies I'd have them all. (Note to self: When I get my own place, buy SEVERAL BOOKCASES. Good plan!)
Went to the NLCS Game 3 last night! It was pretty darn awesome and the entire stadium was stoked to be there. Go Cards!
I've been playing my PS3 SO MUCH lately. I have 14 games that actually have cases (more than my Wii I think), but I also have SO MANY DLC games, like the new Castlevania one that Zach and Corey apparently really enjoy. (Score.) I have 645 trophies, 9 of which are Platinum, and am level 12.05 (two thousand points behind Pyro's 12.30.) Where are you now? I'm going to guess...13.60. Unless what I'm worrying about happens. Then I'll guess 12.75. Let me know!
I have 26 DS games, which is apparently the same as last year! I already expect to get more this month, though, along with my one 3DS game, so that'll increase.
My Last.FM is at 52,301 plays, with 1,046 for Black Rose / Green Sun and 8,028 for Homestuck in general. I never thought I'd pass up Supporting Me, but I'm fine with it, really.
Speaking of Homestuck, one year ago, Act 5 Act 2 was starting. In 12 days, Act 5 Act 2 is ending. Goodness gracious it's been well over a year. But since Act 6 is supposed to be short and Act 7 a drop in the Homestuck over? If so...was it cool at least?

The anime thing is completely misleading because I tend to rewatch entire series a lot, but regardless, it says "1 Week, 2 Days, 3 Hours, 10 Minutes". Watch anything awesome lately?
WhatPulse: "Jaron is in 2451st place. Jaron has been a participant since 2007-09-10 (53 months ago), and in that time has typed 25,090,000 keys, clicked 4,770,532 times and moved his or her mouse for 386.46 miles. Averaging 0.19 keys and 0.04 clicks per second. This user last sent a pulse to this server on 2011-10-14 03:24:03 and has sent a total of 508 pulses overall." Ta-da?
And of course, Poor Shark! Two days from now, comic #24 is going up. You'll be posting #75 tomorrow, I think? It's tough to imagine that out of the past fifty comics you've done and I will do, I only have ideas for two of them.

And neither will be next week's, haha. I had 176 non-bots last month, and just this week actually put a plan into action. (SPEAKING OF WHICH OMIGOSH HOW DID
THAT because I don't intend to say it here, but I hope you know what I mean!) Get going on those additional plans! Make me proud. (Which, if you've stuck with it, you've already accomplished. <3)
Did you get a new phone? New computer? Join Kingdom of Loathing with the exclusive Comic-con item on your desk?
That's about all I got, I think. Actually, in hindsight, this post seems almost better (rushed, but better) the second time through.
Hope you enjoyed 2012 thus far!
Bye, Butterfly.
FlyFF timed out at 300/7036 but it's absolutely flying now, heh.)
Omegaman wrote:
RV Name: Omegaman
Post count: 2140
Message: I'm pretty sure that by this time, you'd have all the answers to the questions i WOULD have asked last year. And one word to think about; if you remember what its aiming at, well damn. If you don't, no big loss: Dash.
Jeroen wrote:
Let's do this interview-style
(RV) Name: Jeroen
Post count: 6307
Hello Jeroen, thanks for taking the time to speak with me, if my planning works out you should be fairly busy around now.
First of all, how are you?
I'm glad to hear that. You ought to be busy graduating, are you?
Well, that's a bit disappointing. Okay, so what awesome game did you end up making with those 12 other people? (do you even remember their names at this point?)
That's pretty cool. On an unrelated note, have you got a new phone yet?
Is it an iPhone or Android?
I suppose I could ask if you've went skydiving yet, but I'm guessing the answer will still be no. Oh well
I don't think there's anything interesting that could've possibly occurred in your life at this time, so I'll end the interview here.
DEATHmage172 wrote:
RV Name: Blackmage172
Post Count: 7827
Hey, you. You've been crazy these past few years, you know that right? Last we talked you were a freshman in college, and now you're about to get your Master's degree, right? I remember that being the plan from before. So how is stuff? New York City is great. It's exhausting (especially right now since Scott is staying until Sunday...), but I love it. It's pretty insane to think that I have less than two months here. I've been through so, so much in so little time in ways I can't possibly describe, but I know you know.
You're about to reach a major crossroads in life. I've still got a year and I'm already feeling the first inklings! Don't be afraid. I know it's easy to be scared. It's the start of another adventure, isn't it? The ones from before are fast ending, but the biggest one of all is about to begin. Congratulations if you've got it set and know what you'll be doing when you graduate, but if you don't, then don't worry about it. You've come farther than many of your peers, and you should be proud of yourself rather than worry. There are so many adventures you'll miss if you think that way.
I really hope you're having fun. You need more fun in your life, especially when you were back in New York City. Stay cool, and remember where you came from and especially why you're going where you're going. Again, I know it's hard, but you didn't expect it to be easy. Don't beat yourself up over whether or not you've met someone; remember Brynn, Katherine, and Katie, and especially what they taught you.
Oh, and play some video games. Seriously. Your collection was getting pretty good back in Spring 2011, and those were fun times.
Take care, have fun, and be cool.
Muscular Ape wrote:
RV Name: Muscular Ape
Post count: 8033
Message: Could be a big year for you: Are you finishing your degree this semester? Know what you want to do with your life? What are you doing with yourself these days? Have you quit the habit?
rangerpker wrote:
RV Name: rangerpker
Post count: 275
Jackstick wrote:
RV Name: Jackstick
Post count: 19,414
Message: Hey Jackstick,
So guess what happened today? Did you forget? Let me remind you... YOUR RV ACCOUNT WAS HACKED. I hope by now you've figured out how the hell it happened.
Anyway, how is RV doing? Are you still an admin, or did you resign again?
Did Digital Complex turn out to be as successful as we'd hoped? How is Goten's webcomic going? I hope you guys didn't let the site die, it has a lot of potential.
How are you doing in real life? Right now you're thinking about improving your skills as a web designer... how is that going? Please don't tell me you gave up.

You have a lot of potential, you just need the motivation.
How is the family? Did you visit your cousins over the summer? Probably not. How is your brother doing?
Sorry if you thought this message would be longer. Just like last year, you waited until the last minute to post this message.

Good thing Iffy reminded you, otherwise you would have probably forgot.
Take care.