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PostPosted: June 6th, 2007, 9:10 am 
RV's Swimming
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ZinyX wrote:
One last thing; They are called rings of "dueling" not "duelling".

I did fix that error on my ms word version, must have copied it across badly, thanks for the input :)

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PostPosted: June 6th, 2007, 12:01 pm 
I post here sometimes
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here they are...

new jewellery pics: (should be self explanitary) REMEMBER all jewelery pics are the same enchanted or not



Image nature amulet







onyx (only bracelet)


There is a village, which is hidden in the shadow of a mountain.
Everybody is suffering from a lack of light.
One day, the eldest of this village leaves for the mountain with a teaspoon in his hands.
The others ask him what he intends to do.
He replies that he is going to move the mountain.
"But you will never succeed!" they cry out.
"No, i will never succeed, but somebody has to start."

~~~The Wising Up Song - Misty's Big Adventure

Kikori wrote:
Runevillage the forum is pretty well much done. Runevillage the group will eventually die, but as long as we're still friends with each other in the end, it's still a pretty big thought in our heads. Runevillage the family is forever, no matter where we settle down. If absolutely nothing else ever comes of Runevillage in the future, that alone is a pretty damn awesome thought.


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PostPosted: June 6th, 2007, 1:15 pm 
RV's Swimming
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Thank you king :D

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PostPosted: June 7th, 2007, 1:12 pm 
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Need anything else?

I can look for salve amulets if you want, or maybe quest jewellry.

Here's a layout suggestion, maybe have the headings in bold font. I mean the headings with the colons.


dr henry wrote:
I'm not against the idea, I just think that it is stupid and we don't need it.


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PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 12:08 pm 
RV's Swimming
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Gah I'm almost done with my exams so I'll get this finished by saturday.

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 12:51 pm 
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Gah, Exam Week for you too? Image


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 1:34 pm 
RV's Swimming
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Exam month D:

Last exam june 20th (tomorrow) so I'll probs finish it then :D

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 Post subject: Re: Runescape Enchanted Jewellery Guide[50% Done]
PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 4:29 pm 
Burning my Dread.
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Before anything... If the tiara pictures aren't in the database...
Just take the tiara pictures from that. I can help cover the non-members' tiaras. :P The tiaras are in order as they appear in the list below, going from left to right


Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Air Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Air Talisman needed to make it an Air Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Air Altar without having to hold an Air Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Mind Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Mind Talisman needed to make it a Mind Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Mind Altar without having to hold an Mind Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Water Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Water Talisman needed to make it a Water Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Water Altar without having to hold an Water Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Earth Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Earth Talisman needed to make it an Earth Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Earth Altar without having to hold an Earth Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Fire Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Fire Talisman needed to make it a Fire Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Air Altar without having to hold an Air Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Body Tiara
Levels to enchant/make: 23 Crafting to make the tiara, Body Talisman needed to make it a Body Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Body Altar without having to hold an Body Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Goten is dead!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 24th, 2007, 3:46 pm 
RV's Swimming
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Woah, you saved me a fair bit of work there, thanks :P

As the images aren't transparent I think it'll be easier to take them directly from the what is? database. Either way thanks for the help :D

EDIT: Finished the tiaras now, the to do list is as follows;
[s] - Gem rings
- Gem amulets
- Gem necklaces
- Gem Bracelets
- Tiara's
- Fremmenik rings
- Holy/Unholy symbols
- Ring of Charos and (u)
- Salve Amulet
- Amulet of Catspeak
- Camulet
- Ring of Visibility[/s]

That's all I think, If people could gather any info they have on those it would be very helpful, thanks :P

EDIT2: Guide is now COMPLETE :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 24th, 2007, 7:49 pm 
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Now that the guide is complete I will proofread it and
correct any mistakes made in the guide??

Runescape Enchanted Jewellery Guide

Written by: Aragorn Ix
Special Thanks to: The123King, Halley92, Zinyx, Kikori Kid

This guide will tell you everything there is to know about Enchanted Runescape jewellery. There are many different types of jewellery available to wear, which when enchanted will give certain effects and advantages during the game. There are four different types of jewellery; rings, amulets, bracelets and necklaces.

Below this text I will list all the types of jewellery available, the levels needed to enchant, the required runes and the crafting level required to make the piece of jewellery in the first place. I will also list each items use when charged, and whether or not it has charges/ can be recharged.


Name: Sapphire ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Recoil
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 7 magic & level 20 crafting
Use: When worn this ring will deal 1 damage to your enemy for every time they hit you, regardless of the amount of damage they do. The ring will disintegrate when 40 points of damage have been dealt using it.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Emerald Ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Dueling
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 27 magic & level 27 crafting
Use: When worn this ring will enable you to teleport to 2 different places, al-kharid duel arena and castle wars. It has 8 uses before disintegrating.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Ruby ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Forging
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 49 magic & level 34 crafting
Use: When worn this ring enables you to smelt iron ore 100% efficiently. It has 140 uses before disintegrating
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Diamond ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Life
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 57 magic & level 43 crafting
Use: When worn this ring will save you from imminent death by teleporting you to either lumbridge (default) or falador (upon completion of Recruitment Drive) when you fall below 10% of your current health. The ring will disintegrate upon teleportation. However if you are hit for more than 10% this will not save you, so this does not give guaranteed survival.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Dragonstone ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Wealth
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 68 magic & level 55 crafting
Use: When worn this ring gives a slight increase in the chance of getting rare drops from NPC’s
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Onyx ring
Enchanted Name: Ring of Stone
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 87 magic & level 67 crafting
Use: When worn, this ring will instantly turn you into a rock, just like a rock without ore in it. Anything apart from talking will cause the user to return to normal.
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges


Name: Sapphire necklace
Enchanted Name: Games necklace
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 7 magic & level 22 crafting
Use: When worn the user can teleport to the Barbarian Assault mini-game and the Burthorpe Games Rooms, has 8 uses before it disintegrates.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Emerald necklace
Enchanted Name: Necklace of Binding
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 27 magic & level 29 crafting
Use: When worn the user will have 100% success when crafting combination runes. It has 15 uses before disintegrating.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Ruby necklace
Enchanted Name: Digsite Pendant
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 49 magic & level 40 crafting
Use: Teleports the user to the digsite, has 5 charges until it disintegrates
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Diamond necklace
Enchanted Name: Phoenix necklace
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 59 magic & level 56 crafting
Use: Automatically restores Hit-points equivalent to 30% of the max stat if wearer drops below 20%. Has priority over Ring of Life, disintegrates after 1 use.
Chargeable? - It is not re-chargeable

Name: Dragonstone necklace
Enchanted Name: Necklace of Skills
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 57 magic & level 72 crafting
Use: When worn enables the wearer to teleport to 4 guilds: fishing, mining, crafting and cooking guilds. Item has 4 uses, before needing to be recharged.
Chargeable? - It is rechargeable: At the totem inside the Legends Guild

Name: Onyx necklace
Enchanted Name: Berserker necklace
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 87 magic & level 82 crafting
Use: Strength raised by 7, Stab Attack, Slash Attack and Crush Attack reduced by 10. Stab Defense, Slash Defense, Crush Defense, Magic Defense and Ranged Defense reduced by 20. Increases the amount of damage wearer does when wielding an obsidian melee weapon by 20%
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges


Name: Sapphire Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Magic
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 7 magic & level 24 crafting
Use: Increases magic attack bonus by 10 when worn
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Emerald Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of nature
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 27 magic & level 31 crafting
Use: Made with magic string (from growing a magic tree) rather than a ball of wool, can be used to check the status on crops in your farming patch
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Emerald Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Defense
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: Level 27 magic & level 31 crafting
Use: All Defense bonuses are increased by 7 when the amulet is worn
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Ruby Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Strength
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: Level 49 magic & level 50 crafting
Use: Increases strength bonus by 10 when worn
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Diamond Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Power
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 57 magic & 70 crafting
Use: Attack, Defense and Strength are increased by 6 when the amulet is worn
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Dragonstone Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Glory
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: Level 68 magic & 80 crafting
Use: Attack bonuses raised by 10, Defense bonuses raised by 3, Strength bonus raised by 6, Prayer bonus raised by 3. Gives the wearer 4 teleport charges (to Edgeville, Karamja, Draynor Village or Al Kharid) and an increased chance of getting gems while mining
Chargeable? - Re-charge at fountain of heroes in Heroes’ guild basement.

Name: Onyx Amulet
Enchanted Name: Amulet of Fury
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: Level 87 magic & 90 crafting
Use: Attack bonuses raised by 10, Defense bonuses raised by 15, Strength bonus raised by 8, Prayer bonus raised by 5 when worn
Chargeable? – No, infinite charges


Name: Sapphire Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Bracelet of Clay
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 27 magic & level 24 crafting
Use: Wearer will mine soft clay rather than hard clay while wearing bracelet, after 28 soft clay have been mined the bracelet will disintegrate.
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges

Name: Emerald Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Castlewars Bracelet
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 49 magic & level 30 crafting
Use: Wielder will do extra 20% of damage against a bearer of their side's flag. Castlewars bandage heals 50% more to wielders of the bracelet. It has 3 charges. Bracelet loses one charge each time wearer starts a game of Castle Wars. Bonuses apply even if castlewars bracelet has used its last charge and has disintegrated.
Chargeable? - No

Name: Ruby Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Bracelet of Inoculation
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 57 magic & level 42 crafting
Use: Protects the wearer from an amount of disease damage, disintegrates when protection is used up
Chargeable? – No

Name: Diamond Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Abyssal Bracelet
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level magic & level 58 crafting
Use: Prevents wearer from being skulled when entering the Abyss. Player still suffers from Prayer drain. It has 5 uses before disintegrating.
Chargeable? - No

Name: Dragonstone Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Bracelet of Combat
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 68 magic & level 74 crafting
Use: Allows wearer to teleport to Warriors', Champions' and Ranging Guild as well as the Monastery. Updates wearer with their Slayer totals every tenth target they need to kill, has 4 charges for teleports.
Chargeable? - Yes, at the totem in the legends guild.

Name: Onyx Bracelet
Enchanted Name: Bracelet of Regeneration
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: level 87 magic & level 84 crafting
Use: Doubles the natural Hitpoint recovery
Chargeable? - No, infinite charges


Tiaras are made by taking a blank tiara (made by using a silver bar with a furnace, whilst having a tiara mould in your inventory). The blank tiara is infused with the properties of a selected rune by visiting the rune’s altar and using it with the altar whilst having the talisman of the same rune in your inventory. Below I will list all of the tiaras available at present; this doesn’t include blood or soul runes, or any of the combination runes.

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Air Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Air Talisman needed to make it an Air Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Air Altar without having to hold an Air Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Mind Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Mind Talisman needed to make it a Mind Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Mind Altar without having to hold a Mind Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Water Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Water Talisman needed to make it a Water Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Water Altar without having to hold a Water Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Earth Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Earth Talisman needed to make it an Earth Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Earth Altar without having to hold an Earth Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Fire Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Fire Talisman needed to make it a Fire Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Air Altar without having to hold an Air Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Body Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Body Talisman needed to make it a Body Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Body Altar without having to hold a Body Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Cosmic Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Cosmic Talisman needed to make it a Cosmic Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Cosmic Altar without having to hold a Cosmic Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Chaos Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Chaos Talisman needed to make it a Chaos Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Chaos Altar without having to hold a Chaos Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Nature Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Nature Talisman needed to make it a Nature Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Nature Altar without having to hold a Nature Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Law Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Law Talisman needed to make it a Law Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Law Altar without having to hold a Law Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Name: Tiara
Enchanted Name: Death Tiara
Image: Image
Levels to enchant/make: 23 crafting to make the tiara, Death Talisman needed to make it a Death Tiara.
Use: When worn, offers access to the Death Altar without having to hold a Death Talisman.
Chargeable? - It has infinite charges

Holy/Unholy Symbols

Name: Holy symbol of Saradomin
Image: Image
How to Bless: Take an unblessed holy symbol to Brother Jered at the Monastery (31 prayer is required) or Bless using a completed book of balance (Guthix) or a complete holy book (Saradomin)(50 prayer is required)
Crafting Level Required: Level 16
Use: Increases all defense stats by 2, as well as prayer by 8
Rechargeable? No, Infinite charges

Name: Unholy symbol of Zamorak
Image: Image
How to Bless: Take an unpowered unholy symbol to the Spirit of Scorpius (Observatory quest is required) or Bless using a completed book of balance (Guthix) or a complete unholy book (Zamorak) (50 prayer is required)
Crafting Level Required: Level 17
Use: Increases all attack stats by 2, as well as prayer by 8
Rechargeable? No, Infinite charges

Fremmenik Rings

Name: Seers Ring
Where Found: Dropped by Dagganoth Prime at Waterbirth Island
Use: Gives +4 to magic attack and magic defense when worn
Rechargeable? No, has infinite charges

Name: Warrior Ring
Image: Image
Where Found: Dropped by Dagganoth Rex at Waterbirth Island
Use: Gives +4 to slash attack and slash defence when worn
Rechargeable? No, has infinite charges

Name: Archers Ring
Image: Image
Where Found: Dropped by Dagganoth Supreme at Waterbirth Island
Use: Gives +4 to ranged attack and ranged defense when worn
Rechargeable? No, has infinite charges

Name: Berserker Ring
Where Found: Dropped by Dagganoth Rex at Waterbirth Island
Use: Gives +4 to crush defense and +4 to strength when worn
Rechargeable? No, has infinite charges

Quest Jewellery

Name: Salve Amulet
Image: Image
Where Found: Obtained as a reward for completing The Haunted Mine
Use: Increases the wearer's strength and accuracy by 15% when fighting the undead.

Name: Amulet of Catspeak
Image: Image
Where Found: Given to you by the High Priest as a reward for completing Icthlarin’s Little Helper
Use: Enables you to talk to your cat

Name: Camulet
Image: Image
Where Found: Reward for completing Enakhra's Lament.
Use: Allows you to speak to camels, has 4 teleport charges to Enakhra's temple. It can be recharged by using camel dung on it.

Name: Ring of Charos
Image: Image
Where Found: Reward for completing the Creature of Fenkenstrain.
Use: No use until it is activated

Name: Ring of Charos (a)
Image: Image
Where Found: Activated by completing the quiz you are given by the Wise Old Man during the Garden of Tranquillity.
Use: Enables cheaper transport costs across Runescape, travelling to Brimhaven or Karamja costs nothing and a ride on Ali's carpets costs 75gp, Dwarven mining carts are half the price, the Dwarven Boatsman near Keldagrim charges less, the Blast Furnace is half price to use.

Name: Ring of Visibility
Image: Image
Where Found: Acquired from Rasolo, near the entrance to the Shadow Dungeon, in a fenced area west of the fishing guild during Desert Treasure.
Use: Allows you to see the area where the shadow diamond is obtained in Desert Treasure

Other Jewellery

Name: Easter Ring
Image: Image
Where Found: Once you had completed the 2006 Easter event the Easter Bunny would give you the ring.
Use: When worn you will be turned into an egg for a certain amount of time.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 25th, 2007, 11:49 am 
A5chow, yo.
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Sent to Editors' by The123king. Thanks to all of those who've contributed! This will go into the Magic guide. A link will be provided in the crafting guide.

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