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 Post subject: {ss/e} Tim and the Dragon
PostPosted: September 3rd, 2008, 10:36 am 
The super-mega-awesome
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hey guys, this is my story for the creative writing class that im taking (im in the sixth grade) if you could think of anything for the acual story line that would be helpfull. it has not been proofread or anything, so just try to disregard the spellin/garmatical errors. ty.

Tim and the Dragon

11 year old tim and his family lived in a steep vally, close to navada, but no one knows exactly where.
tim had always herd rumors about a flashing light up in a nearby cave, which was carved into a
huge mountain side. one day, he decided to check it out,....and when he changed his life, FOREVER.
"night mom" said tim. "goodnight tim, sweat dreams." replyed his mother. she turned off the lights, and
exited the room. tim was soon asleep, but at around 11:00 something woke him up. he notised a bright redish light
flickering on, and off, slowly, out his window. tim got up to investigate, but what he saw, was what shook him up the most.
tim saw a small cave, on the edge of the gigantic, rocky, mountain. the strobing light seemed to be coming from inside.
all he could think , was, " wow, i gotta check that out!" trying to control his excitement, he got back in his warm, cozy bed,
and tryed to go back to sleep. soon enough, through his eyelids, glared the light of the bright sun rising over the mountain tops.
"breakfast!" called his mom. "ok 1 second" said tim. he quickly dressed himself for the day, and hurried down the stairs into their kitchen filled with the smell of his favorite food, eggs, and bacon. after breakfast, instead of the usual, watching t.v., he immedeatlly went back upstairs instead.
" ok, i have to get my stuff ready. lets see, im going to need, a flashlight, and rope.". after serching for about a half an hour, he had everything he would need for his cave exploration tonight. " tim, bus is here!" "ok mom."
tim rushed outside to the bus, and got his "usual" seat with all his friends. he thought about telling his friends about what happend, and the exploration he's doing tonight, but he figured it would be better if he just kept it to himself. he had his usual school day; boring learning crud. but he was still thinking about that cave....
finally, the shinning moon arose. tim knew it was almost time. "night mom" said tim. "goodnight tim." his mother replyed.
as soon as his mom left the room, he kicked into action! he started to tie he bed sheet in square knots, and opened up his bedroom window. lastly, he checked, and made sure the cave was still strobing with bright red light. it was his night, everything fell into place.
at last he tied the sheet to his sturdy wooden bed post, and out the window he went. he couldnt help feeling like a real life 007.
after he lowerd himdelf, he started the long hike. by the time he got half way, he was already tired, but he had so much detication, he didnt care. finally, he was almost there. he was standing about 10 feet away on big boulder, staring into the massive cave.
he saw what he thought was a small flame. he decided it was to dangerous to go in now. he waited about an hour, and the flame went out.
he knew he had to do this quick, it was already 12:00. he entered the cave not knowing what he'd find. he saw what looked to be chared rock. there was definetly a fire here. tim worried that that was it, and there was nothing special. maybe he didnt find anything, maybe he just blew it. but after the long jurney up the hill, he wanted to make sure. he soon got to a gigantic wall of stalagmites. they were spikey, brown knives that pointed straight up and down on the great rocky plain. as soon as he climbed over a few, he got so excited, and scared at the same time, he nearly passed out. what he saw the greatest find in history. there lay, asleep, on the cold, ridgid cave floor, a beutiful bright red creature. it had huge red scales all over its body. the tail resembled a sharp whip that could cut through solid rock. its head was so big, it could eat a car. clear, white spikes shoot out like a porcupine all over its body. tim could think 1 thing only. "*stutters* gosh......its a...a......DRAGON!!!" tim was so shocked, he wasnt thinking straight. he wanted to get closer to the creature. tim slowly walked towards the dragon, trying not to disturb it. he wanted to touch the mysterious clear spikes, and the bright red scales. but b4 he got close enough....the unthinkable. the dragon woke up. tim was terified. he could hardly move. he wondered if this was the last thing he'd ever see. the huge thing got up on all fors, and walked slowly twords tim. tim new this was bad, but he could not run becuz he knew it would chase him down, and most likely, eat him! but surprisingly, whrn the dragon got to tim, it just snifed was...facinated by the strange human. after walking some circles around the human (tim) he layed back down, thinking he was harmless. tim did not expect this, and made a run for it. he ran back to his house as fast as he could, jumping over all the rocks, and cracks in the cave floor. once outside, it took him almost 45 minuates to get back to his house. once there, in he went! through the window of course. he couldnt sleep at all that night, he was just thinking about how calm the beast was, and how he just barely escaped. the next morning, it was pretty usual; eat, school, go home. for several days he went back to his normal way of life. he did still think about that cave of course, but rememberd how dangerous it was. he decided not to go back for a while, after he recaught his barings a bit. next time, will he show or tell his friends? will he go back at all? well.. we'll have to wait 'till next creative writing class!

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 Post subject: Re: {ss/e} Tim and the Dragon
PostPosted: September 4th, 2008, 7:26 pm 
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It's inevitable that someone will say this, but I'll beat them to it (cough Tahu cough)



I know you said "has not been proofread or anything, so just try to disregard the spellin/garmatical errors", but really, go through a few times editing as much as you can, and then get a friend or two to go through it as well. That's in some REAL need of proofreading.

On the other hand, I'll leave the rest such as story and such to everyone else because I'm no good at short stories :3

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