Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; phpbb_feed_base has a deprecated constructor in /home/poorsh5/public_html/ThePub/feed.php on line 428

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; phpbb_feed_forum has a deprecated constructor in /home/poorsh5/public_html/ThePub/feed.php on line 844

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; phpbb_feed_topic has a deprecated constructor in /home/poorsh5/public_html/ThePub/feed.php on line 973
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 173: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-08-27T12:35:55-06:00 2008-08-27T12:35:55-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Big gap at the top of tables]]>

There's little I can do about it to improve that. What is actually happening is that the forum transforms those "enters" at each end of the line with a <br />. Those tags aren't allowed to be there in a browser, so it just moves them out of the table and puts them in front of it, causing that empty space.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — August 27th, 2008, 12:35 pm

2008-08-27T11:16:05-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Big gap at the top of tables]]>

Statistics: Posted by Judge — August 27th, 2008, 11:16 am

2008-08-27T08:42:16-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Big gap at the top of tables]]>
[table][tr][th]Name[/th][th]Genesis Event[/th][th]Rva Event[/th][th]Other Squad Event[/th][th]Total[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Bballing Pnoi[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Gods Devil2[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Simons Pure[/td][td]2[/td][td]1[/td][td]1[/td][td]4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Tal Set 65[/td][td]2[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]2[/td][/tr]


[table][tr][th]Name[/th][th]Genesis Event[/th][th]Rva Event[/th][th]Other Squad Event[/th][th]Total[/th][/tr][tr][td]Bballing Pnoi[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Gods Devil2[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td]Harry2cool99[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Jimmybe[/td][td]2[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]2[/td][/tr][tr][td]MiKeBoY2003[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][td]0[/td][td]1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Simons Pure[/td][td]2[/td][td]1[/td][td]1[/td][td]4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Slims79[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td]Stimpius2004[/td][td]3[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]3[/td][/tr][tr][td]Tal Set 65[/td][td]2[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Joe(T)[/td][td]1[/td][td]3[/td][td]0[/td][td]4[/td][/tr][/table]

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — August 27th, 2008, 8:42 am

2008-08-27T08:35:41-06:00 <![CDATA[Big gap at the top of tables]]> Example:

NameGenesis EventRva EventOther Squad EventTotal
Bballing Pnoi0101
Gods Devil20000
Simons Pure2114
Tal Set 652002

Statistics: Posted by Simons Pure — August 27th, 2008, 8:35 am
