-The area and it's creatures will not be task only. The main npc theme of the dungeon will be the *Ascended* With a minimum slayer level of 81 required.
-The creatures(4 types) will drop keys (a rare drop), among other things which are unknown.
-There will be 6 key types, corresponding to the 6 bosses. Each boss will drop one of the 6 components. required to create the new level 90 crossbows.
-Bosses will require 95 slayer.
-Bolts will be included, The components can be found within the monastery, presumably a monster drop. They require 90 fletching to create.
-Size wise, it seems the dungeon will be small then Polypore, but with more creature spawns, compared to the minimal amount of Ganodermic beasts there are.
-Keys and finished crossbow will be tradeable, the individual components however, are untradeable.
-One key will only allow for one boss kill. no multiple kills per instance! Meaning if you die, that's that. you'll need a new key.
-If you are on a social slayer task involving this dungeon, you will be able to enter the boss instance with your partner. You will only need one key between the two of you.
-There will be a section of dungeon that requires agility to enter.
-The bosses will be difficult, Mods seem sure the first few attempts will be doomed to failure- If you don't die, you would of earned the respect of the developers.
-New lore will be included in the dungeon, provided in the form of books.
Mod Jack
Jagex Mod
30-May-2013 14:42:03
I like the balanced presentation of your options, Lady Cookie!
Reposted from HLF:
The new dungeon has a few mechanics to address this issue.
Firstly, there are a lot more Ascended in the new dungeon than there are ganos in Polypore, and all Ascended have very similar drops because they're all the same level. Although the dungeon is smaller, there are a lot more desirable targets.
Secondly, the base monsters don't actually drop the new weapon. The base monsters drop tradeable keys (rarely) which are used to spawn a private instance with one of the bosses. The bosses drop the components of the weapon. The bosses are very difficult, at least initially.
All that said, we are aware of the risk of it being over farmed and we'll be keeping an eye on it. Obviously it'll be extremely busy for the first couple of days but if it persists after that we'll see whether anything needs to be changed.
I can confirm that there is no level 90 bow. There is a level 90 crossbow (and offhand). There is no new bow.