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 Post subject: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 24th, 2007, 11:27 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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Edited version (woke up early, lost membership so had nothing to do)
Correct me if i'm wrong on the credits.

King's Ransom

Diffuculty - Medium
Length - Medium

Minimum Requirements:
-45 Magic
-65 Defense

Black Knight's Fortress
Merlin's Crystal
Holy Grail
Murder Mystery
One Small Favour

Needed items: Any sized piece of mined granite, a lockpick, a Bronze med helm, an Iron chainbody, and a full set of Black armour (no shield required).

Recommended items: Runes to teleport to Falador, Ardougne and Camelot and charged Camulet + Pickaxe if you still need to mine a piece of Granite. Around 10K GP for a full set of Black armour and some water if you plan on going trough the desert to mine some Granite.
The only opponents that you might need to fight are Black Knights (33), Renegade Knights (37) and Sir Morded (39) so unless you can take these food is recommended.

Get a Black full helm from the Champions guild South-west of Varrock, Black platelegs may be found there aswell, you can also check Louies' Armoured Leg Store for a set of Black platelegs or Ranael's Armoured Skirt Store for a Black plateskirt, both shops are located in Al Kharid.
A Black platebody may be found at Horvik's Armour Store in Varrock or Zanesha's Plate Mail Store located in East Ardougne.
A Bronze med helm can be bought at Peska's Helmet Store in Barbarian Village and an Iron chainbody can be bought at Horvik's Armour Store in Varrock or at Waynes Chains in Falador.
To get a piece of mined Granite you will need to visit the Quarry South of Bandit Camp in the Kharidian Desert, if you have a charged Camulet use it and exit Enakhra's Temple you will now be a few feet away from the Quarry, if you don't have a charged Camulet take the Carpet Ride at the Shantay Pass to Bedabin Camp.
Now that you have all the items you are ready to take on the quest.

Start Point: Speak to the Gossip near the Sinclair Mansion.

1. Head up to the Sinclair Mansion and talk to the Gossip to start the quest.

2. Accept the quest and go talk to the Guard right near the Gossip. He'll tell you that he can't let you in the house but that there might be a way to get in...

3. Go to the East side of the house and you will see a window. break it to gain access.
-To exit the house click the 'break' window option.

4. Go North into the kitchen and pick the piece of scrap paper and read it.

5. Go upstairs and pick up the address form off the table and read it.

6. In the same room, search the second bookcase down from the South-western side to receive a Black full helm. (Wich is to small for your head so you won't be able to equip it)

7. Bring the evidence to the Gaurd, who will then tell you to talk to the Gossip to learn more about the family history.

8. Talk to the Gossip about the family, the mansion, and Anna's history.
He will tell you that Anna is beeing held in the Court house in Seer's Village

9. Go Back to Seer's Village and enter the Court house where Anna is beeing held. Talk to Anna and she will tell you about a secret entrance into Camelot Castle, she will also give you some thread.

10. Go down the stairs to enter the Court room.
You will get a short intro on how everything works, you can skip all that.

11. You must convince the Jury that Anna is not guilty, you will get as many tries as you want.
To do this you must talk to a couple of servents, each time you say something convincing you will get a response from the Jury.
Ask the Maid about the fateful night.
Ask the Dogkeeper about the poison.
Ask the Butler about the dagger.
Ask any witness about the thread.
Do this in any order, than talk to the Judge.

12. When a not guilty verdict is achieved you must leave the room by clicking on the small doors inside the Court room.
Back in the Court house talk to Anna, she will now reveal the secret she was talking about earlier about a statue on the East side of Camelot Castle.

13. Go along the East side of the castle until you find a statue outside with a 'search' option. search it. a cutscene will start.

14. After the cutscene, you will appear in a prison cell with Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table. Merlin will tell you they took Arthur to the Blacks Knights Fortress and turned him into a Granite statue. then talk to him about retrieving the items and getting out.
You'll find out that a Wizard named Cromptry living in East Ardougne might have a way to free Arthur.

15. Click 'reach vent' right by Sir Lancelot, resting against the wall. Merlin will escape, and now you need to free the Knights.

16. Talk to all of the Knights and ask them if they have any usefull items left in their pockets, you will get some runes, a bottle of vodka, a shark and some other items...
Use the runes to telegrab the Guard outside of the cell to get a hairpin. Now try to lockpick the celldoor.
An easy puzzle must be solved, it may take a couple of tries but it's not frustrating. Each time you fail the lock combination will change, so it's totally random.

17. To pick the lock you must first select the numbers and get a right combination for each number, do this by picking a number and a tumbler height, you only get to make around 10 combinations per try.
Red means none of the numbers use the current tumbler height.
Blue means one or more numbers use the current tumbler height but it's not the one you selected.
Green means the selected number uses the current tumbler height.

18. Once out of the cell you will be in Keep Le Faye, the Knights of the Round Table will be fighting Renegade Knights (37).
Take the stairs up to the top Floor, if you are low combat level you might need to kill Sir Mordred (39), if you talk to him he will attack you no matter what your combat level is.
The Holy Grail is hidden inside a certain box sitting in between other boxes on the table., click the boxes and take the purple box (second from the right)

19. Once you obtain the Holy Grail teleport or walk to Ardougne and pay Wizard Cromptry in East Ardornge a visit. talk to him about freeing Arthur. He will say you need any sized piece of Granite, the Holy Grail, and the Scroll he'll give you. you'll also need a Bronze med helm and an Iron chain to disguise yourself as a Guard of the Black Knights Fortress and a full set of Black armour to disguise yourself as a Black Knight.
If you haven't bought a Black platebody becuase it wasn't in stock now it's the time, check Zanesha's Plate Mail Store wich is just South-west of Wizard Cromptry.

20. Head to the Black Knights Fortress, equip your Guard disguise and enter the Fortress. Now put on your Black Knight disguise and push the wall right next to the door you entered (if you don't have your disguise equipped a Black Knight will attack you) and go down the down ladder. Walk to the end of the cellar and free King Arthur by clicking on the Scroll Wizard Cromptry gave you or simply click on King Arthur's statue.
Once Arthur is back in his normal form give him your Guard outfit and meet him at Camelot Castle.

21. Teleport back to Camelot, and go inside the castle. talk to King Arthur wich is walking near the Round Table to finish your quest.

Congratulations! Quest Complete!
5k Mage xp, 33k Def xp, antique lamp (gives 5k xp to any skill), and access to Knight Training grounds.
The Antique Lamp can only be used on skills with a minimum level of 50.

-The Knights Training Grounds
Items needed:
A good way to defend yourself and a good way to do some serious damage! Prayer, Magic and Ranged is disabled!
Bring food and Stat Restore potions!
Do not underestimate the Knights, they are well trained!
If you die in the Training Grounds you will not loose any items, your stats will be restored to full.

Head up to the top floor of Camelot Castle and enter the small building.
You will need to fight each Knight of the Round Table 8 in total, each Knight has a combat level of more than 100, they do some serious damage so be well prepared, each time they deal damage about 30% of the damage will be taken of a random combat stats (Attack, Defence, Strength).
Each Knight wears Plate armour, so if you don't have an Abyssal Whip an item that can Crush is suggested.
Once you beat Lancelot (if you tie you will not get credit for killing him and so you must restart) you will automatically exit the room and be rewarded with 20k Exp. In Strength, Attack, Defence and Hitpoints!
You will also get acces to the new Prayers and the option of spawning in Camelot, speak to Merlin to activate your spawn.


Quest help:
Geneau503, Boa1891, Hellcrane

Picture help:
Killa Kiaba, Scoupe123, beud4500

Editted by:

All I can manage to push from my lips is a stream of absurdities
Every word I intended to speak winds up locked in a circuitry...


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 3:20 am 
I post here sometimes
Champion of Saradomin
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leave the editing for he guide editors (me and the others :P )

eh, oh well.... we will probably use this one anyway, thanks. :wink:

There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 5:47 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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The123king wrote:
leave the editing for he guide editors (me and the others :P )


But i was removed becuase i took a 4ish month break from RV

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Every word I intended to speak winds up locked in a circuitry...


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 25th, 2007, 6:38 pm 
A5chow, yo.
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Thanks for combining the guides, Svs. Still requires editing because I can spot just a few errors. But no problem, we'll take care of that.


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 2:52 am 
Champion of Saradomin
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A5chow wrote:
Thanks for combining the guides, Svs. Still requires editing because I can spot just a few errors. But no problem, we'll take care of that.

Combining? I just took the guide that was in general discussion, i edited it with some stuff i came across, i also took the pictures of the people that posted them, and i also edited some typos, but i probably left some myself :p

All I can manage to push from my lips is a stream of absurdities
Every word I intended to speak winds up locked in a circuitry...


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 3:15 am 
Tweaking all the time
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One remark on the guide: I'd prefer to have a map pinpoint where each person is instead of having pictures of each time you have to talk to somebody. This quest doesn't occupy such a big area so I don't think there'll be any problems making such a map :)

Another bit of advice: Black Platemails are found in Zanesha's Plate Mail Store (East Ardougne) and Horvic's Armour Store (Varrock), Black Full Helms in the Champion's Guild and Black Platelegs at Louie's Armoured Legs Store (Al Kharid).

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

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 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 3:31 am 
Champion of Saradomin
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Glodenox wrote:

Another bit of advice: Black Platemails are found in Zanesha's Plate Mail Store (East Ardougne) and Horvic's Armour Store (Varrock), Black Full Helms in the Champion's Guild and Black Platelegs at Louie's Armoured Legs Store (Al Kharid).

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Allready included in the guide ....

All I can manage to push from my lips is a stream of absurdities
Every word I intended to speak winds up locked in a circuitry...


 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 26th, 2007, 3:47 am 
Tweaking all the time
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svstoned wrote:
Glodenox wrote:

Another bit of advice: Black Platemails are found in Zanesha's Plate Mail Store (East Ardougne) and Horvic's Armour Store (Varrock), Black Full Helms in the Champion's Guild and Black Platelegs at Louie's Armoured Legs Store (Al Kharid).

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Allready included in the guide ....

Darn... Now I see it :?

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

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 Post subject: Re: King's Ransom edited quest guide
PostPosted: July 28th, 2007, 10:07 pm 
A5chow, yo.
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Locked for editing. If you have any corrections or updates you'd like to make, please don't hesitate to PM me :) Thanks for your contribution!

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