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 Post subject: Village Noir
PostPosted: October 26th, 2011, 10:07 pm 
Village Czar
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Awhile back Cronus made a post here on RuneVillage seeking applications for Superheros he could feud against. The responses were so creative and interesting when I got to read them that I was inspired to actually do something with them. My plan was to write some story using all the characters that applied and create some RuneVillage Marvel-ish Universe. But as plans are, they tend to change. I had figured out so much of what I wanted to do with the story it really became too much too soon. And the idea of superheros really got old fast for me so the plan never really escaped the Composition book I wrote everything in. I managed to bleed out one paragraph in December of last year, (quite awhile after when Cronus made his post) but that was as much as I was able to do with it.

Recently I gave it another shot. But I scrapped a lot of the original plans for the story... Pretty much all of it. I dumped most of the planned characters because I just had way too many of them floating around. Also changed was the entire concept of the story. Rather then some superhero tale I decided to give a life to the Mafia games we've played here. So without more introduction I present to you a RuneVillage inspired mafia story.

Let me know what you guys think and expect at least one addition.


Scene 1 EXT. A Street Corner

An insignificant street corner, normally as calm
as a Monk deep in meditation, is bustling with
exuberance from the Village faithful. Quan-dary
newspapers are flying off the shelves, no doubt
caused by the election results reported within.
Within view a man, his face blocked by the paper,
silently skims through the newspaper. The
headlines report JARON, the Villager whom not a
single word of ill repute has ever been levied, has
been elected President of the Village.

The crowd continues to grow as the parade for the
elected winner begins. A car with the new
President and Vice President, JACKSTICK, ride past
the onlookers.

You know Jack, I think it’s time the president
addresses the mafia issue in our town.

Mmm, are you sure that’s wise? After all, I made a lot
of outlandish promises as it is. It will be difficult
to keep the promises and handle the mafia.

I know this. But the mafia won’t be nice forever. A
villager here or there doesn’t matter, but soon they’ll
be after control of the whole town and what if they go
after the Doctor? Or the Baker? We need to focus on the
mafia before it is too late.

We really need to think this over Jaron. Not only is
the mafia intertwined in our village, the newspapers
are reporting about a bunch of troublemakers wearing
costumes roaming the streets at night too. Stories of
abductions and brainwashing... I don’t know if we’ll
have the firepower to handle everything.

You’re right... We’ll have to recruit a ’beast’ to help
even the odds for our town.

If it were only that easy...

Oh don’t worry. I’ve already got it in the frameworks.

The parade car makes its last few turns as Jaron
and Jack continue to wave to their adoring

Scene 2 INT. An apartment

A fan provides a cool breeze inside the apartment
but fails to provide much relief. Inside the
apartment feels like it is on the sun itself.
QUAN, the head writer... the only writer, for the
Quan-dary Newspaper stands in front of his mirror.
His nerves ooze sweat from his brow as he prepares
for his biggest story yet.

A television is heard in the background as Quan
practices his speech in front of the mirror.

... This tallies the sixth disappearance this month!
Moving along in our coverage President Jaron went on a
parade tour of the village today. Let’s see
what my co-anchor thinks of our President!

I know Jaron will make a fine president for the
Village. But why did he have to choose Jackstick as a
Vice President?

Perhaps it was an appeal to a voter base Jaron couldn’t
reach himself?

An appeal that never took off. I mean come on!
Jackstick has been the Cousin Oliver of the Village for
as long as I can remember! I think this might be the
beginning of the end for Jaron’s presidency!

Well there you have it. President Jaron’s term has been
a failure since the moment he took office, not even a
week ago. This has been VNEWS Channel.

Quan turns off the television breaking his
concentration on the news he has for the rest of
the Village.

If only you knew who the godfather is... But soon you
will. Soon the world will be informed of everything.
And my name will be in lights because of it! No more
soapboxes for me! My newspapers will line the village
and it will be the Quan-channel on prime time! Oh how
sweet it will be! I can envision it now! Quan-dary
exclusive report! The Godfather’s real identity!

A knock is heard at the door. Quan looks through
the doors peephole to see a police officer in full

Mr. Quan? Your escort is here.

Oh! Let me just unlock the door. Come in! Come in!

Quan unlocks the door for the OFFICER to enter the
room. Quan then scurries to gather his notes on
the mafia.

I wasn’t expecting you to be here so soon. The Police
Captain told me you wouldn’t be here for another twenty

We’ve had a change of plans. It will be easier to move
you through the city for your interview with the
Captain while the parade is still happening. It will be
harder for the mafia to spot us with such a large

Good thinking! Let me just get a change of shirt.
Winter can’t come soon enough! The moon is finally out
and it’s still hot as hell in here! I’ll have to
contact my landlord or something.

What color shirt is that?

I think it’s mauve... Anyways, I think I’ve got
everything I need. My briefcase is backed and I’m ready
to head out now.

Quan and his Officer escort exit the apartment and
begin to descend the staircase of the apartment
complex. A police car arrives at the complex in
view of the staircase through a window. Befuddled,
Quan looks back at his escort as he begins to fly
down the staircase at an incredible speed. His
arms and legs dangle out in a desperate attempt to
stave off his moment. However, it is of no use as
Quan crashes head first into the ground beneath
the staircase. His body is as mangled as a piece
of sheet metal caught in a hurricane and not a
peep is heard from him.

How clumsy of you. Well... If you think you’re a bird
then you have no use for this briefcase.

The "Officer" claims the briefcase that was flung
from Quan’s person as he made his incredible
journey down the staircase and makes his way to
the police car. As the "Officer" leaves the
building a door can be heard cracking open.

Scene 3 INT. A Store in view of the parade

Muffin’s old fashion bread shop claims to make the
best bread in town. Maybe it’s the extra love
Muffin bakes into every loaf or maybe it is
because Muffin’s bread is the only bread shop in
town. While an endless debate can be had over the
two theories, the Villagers seem to enjoy the
bread nonetheless. Inside, the baker himself is
found in front of the red hot furnace. A smile
adorns MUFFIN’s face as if he was obvious to the
dangers he could face.

Fresh for the parade JARON and JACKSTICK arrive in
the shop and order up some fresh Sopaipilla.

It’ll be just a few seconds.

So, when are you going to tell me your big secret?


Yes. Secret. You know, the whole "in the frameworks"
thing. That.

The Sopaipilla arrives refreshly baked from the
furnace and Muffin presents it to the Jack and
Jaron and then returns to his ovens.

The mafia isn’t the only thing that can move at night
Jack. We’ve got tools at our disposal and we need to
unionize them. We can combat the mafia at their own
game and people will be able to walk safely at night
again. I’ve made some calls. We’ll discuss this more in
the morning. We need to come up with some ideas.
Brainstorm tonight and we’ll discuss this later at the

Jaron leaves Jackstick with both his thoughts and
the bill. Muffin takes Jaron’s seat.

How about some corn bread too?

I’ve never had any.

You should try some then. It’s pretty good.
As Jackstick takes the bread, he notices a note
slipped ever so carefully underneath the bread.

Right. The Nocturnal Detective is on the case.

Jackstick takes the note in his hand and proceed
to exit the store. He takes a careful approach in
his farewell to not mention the bill for his
dinner. As he exits the store he scans the name on
the note and proceed down the street. Muffin, not
missing a beat, closes his shop and heads for home
without a care to the mafia threat that lurks on
the street.

Scene 4 EXT. Following Jackstick

JACKSTICK continues down the street for his new
destination. The moon is fully lit and shines well
above his head while the streets are completely
silent and clear and the streetlights keep the
shadows at bay. As Jackstick begins looks left and
right he can see the village is starting to wind
down from the eventful day. The lights from warm
houses turn out one by one. Jackstick arrives at
an old Victorian house that has clearly seen
better days. The shutters squeal in the wind and
the house shows no sign of life. The grass has
been left to grow like wild and the house could
easily be classified as dilapidated.

Remind me to kill Muffin for sending me here...

How sad, Jackstick is talking to himself...

I wonder if anyone is home yet.

Jack begins to search the exterior of the house.
The squealing of the shutters is unrelenting in
his search. All the windows are shut and based on
the state of disrepair it appears no one has lived
in this house for years.

Of what importance is this house? No one lives here.
Hell I’d wager that no one has been here in some time

No one has.

From the shadows springs the "OFFICER" who
approaches Jackstick casually as the screen fades

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: October 26th, 2011, 11:46 pm 
Big, dirty shithawks.
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Well done. I really enjoy the noir genre. I read the whole thing in classic 1950s tone. Best line: "How sad, Jackstick is talking to himself." :awesome:

Awesome Squall sprite courtesy of Goten! Check here if you'd like a runescape or game-themed sprite!
Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: October 30th, 2011, 3:49 pm 
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Frank for president.

I liked the references to the actual mafia games.

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 7:38 am 
Big, dirty shithawks.
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Davesprite wrote:
Frank for president.

I liked the references to the actual mafia games.


Awesome Squall sprite courtesy of Goten! Check here if you'd like a runescape or game-themed sprite!
Jackstick wrote:
bluecoat is the tracker, Market Man6 is the detective, Paidea is the watcher, Super Saiyan Goku is the Doctor, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the Janitor, and I'm the Godfather.

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 8:13 pm 
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SO sweet.

I anxiously await Scene 5. 8)



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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: September 18th, 2012, 3:51 pm 
Village Czar
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Holy almost one year later Batman!...

I've had part of part two on my computer for awhile now... It's just sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing. I honestly think I'll probably let the topic just die again I'll just post what I got and then fill you in on where I was going to take the story. I wrote the first part in such a hack way that even when I'm tempted to work on the damned thing I reread it to get ready and blam-o. Who knows though, maybe I'll pick it up this time next year...

I've done zero editing on this and zero proof reading... This is more of a here you go skeleton post rather then an actual addition to the story.

EPISODE II -- Who has what role?

Scene 1 INT. A warm house

A fireplace keeps the room in a warm glow as QUAN lays still on a cot. Wrapped not unlike an Egyptian mummy any sort of movement Quan would like to make is all but impossible. Next to Quan is the figure of a frail individual. With his trusty big bag-o-medicine in hand, the DOCTOR is tending to Quan's injuries.

While the house seems warm to guests the patients of the Doctor can attest to something different. No one is quite sure what qualifications the Doctor has or if he has any at all. A running bet made around the Village is he got his education from one of those Advanced Medical Treatment for Dummies books available Nation wide.

Oh what a mess.

Quan feebly flails around, awoken by the Doctor's treatment.

Where... Where am I?

Calm yourself. You've been through hell enough as it is. Do you know how hard it is to set broken bones?

Broken bones?! I don't feel a thing!

Yeah... Indiscriminate amounts of morphine can do that to a person.

What kind of doctor are you?

The only kind. Now rest. You're safe with me tonight.

Quan, quite groggy from the combination of cranial trauma and medication falls back asleep. The Doctor proceeds to sit beside him and stare in the fireplace.

Scene 2 -- EXT. Outside The Run Down Victorian House

A cold wind can be felt as the two figures stare at one another. The "OFFICER" still somewhat in the shadows takes a drag of his cigarette while JACKSTICK, shocked to find anyone around, stands in full attention.

That's exactly why this place was chose.

Jackstick makes an oafish attempt to communicate, bumbling between words as he's unaware of the Officer's intentions.

There is little this badge can do. Everyone wears it on the force and yet it serves as little deterrent to the mafia.

Uhh... Why are yo...u

A better question is why are you here?

I came to investigate this building! I'm the Nocturnal Detective!

You came to investigate where the Baker lives?

Someone lives here?

Well... Not in years. Bakers aren't really renown for their craftsmanship and they're often found baking. Muffin doesn't come by here often. But yes... Muffin lives here.

This is getting us nowhere! Plus, you've yet to tell me what you're doing here!

Fair is fair I suppose. I never seen myself as much of an officer. I've always considered myself more of a Vigilante. And today, I've struck at the root of our problem. I don't know how many mafia are left, but I've taken care of one.

I've got to take you to Jaron! You could fit in our plans beautifully.

Dawn begins to break as both Jackstick and the Officer make their way to the Town Hall.

Scene 3 -- EXT. Outside of the Town Hall

The sun has rose to rule the sky once more. Shining down its ever warming glow, sleepy Villages are awakened by panic in the streets. In a flash, a large crowd gathers around the town fountain, placed before the staircase to the Town Hall building. The cement of the fountain is stained with blood of the body lying next to it. The DOCTOR's corpse lays motionless and broken, his mouth stuffed with a confession of being part of the mysterious Mafia organization. Naturally, the VNEWS crew is first to report on the scene.

We're on scene with the grizzly death of the Town Doctor! Here! Take a look at the corpse!

That's certainly a corpse alright! Do the police have a theory on what happened?

Well the police on scene have declined to get into details about the investigation but a source in the department tells me that the Doctor was part of the illusive Mafia. This would make the first confirmed sighting of the mafia in years!

The Mafia... Scary stuff Pundit.

Indeed it is. The source also was a bit perplexed as to why the mafia would have killed one of their own. The theory is, at the moment, an unknown person or group found the doctor treating someone and killed the doctor. The source also stated the unnatural blood patterns may also be a clue.

Unusual patterns?

Yes. The pools of blood were arranged in odd shapes and figures. It's unknown if they have any significance but it sure makes my skin crawl!

As it does mine! Thanks for watching VNEWS, stay tuned for more updates as they become available to us! Next is Village Idol! Henner leads by a nose, can he stay on top?

The VNEWS crew begins to head back to the station while the police department has managed to get most of the gawkers to return to their day. As the news crew gets into their van and drives off two figures can be seen in the distance approaching the scene of the crime.

Scene 4 would of been a scene where the mafia, mostly in shadow discuss current plans and Quan being identified as the Mafia Framer.

Scene 5 would be a monologue between Jackstick and Jaron about the death of the doctor and Jaron being introduced to the OFFICER who would from that part on be known as the VIGILANTE. I would of gave this character a Villager representation, but I didn't know who would want it...

Scene 6 would of been an introduction to the Cultists, who invade the VNEWS Station.

I won't post the character alignments because I might actually pick up the story again... I have been really tempted to for some reason recently... But most of them are probably obvious anyways.

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: September 18th, 2012, 8:49 pm 
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Nice. :P What led you to post this addition of the story?



Legendary themed months are back! Maybe.

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: September 18th, 2012, 9:12 pm 
:D Panda tyme!
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A smile adorns MUFFIN’s face as if he was obvious to the dangers he could face. <-- from the first post. >_> jussayin. A nice read, though.

Jackstick wrote:
Nice. It's like codeporn.

n00b 4 m1nin wrote:
Dakota Lesmercy wrote:
IS that technically called slavery?


Slavery with payment and education, the perfect disguise.

Milton Jones wrote:
If you're being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that!

and this is me testing fun stuff.


 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: September 21st, 2012, 9:58 am 
Village Czar
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Demon wrote:
A smile adorns MUFFIN’s face as if he was obvious to the dangers he could face. <-- from the first post. >_> jussayin. A nice read, though.

:grr: Jack and Jaron both proof-read that too. What jerks.

Sayaka wrote:
What led you to post this addition of the story?

It was sitting there? Nothing really motivated me to do it... It was just on my computer and I already wasted my time writing it up. Why not post it as well?

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 Post subject: Re: Village Noir
PostPosted: September 21st, 2012, 2:03 pm 
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> wasted your time


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