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 Post subject: Halo: The BattleField [RP]
PostPosted: February 19th, 2008, 11:53 am 
The Flippin Sweet
Priest of Saradomin
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An enormous carrier ship shot its plasma cannons at the human vessel Washington. the Human ship proceeded to crash land onto the unknown Ring-world. Captian Danforth ordered the MAC gun to charge. the MAC slug shot off the human vessel with a thunder roll. the MAC slug slammed into the Covenent cruiser Unwielding Justice. the shields flared and the momentum from the MAC round shattered the hull in several places forcing the vessel on a crash course with the religous artifact Halo.

It seemed like hours later.....

BIC: Ika Ukumee' gathered his fire team of 2 hunter bond brothers Igido Nosa Hurru and Ogada Nosa Fasu. Along with a rookie Elite (Sota Nosalee') and 4 Jackels (Meemee, Sukka, Desla, and Pestii). They hurried past the chaos within the Unwielding Justice and entered the dock bay where an anti-gravity lift was being launched to submit ground troops upon the forerunner ring. his team gathered a selection of weapons consisiting of plasma pistols for everyone (except the hunters) and Ukumee and Nosalee both grabbed a plasma rifle and both clipped an energy sword to their utility belts. Ukumee and his team entered the lift and plummeted towards the surface. The fight for the ring had begun....

OOC:Ika Ukumee' is a black armored Special Ops Sangheili (the covenant name for elite) and is one of the Prophet blessed. Sota Nosalee' is a blue armored rookie and still has much to learn. the jackels are nothing special. the Nosa brothers are somewhat artistic with thier fuel rod guns and the spikes they emit from thier bodies when threatened.]


a human and covenant vessel has crashlanded on halo.

its simple...last person standing wins.

its humans against covenant.

each contestant will have a strike team of 7 people which they can choose who they want on their team.

since i started as covenant the next contestant HAS to be HUMAN then the next person after him or her HAS to BE COVENANT so we can keep the playing field EQUAL!!!!! there will be 10 human strike teams and 10 covenant strike teams. so 20 contestants will play.

You lose when ALL 7 members of your strike team is dead.

you caN interact with the other strike teams of your side.

once a contestant has lost all of his or her members of their strike team...then they can come back into the game as The Flood. The Flood strike teams will consist of 15 members of their choice. once their Flood strike team has been killed they are out of the game for good.

your weapons will consist of whatever you pick up from your crashed vessel. BE realistic please. dont say you can carry 1000 pistols. you can pick up stray weapons all along the battle field.

there will be assualt vehicles such as ghosts, warthogs, scorpians, wraths etc. so use your imagination when you see one.


the Halo ring is huge so dont act like you can kill everyone in one fell swoop.

anyone caught breaking the rules will be prosecuted and punished by the forerunner technology 343 Guilty Spark

their will be STRAY soldiers on the battlefield NOT being CONTROLLED by ANYONE. feel free to kill them.( as long as they arent on your side)

the battle will begin as soon as we have 20 contestants




Jason McCluskey wrote:
Never Miss A Chance To Kill The Enemy

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 Post subject: Re: Halo: The BattleField [RP]
PostPosted: February 19th, 2008, 4:40 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
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Might as well join.
Strike Team 1: Humans
Designation: 052392
This team is made up of premier Gladiators, a follow-up tot he Spartans. While Spartans can do pretty much anything, Gladiators are weaker and specialize in certain tasks. They're easier to train but less powerful alone, yet a team of them is as powerful as a team of Spartans.
Cybernetic implants: An inexpensive way to increase strength without loads of extra training. They include an experimental mind-meld chip in the brain, allowing communication of complex concepts and plans in the form of pictures and feelings instead of words, replacing "There's an enemy on your six!" with a picture showing the enemy, their position, and any other information they can see. The other big implant is an inter-eye HUD, identifying enemies and allies from medium distances. In addition, each Gladiator has an implant that works with their specific skill.
Armor: Gladiators all wear a variant of Spartan armor that has several pieces and some equipment (including the shield) removed. However, each armor has its own properties.
Individual Gladiators:
921: The leader of the group. Proficient to a moderate degree with firearms, melee weapons, and combat, but not a good fighter overall. However, is extremely smart and can create and adapt plans faster than the best human chess grandmasters. Implant is a miniature supercomputer which accelerates thought processes (but not other parts of the body; he has fast reflexes but can't act on them any quicker than a normal human) to twice normal speed. Wears normal armor with crimson shoulderpads and helmet has a radio with extended range.
Weapons: A battle rifle (the scoped automatic) and a pistol, along with three grenades.
922: The firearms expert of the group. Can proficiently use any firearm...ever. Implant is a database of all firearms known to humankind as well as a program for analyzing any new firearms and figuring out how they work. Wears armor that covers more of his body, but is thinner and lighter, with many slots to carry up to ten weapons.
Weapons: Assault rifle, two submachine guns, five grenades, and one shield pod.
923: The melee combatant. Is as strong as a normal Spartan and wears the armor of one, though still without the shield. Implant allows for rapid healing of minor to moderate wounds.
Weapons: A shotgun with a blade on the end and a pistol, as well as three grenades.
924: The scout of the team. Has much lighter armor with a minor cloaking system (really, just obscures outline from range; at close range can be seen somewhat clearly) and helmet with optical magnification. Implant creates white noise to mask movements.
Weapons: Two pistols and two grenades.
925: The sniper. Simple as that. Armor is similar to the scout's in that it has cloaking, but is heavier and has no built-in magnification. Implant, however, is optical magnification for the right eye as well as long-range target identification.
Weapons: A sniper rifle and a pistol. Has two grenades.
926: Heavy weapons expert. Is as strong as 923 and with similar armor, but instead has an implant to brace arms when firing weapons.
Weapons: Grenade launcher (ten grenades) and a gattling gun. Both are heavy but can decimate enemies at close range.
927: Electronics wizard and vehicle pro. Can hack into any system or pilot any vehicle. Armor is somewhat lacking, but allows him to fit into vehicles with ease and move quickly. Implant is a database of vehicles, operating systems, and programs, and also helps with hacking.
Weapons: Battle rifle, pistol, and two grenades. Also carries a hacking system in small backpack that hooks up to omnisensor on right wrist, allowing remote access to any system.

I know this might be a bit over the top with originality, but that's how I am. Plus, I can't really think of anything else.
BIC: Report, 921 sent to all members of 052392. They all reported back as surviving the crash. Rendezvous at 10-343-56 921 told the team, which was the hill near the crashed ship. They all started to make their way there, each covering two others.

Tahu 1000 - Former Member
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 Post subject: Re: Halo: The BattleField [RP]
PostPosted: February 19th, 2008, 6:37 pm 
Champion of Saradomin
Champion of Saradomin

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Oh, for Christ's sake. XD

If that's so, I call Gears of War battlefield for next time.



 Post subject: Re: Halo: The BattleField [RP]
PostPosted: February 22nd, 2008, 2:48 pm 
The Flippin Sweet
Priest of Saradomin
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tahu if this is the case then your armor would be SPI armor or Semi Powered Infiltration was used by the Spartan-III's in ghosts of onyx


Jason McCluskey wrote:
Never Miss A Chance To Kill The Enemy

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 Post subject: Re: Halo: The BattleField [RP]
PostPosted: February 24th, 2008, 6:31 am 
Champion of Saradomin
Champion of Saradomin
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Sorry for my disappearance. School trip.
Whatever it's called. Make it SPI Mk. 2 armor because it's customizable, but really it's just the same anyway.

Tahu 1000 - Former Member
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