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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2018-04-14T21:58:52-06:00 2018-04-14T21:58:52-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 14th, 2018, 9:58 pm

2018-03-30T03:01:28-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]>
With this Vis Wax you can do a number of things with like add quick tele charges for instant Lodestone teleports that help speed this whole process up. Also reroll daily challenges or extend your divine location time.

As well as divine locations. You can create 1 location a day with your energy from Divination and collect so many resources from locations a day. There are tons of people dropping locations at Burthorpe in world 2.

Also buy your battlestaves at the Grand Exchange as they are cheaper than 7k.

If i think of more or if anyone wants to suggest things like buying the 1k feathers from the fishing shop in port sarim or something; feel free.

Statistics: Posted by anarchyrazor — March 30th, 2018, 3:01 am

2011-11-08T15:35:07-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]>
I usually use the 2 free stacks of runes on blood runes then teleport to either the cosmic rune alter for the 81 cosmic per air orb run or the nature rune alter for high alching the air battle staves.

For the extra teleport you can teleport to the air alter and run east to Varrock east bank.

Remember to insert the talismans or tiaras into the hood to receive that type of rune/teleport/or entrance to the alters.

Statistics: Posted by anarchyrazor — November 8th, 2011, 3:35 pm

2011-10-31T16:16:41-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by Martin — October 31st, 2011, 4:16 pm

2011-10-31T09:56:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by Godders — October 31st, 2011, 9:56 am

2011-10-31T04:48:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by Martin — October 31st, 2011, 4:48 am

2011-10-31T03:51:34-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by lovephoto9 — October 31st, 2011, 3:51 am

2010-10-24T21:38:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]>
Thanks for your work!


Statistics: Posted by hiker — October 24th, 2010, 9:38 pm

2010-10-24T01:57:34-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> I am under the impression that those are more elaborate and include how much profit you make on what kind of runs and other helpful tips and tricks.

Statistics: Posted by Martin — October 24th, 2010, 1:57 am

2010-10-20T14:57:39-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]> Statistics: Posted by suker13 — October 20th, 2010, 2:57 pm

2010-09-07T05:18:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Daily Run Guide]]>
As a goblin once said "time is money friend"

Statistics: Posted by Lt Parasite — September 7th, 2010, 5:18 am

2010-09-07T03:17:48-06:00 <![CDATA[Daily Run Guide]]> :lmao: The Anarchist's Guide to the "Daily Run" :lmao:

Daily Run "Optional" Requirements:

Throne of Miscellania
Royal Trouble
A Hand in Sand

Achievment Diaries (Task Sets):


You can use lodestones now so it might be easier.

Once you've decided to get going on this 24 hour limit this is where to go and what to do.

1. Varrock Staff Shop - Buy Battle staves from Zaff. Put on the varrock armor if you have it.
(Updated) Now you buy it from Naff and there is a right click option. You don't need any of the items in your inventory or equipped to receive any items from any of the Ach. Diary NPCs.
You may need them in your bank though.

2. Misc. Kingdom - Head to the fairy ring in varrock to the west of the G.E. or take the boat in Rellica to the kingdom. Chop a tree until you have 100% every 24 hoursish. You need at least 75k a day ((Updated)Now you don't need as much) in the coffers. Collect your resources every month or so… you can collect it whenever you want but the longer you wait the more bonus items you get. I have mine set as mostly herbs and the rest in coal and logs.

3. Catherby Dock General Store - Talk to the salesman and ask for his special. He will sell you 80 seaweed and 40 pineapples a day. You use 15 pineapples to make supercompost per compost bin.

4. Brimhaven / Karumja - Bring your karumja gloves with you and hit the tree patch if you have something growing there. Once you get to the portal of house go north east and talk to Dell Monti roaming close around there. Ask him about pineapples while wearing the gloves. You get another 40 pineapples daily.
(You no longer need to wear the gloves to receive them. Also you can right click and claim the pineapples.)

5. Camelot flax field - Bring your seers headband and talk to Geofry and he will give you 30 noted flax daily.
(You can have your headband banked.)

6. Hit 4 farm patches - toadflax seeds seem like a good herb to farm. I usually hit the Ardougne patch first after I pick up flax. Then I use the explorer's ring 3 to teleport to Falador's farm. Use the canfis lodestone to go to the east patch and then I teleport to camelot to hit the patch north of Catherby.
Also the fruit tree patches are useful as well. I use 5 tree patches: Catherby, Brimhaven, Tree gnome maze, Tree gnome stronghold, and Isfaldor (elven land). There are a couple ways to go about making these runs more convenient and in order. You can take the spirit trees and charter/teleport to these places when doing your daily runs.

7. Yannile - Teleport to the watchtower and take the shortcut to get to the house of portal. If you've done A hand in Sand quest you can collect over 80 buckets of sand a day from Bert. He is located in his house east of the portal.
(You can use Lunar Magicks to contact Bert with Npc Contact)

8. Vials of water - Usually this is optional but you can get packs of water vials in 3 areas.
1. The lighthouse second floor - (Horror from the deep Quest) - Just south west of rellica. You can go there after you chop a tree in Misc kingdom and take the boat to rellica or if you didn't use the fairy ring you can go there before you take the boat to the kingdom.
2. Shilo Village general store - You can take the cart from brimhaven after you pick up more pineapples.
3. Ardougne general store - There are only 6 packs or so here but you add it to the other 40 you collect from the other places and you'll have quite a few vials.

9. Air Obelisk / Making Orbs - First off you need the sand from yannile and the seaweed from catherby. You can make the molten glass 2 ways. One way is using lunar magicks and make the glass faster than normal and get extra glass out of it or you can use the buckets of sand and cooked seaweed on a furnace. Next you will need a glass blowing pipe to make the uncharged orbs or you can just buy the uncharged orbs from the G.E.
You will need an air staff and 3 cosmic runes per uncharged orb. Run to edgeville and go south of the bank. You will find a trapdoor near the yew trees. Climb down the door and run north then east past the gate. Go north into the wilderness gate and then northwest to the ladder past the black demons. Up the ladder is the air obelisk where you will charge your orbs into air orbs. You then put the air orbs on the battlestaves and make Air Battlestaves which will then be good for High Alchemy.
Or you can bypass all that work and experience by selling the battlestaves on the G.E.

10. Bush/Mushroom patches One bush patch is west of the Champion's Guild in Varrock and another just south of Ardougne at the Monastery. (I usually use poison Ivy.) Then the mushroom patch is in Canfis just south of the Slayer Tower.
Also I summon a Magpie for Gems/Rings.

That covers most of the main runs (not every run but the more convenient ones) in a simple guide.
It takes me roughly 15 minutes to run this with lunar magicks.
But anyway, good luck for now and hopefully this guide wasn't too complicated for anyone.
Have fun with the information.
:XD: A Modest Anarchist :XD:

Statistics: Posted by anarchyrazor — September 7th, 2010, 3:17 am
