Wasn't too sure where to put this, as it's a guide I've put it here.
This is a simple guide on what to collect, where to go and how much profit there is to be made. To see the maths behind the profits go to the bottom of the guide and click the link.
Lumbridge Basement:Start with 1.5m
1. Buy 300 chocolate bars
2. Buy 50 Cooking Apples
3. Buy 5 Grapes
EntranaNext cabbage port or use an Amulet of Glory to teleport to Draynor and then run to the monks of Entrana in Port Sarim.
Take the boat to Entrana and then head west and trade with Frincos.
4. Buy all of the vial packs
5. Buy all of the eye of newt packs.
TaverlyTeleport to Falador and then run North and follow the path in Taverly
Trade with Jatix
6. Buy all Vial Packs
7. Buy all Eye of Newt Packs
Home teleport/LumbridgeRun north towards the sheep pen but go left just before it (Past the training area).
Go into the fishing shop.
8. Buy 1000 feathers
CamelotTeleport to Camelot and then head to the flax fields.
9. Talk to Geoffrey and receive 200 Flax*
Run south east to Catherby docks and talk to Arhein
10. Buy 40 Pineapples
11. Buy 79 seaweed
Run east to the fruit tree patch on Catherby beach
12. Pick 6 coconuts from your tree**
LletyaUse your elf crystal to teleport to Lletya
Run east to the fruit tree patch
13. Pick 6 coconuts**
Port SarimCabbage port/Glory to Draynor and then run to Port Sarim
Head to the fishing store and trade with Gerrant
14. Buy 1000 feathersRun to the charter ship at the south of Port Sarim docks and sail to Oo’Glog
Oo’GlogRun west and trade with Chargurr
15. Buy all Raw Bird Meat packs![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/OoGlogfood.png)
Head south west to the General Store
16. Buy 1000 Feathers
AlkharidUse a Glory Amulet or ring of Dueling to teleport to Alkharid
Run South to the Shanty Pass
17. Buy 1000 feathers
ArdougneTeleport to Ardougne
Run northeast and talk to Wizard Cromperty
18. Receive 150 Pure Essence*![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/ArdougnePureEss.png)
Run West to the General Store
19. Buy all Vial Of Water Packs
KaramjaRun to the docks South of Ardougne market and sail to Karamja
Run South to the fruit tree patch
20. Pick 6 Coconuts**![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Karamjafruittree.png)
Run South around the big building and talk to Dell Monti.
21. Receive 40 Pineapples*
22. Receive 40 Cooking Apples*![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/KaramjaDellMonti.png)
Activate Shilo gloves/Use the cart transportation to go to Shilo Village
Go up the ladders and run South to the General Store
23. Buy all Vial Packs
24. Buy all Vial Of Water Packs![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Karamjashilogeneralstore.png)
Run east to the fishing store and trade with Fernahei
25. Buy 1000 Feathers![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Karamjafeathers.png)
Go up the stairs to the Slayer master and trade with him
26. Buy 3000 Broad Arrow Heads
27. Buy 3000 Unfinished Bolts
Yanille + Gu’TanothTeleport to Yanille via Watchtower teleport
Run North West and talk to Bert
28. Receive 120 Buckets Of Sand*![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Yanillesand.png)
Run west out of Yanille and then follow the wall south
Follow the path into Gu’Tanoth and then enter the market place
Trade with Ogre merchant at the Herblore stand
29. Buy all Vial Packs
30. Buy all Eye Of Newt Pack
Rellekka + Lunar IsleTeleport to your house in Rellekka/Lyre Teleport
Run north into Rellekka and go to the market place
Trade with the Fishmonger
31. Buy 1000 Feathers![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/RellekkaFishstore.png)
Run just to the west and trade with Sigmund The Merchant
32. Buy all Vial Packs
33. Buy all Vial Of Water Packs![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Rellekkavials.png)
Run Northwest and travel to Lunar Isle
Run Northeast into the city and trade with Melana Moonlander located near the General Store
34. Buy all Vial Packs![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Lunarvials.png)
Run North to the chicken house and enter it. Trade with Baba Yaga
35. Buy all of the Battlestaffs![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Lunarstaffs.png)
Exit the chicken house and deposit the Battlestaffs and withdraw a Games Necklace
Teleport to Barbarian Outpost
Run North and cross the stones to the Lighthouse
Go up the first set of stairs and then trade with Jossik
36. Buy all Vial Packs
37. Buy all Vial Of Water Packs
VarrockTeleport to Varrock then run south east/west to the staff shop and then trade with Naff
38. Buy 80 Battlestaffs*![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/VarrockBstaffs.png)
Run north into the Grand Exchange and then go to the Spirit tree
Teleport to the Gnome Stronghold
Gnome StrongholdRun East to the fruit tree patch
39. Pick 6 Coconuts from the fruit tree patch**![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/GnomeStrongfruittree.png)
Run back to the Spirit tree and teleport to the Gnome Village
Gnome VillageRun to the gap in the fence and go through it
Follow Elkoy out of the village
Run South West to the fruit tree patch
40. Pick 6 Coconuts from the fruit tree patch**![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/GnomeVillagefruittree.png)
Follow Elkoy back into the village and then talk to the Spirit tree again
Travel back to the Grand Exchange
KingdomRun West along the North side of the wall and use the Agility shortcut underneath the wall
Run South to the Fairy Ring and use it to go to Zanaris
Use the fairy rings with the code ‘CIP’
Run South and enter the Miscellanian area
Talk to the FishMonger
41. Buy 1000 Feathers![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/MiscellaniaFeathers.png)
Run East to the Etceterian area and trade with the Fishmonger
42. Buy 1000 Feathers![Image](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/simonspure/Runescape%20Dailies%20Guide/Etceteriafeathers.png)
*Achievement Diary rewards needed
**Palm Tree's need to be placed the day before
The maths behind the profits! :
https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreads ... c&hl=en_USCreated by Simons Pure AKA Neeb.