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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2011-10-29T02:30:28-06:00 2011-10-29T02:30:28-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Il Demon lI wrote:

Honestly, it doesn't matter, because most sites i've ever seen never tell you what the owner does with donations.

They simply put out a message saying 'donate this much please' in order to 'keep us going'. People obliged.

I think what really bothered people was that he begged just about every month.. despite subscribed donators etc and noone really knew what was due. Made the whole thing just shady - like a dirty charity.

Anyway, I don't think anyone really has anything useful to say in this topic anymore. It's snowballing into another 'hate on the previous owner' topic.

Most sites don't beg on their knees monthly for donations either...

Statistics: Posted by Frogger — October 29th, 2011, 2:30 am

2011-10-27T09:46:52-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — October 27th, 2011, 9:46 am

2011-10-27T04:27:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>
They simply put out a message saying 'donate this much please' in order to 'keep us going'. People obliged.

I think what really bothered people was that he begged just about every month.. despite subscribed donators etc and noone really knew what was due. Made the whole thing just shady - like a dirty charity.

Anyway, I don't think anyone really has anything useful to say in this topic anymore. It's snowballing into another 'hate on the previous owner' topic.

Statistics: Posted by Demon — October 27th, 2011, 4:27 am

2011-10-26T23:02:09-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Goten wrote:

Sarah wrote:
Hiker did not use the money donated to rv for his own needs, only the money donated by "friends of hiker".

Even though he said in his shitstorm-explanation-post that he let RV donations pay for his internet bill on the odd occasion? (I'm assuming that was in general as he never specified it to be strictly FoH funds.)

Honestly I don't think people would have even really cared if he was using "extra" donation money to help pay his own personal bills or whatever, so long as it was, indeed, extra and he was upfront about where every cent of the money was going (such as saying "this quarter's costs are $60, I've received $105 in donations this quarter, and I used $25 to cover part of my internet bill so it doesn't get shut off, THANKS GUYS"). The real issue was that he never gave any explanation or details whatsoever about donations. It was always just "Hey server bills are due, throw money at me. I won't tell you how much and I won't tell you when we've reached the bill cost. Just throw it blindly at me and I promise my bank account has room for it." Nobody knew how much money was needed, how much had already been covered, and/or how much extra there was and what it was being used for.

But I fear this is straying from the topic at hand, falling back into discussion that has become irrelevant.

On that note, I demand a Friend of Gavin banner where all proceeds go towards buying Happy Meals.

Then make one nub...

Statistics: Posted by Koolman — October 26th, 2011, 11:02 pm

2011-10-26T21:08:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Sarah wrote:

Hiker did not use the money donated to rv for his own needs, only the money donated by "friends of hiker".

Even though he said in his shitstorm-explanation-post that he let RV donations pay for his internet bill on the odd occasion? (I'm assuming that was in general as he never specified it to be strictly FoH funds.)

Honestly I don't think people would have even really cared if he was using "extra" donation money to help pay his own personal bills or whatever, so long as it was, indeed, extra and he was upfront about where every cent of the money was going (such as saying "this quarter's costs are $60, I've received $105 in donations this quarter, and I used $25 to cover part of my internet bill so it doesn't get shut off, THANKS GUYS"). The real issue was that he never gave any explanation or details whatsoever about donations. It was always just "Hey server bills are due, throw money at me. I won't tell you how much and I won't tell you when we've reached the bill cost. Just throw it blindly at me and I promise my bank account has room for it." Nobody knew how much money was needed, how much had already been covered, and/or how much extra there was and what it was being used for.

But I fear this is straying from the topic at hand, falling back into discussion that has become irrelevant.

On that note, I demand a Friend of Gavin banner where all proceeds go towards buying Happy Meals.

Statistics: Posted by Christopher — October 26th, 2011, 9:08 pm

2011-10-26T11:14:06-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Burks wrote:

All extra proceeds will be used by Henner for a nose job.

In that case we should have no problem hosting the site for the next five years ^_^;

Statistics: Posted by Macho Nacho — October 26th, 2011, 11:14 am

2011-10-25T23:21:33-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Statistics: Posted by Sarah — October 25th, 2011, 11:21 pm

2011-10-25T20:22:06-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Henner wrote:

Frogger, we really didn't know the price of hosting back in the day. Back in the sites' prime I'm sure it was well over $50 a month--especially during those years--in todays time, yes hosting prices have came down a lot. Plus adding all the domains we were adding and maintaining.

Actually we were on a mid range reseller account from for many years. I had a general idea how much we were paying monthly.. Plus we were on the same account that thevillagehost was on.. So he was getting money from the people he hosted too.

Statistics: Posted by Frogger — October 25th, 2011, 8:22 pm

2011-10-25T09:07:54-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Statistics: Posted by Henner — October 25th, 2011, 9:07 am

2011-10-25T02:42:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>

Statistics: Posted by Fluffzter — October 25th, 2011, 2:42 am

2011-10-24T21:04:39-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>
Years ago my reason for blowing up and leaving RV was because of was the lack of transparency with money, and the fact that hiker's lack of wanting to change was killing our site. It was Knux, Glodenox, and myself who in the Admin forum decided it was time for a change, so we created the website team. It has taken years and plenty of redesigns, but finally the team produced a new main site.

I kept pushing Hiker to stop promoting moderators and stop creating more ranks and that eventually we'll have more ranks than users. But I kept getting ignored... Having a huge leaving post and blowing up probably wasn't the best thing to do, and I threw a lot of people under the bus, but I thought it's time for some people to realize what was going on. At that time with 4 different admin ranks (Site Admin, Forum Admin, Chat Admin and Staff Admin) there was a large power struggle between everyone.

I think that it's great that we have a new owner, and we are changing.. I just think it's too late. I'm glad everyone knows how much we pay. And that we all know that the funds donated won't be used for personal use like they were with the donations sent to hiker.

Statistics: Posted by Frogger — October 24th, 2011, 9:04 pm

2011-10-24T11:10:56-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Burks wrote:

Remember just because someone donates $5 for three months straight, doesn't mean they can't come on financially hardship.

I promise I'm not thinking of encouraging / demanding such a subscription out of anyone who can't safely afford this.
And the idea is geared more toward a solid financial foundation for donations than a permanent solution. $35 a month is still a for-sure safe amount for the brunt of what we're required to pay.

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — October 24th, 2011, 11:10 am

2011-10-24T09:14:44-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Il Demon lI wrote:

Yeah.. The list is fine and dandy for now, but situations are always changing, the market adjusts, and it may not always be that clean cut.

The cost per year would be around $400 + ($48-60) since there are 4-5 domains and I assume the $12/yer is per domain, because I've yet to find anything cheaper than that for .com etc.. but I could be wrong.. so at that rate its roughly $500 a year to upkeep the site currently.. assuming there are 4 quarters in a year.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll talk with Glode about possibly setting up an API-like feature on the donation page to track available funds in the account and compare that to the costs due for that quarter. Seems like something worth looking into, for the interest of the donators.

$12/year for .com is consider rather expensive, nowadays people buy .com at no more than $10/year one such domain provider is I got all my .com domains there all below the price of $10/year and every month you can always see GoDaddy sending a good 2-3 discount codes to your inbox for new registrations as well as renewals, and discount can be like as much as 30% which is huge savings, so I recommend runevillage transfer their domains to GoDaddy.

Statistics: Posted by Gateux — October 24th, 2011, 9:14 am

2011-10-24T07:58:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>
The cost per year would be around $400 + ($48-60) since there are 4-5 domains and I assume the $12/yer is per domain, because I've yet to find anything cheaper than that for .com etc.. but I could be wrong.. so at that rate its roughly $500 a year to upkeep the site currently.. assuming there are 4 quarters in a year.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll talk with Glode about possibly setting up an API-like feature on the donation page to track available funds in the account and compare that to the costs due for that quarter. Seems like something worth looking into, for the interest of the donators.

Statistics: Posted by Demon — October 24th, 2011, 7:58 am

2011-10-24T06:12:40-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>
Also don't forget we have domain names that need accounted for, along with any unforeseen cost increases.

Statistics: Posted by Burks — October 24th, 2011, 6:12 am

2011-10-23T23:19:13-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Koolman wrote:

Tanksandguns wrote:
Kikori wrote:
1.) Kikori
2.) Animal
3.) Hennub

Market, are you joining the $5 a month list?

Throw me on that list.

You Have My Sword!

Least I can do for this place and all its done for me.

1.) Kikori
2.) Animal
3.) Hennub
4.) Tanksandguns
5.) Koolman

$25 per month, if the list stays constant and is understood right. Nearly there for a secure foundation per quarter!

No worries, Znath. It's the same thing for a lot of people, money's harder to come by to spend these days. The timing is unfortunate, but I'm glad the number is still shown to us.

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — October 23rd, 2011, 11:19 pm

2011-10-23T23:14:12-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]>
I can't do anything at the moment, I hope others can step up to though.

Statistics: Posted by Znath — October 23rd, 2011, 11:14 pm

2011-10-23T23:00:57-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Tanksandguns wrote:

Kikori wrote:
Burks wrote:
Mord wrote:
Yeah. And boy, I imagine telling us that information was a task! :roll:

Jackstick wrote:

Believe it or not, this is news to most (perhaps all) RV admins (current and past), too. I'm not sure if even Glodenox knew all of the server cost details prior to the change of ownership.

Pretty much that. We had no idea if it was $10 a month or $100 a month. Nor were we ever even given a clue to the cost. We could have made the announcement a few weeks ago, but our hosting wasn't set in stone either. So to give a false number would have just been stupid.

All extra proceeds will be used by Henner for a nose job.

The only hint we had before was that Sah donated $80, which was "About half" according to Hiker. The guess was $150. It was still never official 'til now.

1.) Kikori
2.) Animal
3.) Hennub

Market, are you joining the $5 a month list?

Throw me on that list.

You Have My Sword!

Least I can do for this place and all its done for me.

Statistics: Posted by Koolman — October 23rd, 2011, 11:00 pm

2011-10-23T22:16:17-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Kikori wrote:

Burks wrote:
Mord wrote:
Yeah. And boy, I imagine telling us that information was a task! :roll:

Jackstick wrote:

Believe it or not, this is news to most (perhaps all) RV admins (current and past), too. I'm not sure if even Glodenox knew all of the server cost details prior to the change of ownership.

Pretty much that. We had no idea if it was $10 a month or $100 a month. Nor were we ever even given a clue to the cost. We could have made the announcement a few weeks ago, but our hosting wasn't set in stone either. So to give a false number would have just been stupid.

All extra proceeds will be used by Henner for a nose job.

The only hint we had before was that Sah donated $80, which was "About half" according to Hiker. The guess was $150. It was still never official 'til now.

1.) Kikori
2.) Animal
3.) Hennub

Market, are you joining the $5 a month list?

Throw me on that list.

Statistics: Posted by Tanksandguns — October 23rd, 2011, 10:16 pm

2011-10-23T22:15:14-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: In light of the change of ownership...]]> Statistics: Posted by ZxC — October 23rd, 2011, 10:15 pm
