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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 5:57 pm 
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As Aguiar scurried off to examine the devices, Laythe's attention was brought to an incoming message from... oh gog no.

Show Pesterlog:
-- grimWarlord [GW] began pestering conciliatoryReckoning[CR] --
GW: Since no one else seems to have the game ready, you're going to be my client player.
CR: Aguiar and I have barely begun, and we're already adding more player$?
GW: Yes, we are.
CR: .00.00.00
GW: Your quirk KILLs what little patience I have left.
GW: You know that, right?
CR: ¢areful what you $ay about my quirk.00 You don't want to make an anenomoney of me.00
GW: KILL me now.
CR: Thi$ game'$ monetary potential i$ huge $o I $uppo$e I ¢an deal with you for a little while.00
GW: I'm oh so eagerly awaiting for you to open the client.
CR: I'll in$tall the ¢lient, but don't expe¢t it to be running for a few minute$.00
CR: Aguiar and I are $till getting a handle on thing$, not to mention I would like to prepare before you have the opportunity to me$$ around with my hive.00
GW: I can wait...
GW: Besides I have a few questions.
CR: Like what?
GW: CC told me you put some stuff around his hive.
CR: Ye$?
GW: Wouldn't it have made more sense to place everything near eachother?
CR: There wa$ no $pa¢e.00 I had to expand what little room I had to be able to pla¢e everything.00
GW: Moreover, is there any indication of what these things do?
CR: Aguiar ju$t returned to hi$ ¢omputer after ¢he¢king them out.00 I'll inform you when I know.00
GW: Fair enough.
CR: ¢a$h you later.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased pestering grimWarlord [GW] --
GW: I HATE that quirk.

Augh, why? WHY!!!!!! Laythe turned to Trollian and immediately got a hold of Slavid. There was a chance she could escape this mess.

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 30th, 2011, 8:30 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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It was sort of honorable that Vicius wanted to do the burial himself. It left Slavid with nothing to do, though, so he walked off to the woods a bit and found one of the holes he had made as a flanking-tunnel link, and hopped in before sealing it lightly again. Without anything to do aside from check on his lusus and try to sleep, Slavid meandered down the tunnels. The deeper he seemed to get, the more noise from above got traded off for that insufferable snoring. Too often, Slavid considered simply snapping one of the support stones to just let the damn thing die. What aside from scaring off intruding eyes has it done for him?

As he finally got within range to visually sense the sleeping beast, one of his cards showed that Laythe was trying to chat with him. What could royalty want with him?

Show Pesterlog: 
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began pestering psionicSomnambulist [PS] --
CR: Hello $lavid.00
CR: Are you bu$y?
PS: not really
PS: to what do i owe the pleasure
CR: I take it Aguiar ha$ informed you about the game we are to play tonight?
PS: only in a super roundabout way
PS: we brought up the game
PS: and he said something that made me give his house a tremor
PS: we lost track of the topic at hand after that
PS: why
CR: $o you don't have it yet?
PS: no
CR: Ugh.00
CR: It'$ Vi¢iu$.00 He'$ getting on my ¢a$e about ¢onne¢ting to him a$ ¢lient player.00
CR: I do NOT want hi$ bloody un¢ivilized hand$ all over my hard earned ¢urren¢y.00
PS: ill try to talk to him if he gets greedy
PS: hes your client or youre his
CR: I'm hi$.00
PS: so is this client deal a one way thing or something
CR: Ye$.00 There are two ¢opie$ of the game.00
CR: The $erver, and the ¢lient.00
CR: We've determined the $erver player gain$ dire¢t ¢ontrol over the environment of the ¢lient player.00
PS: do you have a client
CR: I ¢onne¢ted to Aguiar.00
CR: I wa$ hoping I ¢ould get you to be my $erver in$tead of Vi¢iu$.00
CR: But I don't think he'll enjoy being kept waiting.00
PS: maybe
PS: if i can
PS: if i cant then i can at least try to be vicius server player
PS: hes my friend so he wouldnt totally object
PS: but it also gives me a way to keep him from going too far with your stuff
PS: if he does anything at all
PS: as far as i know its you more than your posessions he dislikes
CR: $igh.00 Okay.00
CR: On a le$$ infuriating note, I take it you're $till again$t my tunneling bu$ine$$ propo$ition?
PS: weve been over this
PS: i tunnel between friends
CR: You ¢ould a¢quire va$t ri¢he$ with the $peed you dig tunnel$.00 All the ri¢he$.00 All of them.00
PS: i do not want riches
CR: $ometime$ you ju$t make no ¢ent$.00
CR: But I $uppo$e it'$ for the better.00 You wouldn't la$t long ¢on$idering where you are on the $pe¢trum.00
CR: $ome hotheaded blueblood with only a mind for war would probably ¢ave in a tunnel with you in it for ki¢k$.00
PS: ha ha
PS: also ha
CR: Alright, I'm going to get ba¢k to the game.00
PS: good luck
CR: If you get the game $oon, let me know.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased pestering psionicSomnambulist [PS] --

Well, this could be trouble. Royal penny-pincher doesn't want Vicius to play server, but Slavid's had nearly no word of the game, so there was no way to know if he could or couldn't intervene. The best he could do is ask Aguiar, who didn't show as online. Bluh.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 2nd, 2011, 4:43 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Realizing he wasn't going to open this thing on his own, Aguiar headed for his balcony to examine the third and final device that Laythe had deployed on his hive. Patting his lusus on the head, he looked at the pile of scrap metal in the middle of his balcony. Aguiar liked to build electronic devices in his spare time, and the piles of metal he had collected - this one on the balcony and the one Laythe dropped his toilet on - would be just about enough for his greatest creation yet. Looking to his right, a bit past the scrapheap, stood one of his first machines, a robot shaped like himself. Alright, enough nostalgia for now.

Aguiar turned around, and on the other side of the scrapheap he noticed a large, white pillar with some sort of pen at the end. Walking around the metal, he noticed this pillar was positioned on the corner of a large, equally white platform. Seeing no movable parts on the device, Aguiar headed back for his hive door, when a sudden headache filled his mind, which ended as abruptly as it started. Weird.

Heading back to his computer, he started Trollian again.

View Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --
CC: Alright_Im_back
CR: €x¢ellent.00 Did you di$¢over anything u$eful?
CC: Well_for_one_I_noticed_only_one_of_those_contraptions_had_any_moving_parts_I_can_use_at_this_time
CC: And_that_is_the_cruxtruder_you_put_in_my_bathroom
CC: Something_seems_to_be_jamming_it_from_the_inside_though_so_I_think_we_need_to_drop_something_heavy_on_it_like_maybe_the_load_gaper_you_broke_out_of_my_bathroom_floor
CR: Are you $ure that'$ a good idea?
CC: What_could_possibly_go_wrong?
CR: We ¢ould break it, and $u¢h a large ma¢hine probably ¢o$t alot of money to build.00
CC: Well_it_was_a_freebie_right_so_we_could_just_spawn_another?
CR: It'$ only free the fir$t time around.00 All three ma¢hine$ are now undeployable in my regi$try until we a¢quire more gri$t.00
CC: How_else_do_you_suggest_we_open_it_then?
CC: It_seemed_sturdy_enough
CR: .00.00.00
CR: Alright, we'll try that in a $e¢ond.00 Did you learn anything about the other two ma¢hine$?
CC: Not_really_I_think_both_of_them_depend_on_something_the_cruxtruder_makes_or_builds_or_whatever_the_hell_that_thing_does
CC: Since_both_of_them_have_sockets_of_sorts_that_are_about_the_size_of_the_tube_on_the_thing
CR: Perhap$ the ¢ruxtruder will be exable to extrude $ome $ort of building material on¢e the lid i$ off?
CR: It doe$ have a ¢rank on it.00
CC: Could_be_as_I_said_there_seemed_to_be_something_jammed_inside_it_when_I_tried_to_turn_the_crank_open
CR: Alright, well I'll try your idea now.00
CC: Fly_toilet_flyyyyyyyy
CC: A_counter_just_appeared_on_the_display_on_the_side_of_it_counting_down_from_7:56
CR: A time ba$ed mi$$ion? But for what?
CR: It $eem$ out of pla¢e in a $andbox building game like thi$.00
CC: Also_that_large_flashing_ball_thing_above_the_cruxtruder_what_should_I_do_with_it
CR: We'll figure that out in a $e¢ond.00
CC: Hang_on_theres_some_sort_of_glow_outside
CR: ?
CC: Oh_right_I_forgot_this_game_has_meteors_in_it
CC: Thats_what_the_glow_was_from_phew_am_I_relieved
CC: No_wait_Im_not_theyre_falling_down_all_around_my_hive
CR: What?! Meteor$?
CR: $_$ I think I know what the ¢ountdown i$ for.00
CR: Go turn the ¢rank, hopefully whatever thi$ thing extrude$ will provide a ¢lue a$ to what to do.00
CC: Yeah_Id_better_get_moving

Gog damn it! How could he forget about the meteors?

Aguiar stood up from his chair again, and walked over to the cruxtruder in the other room. He began turning the valve attached to the side of the tube, after which a perfectly shaped orange cylinder emerged from its depths. Aguiar rolled his die again, hitting a 6. His sylladex then promptly captchalogued the CRUXITE DOWEL in the sixth slot.

Assuming Laythe would want to know about his progress, Aguiar headed back to his computer.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 2nd, 2011, 8:33 pm 
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Show Pesterlog: 
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began pestering psionicSomnambulist [PS] --
CR: Hello $lavid.00
CR: Are you bu$y?
PS: not really
PS: to what do i owe the pleasure
CR: I take it Aguiar ha$ informed you about the game we are to play tonight?
PS: only in a super roundabout way
PS: we brought up the game
PS: and he said something that made me give his house a tremor
PS: we lost track of the topic at hand after that
PS: why
CR: $o you don't have it yet?
PS: no
CR: Ugh.00
CR: It'$ Vi¢iu$.00 He'$ getting on my ¢a$e about ¢onne¢ting to him a$ ¢lient player.00
CR: I do NOT want hi$ bloody un¢ivilized hand$ all over my hard earned ¢urren¢y.00
PS: ill try to talk to him if he gets greedy
PS: hes your client or youre his
CR: I'm hi$.00
PS: so is this client deal a one way thing or something
CR: Ye$.00 There are two ¢opie$ of the game.00
CR: The $erver, and the ¢lient.00
CR: We've determined the $erver player gain$ dire¢t ¢ontrol over the environment of the ¢lient player.00
PS: do you have a client
CR: I ¢onne¢ted to Aguiar.00
CR: I wa$ hoping I ¢ould get you to be my $erver in$tead of Vi¢iu$.00
CR: But I don't think he'll enjoy being kept waiting.00
PS: maybe
PS: if i can
PS: if i cant then i can at least try to be vicius server player
PS: hes my friend so he wouldnt totally object
PS: but it also gives me a way to keep him from going too far with your stuff
PS: if he does anything at all
PS: as far as i know its you more than your posessions he dislikes
CR: $igh.00 Okay.00
CR: On a le$$ infuriating note, I take it you're $till again$t my tunneling bu$ine$$ propo$ition?
PS: weve been over this
PS: i tunnel between friends
CR: You ¢ould a¢quire va$t ri¢he$ with the $peed you dig tunnel$.00 All the ri¢he$.00 All of them.00
PS: i do not want riches
CR: $ometime$ you ju$t make no ¢ent$.00
CR: But I $uppo$e it'$ for the better.00 You wouldn't la$t long ¢on$idering where you are on the $pe¢trum.00
CR: $ome hotheaded blueblood with only a mind for war would probably ¢ave in a tunnel with you in it for ki¢k$.00
PS: ha ha
PS: also ha
CR: Alright, I'm going to get ba¢k to the game.00
PS: good luck
CR: If you get the game $oon, let me know.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased pestering psionicSomnambulist [PS] --

Slavid was a good friend. He knew his place on the spectrum well and kept his nose out of the affairs of highbloods unless asked. But he was just a tad slow... he didn't realize the direness of the situation.

Laythe noticed Aguiar had begun to message her, and opened up his chat window.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --
CC: Alright_Im_back
CR: €x¢ellent.00 Did you di$¢over anything u$eful?
CC: Well_for_one_I_noticed_only_one_of_those_contraptions_had_any_moving_parts_I_can_use_at_this_time
CC: And_that_is_the_cruxtruder_you_put_in_my_bathroom
CC: Something_seems_to_be_jamming_it_from_the_inside_though_so_I_think_we_need_to_drop_something_heavy_on_it_like_maybe_the_load_gaper_you_broke_out_of_my_bathroom_floor
CR: Are you $ure that'$ a good idea?
CC: What_could_possibly_go_wrong?
CR: We ¢ould break it, and $u¢h a large ma¢hine probably ¢o$t alot of money to build.00
CC: Well_it_was_a_freebie_right_so_we_could_just_spawn_another?
CR: It'$ only free the fir$t time around.00 All three ma¢hine$ are now undeployable in my regi$try until we a¢quire more gri$t.00
CC: How_else_do_you_suggest_we_open_it_then?
CC: It_seemed_sturdy_enough
CR: .00.00.00
CR: Alright, we'll try that in a $e¢ond.00 Did you learn anything about the other two ma¢hine$?
CC: Not_really_I_think_both_of_them_depend_on_something_the_cruxtruder_makes_or_builds_or_whatever_the_hell_that_thing_does
CC: Since_both_of_them_have_sockets_of_sorts_that_are_about_the_size_of_the_tube_on_the_thing
CR: Perhap$ the ¢ruxtruder will be exable to extrude $ome $ort of building material on¢e the lid i$ off?
CR: It doe$ have a ¢rank on it.00
CC: Could_be_as_I_said_there_seemed_to_be_something_jammed_inside_it_when_I_tried_to_turn_the_crank_open
CR: Alright, well I'll try your idea now.00
CC: Fly_toilet_flyyyyyyyy

Laythe had no idea at the time, but as she lifted the toilet from the junk pile, she was setting in motion the beginning of the end. The pieces were already in place, and always had been and always will have been. But now, the first domino was in her hand. And she dropped it on the lid of the cruxtruder.

A bright orange light filled Aguiar's bathroom, when when it had finished, the lid was off, a glowing yellow ball of light emerged, and the screens on the side of the cruxtruder lit up and displayed a countdown.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: A_counter_just_appeared_on_the_display_on_the_side_of_it_counting_down_from_7:56
CR: A time ba$ed mi$$ion? But for what?
CR: It $eem$ out of pla¢e in a $andbox building game like thi$.00
CC: Also_that_large_flashing_ball_thing_above_the_cruxtruder_what_should_I_do_with_it
CR: We'll figure that out in a $e¢ond.00
CC: Hang_on_theres_some_sort_of_glow_outside
CR: ?
CC: Oh_right_I_forgot_this_game_has_meteors_in_it
CC: Thats_what_the_glow_was_from_phew_am_I_relieved
CC: No_wait_Im_not_theyre_falling_down_all_around_my_hive
CR: What?! Meteor$?
CR: $_$ I think I know what the ¢ountdown i$ for.00
CR: Go turn the ¢rank, hopefully whatever thi$ thing extrude$ will provide a ¢lue a$ to what to do.00
CC: Yeah_Id_better_get_moving

Now that her friend appeared to be in a case of REAL LIFE PERIL, it struck Laythe as the perfect time to examine her hive. And so she did that for a while. NOBODY COULD STOP HER.

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 5th, 2011, 4:26 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Well, Slavid had a job to try to do. And thankfully, Aguiar was online to try to bug about the situation.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
PS: hey
PS: you got a minute
CC: Let_me_think_of_the_right_way_to_describe_the_situation
PS: um
PS: kay
PS: so this is probably a bad time to ask about taking over as server player for laythe
CC: Yeah_Ill_send_you_the_game_after_I_finish_trying_to_not_die_so_you_can_do_the_same
CC: But_probably_with_a_bit_more_knowledge_on_what_youre_getting_into
PS: okay
PS: laythe still wanted an answer on if i could take over as her server though
PS: or if i should just try to be vicius server
CC: Yeah_do_that_he_already_has_the_game_so_he_can_get_Laythe_into_safety_a_bit_faster_and_they_could_perhaps_learn_to_tolerate_eachother
PS: this game suddenly sounds very dangerous
PS: anyway
PS: good luck staying alive
CC: Ill_talk_to_you_and_send_you_the_game_when_Im_not_about_to_die_later
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] gave up trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] --

Well, that was a fail. Slavid could do nothing but try to wonder about what was being gotten into. Meteors hitting, lives in danger, and a game being played by a species with murderous tendencies? Irons were definitely going to meet the fire soon, but Slavid knew he couldn't know for himself until he got a game copy.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 18th, 2011, 4:25 pm 
The Mage of Doom
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A few minutes passed as Vicius stared at the light darting across the sky toward some destination, not realizing it was getting bigger and bigger.
Soon after, Vicius heard a chime from his GRUBTOP.

SGRUB version 0.0.1a

SGRUB server is running.

>> Waiting for client to connect . . .

Press [Enter] when ready.

"She took her sweet time..." Vicius muttered as he pressed enter. He then went to open up a chat window with Laythe.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- grimWarlord [GW] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --
GW: Oh hey you finally installed the client.
GW: I'm connecting now.
CR: No wait!
GW: Uh... you're a bit late on the waiting thing.
CR: Urgh.00
CR: Okay.00
CR: Get a feel for the ¢ontrol$ but don't me$$ anything up.00 I need to fo¢u$ here.00
GW: Okay, I'm connected.
GW: I'm going to see if I can't familiarize myself with this interface before messing up something horribly.
GW: The Design seems pretty simple overall.
GW: Uh... oops.
CR: Why did you uproot my fridge?
CR: Thi$ i$ going to ¢o$t a fortune to repair.00
GW: Not a big deal, we have a bit of grist to work with.
GW: For now I'm going to leave that floating there, we have more dire things to get to, the game itself.
GW: I'm going to deploy the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, and Alchemiter in the center of your hive.
CR: Wat¢h the gear, that $et of weight$ ¢o$t me alot of well-earned ¢urren¢y.00
GW: What gear?
GW: You mean the gear that may or may not be under this alchemiter?
CR: .00.00.00
GW: Don't try to hide your anger with me.
GW: I can see you, remember?
CR: Okay, ju$t.00.00.00 ju$t put the totem lathe and ¢ruxtruder into that open $pa¢e.00
GW: Fine.
CR: And not on top of my a¢¢ount$.00
GW: There, I took extra caution in not burying your stuff under this very important game equipment.
GW: For such a busybody you don't keep your hive neat at all.
CR: It wa$ that way at fir$t.00
CR: But my forture grew way too large.00
CR: I $tarted $pending more time ¢ounting and $orting than I did earning.00
GW: Whoa, what was that?
CR: What wa$ what?

Vicius had heard an explosion somewhere outside of his hive, and immediately went to the window to investigate.
Peering out his window, what Vicius saw was something he hadn't expected at all.

A decently sized crater was now a few hundred yards outside of his hive, smoke pouring out of it.
Looking back up to the sky, Vicius saw more lights streaking across the sky, moments passed and he heard a few distant explosions.

The Light he saw wasn't something orbiting Penta Fell, it was a meteor heading for and hitting Penta Fell.



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 18th, 2011, 10:09 pm 
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Laythe began to install the client version of the game, and then looked around her hive as she waited for Aguiar.

Aside from the aforementioned piles of gold taking up nearly half of her large, circular hive, there was not too much of note in Laythe's hive. She sat on the north side, at her main computer for contacting acquantinces, clients and victims. On the west side was another, offline computer for her actual accounting and records, kept offline to be protected from tampering. The northeast corner contained her kitchen, while the northeast was the bathroom, though the redundancies of having a bathroom underwater are ignored.

In the center was assorted exercise equipment,including barbells and a punching bag. Though she wasn't the type to use physical force, Laythe worked out every day and practiced with her TRAINING GLOVES to keep on top of the ball. She also kept a more practical set of DAGGER GLOVES, which were identical to her training gloves but with spikes extruding from the front.

Turning back to her computer, she noticed Aguiar had returned to his computer.

Show Pesterlog:
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --
CC: So_the_cruxtruder_dispenses_these_weird_yellow_cylinders_when_you_turn_the_crank_which_I_believe_are_called_cruxite_dowels
CC: Im_back_at_my_computer_by_the_way
CR: Ye$ I ¢an tell.00
CC: Oh_right_you_can_see_everything
CR: Judging by the $hape, tho$e dowel$ would fit on the $mall platform$ on both the totem lathe and al¢hemiter.00
CC: Yeah_I_was_about_to_suggest_that
CC: Maybe_that_last_free_item_in_the_registry_has_something_to_do_with_it?
CR: Oh right.00
CR: Hold on a $e¢ond, I'll deploy it.00

Laythe deployed the Pre-Punched Card next to Aguiar. It seemed to hold an orange cube of some sort, but what exactly was obscured by the holes.

CC: Oh_good_nothing_got_uprooted_this_time_around
CR: There appear$ to be a $lot of $ome $ort on the totem lathe.00
CR: Maybe thi$ ¢ard i$ $uppo$ed to go in there?
CR: Go $ee if it fit$.00
CC: Yeah_I_was_thinking_the_same
CC: But_I_think_we_should_take_care_of_this_seisure_ball_first_before_we_do_that
CR: You $eem to know more about thi$ game than you're letting on Aguiar.00
CR: Do you have any hun¢he$ a$ to what we $hould do with it?
CC: Well_it_seems_to_be_trying_to_talk_to_me_about_something
CC: I_think_it_needs_to_be_sampled_with_something
CR: $ampled?
CR: Are you $ugge$ting I prod it with $omething?
CC: Basically_but_not_with_just_any_household_item
CR: $o.00.00.00 what about that robot on your bal¢ony?
CC: That_could_work_yes_the_kernelsprite_will_serve_as_an_advisor_of_sorts_and_robots_tend_to_be_quite_accurate
CR: Okay.00

Laythe selected the robot that resembled a troll and dragged it into the glowing orb that was following Aguiar. A bright light overtook the screen, and when it cleared the robot's face had taken the center of the orb.

CC: Oh_cool_do_you_see_that_its_face_is_in_there_now
CR: Neat, though I would probably be more amazed if there wa$n't impending doom headed toward$ you.00
CC: Oh_right_I_was_busy_with_not_dying
CR: We ¢an't afford to lollygag.00 Try putting the ¢ard in the Totem Lathe.00
CC: Ill_put_a_dowel_in_it_as_well_if_my_sylladex_allows_it
CC: Ok_so_it_carved_a_shape_into_the_totem_I_guess_Ill_put_it_onto_the_alchemiter_now?
CR: That i$ probably how thi$ whole $y$tem work$.00 If the name i$ any indi¢ation perhap$ it will u$e $ome $ort of 'al¢hemy' to re¢reate the item on the ¢ard?
CC: Yeah_that_would_seem_logical_so_that_means_I_would_get_this_cube_thingy_thats_displayed_on_the_card_but_Ill_see_when_its_there_cause_that_timer_is_getting_awfully_low

Suddenly, another incoming message blinked. Laythe opened it up, just as SGRUB notified her that the client version was finished installing.

Show Pesterlog:
-- grimWarlord [GW] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning[CR] --
GW: Oh hey you finally installed the client.
GW: I'm connecting now.
CR: No wait!
GW: Uh... you're a bit late on the waiting thing.
CR: Urgh.00
CR: Okay.00
CR: Get a feel for the ¢ontrol$ but don't me$$ anything up.00 I need to fo¢u$ here.00
GW: Okay, I'm connected.
GW: I'm going to see if I can't familiarize myself with this interface before messing up something horribly.
GW: The Design seems pretty simple overall.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from Laythe's kitchen. Her refrigerator was suspended by a floating purple arrow.

GW: Uh... oops.
CR: Why did you uproot my fridge?
CR: Thi$ i$ going to ¢o$t a fortune to repair.00
GW: Not a big deal, we have a bit of grist to work with.
GW: For now I'm going to leave that floating there, we have more dire things to get to, the game itself.
GW: I'm going to deploy the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, and Alchemiter in the center of your hive.
CR: Wat¢h the gear, that $et of weight$ ¢o$t me alot of well-earned ¢urren¢y.00
GW: What gear?

Laythe's expensive set of barbells were no match for the massive girth of the Alchemiter, which crushed them beneath its mighty platform. Her nails dug into the computer desk with pent-up fury, but she resolved to keep her cool.

GW: You mean the gear that may or may not be under this alchemiter?
CR: .00.00.00
GW: Don't try to hide your anger with me.
GW: I can see you, remember?
CR: Okay, ju$t.00.00.00 ju$t put the totem lathe and ¢ruxtruder into that open $pa¢e.00
GW: Fine.
CR: And not on top of my a¢¢ount$.00
GW: There, I took extra caution in not burying your stuff under this very important game equipment.
GW: For such a busybody you don't keep your hive neat at all.
CR: It wa$ that way at fir$t.00
CR: But my forture grew way too large.00
CR: I $tarted $pending more time ¢ounting and $orting than I did earning.00
GW: Whoa, what was that?
CR: What wa$ what?

Vicius didn't respond. What kind of useless server player would just leave their client hanging like that? Unthinkable. He was just the worst kind of person... Laythe needed to blow off some steam. She ran full speed at her punching bag and drew her training gloves from her glovekind specibus, and sent it flying off its rope and into the pile of coins with a single punch.

Meanwhile, an unchecked message blinked behind her unseen.

CC: Oh_oh_gog_oh_gog_its_a_rubix_cube
CC: I_remember_solving_one_a_long_while_ago_but_forgot_the_formula_do_you_know_it?

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: April 19th, 2011, 11:06 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Aguiar sat once again in his computer seat, and resumed his trolling of Laythe.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: So_the_cruxtruder_dispenses_these_weird_yellow_cylinders_when_you_turn_the_crank_which_I_believe_are_called_cruxite_dowels
CC: Im_back_at_my_computer_by_the_way
CR: Ye$ I ¢an tell.00
CC: Oh_right_you_can_see_everything
CR: Judging by the $hape, tho$e dowel$ would fit on the $mall platform$ on both the totem lathe and al¢hemiter.00
CC: Yeah_I_was_about_to_suggest_that
CC: Maybe_that_last_free_item_in_the_registry_has_something_to_do_with_it?
CR: Oh right.00
CR: Hold on a $e¢ond, I'll deploy it.00

Moments after, the Pre-Punched captchalogue card landed neatly next to his computer on his desk. Rolling his die, he captchalogued it in the second slot.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: Oh_good_nothing_got_uprooted_this_time_around
CR: There appear$ to be a $lot of $ome $ort on the totem lathe.00
CR: Maybe thi$ ¢ard i$ $uppo$ed to go in there?
CR: Go $ee if it fit$.00
CC: Yeah_I_was_thinking_the_same
CC: But_I_think_we_should_take_care_of_this_seisure_ball_first_before_we_do_that
CR: You $eem to know more about thi$ game than you're letting on Aguiar.00
CR: Do you have any hun¢he$ a$ to what we $hould do with it?
CC: Well_it_seems_to_be_trying_to_talk_to_me_about_something
CC: I_think_it_needs_to_be_sampled_with_something
CR: $ampled?
CR: Are you $ugge$ting I prod it with $omething?
CC: Basically_but_not_with_just_any_household_item
CR: $o.00.00.00 what about that robot on your bal¢ony?
CC: That_could_work_yes_the_kernelsprite_will_serve_as_an_advisor_of_sorts_and_robots_tend_to_be_quite_accurate
CR: Okay.00

Aguiar noticed Laythe had dragged the robot inside, and sat there as she tossed it into the kernel.

The KERNELSPRITE has been prototyped with the ROBOT.

Grinning in amusement, Aguiar turned back to his keyboard.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: Oh_cool_do_you_see_that_its_face_is_in_there_now
CR: Neat, though I would probably be more amazed if there wa$n't impending doom headed toward$ you.00
CC: Oh_right_I_was_busy_with_not_dying
CR: We ¢an't afford to lollygag.00 Try putting the ¢ard in the Totem Lathe.00
CC: Ill_put_a_dowel_in_it_as_well_if_my_sylladex_allows_it
CC: Ok_so_it_carved_a_shape_into_the_totem_I_guess_Ill_put_it_onto_the_alchemiter_now?
CR: That i$ probably how thi$ whole $y$tem work$.00 If the name i$ any indi¢ation perhap$ it will u$e $ome $ort of 'al¢hemy' to re¢reate the item on the ¢ard?
CC: Yeah_that_would_seem_logical_so_that_means_I_would_get_this_cube_thingy_thats_displayed_on_the_card_but_Ill_see_when_its_there_cause_that_timer_is_getting_awfully_low

Aguiar walked over to his closet door again to access the Totem Lathe, a quick glance to the Cruxruder told him he had 3 minutes and 14 seconds left before the meteor would crash onto his house. His dice were feeling quite co-operative today, as he rolled both a 2 and a 6, releasing both the items needed for the device to work. As Aguiar put the dowel in between the clasps and the card in the right slot, the dowel began to spin, and a set of needles carved a shape into the dowel, which had now become a TOTEM. Dragging the totem over to the Alchemiter, it summoned Death's cupboard of games, out of which fell a cube divided into 9 squares on each side, before vanishing once more.

Aguiar picked up the CRUXITE RUBIX CUBE, and rolled it into his sixth slot.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: Oh_oh_gog_oh_gog_its_a_rubix_cube
CC: I_remember_solving_one_a_long_while_ago_but_forgot_the_formula_do_you_know_it?

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: May 3rd, 2011, 7:14 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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OOC: Alright, time to revive this thing from its untimely demise. I hereby present you with our first NPC: fabulousGrandeur. Her real name will remain a secret for now.

Alright, so it seemed Laythe wouldn't be answering her message any time soon. Better_start_figuring_this_out_as_fast_as_possible. Aguiar thought, yet again rolling a 6 (Seriously, what is it with that number generator and always hitting exactly the number I'm hoping for?) and dropping the cube on the workbench next to his computer. Beholding it closely, he noted that one side had already been solved. Moments later, Trollian started acting up.

Oh dear gog. Not her again.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- fabulousGrandeur [FG] began pestering creativeCataclysm [CC] --
FG: HEllo Aguiar.
CC: Oh_gog_not_you_again_get_out_Im_busy
FG: You mean with your boring old cruxite rubix cube?
FG: Yes, I know about it.
CC: Could_you_just_leave_me_alone_for_a_bit_I_need_to_figure_this_out_before_Im_hit_by_a_meteor
FG: Oh boo-HOO-HOO Aguiar.
FG: Do you seriously think you can remember tHAt algorithm witHOut outside HElp?
FG: You know you won't. And you need my HElp solving this thing.
FG: Why else would you ask LaytHE to HElp you solve it?
CC: Alright_fine_what_do_you_want?
FG: Oh, not much. I'm just extending a HElpful offer to someone I consider a friend.
FG: WHO knows, it might even be fun to solve this thing with me!
CC: I_somehow_doubt_that_but_I_dont_really_have_much_of_a_choice_it_seems
CC: So_tell_me_how_I_can_solve_this_thing_then
FG: Oh not so fast, Aguiar.
CC: Now_what?!
FG: If I HElp you with tHE cube, you will HElp me with some business of my own.
FG: This is tHE deal we will be making:
FG: I HElp you with tHE solution of your little puzzle and save your patHEtic life,
FG: tHEn you, in turn, will alcHEmize any combination of items I request from you, no matter HOw much tHEy cost.
CC: Alright_fine_not_that_I_had_much_of_a_choice_in_the_matter_anyway_now_how_do_I_solve_this_thing?
FG: So you agree with my terms, Aguiar?
CC: I_just_told_you_I_dont_have_a_choice_considering_the_situation_Im_in_so_yes_now_give_me_that_solution
FG: Excellent.
FG: As for your answer; It lies deep within your memories. All it needs is a little push and you will HAve your solution!
CC: Wait_that_didnt_help_me_solve_anything
-- fabulousGrandeur [FG] ceased pestering creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CC: Gog_damn_it!

Damn her! How did she always manage to convince him to listen to, and even comply with, anything she has to say? Looking nervously at the Cruxtruder, the young troll noticed he had slightly less than half a minute remaining before the meteor would wipe out his hive, and him along with it.

Out of frustration, Aguiar slammed the cruxite cube hard on his workbench. To his surprise, the symbols that made up the sides randomly began to scramble around; all but the solved side. Realising that another side was near completion, Aguiar turned the cube a couple of times to solve it as well, and slammed the cube down again. Lo and behold, this side also remained solved. Aguiar turned the rings a few times while leaving the solved sides untouched, and completed another part.

Aguiar slammed the cube onto his bench again. The remaining sides scrambled, but nothing noteworthy happened.

Another slam. This time he could do something with it. He solved another side.

Slam. Nothing.

Another slam on the workbench. Yes, this one should do it! Just a couple of turns and...

The final side complete, there was a huge surge of light that encompassed Aguiar's entire hive and some of the land around it, and then...



Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: May 4th, 2011, 8:34 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Slavid nearly fell onto his face from the shock of earth shaking around him. Something hit, hard. He placed a hand to the wall of the tunnel, and felt... Most were intact, but something had collapsed every tunnel leading to Aguiar's hive. This wasn't good... Slavid decided it best to try to check up on Aguiar as soon as possible. Thankfully, he was still online.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
PS: hey
PS: every tunnel to your hive has collapsed
PS: are you okay
CC: I_seem_to_be_yeah_my_hive_also_seems_to_be_intact
CC: I_dont_think_Im_on_Penta_Fell_anymore_though
PS: did your hive get ripped away or something
CC: Well_all_I_remember_was_solving_this_puzzle_cube_just_as_a_meteor_was_about_to_hit_my_hive_and_wipe_it_all_out_but_I_solved_the_puzzle_just_in_time
CC: And_now_Im_in_my_house_inside_of_this_weird_maze_thing
PS: felt like the meteor hit where your house was
PS: glad you got out of it okay
CC: Yeah_so_am_I_anyway_I_think_you_need_the_game_software?
PS: yes
PS: once i get it i can connect with vicius
CC: And_I_can_connect_with_you_as_your_server
PS: oh yeah
PS: i totally forgot about having a server player
PS: well
PS: if youre mine
PS: could be worse
CC: Yeah_I_guess
CC: Anyway_Ill_look_through_my_files_see_if_I_can_find_the_software
CC: Ah_got_it
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
PS: alright
PS: ill connect to vicius first
PS: and then tell you when im ready to be your client
CC: Yeah_sure_Ill_look_around_this_world_in_the_meantime_good_luck_and_if_you_need_any_tips_on_the_server_ask_Laythe_about_it
PS: okay
PS: good luck to you too
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC]--

A sigh of relief, and a look back. Had a meteor really somehow been aimed directly at Aguiar's house...? And just as coincidence, right as the game was being started? Regardless, it was his turn to settle down and start up. With his butt planted comfortably in the packed dirt, Slavid brought up the loader for the Client and Server files and started letting them run. Aguiar, as Slavid's server...? There was a trust of no revenge for the mini-earthquake, but a troll could never be too sure.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: May 12th, 2011, 6:37 pm 
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Calming down a little, Laythe returned to her computer. Vicius had returned... she briefly contemplated whether this constituted good news.

CR: What wa$ what?
GW: Sorry about that, I was distracted by explosions.
GW: We have a dire situation on our hands now -- meteors are starting to murder Penta Fell
CR: I$ thi$ a dire¢t ¢on¢equen¢e of the game we're playing, I wonder?
GW: I don't know.
CR: Okay.00
CR: Let'$ ¢ontinue then.00
GW: What do I need to do?
CR: Now that you've deployed the ma¢hine$, you need to drop $ome $ort of heavy obje¢t onto the ¢ruxtruder to open it.00
GW: Heavy object, you say?
GW: I happen to have one of those right here.
CR: Don't you dare!

Behind her, Laythe's accounting computer rose off the ground, carried by a large pink cursor, and hovered over to the cruxtruder, before falling on it, smashing to bits and releasing a bright light.

When the light cleared, an orb similar to Aguiar's had emerged, and the timer read 00:07:46.

GW: Too late.
CR: YOU BULG€$U¢K€R!!! All my a¢¢ount$ were in that ¢omputer!
GW: I figure something like a shower of meteors would forgive my rashness in this otherwise dire situation.
GW: Alternatively: Deal with it.
CR: .00.00.00
CR: Urgh.00
GW: What is to be done next?
CR: Deploy the prepun¢hed ¢ard.00 I think it'$ the next $tep.00 Aguiar.00.00.00
CR: Oh no.00
CR: Aguiar.00

How could she have been so $TUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aguiar's life was in danger, and she completely forgot about him in a petty rage against an idiot.

She opened up the SGRUB server window. Thankfully, Aguiar was okay. The landscape around his hive had completely changed. There was a sprawling labyrinth surrounding his hive, and a looming inactive volcano. It didn't look like anywhere on Penta Fell...

GW: What about him?
GW: ... You didn't leave him while he was in the middle of this, did you?
CR: I left him with mere minute$ before we $u$pe¢ted a meteor wa$ going to hit hi$ hive.00
CR: It look$ like he'$ okay, but hi$ hive doe$n't look like it'$ anywhere on the planet anymore.00.00.00
GW: How irresponsible of you.
GW: I mean, who would do such a thing? He could have DIEd!
CR: I'll pay him a hefty $um of ¢a$h in return for hi$ forgivene$$.00
GW: Of course, it's always money with you.
GW: In any event, have your prepunched card.
GW: It's right there next to the remains of your accounting computer.
CR: I $uppo$e we $hould put $omething in thi$ glowing orb.00
CR: Don't want to get out of $equen¢e here.00
CR: I have a rare Penta Fell $ponduli¢k, with an impre$$ive aegle de$ign I've been looking for a way to pre$erve.00
GW: Royalbloods and their hoards.

Laythe scurried over to her cash pile, and opened up a golden chest where she kept her more rare valuables. Inside, she found a crisp, flawless Penta Fell Spondulick. An aegle, which for convenient reference was identical to an eagle (which, also for convenient reference, is a Earth animal we would know nothing about), adorned the front of the bill. She threw the bill into the orb, and it transformed. The aegle now occupied the orb.

CR: There.00
CR: I think that'$ all you need to do for now.00
CR: Go bother $lavid or $omething.00
CR: I'll ¢on$ult with Aguiar about what he did next.00
GW: You'd better hurry, you only have 6 minutes and 47 seconds left.
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling grimWarlord [GW] --

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: May 12th, 2011, 7:05 pm 
The Mage of Doom
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Vicius marveled at the hellstorm that was slowly picking up on Penta Fell for a few seconds.
Snapping back to reality, he went back to help Laythe along with this game.

CR: What wa$ what?
GW: Sorry about that, I was distracted by explosions.
GW: We have a dire situation on our hands now -- meteors are starting to murder Penta Fell
CR: I$ thi$ a dire¢t ¢on¢equen¢e of the game we're playing, I wonder?
GW: I don't know.
CR: Okay.00
CR: Let'$ ¢ontinue then.00
GW: What do I need to do?
CR: Now that you've deployed the ma¢hine$, you need to drop $ome $ort of heavy obje¢t onto the ¢ruxtruder to open it.00
GW: Heavy object, you say?
GW: I happen to have one of those right here.
CR: Don't you dare!
GW: Too late.
CR: YOU BULG€$U¢K€R!!! All my a¢¢ount$ were in that ¢omputer!
GW: I figure something like a shower of meteors would forgive my rashness in this otherwise dire situation.
GW: Alternatively: Deal with it.
CR: .00.00.00
CR: Urgh.00
GW: What is to be done next?
CR: Deploy the prepun¢hed ¢ard.00 I think it'$ the next $tep.00 Aguiar.00.00.00
CR: Oh no.00
CR: Aguiar.00
GW: What about him?
GW: ... You didn't leave him while he was in the middle of this, did you?
CR: I left him with mere minute$ before we $u$pe¢ted a meteor wa$ going to hit hi$ hive.00
CR: It look$ like he'$ okay, but hi$ hive doe$n't look like it'$ anywhere on the planet anymore.00.00.00
GW: How irresponsible of you.
GW: I mean, who would do such a thing? He could have DIEd!
CR: I'll pay him a hefty $um of ¢a$h in return for hi$ forgivene$$.00
GW: Of course, it's always money with you.
GW: In any event, have your prepunched card.
GW: It's right there next to the remains of your accounting computer.
CR: I $uppo$e we $hould put $omething in thi$ glowing orb.00
CR: Don't want to get out of $equen¢e here.00
CR: I have a rare Penta Fell $ponduli¢k, with an impre$$ive aegle de$ign I've been looking for a way to pre$erve.00
GW: Royalbloods and their hoards.
CR: There.00
CR: I think that'$ all you need to do for now.00
CR: Go bother $lavid or $omething.00
CR: I'll ¢on$ult with Aguiar about what he did next.00
GW: You'd better hurry, you only have 6 minutes and 47 seconds left.
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling grimWarlord [GW] --

Taking into account what he had learned from Laythe, Vicius was ready for Slavid to connect to him... were it not for the fact that he were offline.

Vicius looked up out of his window and saw a looming meteor overhead.

"Well, this is going to be do or DIE."



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: May 18th, 2011, 6:44 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Act 1: Insert Cool Flash Here


Hey boy.

Wake up.

Aguiar woke up, and noticed he couldn't move his head. After feeling around for a bit, it became obvious to him that his horn was stuck in his workbench, damn it. After carefully wedging his head back and forth a bit, Aguiar freed his head from the table, and got back to his computer, which informed him Slavid was trying to have a word with him.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
PS: hey
PS: every tunnel to your hive has collapsed
PS: are you okay
CC: I_seem_to_be_yeah_my_hive_also_seems_to_be_intact
CC: I_dont_think_Im_on_Penta_Fell_anymore_though
PS: did your hive get ripped away or something
CC: Well_all_I_remember_was_solving_this_puzzle_cube_just_as_a_meteor_was_about_to_hit_my_hive_and_wipe_it_all_out_but_I_solved_the_puzzle_just_in_time
CC: And_now_Im_in_my_house_inside_of_this_weird_maze_thing
PS: felt like the meteor hit where your house was
PS: glad you got out of it okay
CC: Yeah_so_am_I_anyway_I_think_you_need_the_game_software?
PS: yes
PS: once i get it i can connect with vicius
CC: And_I_can_connect_with_you_as_your_server
PS: oh yeah
PS: i totally forgot about having a server player
PS: well
PS: if youre mine
PS: could be worse
CC: Yeah_I_guess
CC: Anyway_Ill_look_through_my_files_see_if_I_can_find_the_software
CC: Ah_got_it
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
PS: alright
PS: ill connect to vicius first
PS: and then tell you when im ready to be your client
CC: Yeah_sure_Ill_look_around_this_world_in_the_meantime_good_luck_and_if_you_need_any_tips_on_the_server_ask_Laythe_about_it
PS: okay
PS: good luck to you too
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC]--

Afterwards, Aguiar looked to his right, where he noticed something strange happening to the KERNELSPRITE.

The KERNEL divided. The two halves went their separate ways, leaving behind the SPRITE portion. What was left of the SPRITE underwent a mysterious transformation. Caelus, Aguiar's lusus who was in no way dead because why would he be, looked on in awe.

Assuming, or at least hoping, Laythe would start getting worried by now, Aguiar decided to try pestering her again. Then he noticed she was trying to pester him instead.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- conciliatoryReckoning [color=#b50088][CR] began trolling

creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CR: Aguiar, are you okay?
CC: Yeah_good_news_Im_not_dead
CR: That'$ good.00
CR: I would love to talk about thi$ p$y¢ho maze world you've landed your$elf in, but time i$ of the e$$en¢e.00
CR: What did you do with the obje¢t the pre-pun¢hed ¢ard made?
CC: Well_it_was_a_puzzle_so_I_went_and_solved_it_after_which_there_was_a_bright_flash_of_light_and_now_Im_here
CR: I gue$$ that'$ the method the game $upplie$ for e$¢aping death by meteor.00
CR: I ¢an't $eem to figure out what the puzzle for my obje¢t i$ though.00
CR: It appear$ to be an antique ¢lo¢k.00
CR: Very expen$ive.00
CC: I_think_the_game_supplies_items_that_pose_a_challenge_to_our_personality_or_teach_us_something_about_ourselves
CR: Huh.00
CR: What did you learn about your$elf then?
CC: That_I_have_a_habit_of_overthinking_stuff_and_maybe_have_memory_issues_I_guess
CR: .00.00.00
CR: I would bet my ¢hallenge would have $omething to do with money then.00
CC: I_think_so_yeah_and_in_someway_related_to_that_clock_of_yours_too
CR: The ¢lo¢k'$ hand$ are ¢ounting down to midnight.00
CR: Though that i$n't ¢lo$e to the proper time.00
CR: It $eem$ to be ¢orre$ponding with the ¢ruxtruder timer though.00
CC: How_much_time_do_you_have_left_because_for_me_the_meteor_landed_on_the_exact_moment_my_timer_ran_out
CC: It_already_took_a_bit_of_my_roof_as_you_can_probably_see
CR: Ju$t le$$ than three minute$.00
CR: $_$
CC: Wait_I_think_I_hear_something_coming_from_my_balcony_oh_jegus_what_is_that_thing?
CR: It look$ like a little elf.00
CC: I_dont_even_have_my_strife_speccubus_allocated_yet_I_better_go_hurry_so_should_you_probably
CR: Okay, be$t of lu¢k.00
CR: And if
CR: And if I fail the ¢hallenge.00
CR: Goodbye.00
CC: You_too_and_try_not_to_die
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --

As the imp broke through his door with an iron fist, Aguiar realized he no longer had the time to carefully think of the right strife speccubus for him to use. He might be a psion, but he was in no way capable of shooting lasers out of his eyes or something silly like that. As such, he had to use one of the items currently in his sylladex, which only held two: his lusus' FEATHER, and his GRUBLET. Deciding to let luck make the decision for him, he rolled his die, which landed on 4, thus allocating him with the Featherkind speccubus.


As the imp approached, Aguiar got a firm grip on his feather, waiting for it to make the first move.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?

Last edited by Stip45 on July 16th, 2011, 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: July 9th, 2011, 4:41 pm 
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Vicius had assumed that since he was Laythe's server player, he had at least until her meteor landed before he would have to worry about his own.

Laythe followed the same steps Aguiar did. She extruded cruxite, placed it on the totem lathe, inserted the pre-punched card and watched as her totem was formed.

With not a cent to spare I mean second to waste, she then alchemized the item... a small, purple antique clock, that ticked in perfect synchronization with the cruxtruder.

Now was as good a time as any to check on Aguiar, since she needed his advice now anyways.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CR: Aguiar, are you okay?
CC: Yeah_good_news_Im_not_dead
CR: That'$ good.00
CR: I would love to talk about thi$ p$y¢ho maze world you've landed your$elf in, but time i$ of the e$$en¢e.00
CR: What did you do with the obje¢t the pre-pun¢hed ¢ard made?
CC: Well_it_was_a_puzzle_so_I_went_and_solved_it_after_which_there_was_a_bright_flash_of_light_and_now_Im_here
CR: I gue$$ that'$ the method the game $upplie$ for e$¢aping death by meteor.00
CR: I ¢an't $eem to figure out what the puzzle for my obje¢t i$ though.00
CR: It appear$ to be an antique ¢lo¢k.00
CR: Very expen$ive.00
CC: I_think_the_game_supplies_items_that_pose_a_challenge_to_our_personality_or_teach_us_something_about_ourselves
CR: Huh.00
CR: What did you learn about your$elf then?
CC: That_I_have_a_habit_of_overthinking_stuff_and_maybe_have_memory_issues_I_guess
CR: .00.00.00
CR: I would bet my ¢hallenge would have $omething to do with money then.00
CC: I_think_so_yeah_and_in_someway_related_to_that_clock_of_yours_too
CR: The ¢lo¢k'$ hand$ are ¢ounting down to midnight.00
CR: Though that i$n't ¢lo$e to the proper time.00
CR: It $eem$ to be ¢orre$ponding with the ¢ruxtruder timer though.00
CC: How_much_time_do_you_have_left_because_for_me_the_meteor_landed_on_the_exact_moment_my_timer_ran_out
CC: It_already_took_a_bit_of_my_roof_as_you_can_probably_see
CR: Ju$t le$$ than three minute$.00
CR: $_$
CC: Wait_I_think_I_hear_something_coming_from_my_balcony_oh_jegus_what_is_that_thing?
CR: It look$ like a little elf.00
CC: I_dont_even_have_my_strife_speccubus_allocated_yet_I_better_go_hurry_so_should_you_probably
CR: Okay, be$t of lu¢k.00
CR: And if
CR: And if I fail the ¢hallenge.00
CR: Goodbye.00
CC: You_too_and_try_not_to_die
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --


In actuality, Vicius's meteor was in perfect synchronization with Laythe's. The two entered Penta Fell's atmosphere at precisely the same moment, and would touch down at the same instant.

Such a mutual fate would suggest the two were meant to be. The perfect chance to test their rivalry. Who could best the meteor first? A test befitting of the perfect kismessises.


Laythe appraised the clock. Such a fine, purple material, indicating royalty on par with hers. Such a clock would be worth a fortune! She opened the door and examined the moving parts, the cogs and gears, and discovered they too were made of the purple gem.

It was when Laythe was just about to mentally pin down a numerical value of the clock that she realized. This was the test, wasn't it. She had to destroy a priceless clock.


But Vicius had shown compassion. He cared about the feelings of his other friends, and knew he could not allow Laythe to suffer such a fate, for their sakes.




Waiting for the apocalypse was soooo boring, or so the AEGLESPRITE thought. It hovered over Laythe's head, pecking her whenever she tried to draw her attention away from the clock.



The clock was ticking down the final minute before midnight.

Laythe drew her chequebook from her sylladex and began to write. 'To the owner of this clock'


It was for this reason that he lost the challenge.





It was for this reason that he died.




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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: July 16th, 2011, 5:56 pm 
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However, this session was not one to be played by only three players. Would they dare do so, they would be outnumbered, outwitted, and outclassed.


The imp ran towards Aguiar, slowly smashing his robotic fist trollward. Aguiar however, was a quite bit more nimble than his door.

He took a step backwards, causing the imp to fall to the ground with an audible CLUNK.

Aguiar took this as an opportunity to launch a counterattack, tickling it underneath it's armpit. This caused the imp to laugh, causing minor damage to his interior systems.


They would be unable to prototype proper, thus preventing the battlefield from taking its final form.


The imp recovered quickly, more so than Aguiar had anticipated.

With a mighty kick, it launched Aguiar towards the wall, upon which he collapsed on the floor.

It took him a while to recover from the imp's hit, and as he crawled back on his feet, Aguiar noticed the imp slamming its fist into his direction yet again.


The situation would look bleak indeed should they be so foolish to take the gamble.


Aguiar then rolled to the side, causing the imp to punch into the wall, causing some damage to its hands and for it to fall over again.

Reacting quickly, Aguiar took this opportunity to stab the sharp end of his feather between two of the panels on it's back, and with some luck on his side, managed to damage the motherboard, causing the imp to shut down!

The IMP has been slain!

Aguiar rose a rung on his ECHELADDER! He changed from a measly GREENTIKE to a somewhat more repectable CLARVICAN!


However, paradox space would not have the session end here. As such, occurrences appearing as changes had to be revealed, and another would be found.


Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: July 17th, 2011, 4:15 pm 
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Laythe sat down in the halls of Palace Flit and pulled out her Grubtop.

-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP] at 14:01 --
CR: Hello Tymbre.00
HP: Well ♯ello ♪ear.
CR: I'm feeling parti¢ularly bored before my meeting.00
HP: I'm never ♭ore♪ ♭efore my meetings
HP: ♭ecause I never ♯ave any
CR: You really ought to.00
CR: I mean, you've got a lot of mu$i¢al talent.00
CR: That ¢ould take you pla¢e$ on a planet like thi$.00
HP: W♯y t♯ank you
CR: €lf ¢ulture i$ a lot more entertainment-ba$ed than troll ¢ulture.00
HP: Yes t♯ey certainly enjoy music more t♯an trolls
HP: w♯ic♯ is, a lot versus almost none
CR: I'm telling you, if you ever wanted to go into the $lave ¢amp entertainment bu$ine$$, I would be honored to be your finan¢ial advi$or.00
HP: I ♪on't nee♪ money, music is my financial currency
HP: ♭ut t♯ank you for t♯e offer
CR: Of ¢our$e you need money, you're not exa¢tly the type to obtain what you need through violen¢e.00
CR: Though neither am I, to be hone$t.00
HP: Yes I avoi♪ violence ♭ut I am perfectly capa♭le of it
HP: w♯at more ♪o I nee♪ Layt♯e?
CR: Fair enough.00.00.00
CR: I'm going to go walk and ¢lear my head before my meeting.00
HP: ♯ave fun!
CR: $ame to you.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP] at 14:09 --

Laythe walked through the dark halls of Palace Flit, the former seat of Elven Power on Penta Fell, in the capital city of Apical Left. She admired the horribly defaced elven artwork, and felt content with the possibility of spending the rest of her life on such a bountiful, rich and profitable planet.


Years in the future, but not many....

A Postwar Survivor observes a desert much like the one he just emerged from.

'What's the hold-up, lassie?'

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: July 17th, 2011, 6:26 pm 
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And another was found...

Name: Tymbre Musiqi
Fetch Modus: Rythm Array
Blood Color: A Deep Blue(#0007F)
Strife Speccubus: Bladekind
Conversation: Tymbre's trolltag is harmoniousParraddidle, and s♯e ten♪s to a♫ a ♭it of music to every wor♪
Lusus: A Narwhal
Dream Self: Prospit
About: Being of nobility, Tymbre lives in a wealthy villa built around a lagoon on a seculded part of the Penta Fell coast. She does not get many visitor, and spends most of her time playing music for her and her lusus.
Interests: Tymbre has a variety of INTERESTS. Not really, she spends most of her time playing MUSIC, with her main instrument being the TROLL PIANO, though she plays OTHER INSTRUMENTS. She also spends time training her ACROBATIC and GYMNASTIC abilities for use with her BLADES. Tymbre doesn't get very many VISTORS, but when she does, she likes to be able to act with LETHAL FORCE.

Sitting on the outside paito right on the lagoon, Tymber played her lusus some trollbone, a passtime they both enjoyed. It was a nice and quiet day, save for the music coming from Tymbre's horn. She was in the middle of some very passonate improvization when her grubtop went off. Cutting herself off mid-phrase, much to the discontent to her lusus, she picked it up to see who could be pestering her. It was Laythe, likely calling to see what was up, and Tymbre always loved to talk.
Show Pesterlog: 
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP] --
CR: Hello Tymbre.00
HP: Well ♯ello ♪ear.
CR: I'm feeling parti¢ularly bored before my meeting.00
HP: I'm never ♭ore♪ ♭efore my meetings
HP: ♭ecause I never ♯ave any
CR: You really ought to.00
CR: I mean, you've got a lot of mu$i¢al talent.00
CR: That ¢ould take you pla¢e$ on a planet like thi$.00
HP: W♯y t♯ank you
CR: €lf ¢ulture i$ a lot more entertainment-ba$ed than troll ¢ulture.00
HP: Yes t♯ey certainly enjoy music more t♯an trolls
HP: w♯ic♯ is, a lot versus almost none
CR: I'm telling you, if you ever wanted to go into the $lave ¢amp entertainment bu$ine$$, I would be honored to be your finan¢ial advi$or.00
HP: I ♪on't nee♪ money, music is my financial currency
HP: ♭ut t♯ank you for t♯e offer
CR: Of ¢our$e you need money, you're not exa¢tly the type to obtain what you need through violen¢e.00
CR: Though neither am I, to be hone$t.00
HP: Yes I avoi♪ violence ♭ut I am perfectly capa♭le of it
HP: w♯at more ♪o I nee♪ Layt♯e?
CR: Fair enough.00.00.00
CR: I'm going to go walk and ¢lear my head before my meeting.00
HP: ♯ave fun!
CR: $ame to you.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP] --

Not everything has to be for money. Finished with her conversation, she restored her attention to her lusus, who sat there on the shore waiting for Tymbre. Oh we don't need money my friend, you and me and music is all that matters. Whispered Tymbre to her lusus, rubbing her head. Grabbing her grubophone, Tymbre mounted her lusus, as she was oft inclined to do, and they rode around the lagoon and beachside playing music.

This diversion enertained Tymbre for hours, until she could barely stand up, much less ride her lusus and play music. Retiring again beside the lagoon, she grabbed her grubtop and decided to she what her old friend Aguiar was up to.
Show Pesterlog: 
-- harmoniousParradiddle [HP] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
HP: Well ♯ello Aguiar ♪ear ♯ow are you ♪oing
HP: ♭een playing an♪ training all ♪ay I nee♪ a ♭reak
CC: Oh_hey_HP_Ive_been_good_just_hanging_around_in_my_respiteblock_for_a_bit
CC: So_hows_the_music_coming_along?
HP: It's all goo♪, play for myself an♪ my lusus
HP: my lusus loves ♯earing my play
CC: You_really_should_let_me_hear_some_of_it_with_all_the_talking_you_do_about_it_Id_really_like_to_know_what_its_like_for_myself_too
HP: I wis♯ I coul♪!
HP: ♭ut we live on very ♪ifferent parts of t♯e planet
CC: Yeah_its_such_a_shame_oh_well_maybe_one_day_well_be_able_to_meet
HP: t♯at woul♪ ♭e so cool
HP: woa♯ w♯at t♯at
CC: What_was_what?

Tymbre looked up from her grubtop to see streaks of red going across the sky. She could tell from her current position that they would land a way aways, but her lusus could not. Swimming around spasticly, her lusus feared for her life. Diving in the water, Tymbre swam over to her in an atempt to calm her down. "They're not going to hurt us, calm down. You're susposed to be protecting me, not me protecting you." Sufficiently calmed down, Tymbre exited the water and went back to her grubtop to relate the events to Aguiar.
Show Pesterlog: 
HP: t♯ere's meteors flying over♯ea♪
HP: not going to ♯it my ♯ouse t♯oug♯ it looks like
CC: Oh_yeah_thats_right_I_totally_forgot_damn!
CC: Theyre_part_of_this_thing_called_SGRUB_I_took_from_a_PC_on_Alternia_and_I_think_theyll_blow_up_the_planet_if_this_keeps_up_we_have_to_get_you_into_the_game_too!
CC: Hang_in_there_Ill_send_you_the_files_try_contacting_Laythe_and_Slavid_and_Vicius_too_if_you_have_the_chance_theyre_playing_this_along_with_me
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
HP: T♯e meteors will ♪estroy t♯e planet?
HP: T♯ats terri♭le!
CC: It_seems_like_they_will_yeah_such_a_shame_too_I_kind_of_liked_it
HP: Well I ♭etter get t♯e game going t♯en
HP: may♭e it will ♪o somet♯ing a♭out it
CC: So_anyways_I_guess_Ill_be_your_server_player_and_youll_be_Slavids
CC: That_way_itll_be_easier_to_make_this_happen_without_the_chain_going_all_haywire_as_we_all_need_to_get_in

HP: Client? Server? C♯ain?
CC: SGRUB_has_a_client_application_and_a_server_application
CC: Each_of_us_needs_to_get_another_into_the_game_thus_forming_a_chain_of_players

CC: So_everyone_will_be_someones_server_and_someones_client
HP: so w♯at's t♯e or♪er of t♯e c♯ain
CC: From_the_top_of_my_head_currently_Laythe_is_Vicius_client_and_my_server
CC: were_still_kind_of_in_the_process_of_establishing_it_so_good_thing_you_came_in_quickly_enough

HP: t♯at's goo♪
CC: Yeah_pretty_much_but_I_think_you_have_a_fair_amount_of_time_left_before_the_meteors_come
CC: So_Ill_go_and_try_to_figure_out_some_of_the_game_mechanics_while_you_install_it

HP: Okay I'll install it now
CC: Ok_good_Ill_talk_to_you_in_a_bit_then
HP: ♭ye ♪ear
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP]--

Well I better get in contact with the others before I install it so I can figure out my place in the chain... Mumbled Tymbre to herself.



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: August 16th, 2011, 2:28 pm 
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♪oo ♪oo ♪oo, ♪oo ♪oo, ♫♫oo, ♪oo

As the disc installed, somewhere the ethereal song began to emanate. It was oddly soothing, but a little too techno for what little taste in music Slavid had. The crash had his ears ringing enough--he felt disoriented, and just wished this stupid music would stop.

Abruptly, it did. He gave a glance at his installation screen, which was starting to flip out and close. "what" was all that came out of his mouth as he started to check what happened. Amidst the scan, he noticed something wrong. Vicius kept flickering between being online and off.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling grimWarlord [GW] --
PS: hey
PS: vicius i just realized
PS: that crash came from near your home
PS: oh gog
PS: oh gog no
PS: im coming
PS: please be okay
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] ceased pestering grimWarlord [GW] --

Definitely one of the few times he felt any powerful surge of emotion, panic took Slavid's head as he started to dash through the tunnels. His head was still in a haze, but his memory of his friend's home guided his feet without err through each turn.


Unexpected, his face hit dirt and he fell onto his back. A spike of pain, far out of proportion with his speed hitting the dirt, went through his head... it felt like ripping open. Worry for his friend came first as he looked up at the dark roof. This was the place, for sure, but the tunnel was caved in. Why hadn't he expected it?

"get out of my way"

Slavid gave an angry grunt and heaved upward, jumping with hands outreached. Psionic energy grabbed into the dirt, pushing it aside to carve a smooth wall of ground as he crawled upward with the swift but clumsy drilling motion. His hand pierced the grass quickly, leaving him a little pull upward to see what he feared most. A crater, a home in shambled, and Vicius' computer strewn in pieces, sparks spurting from what little was connected. Slavid could neither see nor sense the body. There was no question where it was, though. With a slow step he made his descent to the crater's center, once again using his Memory to eject the deck of cards to hover around his body.

"you gave me these after out first battle together even though you know i use a bow"
"it was only because of you i continued to use them"
"and it is with you i will leave these my friend"

The shuriken were imbued in the ground, loosely forming Vicius' Omega symbol within the dirt. It took a second due to his haze, but he finally remembered where his bow and quiver of arrows were. Despite the long time since having used them, they still seemed to fit smoothly within his hands as he rested himself within the arc of the symbol, gruptop once again upon his lap. There was something he had to know, and ask about.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
PS: hes dead
CC: Who_is?
PS: vicius
PS: his house is in a huge crater
PS: and im kinda in the middle of it now
PS: to make sure nobody comes to celebrate it or something stupid
PS: sigh
CC: Oh_gog_this_is_all_my_fault_if_I_didnt_ask_all_of_you_to_play_this_stupid_game_with_me_this_wouldnt_have_happened
PS: it is
PS: but i wont get mad at you for it
PS: you probably didnt know it would happen
PS: but what does this mean for the game if i cant connect to vicius
PS: his computer is gone
CC: I_asked_Tymbre_to_join_us_shell_serve_as_your_server_and_you_will_be_Laythes_instead_of_GW
PS: that music player girl
PS: it could be worse i guess
CC: Yeah_that_one_shes_not_too_bad
PS: she still refuses to try to play anything to help me to sleep though
PS: oh well
PS: at least laythe gets her wish of me as a server instead of vicius
PS: though i doubt she will be happy about his death
CC: Yeah_they_seemed_to_have_a_nice_kismesis_going_between_the_two_of_them_shame_it_had_to_end_this_way
PS: never noticed it or cared to look for it myself
PS: so
PS: i guess i will get to working on being laythes server now
PS: and then talk to tymbre about her part in this
CC: Fuzzy Bunny
PS: ok
PS: see you in the game i guess
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --

Well... that was it then. Vicius is gone, and Slavid had a new job to do. This time, with a little adjustment about his target, he got to listen to the music start up again with no echo from his tunnel walls. And gog help the opportunistic troll that came down to investigate.

♪oo ♪oo ♪oo, ♪oo ♪oo, ♫♫oo, ♪oo

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: August 16th, 2011, 3:25 pm 
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"I ¢all it.00.00.00 the Pre$erved A¢t of Population, or PAP for $hort.00"



Laythe opened her eyes. Her hive was still around her, completely untouched. It was even still underwater. But something was wrong.

What's the hold-up Lassie?

The KERNEL in front of her divided, sending its halves two different ways. As the AEGLESPRITE took on a new form, Laythe paid little attention and started walking. Wait... the sound the floor was making.... Laythe looked down and saw her floor was now made of metal instead of the seabed it had previously rested on.

Trollian blinked on her computer screen, but Laythe had to find out where she was first. She swam outside and WHAM, smacked into an invisible wall.

Regaining her composure, she touched the wall. Glass... and what was beyond it?

Swimming faster than before, Laythe emerged from the top of the water, and climbed onto the rim of her hive's new glass prison. What lay beyond was a much different sea than the one to which she was accustomed.

A sea of sand. Apart from the blaring sun, a sun that almost appeared to be painted onto the sky, and distant structures that appeared to be giant hourglasses, there was nothing but sand.

She was truly a fish out of water.

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: August 17th, 2011, 7:37 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
Sorceror of Saradomin
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After barely making it out alive from his strife with the imp, Aguiar realized a feather might not be the most ideal weapon for use in combat. Scratching his still aching head, he decided he was going to do something about that. But how? Maybe there was something useful in his closet? Not that it mattered since the totem lathe blocked the damn thing anyways.

Out of ideas, Aguiar returned to his computer to get some inspiration and-

Oh no.
Gog damn it.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- fabulousGrandeur [FG] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
FG: HEllo Aguiar.
FG: Am I interrupting something important?
FG: Not my problem.
CC: Sweet_jegus_what_do_you_want_this_time?
CC: Didnt_you_make_enough_of_a_fool_out_of_me_last_time_we_spoke?
FG: Actually, I want to talk to you about tHAt.
FG: Remember HOw I made you promise to "alcHEmize any combination of items I request from you, no matter HOw much tHEy cost"?
FG: Yeah, you're going to make some of tHOse, now.
CC: Ugh_do_I_have_to_I_really_have_no_time_right_now_just_leave_me_alone_already_its_not_like_you_did_anything_helpful_anyways
FG: I don't care.
CC: ...
CC: Fine_tell_me_what_you_want_what_is_that_alchemizing_thing_anyway?
FG: You're telling me you don't even know wHAt alcHEmy is?
FG: Despite tHE fact tHAt you HAve something called an ALCHEMIZER in your room at this very moment?
CC: Its_not_my_room_its_the_balcony
FG: THAt's besides tHE point!
FG: You don't even HAve a designix, HOw am I supposed to get my stuff from you if you don't even HAve tHE courtesy to figure out tHE essentials?
FG: Argh! I'll deal with you later, try not to die from your own stupidity while I'm gone, will you?
FG: It's not like you'll be tHE first.
-- fabulousGrandeur [FG] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --

Slamming his fist onto the table in frustration, Aguiar managed to barely miss his bottle of ink. His lusus then flapped back into the room, and tapped him on the shoulder, as if to encourage him. Aguiar gave it a gentle pat on the head, and took out the Featherkind card. "Yeah_I_guess_that_could_work", he said, taking out the feather, and putting in both items at the same time. Oddly enough, the card did not outright reject the new entry, and instead changed it's name to Authorkind.

Aguiar didn't have the time to figure out what that does, though, as trollian began to light up again.
Show Pesterlog: 
-- harmoniousParradiddle [HP] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
HP: Well ♯ello Aguiar ♪ear ♯ow are you ♪oing
HP: ♭een playing an♪ training all ♪ay I nee♪ a ♭reak
CC: Oh_hey_HP_Ive_been_good_just_hanging_around_in_my_respiteblock_for_a_bit
CC: So_hows_the_music_coming_along?
HP: It's all goo♪, play for myself an♪ my lusus
HP: my lusus loves ♯earing my play
CC: You_really_should_let_me_hear_some_of_it_with_all_the_talking_you_do_about_it_Id_really_like_to_know_what_its_like_for_myself_too
HP: I wis♯ I coul♪!
HP: ♭ut we live on very ♪ifferent parts of t♯e planet
CC: Yeah_its_such_a_shame_oh_well_maybe_one_day_well_be_able_to_meet
HP: t♯at woul♪ ♭e so cool
HP: woa♯ w♯at t♯at
CC: What_was_what?
HP: t♯ere's meteors flying over♯ea♪
HP: not going to ♯it my ♯ouse t♯oug♯ it looks like
CC: Oh_yeah_thats_right_I_totally_forgot_damn!
CC: Theyre_part_of_this_thing_called_SGRUB_I_took_from_a_PC_on_Alternia_and_I_think_theyll_blow_up_the_planet_if_this_keeps_up_we_have_to_get_you_into_the_game_too!
CC: Hang_in_there_Ill_send_you_the_files_try_contacting_Laythe_and_Slavid_and_Vicius_too_if_you_have_the_chance_theyre_playing_this_along_with_me
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
HP: T♯e meteors will ♪estroy t♯e planet?
HP: T♯ats terri♭le!
CC: It_seems_like_they_will_yeah_such_a_shame_too_I_kind_of_liked_it
HP: Well I ♭etter get t♯e game going t♯en
HP: may♭e it will ♪o somet♯ing a♭out it
CC: So_anyways_I_guess_Ill_be_your_server_player_and_youll_be_Slavids
CC: That_way_itll_be_easier_to_make_this_happen_without_the_chain_going_all_haywire_as_we_all_need_to_get_in

HP: Client? Server? C♯ain?
CC: SGRUB_has_a_client_application_and_a_server_application
CC: Each_of_us_needs_to_get_another_into_the_game_thus_forming_a_chain_of_players

CC: So_everyone_will_be_someones_server_and_someones_client
HP: so w♯at's t♯e or♪er of t♯e c♯ain
CC: From_the_top_of_my_head_currently_Laythe_is_Vicius_client_and_my_server
CC: were_still_kind_of_in_the_process_of_establishing_it_so_good_thing_you_came_in_quickly_enough

HP: t♯at's goo♪
CC: Yeah_pretty_much_but_I_think_you_have_a_fair_amount_of_time_left_before_the_meteors_come
CC: So_Ill_go_and_try_to_figure_out_some_of_the_game_mechanics_while_you_install_it

HP: Okay I'll install it now
CC: Ok_good_Ill_talk_to_you_in_a_bit_then
HP: ♭ye ♪ear
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling harmoniousParradiddle [HP]--

So Tymbre was going to join them as well, eh? Pretty neat, Aguiar guessed. They hadn't really met each other yet, so that was cool. Tymbre was a pretty good musician if she was to be believed, and Aguiar was still dead set on hearing her play some day, even if in the medium.

Aguiar got up from his seat again, and walked up to the Alchemizer. He hadn't really looked at it after he made his entry item, and had his doubts a second of those would be of any use. So what was this thing for then?

Hey boy.

Turn around.

Feeling suddenly compelled to look the other way, Aguiar looked at the view from his balcony.
Oh wow.

Build around his hive were massive opal walls surrounding long pathways, four of which came at a crossway at his location. It was fairly brightly lit, and Aguiar could see a sun in the sky. The ROBOTSPRITE looked like it wanted to elaborate on something, but inside another troll demanded your attention beforehand.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
PS: hes dead
CC: Who_is?
PS: vicius
PS: his house is in a huge crater
PS: and im kinda in the middle of it now
PS: to make sure nobody comes to celebrate it or something stupid
PS: sigh
CC: Oh_gog_this_is_all_my_fault_if_I_didnt_ask_all_of_you_to_play_this_stupid_game_with_me_this_wouldnt_have_happened
PS: it is
PS: but i wont get mad at you for it
PS: you probably didnt know it would happen
PS: but what does this mean for the game if i cant connect to vicius
PS: his computer is gone
CC: I_asked_Tymbre_to_join_us_shell_serve_as_your_server_and_you_will_be_Laythes_instead_of_GW
PS: that music player girl
PS: it could be worse i guess
CC: Yeah_that_one_shes_not_too_bad
PS: she still refuses to try to play anything to help me to sleep though
PS: oh well
PS: at least laythe gets her wish of me as a server instead of vicius
PS: though i doubt she will be happy about his death
CC: Yeah_they_seemed_to_have_a_nice_kismesis_going_between_the_two_of_them_shame_it_had_to_end_this_way
PS: never noticed it or cared to look for it myself
PS: so
PS: i guess i will get to working on being laythes server now
PS: and then talk to tymbre about her part in this
CC: Fuzzy Bunny
PS: ok
PS: see you in the game i guess
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --

Vicius... Vicius is dead? But how? Why? He didn't even get his entry item. There must have been something wrong in the programming of the game or something that caused this. Aguiar cursed at himself. Why did he have to play this game? He knew it could be dangerous, it was made by another hacker for gog's sake!

No. No use thinking about that. He still had to get the others into the game, before they ended up dead as well.
Regaining his composure, Aguiar opened Trollian again.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?

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