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 Post subject: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 14th, 2011, 2:55 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Prologue: I believe introductions are in order.

This is a closed RP. The people who are allowed to post in-character, have all been notified by PM about this topic. Though I won't guarantee it, there may be some smaller roles left (for people that have read Homestuck up to the latest page). Again, no promises here.

We'll be keeping to canon for as much as possible, though if things differ too drastically from the main story for some reason, some deviation from the canon is desirable to prevent retcons from having to happen.
I'd also like to ask the people invited to PM me the title they'd like to have, and the Land their character will be visiting (be sure it matches his/her personality). I'd recommend sending me three of both, so you have more chance one of them is available.

Top "Davesprite" Summoner and I will be co-hosting the RP, so if you have any questions, feel free to PM us.

Fetch Modi are not required (if you don't feel like the shenanigans, just set it to array mode), but can make for some fun moments in the earlier parts.


We will be playing as Trolls from the planet Penta Fell, an Elven world originally named Penta but renamed after it fell to the troll empire after a long period of war. The troll empress herself personally chose the new name . Reports say she was very amused with herself (Kudo's to Top for that one). It, like Alternia, is orbited by two moons and serves as a place for young trolls to mature or be culled. Unlike Alternia however, one of the moons is white and the other red.


As mentioned before, we will be playing as Trolls, so for your name, please keep to the "6-6 rule" the canon also employs (examples: Vriska(6) Serket(6), Karkat(6) Vantas(6)), meaning your first and last name both have six letters. Trolltags can be any two letters, you're not limited to T,C,G,A combinations.

For convenience, here is a character sheet to use. Feel free to edit it to your liking:

Fetch Modus:
Blood Color:
Strife Speccubus (you can choose to reveal this later on as well):
Conversation (trolltag and typing quirk):
Dream Self (Prospit or Derse):

Useful links:

(Link) Get it. Love it.

Converting a color from RGB to PHP Code:

Now that's settled, let's get on with the actual RP.


Aguiar woke up from a relaxing nap in his recuperacoon, and after getting some clean clothes, he went directly to his computer rather than, say, eat breakfast, like any sane person would. Opening up one of the uncompiled ~ATH codes he found while scooping around on some unprotected computer, he decided it was time to do some socializing for no apparent reason.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR]--
CC: Hey
CC: Hey_CR
CC: Are_you_there?
CC: Hey
CR: Hello Aguiar
CR: What i$ it? I'm a little bu$y.00
CC: Youre_always_busy
CC: Loosen_up_a_bit_sometimes
CR: True but I am bu$ier than u$ual right now.00
CC: What_are_you_doing_then?
CR: ¢.00R.00€.00A.00M.00 meet$ in mere minute$.00
CR: A$ mu¢h a$ I'd love to $et you up with an annuity, it will have to wait.00
CR: That i$ what you were a$king about right?
CC: Wait_what?
CC: No_thats_not_it
CR: :$
CC: I_found_this_code_you_know
CC: I_think_its_some_sort_of_game
CR: A game.00
CR: A game of $kill and ¢han¢e?
CC: And_maybe_a_little_luck
CC: I_dont_know_havent_tested_yet
CR: Lu¢k and ¢han¢e are the $ame thing nookferbrain$.00
CC: Yeah_I_dont_care
CC: So_anyway_I_think_were_supposed_to_be_playing_it
CC: Who_knows_if_its_any_good_we_might_be_able_to_sell_it
CC: With_profit
CR: $ell it.00
CR: Profit.00
CR: Okay I'm $old.00
CC: Excellent_Ill_ask_the_others_then
CR: You $aid you found thi$ game ¢orre¢t?
CC: Yes_on_an_unprotected_computer_on_another_planet
CR: I'll get to work on finding a way to bypa$$ any ¢opyright$.00
CC: The_computer_vanished_without_a_trace_moments_ago
CC: Or_at_least_its_signal_did
CR: Perhap$ it$ owner wa$ ¢ulled.00
CR: Thi$ i$ probably going to be a ¢rappy game.00
CC: In_that_case_I_doubt_well_have_copyright_issues
CC: You_always_say_time_is_money_right
CC: This_didnt_cost_any_time_to_make
CC: So_free_money_then?
CR: Non¢ent$, why would I $ay $u¢h a thing.00
CR: Anyway$ I mu$t be heading to my meeting.00
CR: Time i$ money.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC]--

Aguiar got off of his seat and went to the other side of his hive, where his guitar was situated. After playing a HORRID REFRAIN which he convinced himself is the most awesome thing ever oh who am I kidding it's terrible, even he knows it, he decides to take it with him. Taking out a 6 sided die per his FETCH MODUS, each side responding to a captchalogue card in his sylladex.

After throwing it, the die rolled around for a bit, and landed on the 3, causing the guitar to take up the third card.


Character biography:


Name: Aguiar Danton
Fetch Modus: Dice
Blood Color: Orange (#FF7F27 in BB-code)
Symbol: ζ (Zeta)
Conversation: Aguiar’s trolltag is creativeCataclysm and he has_a_tendency_to_speak_continually_without_pause_between_words.
Lusus: A large sparrow with bat wings.
Dream Self: Prospit

About: Aguiar lives in one of the many communal hive stems of the planet Penta Fell, a recently conquered planet designated to supplement Alternia as a place to dump the increasing amount of wrigglers spawned by the Mother Grubs.

Interests: Aguiar likes to play the guitar, but is NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. He is, however, REALLY GOOD AT COMPUTERS, specializing in building them, but is nonetheless a very decent hacker and viruscrafter. He also takes an interest in IMMORTALITY. His favorite way of spending his free time is browsing the webs, either for new computers to hack, being an EXTREME GAMER or reading comics based on GAMES FROM A BYGONE AGE. He is also very concerned with the blood caste system, since his blood color places him on practically the lowest possible rank and makes him ripe for culling by higher-bloods.

Other: Aguiar, as a MID LEVEL PSION, has a some use for his strife speccubus, combining (very) lightweight weaponry with his telekinetic capabilities, and instead of hearing the voices of the dead like regular psychic lowbloods, he hears the thoughts of those around him. He can also levitate, something he is quite fond of doing, just because he can.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?

Last edited by Stip45 on March 24th, 2011, 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 15th, 2011, 11:53 am 
Burning my Dread.
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I believe you're right, Stip. Time for an intro.

Name: Slavid Kerter
Fetch Modus: Memory Array
Symbol: Image (Phi)
Blood Color: Red, yellow tint (Hex code #550F00)
Conversation: Slavid's Trolltag is psionicSomnambulist and whats the point of a quirk if it just makes my mind do extra keystrokes
Lusus: A bear-like figure in near constant hybernation.
Dream Self: Derse

About: More than his red blood, Slavid is made fun of due to having no visible horns. To the surprise of those who don't know Slavid, they are hidden within the spikes of his hair; he simply covers them to do something with the mane that keeps falling on his face. Slavid is almost constantly bored, having little to do but expand the cave of his home into a large network below the ground of his friends' homes.

Interests: Slavid is an avid INFORMATION GATHERER and a master of PSIONIC power. He uses this power to manipulate nearly everything in daily life, including his hair to hide his HORNS within them. He indeed has them, simply using his RED BLOOD and HIDDEN HORNS to lure people into invoking his wrath against such immature prejudice. When not being a bully magnet, Slavid is usually TUNNELING a network between homes or TRYING TO SLEEP, which he almost always fails at.

Other: Slavid is a HIGH LEVEL PSION, relying almost exclusively on his extensive powers to get through daily life. Aside from his powers, Slavid has practiced the use of a BOW AND ARROW, enjoying both the acts of hitting his target naturally and controlling the ARROW to maneuver through obstacles (or his crafted tunnels) to reach its target. His Fetch Modus, Memory Array, is almost like a game. He is not allowed to see what each card is holding after catchaloguing an item, and must rely on memory to pull the item from its card. If he can not remember the contents of a card, it's locked away forever.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 15th, 2011, 9:10 pm 
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How has he not been culled? :P

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 15th, 2011, 9:50 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Get to the trollmance already


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 16th, 2011, 11:11 pm 
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Name: Laythe Guilex
Blood: Purple (Code: b50088)
Conversation: conciliatoryReckoning, $peaks in a ¢a$hual but dire¢t manner.00

IC: Laythe walked through the dark halls of Palace Flit, the former seat of Elven Power on Penta Fell, in the capital city of Apical Left. She admired the horribly defaced elven artwork, such as the Declaration of Highelven Independence, with Elf Thomas Jefferson's face replaced with a likeness of MONGAR THE GREAT TROLL CONQUEROR.

The conference block of Palace Flit was rented out for C.R.E.A.M.'s monthly meeting. C.R.E.A.M. of course stood for Cash Rules Everything Around Me, a bribery agency of which Laythe was the current president. The meeting would be starting shortly... she had to hurry to the conference block and prepare.

Suddenly, her gruptop beeped. Groaning, Laythe accessed her The Price is Right fetch modus. To withdraw items from the sylladex, the user would have to estimate the value of the wanted item. The item with the value closest to the estimated value would be released from its card. She so commonly withdrew her grubtop that she had memorized its value, and soon she was on Trollian. Who could it be bothering her?

Show Pesterlog:
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR]--
CC: Hey
CC: Hey_CR
CC: Are_you_there?
CC: Hey
CR: Hello Aguiar
CR: What i$ it? I'm a little bu$y.00
CC: Youre_always_busy
CC: Loosen_up_a_bit_sometimes
CR: True but I am bu$ier than u$ual right now.00
CC: What_are_you_doing_then?
CR: ¢.00R.00€.00A.00M.00 meet$ in mere minute$.00
CR: A$ mu¢h a$ I'd love to $et you up with an annuity, it will have to wait.00
CR: That i$ what you were a$king about right?
CC: Wait_what?
CC: No_thats_not_it
CR: :$
CC: I_found_this_code_you_know
CC: I_think_its_some_sort_of_game
CR: A game.00
CR: A game of $kill and ¢han¢e?
CC: And_maybe_a_little_luck
CC: I_dont_know_havent_tested_yet
CR: Lu¢k and ¢han¢e are the $ame thing nookferbrain$.00
CC: Yeah_I_dont_care
CC: So_anyway_I_think_were_supposed_to_be_playing_it
CC: Who_knows_if_its_any_good_we_might_be_able_to_sell_it
CC: With_profit
CR: $ell it.00
CR: Profit.00
CR: Okay I'm $old.00
CC: Excellent_Ill_ask_the_others_then
CR: You $aid you found thi$ game ¢orre¢t?
CC: Yes_on_an_unprotected_computer_on_another_planet
CR: I'll get to work on finding a way to bypa$$ any ¢opyright$.00
CC: The_computer_vanished_without_a_trace_moments_ago
CC: Or_at_least_its_signal_did
CR: Perhap$ it$ owner wa$ ¢ulled.00
CR: Thi$ i$ probably going to be a ¢rappy game.00
CC: In_that_case_I_doubt_well_have_copyright_issues
CC: You_always_say_time_is_money_right
CC: This_didnt_cost_any_time_to_make
CC: So_free_money_then?
CR: Non¢ent$, why would I $ay $u¢h a thing.00
CR: Anyway$ I mu$t be heading to my meeting.00
CR: Time i$ money.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC]--

Damn that Aguiar. He knew that if money came up I would instantly agree without another thought. And I just went along with it like a sucker. Argh, I am such an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mused Laythe in her head as she proceeded to the conference block. Minutes later, the preparations were ready, and the members were assembling. The meeting could begin.

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 7:28 pm 
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Davesprite wrote:
Groaning, Laythe accessed her The Price is Right fetch modus. To withdraw items from the sylladex, the user would have to estimate the value of the wanted item. The item with the value closest to the estimated value would be released from its card.
You are so awesome right now. If she guesses it right on the dot to the penny does she win $100? :awesome:



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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 17th, 2011, 7:50 pm 
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If she guesses it right on the dot to the penny it isn't released at terminal velocity.

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 9:47 am 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Suddenly, Aguiar remembered what he was supposed to be doing and headed back to his computer. Giving the boot grub a shock of electricity, it rebooted into Trollinux mode, and loaded the Trollian program again. Why he restarted his computer just to do this was a mystery to him.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling grimWarlord [GW] --
CC: GW_man
GW: Whoa what? Hey CC.
GW: It has been some time.
CC: It_sure_has_man
CC: Still_constantly_fighting_over_a_patch_of_land_I_assume
GW: You know it.
GW: People are just DYING to get this hive.
CC: In_your_case_I_suspect_its_literal
GW: Very much so.
CC: Cool_cool
CC: So_anyways_I_convinced_CR_to_come_play_a_game_with_me
GW: A game?
CC: We_still_need_more_players_though
GW: Like a WAR game?
CC: Yes_with_killing_and_all_that_fun_stuff
CC: And_some_building_I_guess_not_sure
GW: This is relevant to my interests.
GW: Not so much the building, but the KILLing.
GW: Tell me more.
CC: Funny_thing_is_I_dont_really_know_much_about_it
CC: I_think_were_supposed_to_be_playing_it_with_more_than_just_us_three_though
CC: Its_really_weird_I_have_all_these_strange_dreams_about_it_lately
GW: Strange dreams?
GW: What about?
CC: Us_having_this_conversation_for_example
CC: I_saw_it_in_the_clouds_while_I_was_sleeping
GW: Weird.
CC: Yeah_I_guess
CC: So_anyways_are_you_interested?
GW: Definitely.
CC: Hmm_I_thought_you_would_be_more_difficult_to_convince
CC: Oh_well
GW: If you're in the need for others, maybe pS is your next best bet. He seems to be interested in these things too.
CC: Yeah_I_hope_he_isnt_too_grouchy_this_time_though
CC: He_always_seems_so_freaking_depressed_about_everything_like_all_he_wants_to_do_is_sleep_or_something
GW: He can get over it.
GW: I'll let you get to that, though, I think I've got some more uninvited guests.
-- grimWarlord [GW] gave up trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CC: Why_does_everyone_always_cut_me_off_randomly

Aguiar sighed and closed the chat window. He then got of his seat yet again, and looked at the walls of his hive. On them hung posters related to his INTERESTS. One of them was a poster of GRUBDoS, the main character of his MOST FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME EVER, "Troll Portal", whose job it is to give a test subject a portal gun and run them through various tests with the promise of cake, only to incinerate them after they complete them. But this was not what he was looking for.

Opening the closet next to his RECUPERACOON, Aguiar got out a small toolset of various screwdrivers, knives and other pointy objects and placed it on the ground next to him. He then spent the next few minutes tinkering with various stuff, until he finished what he was working on. Which you won't know what it actually is until later on. For now, we'll call it the UNKNOWN DEVICE.

Aguiar proceeded to open his sylladex and got out his die, rolling a 6. The UNKNOWN DEVICE proceeded to be stored on the sixth card for later use. Boy will that thing be useful to have around.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?

Last edited by Stip45 on March 24th, 2011, 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 10:53 am 
The Mage of Doom
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Well hello, Who is this?


Name: Vicius Savaag
Fetch Modus: Memories of the Fallen
Blood Color: An off blue (#41808b)
Strife Speccubus: Bladekind
Symbol: Omega
Trolltag and typing quirk: Vicius' trolltag is grimWarlord, and he happens to have an affinity to some words, WARranting excessive pronunciation. Aside from that he types rather normally. As some quirks make him want to go on a KILLing spree.

Vicius, sitting at his desk next to his grubtop was hard at work devising multiple battle plans, which he would soon put to use. As a master in the way of combat, he must always come up with original ways to ward off intruders. Yes, this is sheer brilliance! No one will be able to see this one coming. Vicius thought to himself as he put the finishing touches on his newest battle plan. Rolling up the scroll to put it with the others, his grubtop chimes, alerting him to an old friend contacting him.

-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling grimWarlord [GW] --
CC: GW_man
GW: Whoa what? Hey CC.
GW: It has been some time.
CC: It_sure_has_man
CC: Still_constantly_fighting_over_a_patch_of_land_I_assume
GW: You know it.
GW: People are just DYING to get this hive.
CC: In_your_case_I_suspect_its_literal
GW: Very much so.
CC: Cool_cool
CC: So_anyways_I_convinced_CR_to_come_play_a_game_with_me
GW: A game?
CC: We_still_need_more_players_though
GW: Like a WAR game?
CC: Yes_with_killing_and_all_that_fun_stuff
CC: And_some_building_I_guess_not_sure
GW: This is relevant to my interests.
GW: Not so much the building, but the KILLing.
GW: Tell me more.
CC: Funny_thing_is_I_dont_really_know_much_about_it
CC: I_think_were_supposed_to_be_playing_it_with_more_than_just_us_three_though
CC: Its_really_weird_I_have_all_these_strange_dreams_about_it_lately
GW: Strange dreams?
GW: What about?
CC: Us_having_this_conversation_for_example
CC: I_saw_it_in_the_clouds_while_I_was_sleeping
GW: Weird.
CC: Yeah_I_guess
CC: So_anyways_are_you_interested?
GW: Definitely.
CC: Hmm_I_thought_you_would_be_more_difficult_to_convince
CC: Oh_well
GW: If you're in the need for others, maybe pS is your next best bet. He seems to be interested in these things too.
CC: Yeah_I_hope_he_isnt_too_grouchy_this_time_though
CC: He_always_seems_so_freaking_depressed_about_everything_like_all_he_wants_to_do_is_sleep_or_something
GW: He can get over it.
GW: I'll let you get to that, though, I think I've got some more uninvited guests.
-- grimWarlord [GW] gave up trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CC: Why_does_everyone_always_cut_me_off_randomly

Great, more of them. Vicius groaned as he gazed out the window to see more hell-bent trolls and lusii trying to claim his land. What about this hive makes it so desirable!? I don't get it! Vicius mumbled as he grabbed his Longsword from the side of his desk and prepared to venture outside and put forth his newest battle plan.
Stepping out onto the grassy plains, Vicius was greeted by his Lusus. One always eager to feed on those Vicius had slain.



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 11:31 am 
Burning my Dread.
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For all the TUNNELS he's dug and pushed rocks aside for, this one must have started the double digits for connection to a single person. Slavid was finally done shoving the rocks aside connecting another smooth pathway to Vicius. Slavid closed his eyes and pulled out his DECK OF CARDS, all of them pure white except for a red date of entry. He remembered putting away his NAPTOP exactly 5 hours and 42 minutes ago, so matching the time, he pulled it out of his card and set it on the ground in front of him. Conveniently, Vicius was online to talk to about the tunnel.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling grimWarlord [GW] at 12:00 --

PS: hey
GW: Hey there.
PS: your new tunnels done
PS: though i dont know why you want it in the middle of nowhere
PS: escape route i guess
GW: Not yet, I've had quite a few guests recently.
PS: i can feel them above me
PS: some kind of fight soon
GW: Fantastic.
PS: do you want me to come up and see about helping out
PS: or
PS: anything
GW: I wouldn't want you to risk yourself in this fight, but you are more than welcome to come
GW: if you are up to the challenge.
PS: well see
PS: still gotta check if my lusus is up or not
PS: damn thing never wakes up when i want it to
PS: anyway
PS: ill see if i can make it back in time
GW: How close are they, can you tell?
PS: um
PS: at their speed
PS: like fifteen minutes
GW: Fantastic, I have just the battle plan, then.
-- grimWarlord [GW] sends the file: Battleplan.txt --
GW: I have a feeling this will work just fine.
PS: looks like one of the originals
PS: and should work
PS: go wild
GW: Haha, will do.
PS: but i need to go
PS: dont die before i get there
GW: Don't ever count on me DYING.
GW: See you when you get here.
-- grimWarlord [GW] gave up trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] at 12:05 --

Slavid looked up at the roof of the tunnel, hoping his guess was right. It would be pretty close, at least... With the update out of the way, he had the Naptop hover before him while walking the route back to his lusus. Given the depth, it took about ten minutes of walking to find, once again, that the big bear was still fast asleep. Ugh. Time wasted on it, yet again. And it took about ten to get back, so Vicius was on his own for at least five minutes, without anymore distractions. All Slavid could really do was turn around and start sleepwalking back.

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 11:46 am 
The Mage of Doom
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Kneeling down next to one of the trolls that had come to an unfortunate end, Vicius hears the familiar chime of trollian coming from his grubtop.
Vicius recalls the memory of when he first got the grubtop off of an invading highblood, drew the grubtop from his Fetch Modus.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- psionicSomnambulist [PS] began trolling grimWarlord [GW] at 12:00 --
PS: hey
GW: Hey there.
PS: your new tunnels done
PS: though i dont know why you want it in the middle of nowhere
PS: escape route i guess
GW: Not yet, I've had quite a few guests recently.
PS: i can feel them above me
PS: some kind of fight soon
GW: Fantastic.
PS: do you want me to come up and see about helping out
PS: or
PS: anything
GW: I wouldn't want you to risk yourself in this fight, but you are more than welcome to come
GW: if you are up to the challenge.
PS: well see
PS: still gotta check if my lusus is up or not
PS: damn thing never wakes up when i want it to
PS: anyway
PS: ill see if i can make it back in time
GW: How close are they, can you tell?
PS: um
PS: at their speed
PS: like fifteen minutes
GW: Fantastic, I have just the battle plan, then.
-- grimWarlord [GW] sends the file: Battleplan.txt --
GW: I have a feeling this will work just fine.
PS: looks like one of the originals
PS: and should work
PS: go wild
GW: Haha, will do.
PS: but i need to go
PS: dont die before i get there
GW: Don't ever count on me DYING.
GW: See you when you get here.
-- grimWarlord [GW] gave up trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] at 12:06 --

Eager to fight alongside his friend, Slavid again, Vicius stores his grubtop in his Fetch Modus. Vicius grasped the hilt of his Longsword and stood back up, preparing for the fight.



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 1:22 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Aguiar noticed his lusus was signaling him to come to him. Doing just that, it motioned him to take one of its feathers, which Aguiar also did. He sure was feeling co-operative today. Aguiar rolled his die again, this time getting a 5, thus storing the feather in that card.

Aguiar went to his PRESERVATION UNIT and got himself a fresh can of Tab from it. Taking a sip, he placed it next to his computer screen and sat down again. Oh look, another troll to troll.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] --
CC: Hey_PS_are_you_awake?
CC: Oh_wait
CC: You_always_are
PS: ugh
PS: dont remind me
PS: just got done checking on that lazy ass lusus of mine
PS: still asleep
PS: like always
CC: Its_kind_of_ironic_isnt_it
CC: Your_lusus_constantly_asleep_while_you_cant
PS: i guess
PS: i mean i still get sleep
PS: but never enough is all
CC: So_what_have_you_been_up_to_these_past_few_sweeps?
PS: tunnelling between friends homes
PS: making vicius a few routes
PS: hearing a buzz about some new game
CC: Oh_yeah_that
CC: Who_did_you_hear_it_from
PS: havent talked with anyone particular about it
PS: just heard words from people
PS: game this
PS: game that
PS: bluh bluh bluh
CC: Oh_right_I_forgot_your_psychic_too
CC: What_was_that?
PS: hi
PS: remember who made the tunnel from your home to your friends
PS: this guy
CC: Youre_underneath_my_hive_arent_you
PS: yes
PS: id imagine your neighbor got a bit of the shock too
PS: oh well
PS: reminds them as well then
PS: so no loss
CC: Im_not_entirely_sure_Im_comfortable_with_that
PS: its not like i do it every day
CC: Yeeeaaaahh
CC: So_anyway_the_game
PS: serb
PS: or sounds like something like that
PS: right
CC: I_think_it_was_called_SGRUB_when_I_found_it
CC: But_well_call_it_whatever_probably_wont_mean_much_anyway
PS: i call it an enigma
PS: did it come with an instruction manual or anything
CC: Just_this_link_to_some_website
CC: Pretty_ominous_isnt_it
PS: which one
CC: Havent_checked_it_out_and_its_probably_not_important
PS: isnt it safer to judge its importance after you see it
PS: not before
CC: Dude_its_a_game_what_could_go_wrong
PS: whatever
CC: Ill_send_you_the_grub_when_Ive_spoken_with_everyone_ok?
PS: okay
PS: hey
PS: im nearly to vicius home now
PS: i need to go
PS: even though im not really worried hes dead
PS: i still wanna check
PS: see you
CC: Good_luck
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] --

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?

Last edited by Stip45 on March 24th, 2011, 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 3:46 pm 
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"$o it'$ agreed, we will put thi$ month'$ budget toward$ bribing the Penta Fell Imperial Drone Dispatch $quad.00 I want to $ee ¢oncupi$¢ent quadrant$ FILL€D by next month, we ¢an't keep this up much longer!"

Leaving the meeting, Laythe pondered her own quadrants. The indigo-blooded sea dweller in C.R.E.A.M. could make a good matesprit... but Laythe really didn't feel that into him. Why did good sea dwellers have to be so few and far between?

Laythe's lusus was waiting for her at the shoreline. She was a large and fearsome shark. When particularly troublesome trolls refused to pay her back loans, she often employed her lusus's fearsomeness to set the record straight.

Riding on his back and heading deep underwater, Laythe accessed her sylladex again. "$1756" she stated, and her grubtop was on her lap again. She went to Trollian and began trolling Aguiar.

Show Pesterlog:
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CR: Okay, meeting'$ over.00
CC: Oh_great
CR: $o what do you know about the game?
CC: Well_I_at_least_know_its_a_multiplayer_but_what_isnt_these_days
CC: But_beyond_that_I_havent_really_played_it_yet_as_I_said_before

CR: Okay then if it'$ multiplayer we $hould $tart it up when I arrive home.00
CR: $¢out it$ potential value.00

CC: Yeah_Ive_spoken_with_GW_and_PS_about_it_too
CC: I_think_theyre_willing_to_join_in
CC: On_our_little_beta_testing

CR: Oh gog why would you tell Vi¢iu$?
CC: It_seemed_like_a_good_idea
CC: Dont_really_know_why_but_just_felt_like_I_had_to

CR: Okay then may I reque$t we $tart immediatley to get a$ mu¢h time in before he join$ up?
CC: Ok_sure_Ill_send_you_the_file_when_you_get_home
CR: I'm ju$t $wimming through the door now.00 Hold that thought.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --

Laythe harbored a somewhat substantial amount of hate for Vicius. It was all WAR and DEATH with this guy. 'Diplomatic solution' was not in his vocabulary.

Dismounting her lusus, Laythe swam into her hive and opened Trollian on her main computer.

Show Pesterlog:
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
CR: Okay, $end it.00
CC: Hang_on_Im_looking_through_my_files
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
CR: It $ay$ there are two ver$ion$, $erver and ¢lient.00
CR: Whi¢h do I run?

CC: Toss_one_of_your_many_coins_and_let_luck_decide?
CR: Troll George Wa$hington $ay$ $erver.00
CR: I'm in$talling it.00 I think that mean$ you $hould in$tall the ¢lient?

CC: Yeah_I_figured_that_out_installing_right_now
CR: Alright.00

Waiting for the game to install, Laythe admired her large piles of gold and coins covering most of her hive. She had inheritied most of her fortune, but the rest had come from careful investing and loan scams. Laythe was easily amongst the most wealthy trolls on Penta Fell, and her lusus's protection and her own self defense skills were more than adequate to keep other sea dwellers who would wish to steal from her at bay.

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Last edited by Topsummoner on March 24th, 2011, 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 20th, 2011, 5:20 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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Aguiar could have sworn he heard a strange, electronic-ish song emit from his surrounding while he was installing the client software, even though he didn't have any speakers in his hive. Shrugging it off as some noise from his neighbors, he took another gulp from his can of TAB and decided to get himself some fresh air.

Aguiar headed for the balcony. The lawnrings were empty. Blood skimmed the voids in his porous cranial plates, as if grazing the hollow of a threshed stem, or say, an abandoned cocoon. A sour note was produced. It's the one Agitation plays to make its audience squirm. It was Aguiar's sixth wriggling day, and as with all five preceding it he felt like something was missing from his life. Insert more fancy text here.

Heading back to his computer, Aguiar noticed the game had finished installing, and was now showing a message.

SGRUB version 0.0.1a

SGRUB client is running.

>> Waiting for server to establish connection...

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 24th, 2011, 1:36 am 
Burning my Dread.
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And the bear was asleep. Great. All the rage in the world befalls Slavid if his lusus wakes up ahead of schedule, but does that stop him from being required to check on the lazy thing every hour? No. He still has to make sure the REALLY DEEP MAZE TUNNEL hasn't been breached.

Accursed, lazy thing. Taking up his chat time, it's almost ironic.

As Slavid turned around to start walking back toward Vicius, a little orange icon came up in an "I want to troll you" fashion. Great, what did this guy want?

Show Pesterlog: 
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] began trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] --
CC: Hey_PS_are_you_awake?
CC: Oh_wait
CC: You_always_are
PS: ugh
PS: dont remind me
PS: just got done checking on that lazy ass lusus of mine
PS: still asleep
PS: like always
CC: Its_kind_of_ironic_isnt_it
CC: Your_lusus_constantly_asleep_while_you_cant
PS: i guess
PS: i mean i still get sleep
PS: but never enough is all
CC: So_what_have_you_been_up_to_these_past_few_sweeps?
PS: tunnelling between friends homes
PS: making vicius a few routes
PS: hearing a buzz about some new game
CC: Oh_yeah_that
CC: Who_did_you_hear_it_from
PS: havent talked with anyone particular about it
PS: just heard words from people
PS: game this
PS: game that
PS: bluh bluh bluh
CC: Oh_right_I_forgot_your_psychic_too

Wait, what? "Forgot you're psychic, too?" Aw, hell no. Slavid touched the crater wall at his side and sent a good sized shockwave down the tunnels, probably shaking around Mr. Aguiar Forgetty-Face's hive enough to knock a lamp over or something.

Show Pesterlog: 
CC: What_was_that?
PS: hi
PS: remember who made the tunnel from your home to your friends
PS: this guy
CC: Youre_underneath_my_hive_arent_you
PS: yes
PS: id imagine your neighbor got a bit of the shock too
PS: oh well
PS: reminds them as well then
PS: so no loss
CC: Im_not_entirely_sure_Im_comfortable_with_that
PS: its not like i do it every day
CC: Yeeeaaaahh
CC: So_anyway_the_game
PS: serb
PS: or sounds like something like that
PS: right
CC: I_think_it_was_called_SGRUB_when_I_found_it
CC: But_well_call_it_whatever_probably_wont_mean_much_anyway
PS: i call it an enigma
PS: did it come with an instruction manual or anything
CC: Just_this_link_to_some_website
CC: Pretty_ominous_isnt_it
PS: which one
CC: Havent_checked_it_out_and_its_probably_not_important
PS: isnt it safer to judge its importance after you see it
PS: not before
CC: Dude_its_a_game_what_could_go_wrong
PS: whatever
CC: Ill_send_you_the_grub_when_Ive_spoken_with_everyone_ok?
PS: okay
PS: hey
PS: im nearly to vicius home now
PS: i need to go
PS: even though im not really worried hes dead
PS: i still wanna check
PS: see you
CC: Good_luck
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling psionicSomnambulist [PS] --

And with that, Slavid began to ascend the stairs leading up to Slavid's home. One of the few trolls trusted within his house, Slavid was allowed to simply walk up to the nearest window and peer out at the battlefield. As usual, it was a rainbow of carnage, with Vicius quite unharmed amidst it. Though he didn't really need much help, Slavid withdrew a very specific card from his Modus and ejected the Deck of Shuriken. All 52 playing cards, metal-trimmed for piercing, and two bright jokers began hovering behind Slavid as he calmly walked to the nearest doorway and stood stop the hill.

PS: need any help down there vicius

Goten is dead!

Last edited by Kikori on March 26th, 2011, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 24th, 2011, 11:13 am 
The Mage of Doom
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Vicius sighed heavily after dispatching the last of the assailants and walked back over to where the first blow was struck.

Amidst those fallen were Vicius' lusus, a giant wolf. Multiple stab wounds lined his lusus' back and neck, the death was a slow and painful one.

Vicius kneeled down beside his now-deceased lusus and frowned.
GW: You were a good friend, and an even better ally in battle.

After finishing his sentence, Vicius heard a voice from behind him,

PS: need any help down there vicius

Vicius turned to see Slavid had come to aid him in battle.

GW: Good to see you, Slavid. The battle has finished, but I appreciate your arrival nonetheless.

Vicius motioned toward his Lusus, and then to the plains with the corpses of four or five trolls and their lusii scattered about.

GW: Turns out these guests were tougher than I had expected.
GW: This is a great loss to me.
GW: A DEATH of one close to me is not something I could have foreseen for this battle.



 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 24th, 2011, 4:34 pm 
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Laythe established a connection to Aguiar, and though the thought did not cross her mind at the time, she had just succeeded in flipping everyone's lives upside down.

The game's interface appeared on her screen... and so did a view of Aguiar's respiteblock. Just what in the hell was going on here?

Show Pesterlog:
CR: I've ¢onne¢ted.00 Where did you find the time to re¢reate your re$piteblo¢k ingame?
CC: Wait_what?
CR: I've got an interfa¢e on the $¢reen $imilar to Troll $im$, and I ¢an $ee your re$piteblo¢k.00
CR: I a$$ume thi$ game i$ $imilar to that but you are en¢ouraged to re¢reate your own hive?
CC: I_hadnt_even_installed_the_game_yet_up_to_now
CC: And_youre_sure_its_not_trollians_viewport_feature?
CR: No, I'm $ure I did not hit F1.00
CC: Ok_so_what_can_you_do_with_it?
CR: Let'$ $ee.00.00.00

Laythe scrolled her mouse over the buttons at the top of the screen. Aguiar's avatar kept typing perfectly in time with the messages he was sending... it was unnerving but she assumed the game simply detected the keystrokes of the client player.

CR: There are a bun¢h of button$ at the top.00
CR: $ele¢t, Revi$e, Deploy, Phernalia Regi$try, Gri$t ¢a¢he, €xplore Antheneum, Al¢hemy €x¢ur$u$.00
CR: There al$o appear$ to be movement key$.00
CR: Hitting one of them $wit¢hed my view to your bathroom.00

Laythe examined Aguiar's bathroom and - SWEET JEGUS WHAT IS THAT.

CC: Oh_gog_dont_look_in_there
CR: .00.00.00
CC: You_looked_didnt_you
CR: I'm not going to a$k why you re¢reated your pail.00
CR: Let'$
CR: Let'$ forget thi$ happened
CR: I'm going to try out the $ele¢t button.00

Laythe hit the 'Select' button and moved the orange cursor that appeared onto the toilet, clicked and dragged upwards, removing the toilet from its plumbing.

CR: Oop$.00
CC: Oops?
CR: I uprooted your virtual toilet.00
CC: I_dont_think_its_virtual_I_felt_some_rumbling

Laythe dragged the toilet into the next room and dropped it onto the convenient pile of garbage that could in no way shape or form be anything useful.

CC: Oh_gog_what
CC: It_just_landed_on_my_building_supplies
CR: Wait.00
CR: Aguiar, lift your right arm.00
CR: In real life.00

Lo and behold, the Aguiar on the screen lifted his right arm. JUST WHAT IN THE HELL WAS GOING ON HERE?

CR: Thi$ i$ A¢TUALLY your hive i$n't it?
CR: Where the hell did you find a game like thi$?
CC: Alternia_on_some_guys_computer_which_has_now_completely_vanished_why?
CR: Thi$ te¢hnology i$ geniu$! Unpre¢edented!
CR: We ¢ould make thou$and$.000 no, MILLION$.000000
CC: You_know_whats_cooler_than_a_million_boonbucks?
CC: A_billion_boonbucks
CR: What i$ a boonbu¢k?
CC: I_dont_know_just_felt_like_saying_that
CR: Okay I'm going to explore what el$e thi$ ¢an do.00
CC: Was_just_about_to_suggest_that_yes

Laythe next selected the 'Revise' tool. A different orange cursor appeared. She moved her view to the balcony, clicked, and dragged. The balcony expanded, with the railings rearranging themselves to fit the new extension. An onscreen indicator indicated that three units of 'build grist' were expended, out of an available twenty. The technology was incredible. The ability to manipulate a real environment with the click of a mouse? Unprecedented!

CR: I ju$t revi$ed your bal¢ony.00 It $eem$ to build an atta¢hment onto it.00
CR: It ¢o$t u$ $ome 'build gri$t' whi¢h I gue$$ i$ thi$ game'$ form of ¢urren¢y?
CC: I_think_its_kind_of_a_building_material_based_on_what_you_did
CR: Look$ like ¢andy more than anything.00
CR: Moving on.00
CC: Ill_look_outside_see_if_I_see_change

Laythe selected the 'Deploy' tool. Clicking around the hive did nothing. She moved on to the Phernalia Registry. Inside were a few strange machines. The 'Totem Lathe', a long white machine with many buttons, the 'Cruxtruder', a square machine with a wheel and a white cylinder with the game's logo on it, the 'Alchemiter', a large white platform, and the 'Punch Designix', a keyboard-like machine with many buttons. There was also a sylladex card with holes punched through it.

CR: Deploy $eem$ to be for deploying obje¢t$ from the Regi$try.00
CC: Is_there_anything_good_in_there?
CR: There'$ the Totem Lathe, ¢ruxtruder, Al¢hemiter and Pun¢h De$ignix.00
CR: Al$o a $ylladex ¢ard for $ome rea$on.00
CR: The fir$t three $eem to be free, but the Pun¢h De$ignix ¢o$t$ $ome other variety of gri$t we don't have any of.00
CC: Well_then_can_you_deploy_them?
CR: I'm going to put down the Totem Lathe in your room.00

Laythe dropped the Totem Lathe in front of Aguiar's closet, as everywhere else was far too cluttered.

CC: Oh_wow_it_actually_appeared
CC: Why_did_you_put_it_in_front_of_my_closet_thats_where_I_keep_stuff
CR: Your room i$ a me$$.00 There wa$ nowhere el$e.00
CR: I'll drop the ¢ruxtruder in your bathroom $in¢e there'$ $uddenly $pa¢e there.00
CC: Gee_how_did_that_happen?
CR: It'$ a my$tery to everyone!

Laythe dropped the Cruxtruder into Aguiar's bathroom, and then deployed the Alchemiter onto the new balcony extension.

CR: The al¢hemiter i$ on the bal¢ony exten$ion.00
CR: I think you a$ the '¢lient' player have to figure out what to do with the$e.00
CC: Ill_be_right_back_taking_a_look
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --

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 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 25th, 2011, 3:16 pm 
Sorceror of Saradomin
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The very first thing Aguiar did after logging off of Trollian was to hide the pail. Damn, why did he leave it out there in the open, anyway?! He'd never been so embarrassed about anything ever.

Moving on, he decided the next logical step to take was to get the UNKNOWN DEVICE he had stored in his sylladex. Aguiar got out his die, and somehow managed to roll a 6 on the first try (OOC: I actually use a random number generator, seen here)

As he turned on the GRUBLET (tablet) and installed Trollian on it, he noticed someone was trying to contact him already.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- grimWarlord [GW] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
GW: Hey Aguiar, do you have any more information about that WAR game you told me about?
CC: Well_CR_and_I_have_begun_to_do_some_testing_in_advance
CC: I_started_up_the_client_program_and_she_the_server
GW: I see.
CC: So_far_it_seems_its_a_really_weird_game_she_can_actually_modify_my_house
GW: Come again?
GW: You mean virtually, right?
CC: Like_literally_she_just_pulled_my_toilet_out_of_its_spot_and_put_a_big_tube_thing_there
GW: How unusual.
CC: I_think_she_said_it_was_called_a_Cruxtruder
GW: Did you figure out what to do with it?
CC: Not_yet_I_cant_seem_to_open_the_lid
GW: Why not?
GW: Is it stuck or something?
CC: Yeah_it_seems_like_something_is_jamming_it_from_the_inside
GW: Strange...
CC: Think_Ill_need_something_heavy_to_bust_it_open
CC: She_also_deployed_a_thing_called_the_totem_lathe_right_in_front_of_my_closet
GW: Seems like an unusual place to deposit something.
CC: Apparently_my_room_was_too_messy_to_put_it_anywhere_else_can_you_believe_it?
GW: Strangely enough, I can.
CC: Moving_on
CC: Theres_also_some_platformy_thing_she_put_on_my_balcony_called_an_alchemiter
CC: Im_in_the_process_of_finding_out_what_it_all_does_though_I_think_it_all_starts_with_the_cruxtruder
GW: Well, you mentioned busting it open with something heavy,
GW: why not make use of your now uprooted toilet?
CC: Im_not_strong_enough_to_lift_that_thing
CC: Let_alone_throw_it_onto_the_lid
GW: Well, if CR was able to move it in the first place, maybe she can also "move" it over the Cruxtruder thing.
CC: Hmm_Ill_talk_to_her_about_it
CC: Well_anyway_I_guess_this_is_as_good_a_time_as_any_to_send_you_the_file_since_Ill_be_busy_for_a_while_figuring_all_this_out
GW: Alright.
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
GW: Since we're all playing this game together, I assume that means we each need to have a server player for ourselves, as well as being a server player for someone else.
CC: Yeah_I_guess_that_would_make_sense
GW: Does Slavid have the game yet?
CC: No_not_yet_but_going_to_send_it_to_him_soon
GW: Ugh. Rather than wait around for that,
GW: I guess I'll be CR's server player.
CC: Hmm_you_could_do_that_but_I_thought_you_guys_hated_eachother?
GW: I can't stand her.
GW: We're all in this together, I suppose
CC: Oh_well_its_your_call_really
GW: and I'd rather get this underway without waiting too long.
CC: Alright_then_I_guess_you_should_ask_her
GW: I guess so.
GW: In the mean time, figure out what all this stuff is for.
CC: Already_on_it
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling grimWarlord [GW] --

Rolling the die again to store his GRUBLET, he rolled a 3. Since the guitar was already taking up the third slot, it was launched out of his window. Dammit! he thought.
He then climbed onto the cruxtruder, attempting in vain to open it by jumping on top of it, until he remembered what Vicius said about breaking it with the toilet. He had to remember to talk to Laythe about that the next time they spoke.

Thanks Tooooon :D
Last Hope: A story by Stip45 & Topsummoner
Jackstick wrote:
What if you're getting changed or something and they just barge in, saying "I OWN THE HOUSE, I OWN YOU. DINNER'S READY." ...doesn't seem very fair to me :?


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 26th, 2011, 12:53 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Ugh, he was too late. And too late to save Vicius' lusus, at that. Slavid re-catchalogued his cards and walked down, placing a hand on Vicius' shoulder.
PS: if you want help making a proper burial for him ill be glad to

Life without a lusus... Slavid couldn't really think properly of it. He'd be glad to live without his damn bear, but Vicius' was like a brother in arms. So Slavid's support could only go so far, before he stepped away and looked around at the field of bodies. Whatever they wanted with Vicius' land was beyond him...

Slavid turned back to Vicius.
PS: do you want me to stay or should i get back to the tunnels

Goten is dead!


 Post subject: Re: [RP] Nestbound: A Homestuck RP (Subject to change)
PostPosted: March 26th, 2011, 1:29 pm 
The Mage of Doom
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Vicius appreciated Slavid's concern and offer and smirked a little.

GW: I'll clean up here, thanks though.
GW: Did Aguiar talk to you about that game yet?
GW: If so, it might be best to start getting things together for that.

This reminded Vicius, he hadn't gotten the game from Aguiar yet.
Vicius recalled the memory of finding his grubtop off of an invading troll, and the grubtop fell into Vicius' hands.

He opened it up and went to inquire Aguiar about the game.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- grimWarlord [GW] began trolling creativeCataclysm [CC] --
GW: Hey Aguiar, do you have any more information about that WAR game you told me about?
CC: Well_CR_and_I_have_begun_to_do_some_testing_in_advance
CC: I_started_up_the_client_program_and_she_the_server
GW: I see.
CC: So_far_it_seems_its_a_really_weird_game_she_can_actually_modify_my_house
GW: Come again?
GW: You mean virtually, right?
CC: Like_literally_she_just_pulled_my_toilet_out_of_its_spot_and_put_a_big_tube_thing_there
GW: How unusual.
CC: I_think_she_said_it_was_called_a_Cruxtruder
GW: Did you figure out what to do with it?
CC: Not_yet_I_cant_seem_to_open_the_lid
GW: Why not?
GW: Is it stuck or something?
CC: Yeah_it_seems_like_something_is_jamming_it_from_the_inside
GW: Strange...
CC: Think_Ill_need_something_heavy_to_bust_it_open
CC: She_also_deployed_a_thing_called_the_totem_lathe_right_in_front_of_my_closet
GW: Seems like an unusual place to deposit something.
CC: Apparently_my_room_was_too_messy_to_put_it_anywhere_else_can_you_believe_it?
GW: Strangely enough, I can.
CC: Moving_on
CC: Theres_also_some_platformy_thing_she_put_on_my_balcony_called_an_alchemiter
CC: Im_in_the_process_of_finding_out_what_it_all_does_though_I_think_it_all_starts_with_the_cruxtruder
GW: Well, you mentioned busting it open with something heavy,
GW: why not make use of your now uprooted toilet?
CC: Im_not_strong_enough_to_lift_that_thing
CC: Let_alone_throw_it_onto_the_lid
GW: Well, if CR was able to move it in the first place, maybe she can also "move" it over the Cruxtruder thing.
CC: Hmm_Ill_talk_to_her_about_it
CC: Well_anyway_I_guess_this_is_as_good_a_time_as_any_to_send_you_the_file_since_Ill_be_busy_for_a_while_figuring_all_this_out
GW: Alright.
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] sends the file: SGRUB.grb --
GW: Since we're all playing this game together, I assume that means we each need to have a server player for ourselves, as well as being a server player for someone else.
CC: Yeah_I_guess_that_would_make_sense
GW: Does Slavid have the game yet?
CC: No_not_yet_but_going_to_send_it_to_him_soon
GW: Ugh. Rather than wait around for that,
GW: I guess I'll be CR's server player.
CC: Hmm_you_could_do_that_but_I_thought_you_guys_hated_eachother?
GW: I can't stand her.
GW: We're all in this together, I suppose
CC: Oh_well_its_your_call_really
GW: and I'd rather get this underway without waiting too long.
CC: Alright_then_I_guess_you_should_ask_her
GW: I guess so.
GW: In the mean time, figure out what all this stuff is for.
CC: Already_on_it
-- creativeCataclysm [CC] ceased trolling grimWarlord [GW] --
GW: Wow, that is annoying.

Vicius went inside his hive and entered his room, sat down at his desk and started installing the client and server files. He faintly heard an electrical hum around his hive. Vicius shrugged it off, thinking he was just hearing stuff.
Once the game had finished installing, he saw a window open up for the client, and a window open up for the server:
SGRUB version 0.0.1a

SGRUB client is running.

>> Waiting for server to establish connection...

SGRUB version 0.0.1a

SGRUB server is running.

>> Waiting for client to connect...

Now Vicius had to deal with Laythe.
"Ugh, I can't stand her. That quirk... everything about her makes me hate her more."
Vicius sighed and opened up a trollian window with Laythe.

Show Pesterlog: 
-- grimWarlord [GW] began pestering conciliatoryReckoning [CR] --
GW: Since no one else seems to have the game ready, you're going to be my client player.
CR: Aguiar and I have barely begun, and we're already adding more player$?
GW: Yes, we are.
CR: .00.00.00
GW: Your quirk KILLs what little patience I have left.
GW: You know that, right?
CR: ¢areful what you $ay about my quirk.00 You don't want to make an anenomoney of me.00
GW: KILL me now.
CR: Thi$ game'$ monetary potential i$ huge $o I $uppo$e I ¢an deal with you for a little while.00
GW: I'm oh so eagerly awaiting for you to open the client.
CR: I'll in$tall the ¢lient, but don't expe¢t it to be running for a few minute$.00
CR: Aguiar and I are $till getting a handle on thing$, not to mention I would like to prepare before you have the opportunity to me$$ around with my hive.00
GW: I can wait...
GW: Besides I have a few questions.
CR: Like what?
GW: CC told me you put some stuff around his hive.
CR: Ye$?
GW: Wouldn't it have made more sense to place everything near eachother?
CR: There wa$ no $pa¢e.00 I had to expand what little room I had to be able to pla¢e everything.00
GW: Moreover, is there any indication of what these things do?
CR: Aguiar ju$t returned to hi$ ¢omputer after ¢he¢king them out.00 I'll inform you when I know.00
GW: Fair enough.
CR: ¢a$h you later.00
-- conciliatoryReckoning [CR] ceased pestering grimWarlord [GW] --
GW: I HATE that quirk.

"Fish puns AND that quirk..." Vicius groaned.
Vicius sighed and went to look out of his window down at his lusus while Laythe went off to do whatever she needed to do before running the client herself.

In the distance, Vicius saw some light moving across the sky.


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