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 Post subject: Re: Guide to Battlestaving
PostPosted: February 16th, 2008, 7:49 am 
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ZinyX wrote:
The amount of battlestaves you can get per day depends on what kind of Varrock armour you have. If you don't have one, you can only buy 8 per day, if you have Varrock armour 3 you can get 64 per day. You have to be wearing your Varrock armour though.

A very useful tip, thanks ZinyX

I just wish I knew this earlier! #-o

dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


 Post subject: Re: Guide to Battlestaving
PostPosted: February 16th, 2008, 9:16 am 
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Went to Lunar Isle, and indeed: you can buy 20 Battlestaves from the Player Stock there. It restocks just as shops used to do before the introduction of the GE.

I wasn't able to buy any Battlestaves in the Magic Guild any more. Either I went to a wrong shop there or it is no longer being sold over there.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

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 Post subject: Re: Guide to Battlestaving
PostPosted: February 16th, 2008, 3:44 pm 
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Glodenox wrote:
Went to Lunar Isle, and indeed: you can buy 20 Battlestaves from the Player Stock there. It restocks just as shops used to do before the introduction of the GE.

I wasn't able to buy any Battlestaves in the Magic Guild any more. Either I went to a wrong shop there or it is no longer being sold over there.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

There are no longer battlestaffs at the mage guild, which is a pity. And at the Lunar Isle shop, well, what ZinyX said, they are more expensive there. They start out at about 8k each, and go up to 10. Basically, if you are battlestaving to alch for profit, you won't make it that way.

Something has crashed on my pc. I blame /usr/bin/laden

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