I don't write much but here's a story I made a while back...Like 2 years ago XD?
Breaking Point It began as an ordinary day for this family. The kids went to school and the parents went to work like they would any other regular day. Throughout the day everything was going on as usual. At the end of the day while everyone was home the kids were bickering at each other driving their parents crazy when the mom yells at the sister (the older sibling) to stop being childish and to leave her brother alone. Every time the sister tried to ignore her little brother he couldn’t resist but to make an annoying comment or do something just to bug his sister, and when she told him to leave her alone he just kept on and on just because he could see that it was making her frustrated and he knew that she would eventually be the one to get into trouble as always. While they were arguing once again the parents gave up and sent them to their rooms and they went to the living room and started to watch a movie. And like he always does as soon as they left the little brother crept out of his room and went to his sister’s room to bug her once again.
While he was on his way however there was this unlucky person walking down that exact street that they lived on. He was having a hard time with his family these past couple of days and anything and everything he did was always wrong, so he did what he was told without comment and as soon as he was done he left the house to release his anger before he said or did something that he would truly regret. Unfortunately for him this was not his just lucky day to be out for a stroll like he does regularly to have some peace from his parents and sister. When he passed in front of this certain tree this black blur attacked him suddenly from out of nowhere he thought.
There was this man who was beginning to lose his patience with this one family in particular. The man had been watching the street for a couple of days to see if by chance anyone would be walking down the street regularly. Soon he found out that this one boy always walked down this street, and he could tell from his clenched fists that this boy had built up anger and was trying to get rid of it by walking. He had been waiting for him after figuring out the regularity in his actions, so one night he thought his plan through and it involved this teenager and that certain family down the block. He decided it would be more clever to use this kid in his plans than to actually do them himself. This man knew the family and he just couldn’t stand them anymore. They were just so annoying. If they weren’t talking just to hear themselves talk they were explaining to the other people to realize how much stuff they had and how much money they spent on their kids.
The parents had finished the movie and were on their way to tell the children that it was time to go to sleep since it was late and because they said so. Both knowing the consequences about being caught awake after this moment they mumbled their okays and they went to their rooms, but instead of going to sleep like they were told the girl started texting her friends on her phone, which she was doing before her parents rudely interrupted her she thought, and her brother was playing with his new PSP. After a while her friends started to fall asleep while she was talking to them so she decided that it was late enough for her and she admitted she was tired and she too went to sleep. Her brother on the other hand had long been asleep since he couldn’t watch his television in fear of waking his parents, and he was bored so he fell asleep.
The teenager was terrified out of his mind while the mysterious stranger blindfolded him and forced him to walk into the unknown. His mind was racing while he waited to find out what this man was going to do to him, and he was trying to figure out who in his past that he had made angry enough to kidnap him or worse. His mind came up blank while he was trying to figure out who the man could be. The odd thing he thought that the man didn’t grip him like he was angry, but rather as if he was helping him across the street or escorting him. It was gentle but firm enough so he couldn’t escape.
The man had no intent to hurt the boy. He was just going to make him do something. When they had finally arrived at the man’s house he undid the blind fold and released the youth and told him to sit down and began to talk to him about his plans, and what would happen to the boy’s family if he failed or denied him.
When they arrived to wherever the man took him the boy was free to look around, but as soon as he was trying to look outside to find out where they were the man got to the point about his plans. This man spoke with the force of someone who was accustomed to authority, the boy thought. The teenager soon started to realize what this man wanted him to do. At once the boy refused but the man pulled a gun from out of his jacket and in a quieter voice he said that it was either the family he was extremely annoyed by or his own family. Also the man said that the boy was going to have to watch his own family murdered because he defied this man’s wishes. He might have had his difficulties with his family, but he still loved them too much to see them killed. He regretfully and remorsefully agreed with the man and asked him what he was exactly supposed to do. The man told him to go to the park at noon and wait for him, and if he didn’t show up that the man would kill his family.
The man in spite of himself for what he was doing was actually excited, determined, and even if he might not admit it to himself he was scared about how this could go terribly wrong. He knew he was ruining the boy’s childhood with his actions, but truthfully he didn’t care even the slightest as long as he wouldn’t have to listen to that family ever again.
It was Saturday morning and everyone in the family had been awake. Fortunate or unfortunate, the girl was still trying to figure out, for them the mother hardly ever cooks, so they went out to eat once again for breakfast. For the most of the morning the family was actually getting along quite good. Mainly it is because the kids are tired for not going to sleep until late last night. The parents noted how suspicious their children were then dismissed their thoughts when the food arrived. The rest of the day however was just as usual the kids were awake now that they have eaten. The family went shopping for a while and then returned home.
It was noon and as the boy promised he went to the park and waited for the man, he still has yet to find out his name. He did not have to wait long as soon as he was getting comfortable and relaxed on a park bench the man strolled up to him. The only thing that was different about this time was that the man did not blindfold him and allowed him to see the way to his house.
The man does not live far from the park actually he could see it out of his back window. When it was noon he was watching for the boy. He went out to greet his new “friend” and this time instead of blindfolding him he allowed the boy to see the way to his house, so the boy could come back once the job was done. He was telling him that tonight he was to kill the family in this certain house.
The family was just laying down after dinner when they heard something. It sounded far away so they dismissed the thought and they all went to sleep.
The boy was on his was to the house when tripped over a trash can and cursed to himself, which he was doing more and more often, when his mind wandered. A little while later he arrived at the house and crept into the house. When he found his way through the dark to the little boy’s room he went up to him and was about to do his deed but hesitated. When he finally found the courage to protect his family he snapped the boy’s neck as the man told him to. Next he found the girl’s room and he soon realized that she was about the same age as he was and that repulsed him to kill her, but he had to. He repeated the same move as on the boy. The last room to visit was the parents, but when he entered the room he noticed that the mom was not in bed. He was scared that he had passed her on the way, so he quickly killed the father. Almost as soon as he was done there was a bloodcurdling scream from within the house that made the boy freeze.
The mom in the family woke up in the middle of the night because she had a bad feeling and also because she felt bad about how she had been treating her daughter the past couple of days. She was on the way to her daughter’s room when she thought she say something in the dark move. She blinked and then looked again but the dark night was still. When she arrived in her daughter’s room she tried to wake her up and noticed something wrong. She noticed that her daughter would not wake up and knew that she was dead and screamed. She screamed louder than she ever had before because her daughter would not be waking up from her eternal slumber. She quickly ran to her son’s room and soon found out the same thing and screamed once again.
The boy’s heart was racing now he didn’t expect the mom to be awake. Then while he in the middle of thinking there was an even more bloodcurdling scream. This one sounded worse if that was even possible. He knew she would be running in here at any moment, so he hid behind the door and soon enough she came bursting through the door tears streaming down her cheeks.
She quickly ran to her room to tell her beloved husband what has happened in their own house. She was crying hard now. Harder than she ever has in her life that she can remember. When she ran into her room and soon realized that her husband did not wake up from her screaming. She was so distraught that she ended her own life not wanting to be the only one alive while her kids and husband were dead.
The boy was petrified by the sight of the woman. She was screaming and crying by her husband’s dead body. The boy did not dare move in case she looked this way and came after him. Then she did something that the boy did not expect. She was so upset by their deaths that she ended her own life right there and then...
The boy was crying now too. He waited a minute and then slowly made his way to the mysterious man and told him it was done.
There was a certain thrill in the man ,that he has not felt in a long time, when he saw the boy walking up the driveway, and he couldn’t wait to hear his plan through and through about how he had done it. After the boy told him, there was a gleam in his eyes while the teen was talking.
The mysterious man who forced the teenager to kill that family was never accused of the murders or ever caught. The boy did not turn himself or the man in to the police. After that the boy was closer to his family than he ever was or possibly could have been. He realized after he committed that deed that his family could be taken away from him at any moment and he couldn’t do anything to help them. Also from seeing the mom from that family he realized how terrible it would be to lose his family.
Don't be too harsh :p