This is my first guide, enjoy!
NOTE: this guide is for the dagannoths under the lighthouse
Background info:
some of you may say: whats the point of this guide? dagannoths are easy as pie
Well, this guide is to show you how to last hours at dagannoths without needing to bank
and how to mass kill them, and gain a profit too!
next question your may have is: use a cannon
cannons train range, not melee stats
cannonballs are expensive
with a cannon, you cause trouble for other people at dags
now the guide:
P.S. The gear for this guide is expensive
This is what i wear:
amulet--- can substitute a glory
legs and pl8 and other armor--- can substitute with rune
weapon--- depends on what you are training
ectophial-- can substitute with and 1-CLICK tele device
well, with this gear, just kill dagannoths normally.
The guthans is to heal up when you need to, then switch back to normal gear to prevent guthans from degrading too much.
The sharks are for emergency uses, like when you are taking damage and guthans isnt healing enough.
The ectophial/tele device is to tele out in emergencies, use this when u need to
The pots are for abit of boost at the start of your mass dagannoth killings
well, now you may ask: do dagannoths drop anything good to make them worth mass killing?
fortunately I have much experience in this, I have killed over 5k dagannoths, training mostly on them
from 72-88 def
And here's a small evaluation to the profit u can gain:
so far i have obtained from them:
123 irit seeds
80 avantoe seeds
150 toadflax seeds
15 lantadyme seeds
42 snapdragon seeds
37 cactus seeds
48 kwuarm seeds
15 candatine seeds
11 torstol seeds
9 dwarf weed seeds
And as u can see, if you total the worth of the seeds, it is over 1m coins, and after all this killing,
my guthans has not completely degraded yet, so you make quite a profit!
And finally, using this method, you can last over 4 hrs at dags without banking ( I have tried this myself)
and the average exp per hour is 40-60k for me.
As you can see, using this method, you can gain combat exp at a good rate, and
quite a sum of cash too!
Have fun doing dagannoth killing!