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 Post subject: [UPLOADED] Path of Glouphrie Quest Guide
PostPosted: September 3rd, 2007, 10:52 am 
Minor King
Minor King
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The Path of Glouphrie Quest guide

Level/Quest/ability requirements:
The Eyes of Glouphrie, Waterfall Quest, Level 45 Agility, Level 47 Ranged, Level 60 Strength, Level 56 Slayer, Level 56 Thieving, must be able to defeat three level 143 foes in a multi-way combat area.

Required items: Mithril Grapple attached to a Rope and Mithril bolt + a Mith or higher crossbow, Crystal Saw.

Recommended items: Food, Prayer potions, Super Set, Armor.

Quest starter: King Bolren in the Tree Gnome Village(not the Gnome Stronghold, it's the one South of Ardongue, you can get next to Bolren easily through a Spirit Tree).

After you talk to him, squeeze through the railing to your South, go down the first ladder you see and proceed to talk to Golrie who will send you to the store room through a crevice in the cave to his East.

Push the Monoliths around and search all the chests in the room a few times to get as many Discs as you can out of the first one and a Key and Book out of the second one which will allow you to open the Mahogany chest to get the Strongroom Key. The cave at the end of the room just leads out to where you went in so don't go out there unless you need to.

Go into the Strongroom and try to figure out the puzzle. You need to match the value of the shapes on the right to the shapes on the left to activate the device. The exchanger just to the right of the puzzle helps a lot in this process.

This chart is the key to figuring it out:

After you finish the puzzle, go back out to the Tree Gnome Village and talk to Bolren. He'll send you to Aluft Jnr who is in the restaurant in the Grand Tree. He'll tell you coordinates for where Longramble is. Teleport to Castle Wars and follow the map below.

Talk with Longramble then the tree, it's a long conversation but it is an insight. Don't go into the sewers to the West yet because there's no need to yet and you can't harm the monsters inside.

Take your Crystal Saw to the Crytal Bowl in the Storeroom and revert it into a seed, then sing to the bowl which will turn it into a Crystal Chime. Return to Longramble. After you cleanse the tree use it teleport to the Gnome Stronghold and prepare for battle.

-Remember to bring your Crystal Chime!- I recommend you bring your best Dragonhide and Elemental Shield plus of course a Super Set, 4 or more Prayer Potions and Food.

Make your way through the sewers with Protect from Range on until you reach a door with 3 level 143 Warped Terrorbirds on the other side of it.

Like the Dream Mentor fight you CANNOT use ANY type of teleport while in this fight, you have to use the door you came in to run out. Use(not ring) your chime on the bird you are attacking or you won't be able to hurt it. You'll need to use it again when the bird reverts to it's normal color. From what I saw the Terrorbirds don't use a different type of attack each but rather a combination of the 3. Keep your Protect from Range on for the whole fight and take one at a time, you can maneuver it so only 2 of the birds are hitting you at once. After you kill all 3 look through the hatch and watch the cutscene then talk to Hazelmere and...

Congratulations! Quest complete!

You now have 2 choices of what to do with your Crystal Chimes:
#1: Keep them as Crystal Chimes and do slayer tasks since you need them to do any damage to Warped Terrorbirds/Tortoises.
#2: Go to the cave shown on the map below and proceed to revert your Chimes to a Seed then sing to the bowl to grow it back into a Crystal Saw.
Of course you can just return to the item's corresponding Crystal Bowl to change your seed into it and you can switch it any time you want.

The Warped Terrorbirds/Tortoises haven't had any good drops reported as of yet and are probably just slayer monsters and nothing more.

Thanks to Stimpy for some help as I was progressing through the quest.


Last edited by Freeasacar on September 3rd, 2007, 11:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Eyes of Glouphrie Quest Guide
PostPosted: September 3rd, 2007, 12:51 pm 
Village Staff
Village Staff

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Its the path not the eyes but other than that all looks good

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 Post subject: Re: Path of Glouphrie Quest Guide
PostPosted: September 3rd, 2007, 10:55 pm 
Minor King
Minor King
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Yep, writing a Quest guide at 3 in the morning will do that to you.

Name corrected and several other changes made. I don't see anything out of order now.


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