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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2019-04-18T21:08:53-06:00 2019-04-18T21:08:53-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]>
I was looking into the One Plus 6. Gonna take another look, thanks for the reminder.

Any thoughts of the iPhone XR ?


Statistics: Posted by Phat Hobo — April 18th, 2019, 9:08 pm

2019-04-01T05:42:46-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> I gotta say I love it and its great for the price it was when I got it
its running current android as well

Good luck on your search PartyHat Hobo!

Statistics: Posted by SparkyAMS — April 1st, 2019, 5:42 am

2019-03-31T18:47:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]>
What are ya'll rocking?

I like the Samsung S10e!


Statistics: Posted by Phat Hobo — March 31st, 2019, 6:47 pm

2017-04-16T16:56:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Turns out, I wasn't eligible for an upgrade until the new year. I know that has passed. But when the new year rolled around, I had heard of the BlackBerry Mercury(now called the KEYone). So I decided to wait a couple months to see how this new phone turns out.‎

In May, i'll get a KEYone or a Priv. I'm leaning towards the KEYone.‎
‎Priv pros: full 16:9 widescreen. Slider form factor.
Priv cons: I've heard they didn't quite nail it when they were creating it. The processor isn't quite as optimized as it should have been, and it makes the phone lag a bit. And the second con, for me, is that people say the keyboard feels kind of spongy. (Maybe I'm just spoiled from the stellar keyboard on my Classic) ...But they have managed to fit a ton of features into a keyboard that has to still retract under a screen.‎

KEYone pros: running android 7, stellar keyboard, fingerprint scanner built into the space bar, and it should have a cursor mode where you can invoke a mouse on the screen and control it with the touch sensitive keyboard.
KEYone cons: unique screen size(albeit an upgrade from my current 1:1 screen) 

I know I'm leaning towards the KEYone :) but if I ever come across a used Priv, and they only want something like $50, i'd totally buy it to play around on.

One thing both these phones have, is that touch capacitive technology built into the keyboards. That stuff is actually awesome.
A few weeks ago, I spent $50 and I bought a used Passport to test out its capacitive keyboard. If I double tap the keyboard, it calls up the cursor and I can move it around by sliding my thumb around on the keyboard. Push and hold shift as I slide the cursor around will highlight text. Double tap again to minimize the cursor.
This guy describes a few more of the features here: (sorry for his editing skills. Some of the sound effects are silly)

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 16th, 2017, 4:56 pm

2017-04-15T20:26:53-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]>
New S8+ from Sammy Sung looks nice! I'm sure the next iPhone will look pretty stylish, too!


Statistics: Posted by Phat Hobo — April 15th, 2017, 8:26 pm

2016-07-27T01:01:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Znath — July 27th, 2016, 1:01 am

2016-07-24T19:59:10-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]>
Rumors are that our work phones are getting replaced. If that's the case, I might replace my Classic with the slider. It will be flipping weird relying so heavily on a touchscreen!

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — July 24th, 2016, 7:59 pm

2016-07-23T21:33:08-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Spirographed — July 23rd, 2016, 9:33 pm

2015-11-30T20:27:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Animal wrote:

The irony in this is that Windows phones make up a whopping 2.5% of the marketshare. I guess it makes sense that only 2 people in a room of 100 have a Windows phone..

:laugh: i use to be a 2%'er but i moved back to android....the windows mobile OS is weak and the apps stink.

Statistics: Posted by mrpoop47 — November 30th, 2015, 8:27 pm

2015-11-28T02:33:23-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> mrpoop47 wrote:


The irony in this is that Windows phones make up a whopping 2.5% of the marketshare. I guess it makes sense that only 2 people in a room of 100 have a Windows phone.

Jackstick wrote:

Blackberry had their decade of domination, but I just don't see them coming back. I feel like it's due to them being stubborn with their OS, and design philosophy.

Yeah, instead of innovating they just stagnated and lost so marketshare much when alternatives came around. In all likelihood RIM will probably be bought out by Apple or Google for their patents within the next year or two.

Statistics: Posted by Animal — November 28th, 2015, 2:33 am

2015-11-26T12:13:15-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> iframe

Statistics: Posted by mrpoop47 — November 26th, 2015, 12:13 pm

2015-11-26T04:41:40-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Animal wrote:

RIM is several years too late in joining this party. There is very little chance that they are going to regain much market share with this device, especially at its price point. It looks like a great device, and one I would definitely be interested in trying, but it's too little too late.

This. Their last chance was the Torch in my opinion, and we all know how that went. And at this point I don't think there's room for phones with lots of moving parts, physical keyboards, etc. Especially not as a company's flagship phone. Blackberry had their decade of domination, but I just don't see them coming back. I feel like it's due to them being stubborn with their OS, and design philosophy.

Would've been interesting if Blackberry had partnered with Microsoft to use the Windows Phone OS on their devices.

Statistics: Posted by Jackstick — November 26th, 2015, 4:41 am

2015-11-25T18:09:33-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Spirographed wrote:

Market, so I assume you're leaning toward getting one. If you do, let us know how you like it!

I've been considering getting one. But I wish I could test it out for a week or two before buying.
I don't like touchscreens. I miss-click all the time, and get frustrated when I have to do things several times.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — November 25th, 2015, 6:09 pm

2015-11-18T01:17:03-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Animal — November 18th, 2015, 1:17 am

2015-11-16T21:03:33-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by mrpoop47 — November 16th, 2015, 9:03 pm

2015-11-15T17:59:45-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]>
My thoughts? It's about time, BB. What took you so long?
In my eyes, Priv pros would be sd card slot, the hardware keyboard (including swipe?!?? Awesome) and more shortcuts (including quick access to BBs calender, which I'd use everyday), a decent look. Priv cons would be no Android 6
Seems a bit flimsy, inferior screen, speed, camera compared to Samsung's flagship phones.

Basically, I've had an S5 since the week it came out, and I still don't know what I'll do come April upgrade. My S5 is still working fine, so I'll most likely wait for the Note 6....but I may just get an s7 because I'm impatient. I am, honestly impressed with the Priv, but I think BB fell a tad short. I think they'll catch up, though. Possibly even surpass. I'm rooting for them. I'd love to use a BlackBerry again, but I'd like the pricetag to match the overall quality. The Priv doesn't seem to do that.

Edit: But, now that I'm thinking about this...if the Priv comes to Sprint, I may get one just to support BB. I'd really like to see them keep making Android phones. I'll have to read some reviews people have written, that have had the phone for a few months. Time will tell! I know you're a BB man, Market, so I assume you're leaning toward getting one. If you do, let us know how you like it!

Statistics: Posted by Spirographed — November 15th, 2015, 5:59 pm

2015-11-15T17:32:35-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Riptide — November 15th, 2015, 5:32 pm

2015-11-12T23:22:57-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Eadwulf — November 12th, 2015, 11:22 pm

2015-11-12T21:09:49-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by Kikori — November 12th, 2015, 9:09 pm

2015-11-12T16:09:04-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: New cell phones]]> Statistics: Posted by SparkyAMS — November 12th, 2015, 4:09 pm
