Ok, well.. for those who wondered.
I've been at Army BCT for the past 10 weeks. I just finished, and I'm actually waiting at the airport's USO borrowing their computer while I wait 5 hours for my flight from Ft.Jackson to chicago to Ft.Lee. Two flights totalling 4 hours of airtime to get to a base that's a 5-6 hour drive from where I am... military travel is awesome!
I will make it to my AIT at midnight tonight, where hopefully I'll be able to buy a laptop/phone damn soon. We'll see I suppose. BCT took me a little longer cause I failed my PT test.. IMO it was reprisal because my platoon stole 3 of 4 other company's flags over our long field training at the very end... So I had to wait another week to take another PT test, passed, I'm happy.
So I'm goin to Ft.Lee as a 91S "Stryker maintainer" we'll see how fun that is. I've got a little time to get my pushups to AIT standard, but my other scores are good
It's been a long 10 weeks that's for sure. Soda and candy sure taste a lot better when you've been through all that. My next update probably won't be til I get more computer access though. Glad to be done with all this though.
"The good warrior knows when to fight, and when to withdraw."
- Sun Tzu I'll smith anything up to 93 smithing if you have the material for me to make it withMy Story, Horrors of Myron County RV's Drawing archive topic, post yours or comment on others