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 Post subject: Re: RuneVillage Time Capsule 2011 Opened!
PostPosted: October 7th, 2012, 3:48 pm 
The Mutts Nuts
Champion of Saradomin
Champion of Saradomin

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So, right now it's the 1st of October and you're starting university in 2 days. How was your first year? Did you quit? I assume not as you're tight fisted when it comes to money and no one wants to throw a mass amount of money away. Did you make any friends at uni? Or are you just hanging around with Luke more?

Are you still BFFL's with Ste?

You're going out with Dawn...AGAIN...Have you moved on there?

Met up with any RVers yet? You said you were going to meet up with Jimmy this year.

Presumably you're still using the HTC Desire S, how is it?

Have you started being a bit more active and stopped driving everywhere?

Holy :bunny:, you'll be 21 now, you better have done something epic to celebrate.

So I managed to survive my first year of university, quite well despite my lack of effort. I wouldn't say I'm hanging out with Luke more, other than at uni, but we do talk about private stuff now.
The BFFL friendship with Ste drifted slightly once he got his girlfriend, he's still a best friend, but Jake is the new BFFL.
About a month after this capsule was written, me and Dawn broke up because I wanted a chance and I started dating a girl called Laura. But now I'm strung up over Dawn because I left it a week too long to tell her how I really felt.
Never met up with Jimmy because he's a jerk.
HTC Desire S was a good phone, plan on upgrading to the One X soon though.
I drive everywhere now, I'll occasionally go out on my bike if it's hot and I want to do some jumps though.

Goodbye past self.


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