IntroductionOn September 19th, 2006 Jagex released Bank PINs, (Personal Identification Number). An update to improve the safety of users and their items. Once a Bank PIN is set, every time you log in and wish to access your bank account, your PIN will have to be entered.
Once you've correctly entered your Bank PIN to access your bank account during a session in the game, you won't have to enter it again unless you log out or lose connection.
Like your password, your Bank PIN should be safely kept secret, tell no one! If you are to be hacked, your Bank PIN is your last line of defence against hackers wishing to steal your items.
Bank PINs are available both to P2P and F2P players.
I Want One!Setting a Bank PIN is very simple. Bank PINs can be set at any bank across RuneScape, simply right click on the banker and select, 'Use Bank Booth'.
You'll now be talking to the banker, at this point, you'll want to select, 'I'd like to check my PIN settings.'
Upon clicking, a new interface will appear on your screen with many options to click. To set your Bank PIN, please select, 'Set a PIN'.
A disclaimer will appear asking you if you're positive you wish to set a PIN. Before clicking yes, I recommend finding a pad of paper and a pencil to write down your future PIN so you do not forget it.
Once again, another new interface will appear, in which you'll type for the first time your new PIN. I recommend having something memorable, but not easy to guess. Such as the birth date of your cat, or your favorite artist. Things like your own birth date are very easy to guess, and would probably be the very first thing your hacker will guess. Stay away from your real life Bank PIN as well if you have one.
After inputting your Bank PIN once, it will then ask you to input it once more, making sure you inputted the correct one, and you didn't hit the wrong number by accident.
Now, every thing's perfect! You simply have to wait one week for your Bank PIN to take effect. Good job, in one week your account will be significantly more secure!
FAQQ: Do I need to have a Bank PIN?
A: No! You are not forced to have a Bank PIN. It's simply highly recommend for your account safety.
Q: Why do the numbers change when I click them?
A: This is to prevent a keylogger from reading your Bank PIN. Jagex made the Bank PIN system very secure against virus or keylogger programs, but it's still not perfect. Make certain you never tell anyone your Bank PIN!
Q: I'm at a bank chest and I have no option to set a Bank PIN. Jagex banned me from Bank PINs, right?
A: No. Firstly, Jagex doesn't ban anyone from Bank PINs, it's the simple fact that you can't communicate with a chest efficiently enough for it to set a Bank PIN for you. You'll need to find a living, breathing banker in any bank across RuneScape to set your Bank PIN.
Q: What are some examples of a bad PIN to use?
A: Your birth date is the first one a hacker would guess, I'd also stay away from PINs such as 2222, 3333 etc. as well as commonly used numbers, such as 1337. Make sure it's memorable, but only memorable to you.
Q: I don't want my Bank PIN any longer/I've forgotten my PIN. How do I remove it?
A: Simply find a banker and like we did it before, select, 'I'd like to check my PIN settings.' and request for your Bank PIN to be removed. Please note, this takes 3-7 days depending on how long you set the delay for. The reason for this is your safety, it would mutilate the point of Bank PINs if a hacker was simply allowed to remove the Bank PIN!
Q: Will I have to enter my Bank PIN every time I enter a bank?
A: Fortunately not. You simply will have to enter it once every time you log in.
Q: A Jagex Moderator asked me for my PIN, he said I'd become a Pmod if I gave him it? Should I do it?
A: No! Click Report Abuse immediately and report the player for Password Scamming. Under no circumstance will Jagex request your account details.
Happy account security!