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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2009-10-01T07:29:58-06:00 2009-10-01T07:29:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: PenguinGuy's Tormented Wraith Guide!]]>
Btw you can go to the fortress by using ring of duelling to teleport to fist of guthix, its slightly shorter than when going straight from edgeville and i think there are some ancient teleport spells that might teleport you even closer, not sure though.

Statistics: Posted by svstoned — October 1st, 2009, 7:29 am

2009-09-20T19:49:25-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: PenguinGuy's Tormented Wraith Guide!]]>

So many guides are starting to pop up this is awesome :awesome:

Statistics: Posted by Nish — September 20th, 2009, 7:49 pm

2009-09-20T16:06:34-06:00 <![CDATA[PenguinGuy's Tormented Wraith Guide!]]> Image
Ranging Tormented Wraiths, a How To Guide By PenguinGuy

What are Tormented Wraiths?
Tormented Wraiths are the trapped souls of a long dead prisoner. They are trapped in the spirt realm discovered in Spirit of Summer, and can only wander aimlessly in the courtyard of the Dark Warrior's Fortress.

But what are they as a monster? Well, they are level 129, have 150 HP, and can hit a maximum of 21. They appear to have a deep hatered for the Dark Warriors, and will only attack those dressed as dark warriors. Likewise, you may only attack them whilst wearing a black helmet, a peice of black body armour, black plate legs or skirt, a black sheild, and lastly, a black weapon.

What Are The Requirements?
To Kill tormented Wraiths, first you need to have done the quest Summers End and the prequests Spirit of Summer and The Restless Ghost.
As for skills, Level ten Defence is required for Black armour, the ability to navigate the wilderness, and range. Wraiths are Level 129, and you can only use black weapons, so a high range is required. 75+ is recommended. 43 prayer and high HP is also recommended, as Wraiths can hit fairily high if you aren't in the safespot.

What is a Good Setup?
This is the average, and one of the best setups.
Black knives are a must, a black cross bow doesn't have as good speed. Black med helm, square sheild, and chainbody for minimal negative range bonus. Black plate leg's alternate, skirt, have same stats, so you have to use them. You cannot use Black D'hid body and Chaps. You would be unable to attack the wraith. You also must use the helm and sheild.
As for an amulet, the glory works best. Forinthry bracelet negates revantes teleblock, but have an alternate glove, black D'hide or barrows preferabliy. Jennica's ring is required to enter the area, though and alternate is good, archers or wealth. For a cape, Ava's accumulator gives best bonus, but doesn't pick up arrows. For boots, rangers are best, but pricey. Snakeskin is a down to earth alternative.
Here's a quick break down:
    Black Knives>Black Crossbow
    Black Med>Black Full
    Black Chain Body>Black Plate Body
    Black Legs=Black Skirt
    Black Square Shield>Black Kiteshield
    Glory Amulet>Fury Amulet
    Ava's Accumulater>Ava's Atracter>Range Cape>Any Cape
    (Must Bring Jennica's ring)+ Archer's Ring>Ring of Wealth
    Ranges Boots>Snakeskin Boots
    Barrows Gloves> Black D'Hide Vamps

Where are Tormented Wraiths?

Tormented Wraiths are in the spirted realm near in the courtyard of Dark Warrior's Fortress. Jennica's ring is required to acces them. To get to the Dark Warrior's Fortress, teleport to Bount Hunter via a games necklace, and follow this path:
Alternately, you can get there from the GE or Edgeville, using these paths:
Procede to the center of the fortress, and once in the courtyard, remove your helmet, and operate Jennica's Ring.
You should now be in the spirit realm, ready to fight the Wraiths!

How Do I fight the Wraiths?
Well, right now, you should be in the courtyard, with a Wraith. From here, there are several safespots, but this one has worked the best for me. Procede to the door as if you were leaving the courtyard. Open it, and step inside:
If the wraith is there, equip your helmet, and once the wraith begins to head towards you, close the door. If it is not there, equip your helmet, and when the wraith spawns, close the door.
Now for the tricky part. Use the next picture for reference:
Starting where the 1 and the "B" are, follow the red arrow and move two squares over to point "A," or point 2, under the lantern. Then, move back to the original point, following the blue arrow, to where the 1 and the "B" are. The Wraith should be between the two points, facing the door. If he is, open the door, if he isn't, you did something wrong.
You should now look like this. If you do, attack the Wraith.
Once he is dead, retrieve the drops, and repeat the steps.

What Do They Drop?
Tormented Wraiths drop many things. Most are as follows:
Black Items
    They drop black of all sorts. They are good alching, but sell for higher in GE. If they take up valuable space, Alch.
Oak Planks
    Pick these up. They add up quick, and are worth the space. They are noted, meaning they are stackable. Keep them.
    As with most herbs, keep the ones the are valuable, drop the ones that aren't.
    Pick these up. They aren't very large sums, but for campers, they add up.
Adamantite Bars
    These are 2K each, but aren't stackable. Alch for less than 1K. Don't alch unless they take up valuable space.
Mithril Darts
    Stackable, so keep them.
    Usually good runes. Keep them, as they stack.
    Again, they stack, so keep them.
Big Bones
    Non-stackable, and aren't worth too much. Bury for the prayer XP.
Spirit Shield
    Pick them up. Always. Worth a good deal, and relatively rare.
Holy Elixir
Best drop Wraiths have. Worth several mill. Screenie, save, show to friends. Never leave these. They are rare, said to take roughly one thousand kills, but can appear at any time. I got one on my tenth kill.

Interesting Strory Behind the Wraith
Anyone who has camped at Tormented Wraiths has noticed a spam of the message "Woo wooo woo" in the chat box. It is said by the wraith, by too bad we don't speak ghost.... But with the ghost speak amulet, we can.
This is what the tormented wraith says:
I can feel them closing in.
The stench of Kinshra still lingers in my wounds
I will not rest until every black knight is dead.
I must have my vengeance.
Bring me the dark warrior or suffer my displeasure.

From this I think there is a story, it seems that the wraith was a fugitive, and was running from the dark warriors. It appears that the wraith was either tortured by a being called Kinshra, or Kinshra was a fugitive with the wraith. It is obvious that the dark knight tortured the wraith, and it wants vengeance. This is probably why the Wraith will only attack those with full black armour on, and why none but the black knights have the will to attack it. The dark warriors must have something against the wraith.
There is a story behing the Wraith, and it is obvious that there is more than meets the eye with this creature.

Hope this helps you all! Good luck Wraith Killing!

Dumb Time-warp, make me go and repost my guide.

Statistics: Posted by PenguinGuy — September 20th, 2009, 4:06 pm
