Shana: Dear diary, Jeff: Wait, you're keeping one of those? Shana: Metaphorically, yes. Jeff: Ah. Carry on. Shana: Following a request for help, I took my first steps into Warmeaweard... weird name, but nice place. The group I met was a tad more colorful than I expected, but pleasant enough. It's nice to know people can cooperate more than I thought. Jeff: That's... odd. You have a lot better social skills than someone who sounds like they live in the wild. Shana: How rude! Tending to nature more than civilization does not mean I outright abandon one for the other. Jeff: Sorry... Shana: It's fine. The introductions were smooth enough, for how different everyone was. I didn't learn a whole lot, nor was a lot asked of me, but I certainly heard a lot of the same thing where the commissioned quest was concerned. Ruins to the north, abandoned in need for having its people watch the borders. Jeff: According to the watch, the Elf lady who described the quest was just as... thorough with her explanation of what to do with the stone. Shana: Part of it was our fault for asking the same things. But it made sure we knew what we were in for. The stone was easy enough to get for us, though probably hard on the guard who seemed to break his possessions in the process of getting it, and the mess at the town gate was at least cleared while we were gone. Angry people, of course, but no panic or emergency. Jeff: Paic! Shana: ... Pah-ick? Jeff: Long story. Shana: I trust you'll explain later. The road north was calm, as were the paths between farms to the ruins themselves. Though I never thought to wonder just how, there were creatures inside waiting on us behind the entrance--they managed to slip through what was supposed to be a defensive barrier against intruders without outright breaking it--that went down easily enough. Only one injury to me among everyone... I'd call that a success. Jeff: They were smart enough to not turn their backs on you, at least. Shana: I doubt many creatures will be in a blind rage enough to do so. For their sakes, I hope not. Jeff: Which means I hope they do, for your own sake. Shana: True... Between those ghastly things and the rats, we had our fair share of shocks, but the only real mystery left aside from it was the feeling created for the Eladrin when he opened the statue's panel. Brief, but everything about it seems wrong. Jeff: Until you know the statue's source, it's probably best to just wait it out and hope there was no foul magic in there. Doubtful, too--the two mages rolled pretty well to check. Shana: "Rolled"? Of course they didn't tumble anything, they meticulously scanned for arcane energy held within the statue. We know they could feel it if it was there, since the statue itself was not magic retardant. Pixie dust affected it, after all. Jeff: I... suppose so. (Wait, does she not know everything she does is based off rolling dice?) Shana: To the best of my knowledge, that sums it up. A gathering for a quest to retrieve a statue of a skeletal mage, decorated with the symbols of two gods who hate each other, and numerous small treasures along the way that we can hopefully sell off for a small bonus. A rat's nest was burned away, hopefully keeping them from affecting the nearby farms, and in the end the mess cleared itself up. The only loose ends are the successful delivery of the statue, and potentially investigating the Apothecary's cry for help. Jeff: A good chunk of exp, which I assume means we all played our rolls well enough, and nice potential for reward as well. Good start. Now, I think I need to tell you just how this works. See, when I said "rolled", I was referring to a person rolling actual...
(Next weekend? It'd have to be Sunday again, and I won't know until Friday or Saturday.)
__________________ Goten is dead!