I'm just bored with shooters, personally. Seriously, I can't even get back into things like DOOM or Quake for more than 15 minutes at a time anymore.
Although the idea that modern shooters lack complexity is bullshit. I played the Quake series TO DEATH when I was younger, and I can tell you that the only damned thing you needed to know how to do to play well was run and mash the fire button at ridiculous speeds. If anything, the genre has simply gotten a lot more difficult than just running down a hallway and spewing eleven metric tonnes of lead. Although I really take exception to this nintendo-hard AI that can headshot you from the hip on reflex before you've realised there's an enemy on the screen to begin with...
Also, in retrospect, Quake was ugly as
. No, literally. It was completely brown.
Fortunately there's still Serious Sam.