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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:35 pm 
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(Originally posted July 2, 2009)

Small note:

The beauty of this game is that, in being able to do pretty much anything, completely unexpected results can occur. When I started this game I knew Jimmy would pick up the Pink Stapler and examine the Dilbert Comic, but not much else. From there, we knocked out an IT guy with an origami sword and broke a watercooler for the greater good. 8)

After we got Jimmy's computer back, though, everyone seemed to be at a loss for what to do--and so was I. So, to help keep activity up, I invented a slight storyline. The vast majority of it is still unplanned, and will occur as we play. The advantage of a storyline is that we (most likely) have an end goal, something to shoot for. The downside is that, unlike everything before, for the next post or two I'll probably be pushing the story in a certain direction that it absolutely must go. Fortunately, in a very short amount of time, the game's going to be (for what it's worth) 100% in your hands again. In the meantime, if it seems I'm dropping semi-subtle hints about what Jimmy should do...that's because I probably am. ^_^

In addition, this post marks Jimmy's 200th picture (counting GIF or Flash animations as one picture.) My sincerest thanks to everyone that's played thus far, and will continue to do so. :mrgreen:



>> run into room and say " Call them off; I won't say anything.

You have a feeling that's not going to work! You'll be entirely at their mercy, and should their "evil plot to take over the world" evolve into an "evil plot to take over the world and silence all who know about it", you don't want to be there.

>>Bust through the door.
>>Steal the Blue man's trench coat.

All viable suggestions, except for one key problem.
You're scared as heck of those guys! They look super mean and powerful!

>>Put a quarter in your eye to look like an eyepatch in case you run into security.
>>Go down 2 or 3 floors down and mingle with the crew there and try to act as one of their own

Unfortunately, they'll probably know it's you right away. The FAKE EYEPATCH, while admirable, might not work very long. And all the actual MANAGERS know that you're not one!




A hundred things go through your head, roughly ninety-eight of them relevant to worrying about your current situation. You're trying to think of places to run or areas to hide, but your brain's in a jumble from the shock of what's happening.

>>Hide under secretary desk
>> Hide in the Managerial Locker room like you did before; use the open locker if Dredlock's isn't open.
>> Run back to your impenetratable fort, they'll never be able to get you there.

You're too afraid to stay in one place! Eventually and inevitably, APEX MICROCHIPS SECURITY is going to gather reinforcements and search every square inch of the building--and find you. You're probably going to be stopped from actually leaving the building, so your only choice seems to be staying on the run.


The BROWN MAN from before breaks through the DOOR TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM with weapon in hand. You only catch a glimpse of it before diving for the DOOR TO THE STAIRWELL. It looks like a MACHINE GUN with a ROCKET LAUNCHER attached or something. What kind of place are you working for?! These guys definitely aren't messing around!


You are on the TOP FLOOR, FLOOR 25. Your plan of action at the moment is to rush down the stairs, but that guy with the ROCKET LAUNCHER is right on your heels! Before committing to any action, you need to set two things straight right away:

1) You need to find a place to go, somewhere where you can keep moving so that you're not waiting for them to come to you. BACKUP SECURITY will probably come via the ELEVATORS, so staying away from those would be a smart move.

2) The BROWN GUY is gaining on you, and is going to catch up in a very short amount of time if you don't do something!


Unrelated to everything else, enough time has passed, and you have regained ONE MAGIC POINT.

>> ?

Recap hint: Picture of the elevator



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:36 pm 
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(Originally posted July 3, 2009)

You may have noticed that this time, I locked the topic. Since drawing Jimmy can take 1-2 hours (I guess I'm slow, heh) if replies seem to be popping up quickly, I'll temporarily close it (because submissions made while I'm drawing usually don't have much of a chance of getting in, because I'm done with everything by the time I read them.)


>> Cast Haste on yourself

You cast HASTE on yourself, greatly increasing your overall SPEED and DEXTERITY! You have 1 MP left.

>> Should we come upon a bad guy, use gravity on his gun - those guns load right up against the barrel, and as such are gonna be quite inaccurate. no way he can use it effectively at all if it's heavitized.

An excellent idea!

>> Go to floor 13


With your HASTENED REFLEXES, you bound down the FLIGHTS OF STAIRS with ease! You quickly pull away from the BROWN GUY, although he's still hot on your trail.

You suddenly remember that the ELEVATOR only had 24 BUTTONS--namely, it was missing FLOOR 13. But what does this matter? Almost every large HOTEL you've ever been in didn't have a button for FLOOR 13, simply because of superstition. The "14th floor" is actually the 13th floor, and no one's the wiser.

...However, you clearly recall walking through FLOOR 13 on your way from the CAFETERIA (10th floor) to your CUBICLE (23rd floor). Perhaps it exists and is simply inaccessible from the ELEVATOR?

Without any other large leads, you bound down the floors towards your new destination.

Fortunately, you're so quick that no one seems to have had a chance to react to all of the noisy ALARMS going off. You don't meet anyone else on your way down.

Upon reaching FLOOR 13, though, you can clearly hear SECURITY running up the STAIRS from two or three floors down! Now you're trapped from both above and below, and they're closing fast. You wrench open the DOOR TO FLOOR 13 and run inside.


A strange, fairly small room awaits you. On the left, you enter from the STAIRWELL. On the wall are six DIFFERENTLY-COLORED DOORS, fairly close together. Strangely, none of them have DOORKNOBS. Each door is paired with a STRANGE DEVICE to its right.

Also in the room are three WOODEN CHAIRS. ...They actually have chairs in this building? Wacky!

>> ?



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:37 pm 
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(Originally posted July 3, 2009)

>> Complain that there's seven colours of the rainbow, but here there's only six doors.

There's no time for something like that! Besides, you can never seem to remember if there are six colors in the RAINBOW, or seven. Same thing with PLUTO--is it a planet or not?! Who knows? (Not you.)

>> examine chairs


As far as CHAIRS go, they seem to be shoddily-made. They're made out of WOOD, and have no FOOTRESTS. Probably not very comfortable.

>> Close door so no one sees entrance.
>>Jam door to stairwell with chair


However, they're useful in a bind! You quietly close the DOOR, knock the top PEGS off one of the CHAIRS, and jam it under the STAIRWELL DOORKNOB.

You can hear SECURITY reach your location...and then run past it, continuing upwards. For the time being, they don't know you're here! The JAMMED DOOR is added insurance that you stay safe.

>> Examine red door's device


Why yes, it does seem to resemble a KEYCARD READER! In fact, that seems to be the exact shade of red that's on your APEX RED KEYCARD.

>> If it's a keycard reader, swipe your red keycard


You grab your RED KEYCARD from its location in the...uh...important items area of your STATS TAB, and slide it through the RED KEYCARD READER.

You hear a strange beep, and then the RED DOOR swings open.


End of Act I


The Adventures of Jimmy shall be taking a short hiatus for the following reasons:
  • I'm going on Vacation starting July 21st, so that week as well as the days leading up to it won't be very active. We're about to start a new branch of Jimmy, so I figure it's better to start fresh when I get back than to start something new and then immediately spend a week and a half away from it.
  • I bought a brand new version of the latest Flash which I'll probably install today, so I want to make sure everything transfers smoothly from the older version I have now.
  • Act II will open with a brand new two-and-a-half-minute Flash animation. The boss intros typically took me about 2-3 hours, so this one will require a bit more time on my part. I'm trying to get better at animating, so...we'll see how it goes.

So, in a nutshell, The Adventures of Jimmy: Act II starts as soon as I finish the animated introduction. I'll keep a "percentage complete status bar" in my Custom Title for it. :P

A giant "Thank you" to everyone that has played thus far, and I really hope you guys stick around for Jimmy's return later this month. 8)




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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:41 pm 
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(Original post lost; posted August 21, 2009)

Act II Start


>> Slide red keycard


>> ?


Non-canon bonus footage:

>> Musical chairs




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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:43 pm 
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(Originally posted August 24, 2009)

Thanks for the compliments, everyone. :) I'm really glad it turned out well.

Real quick, I wanna take the chance to say: bear with me a little through the next bit. 8-[ Once again, I'm drawing entirely new areas for everything we do, and along with school starting...ick. Regardless, just a reminder; the normal update schedule for The Adventures of Jimmy is roughly one post every 3-5 days, depending on the scenario. :)

Also, while this entirely new version of Flash is neat for animating, it's being extremely picky about drawing stick figures. It's probably 3x harder to draw Jimmy's head and actually have it look semi-nice now, so if things still look rather...lacking (despite my initial claim that I can't draw) then that'd be why.


>> Pick up a rock nearby, if any
>> Throw into the distance.


You find a SMALL ROCK on the ground nearby and toss it into the distance. It ends up hitting a TREE (which was probably a given anyway, since there are so darn many of them.) But this place definitely seems real!

>> Break the fourth wall and congratulate us on our escape of APEX's mad CEO and security.


Break the whatnow?

>>Name the new land "Blue's Land".

You consider naming the expanse BLUE'S LAND, or RED LAND, or one of many other silly names that come to mind. One thing bothers you, though; where there's HOUSES, there's probably PEOPLE, and if there's PEOPLE, then they probably have their own name for the land. (If they don't, though, you can totally make something up!)

>> Hum the music from "The Great Escape" to yourself in honour of escaping those guards.

You try to hum the music from "THE GREAT ESCAPE", but the only tune in your head, for some reason or other, seems to be this one. You couldn't imagine why, but it's just catchy and lively enough that you forget all about THE GREAT ESCAPE entirely.

>> Check inventory and status.

An excellent notion; you feel like it's been a month or two since you last checked what you were carrying. What a strange feeling.


On your STATS TAB, you see that your status icon has changed to ADVENTUROUS MOOD. You also notice that several other things have vanished entirely for whatever reason, including the EXP, EXP TO NEXT LEVEL, and "(Healthy Status)" labels.


Your INVENTORY TAB is mostly how you left it. You currently have your MAGIC 8-BALL, and EMPTY PINK STAPLER, and $6.45. In addition, the WEAPON and SHIELD slots have been replaced by three slots for EQUIPMENT, or EQUIPPED ITEMS.


The MAGIC TAB remains untouched.

>>Examine surroundings
>>Try to see if you can get to the village or forest without jumping off the cliff.

You remember seeing a PATH towards the VILLAGE from your present location, and look out over the VALLEY once more.


Yep, there it is, on the left! Now, how to get there...?


You circle around the NOT-TARDIS to see what's on the left side of the CLIFF. There does indeed to be a path leading downward, but part of it is missing, whether it be from a ROCKSLIDE or some other act of nature. (It doesn't look recent.) Behind the small shack of a building that brought you from APEX, there is a small coil of ROPE and a heavy BOULDER.

>> ?



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 2:51 pm 
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(Original post lost; final post pre-crash)

>> Put the rope in your inventory, climb on top of the rock, and walk backwards on the rock as you roll down the cliff, like log-rolling

Yes! Awesome idea!

...On second thought, doing that would get the ROCK off of the top of the CLIFF. What if you wanted to get back up? Perhaps you should leave the ROCK where it is, just in case you need to make a hasty retreat or something.

>> Tie the rope to the rock, cast Gravity on the rock to make sure it will stay there, and repel down the cliff

Yeah, this seems like a good idea, too. You cast GRAVITY on the ROCK and repel down the cliff.



You currently have 0 MP remaining.

>> Go to the village

Luckily, the MOUNTAIN PATH does lead all the way to the bottom of the CLIFF! You start your journey down the long PATH.


The PATH takes you through a FOREST. It's kind of dark and spooky in here, not to mention quiet.


Quite a while later, you end up at the end of the PATH, which comes out at the VILLAGE you saw in the distance. From the looks of things, this is one of the only two streets that comprise the VILLAGE. On the left is a building branding itself as a MINING STORE, while a building on the right is merely labeled SHOP. The rest of the buildings are unmarked.

A man with a PICKAXE in hand at the end of the road eyes you warily as he starts to turn the corner.

>> ?



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 3:00 pm 
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>> Go back and investigate what that grey thing was in the forest

No way! Do you have any idea how far away that is now? It was probably just a big ROCK!

>> Break into the Mining Store and rob it

You get the feeling that alienating yourself from the entire VILLAGE in your first two minutes here probably isn't a very good idea.

>> Call out to the man at the end of the road

You call out to the greenish-looking MAN with a PICKAXE at the end of the PATH, and he stops dead in his tracks. After a moment's hesitation, he begins walking toward you, and you start walking to meet him halfway.

>> Look inside the bucket to see if there's anything inside


As you pass the building on the right, you take a peek inside a BUCKET on the ground. It's just a normal WOODEN BUCKET, with nothing inside of it. It looks slightly damp, probably from being a BUCKET. There is, however, a small METAL PLATE in the bottom of it, like a hole was cut in the bottom and the PLATE was stuck in its place.


You meet up with the man, but before you can say anything to him, he starts talking first. There is a slight quaver in his voice. The month...isn't over yet, right? We're still mining...I-I mean, we'll be ready, but there's...well there was a s-setback,

He stops talking when he notices the semi-puzzled look on your face.

>> Ask him if the village is named RuneVillage

...Rune Village? N-no, this is...this is Buram Village...

>> ?



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 3:04 pm 
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>>Examine metal plate - see if it's possible to remove it, if so, Remove it and examine what's underneath.



 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 4:33 pm 
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>> Ask him where Runevillage is.

>> Then ask what the bloody hell he's talking about.

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There's a demo. Play the demo. Form your own opinion.


 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 5:12 pm 
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Uh, no no no, animal. We ask that question and we're flagged as an outsider. We have an opportunity to get deeper inside here.

>> Demand to see what has been gathered so far. Angrily.

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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 5:17 pm 
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>> Take bucket. You never know, it might be useful later on. (BUKKIT HELMET?)

>> Ask what was this set-back. Use an authoritative tone in your voice.


 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 5:27 pm 
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>>Use a false sense of superiority to intimidate him into giving us info



 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 5:33 pm 
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>> Beg for Money

Also, this slipped my mind, so EDIT: Thanks for the time you took searching for old posts and reconstructing the Jimmy thread. Thanks Jaron

Thanks to Penguin for my signature, you can get a signature from him as well ;)
~Boa~ wrote:
Eastgotenks wrote:
Back in the day we were damned lucky to get 30k xp an hour. I remember I trained to level 100 in rsc, back when it meant something at average of 25k xp an hour.

And we walked fifteen miles to the varrock bank in the snow without shoes or socks, uphill both ways! :-s

Frank 3.14 wrote:
I had a dream where Sah launched a one man terrorist attack all over the internet shutting down over 80% of all the websites in the world and I was literally inside the internet, in my own body watching the updates as if the internet is something a person can exist in. IE virtual reality?

Oh yeah, the Internet is a room at night with hills and Weeping Willows. True story.


 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 6:05 pm 
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>> Demand gold pan.

>> Pan for gold.



 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 6:20 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 12th, 2009, 6:31 pm 
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Yay I'm all caught up now! :D

Good work on the reconstruction, Jaron. Also, the Act II flash vid is *amazing*!

>> Ask the greenish-looking man about the Castle.



 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 13th, 2009, 12:19 am 
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Jaron wrote:
As you pass the building on the right, you take a peek inside a BUCKET on the ground. It looks... like a hole was cut in the bottom...



 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 13th, 2009, 1:20 am 
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>>Demand that mining be stepped up another notch angrily!

-Wolf :ura:

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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 14th, 2009, 10:27 pm 
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No worries about reconstructing the thread; I was happy to do it to get the result of you guys playing it. 8)


>>Examine metal plate - see if it's possible to remove it, if so, Remove it and examine what's underneath.
>> Take bucket. You never know, it might be useful later on. (BUKKIT HELMET?)

As much as you'd like to take the WOODEN BUCKET, you can't at the moment--this guy seems rather flustered. It feels like it's in your best interests to keep him nearby, at least until you get the information you want. In case, like, he runs off or something.

>>Use a false sense of superiority to intimidate him into giving us info

For some reason, this guy is much more intimidated by you than you of him. Instead of calming him down and letting him know you're an outsider, you decide to play along and see what you can learn. How clever and sneaky!

>> Ask what was this set-back. Use an authoritative tone in your voice.


...W-well, we usually mine in the...the mineshaft at the top of the mountain. It's easier mine there, and we get more for our you know, we can meet our quotas...quicker. More quickly. Yeah.

But a week or so ago some...some weird stuff started happening in the mine, just...kind of random things like li-light bulbs breaking. A few days after that...a couple of days ago...there was a cave-in, and now the area is kind of...sealed off. W-we were going to unblock the tunnel, but if we spent time on that then we wouldn't make our...our quota no matter what, and...

Basically we're stuck mining in the lower tunnel, which isn't as the higher one. We'll make it though; we have time, we...we'll get it.

>> Demand gold pan.

What's a..."gold"?

>> Demand to see what has been gathered so far. Angrily.

With a little frightened start, the guy leads you down the road to the eastern side of the VILLAGE.


At the very edge of town, you come to a JUNCTION in the MINE CART TRACKS. The tracks that lead directly east vanish into the FOREST to the side (the MINE CART closest to the FOREST is full of blackish/dark-green rocks.) The tracks on the left lead to the LOWER TUNNEL, and the ones that curve up on the right lead to the UPPER TUNNEL.

As you, we have one cart full out of...out of three. Well, one and a half...that one on your left is half full...this is all because the top...the top tunnel collapsed, like I mentioned.

>>Demand that mining be stepped up another notch angrily!

You just don't have the heart to do it. It might help with your IMPERSONATION (you assume, anyway) but this guy seems so flustered and overworked that you couldn't bear to have him add a fourth MINE CART to the mix.

>> Ask the greenish-looking man about the Castle.


...The castle? No one's been near it in decades. It was empty in the first place, but we couldn't use it for anything even if we wanted to. The drawbridge is up, and the moat is filled with those...those catfish.

Your disguise of some random intimidating guy has certainly earned you a lot of information about the area! For totally playing this guy to your benefit, you gained 40% PERSUASION EXPERIENCE! (It's about time you got some points in that skill.)

>> ?



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 Post subject: Re: The Adventures of Jimmy
PostPosted: September 14th, 2009, 10:46 pm 
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>> Tell him to rally the miners to get started on clearing the upper mine

>> Once he's gone, examine the metal plate in the bucket and take the contents

Goten is dead!

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