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]]>2013-03-08T08:26:12-06:00 wrote:
Do you want the scientific answer or non?
Both ~.^
Market Man6 wrote:
Volunteer at your local fire department. That ought to make you happy. You will be helping others in a huge way!
How old do you have to be? Meh. Could give me some less time to think. I overthink a lott in extra time
Malkin wrote:
Whether divine in origin or not, the phrase; "there is more happiness in giving, than receiving" has many rings of truth
It may require effort, whether that be time, or resources on your part, but it usually ends with a feeling of satisfaction. Happiness is a state of mind, a feeling or emotion.
I feel happy when listening to brilliant tunes, watching a favorite movie, spending time with friends, contemplating all that I have to be thankful for, driving my car, cooking, playing games, watching sports.
Its different for everyone. Happiness I believe also has something to do with Hormones and Chemicals within your system? I always feel low when I eat junk food consistently and do nothing.
I honestly hate receiving. I feel "happy" when I make others happy. I enjoy spending time with friends and driving. My happiness is kinda reliant on others'.
Statistics: Posted by Arya — March 8th, 2013, 8:26 am
]]>2013-03-08T07:58:52-06:00 It may require effort, whether that be time, or resources on your part, but it usually ends with a feeling of satisfaction. Happiness is a state of mind, a feeling or emotion.
I feel happy when listening to brilliant tunes, watching a favorite movie, spending time with friends, contemplating all that I have to be thankful for, driving my car, cooking, playing games, watching sports.
Its different for everyone. Happiness I believe also has something to do with Hormones and Chemicals within your system? I always feel low when I eat junk food consistently and do nothing.
Statistics: Posted by ♥Malkin — March 8th, 2013, 7:58 am
]]>2013-03-07T14:01:35-06:00 Posted by Market Man6 — March 7th, 2013, 2:01 pm
Statistics: Posted by Petrifiedparrot — March 7th, 2013, 11:40 am
I've been told by a few people I need to make myself happy before I think about others' happiness.
I can't and haven't been able to make myself happy. I honestly don't know how or what makes me happy. Bleh.
The only time I am happy is when I make someone close to me happy. Only truly happy when I make the "special someone" happy, when there is a someone :p.
I know I've hurt a person or two close to me because I refuse to try and make myself happy or think of myself when I can be there for others instead. I would rather listen and console than talk about what is on my mind. Meh.
F. logic
Statistics: Posted by Arya — March 7th, 2013, 8:26 am