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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2012-02-14T23:37:04-06:00 2012-02-14T23:37:04-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>
Glad I investigated.

Statistics: Posted by Landerpurex — February 14th, 2012, 11:37 pm

2012-02-12T21:36:45-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> dustin wrote:

does RV even have a quest database?

Yes, it's right here.

Statistics: Posted by Animal — February 12th, 2012, 9:36 pm

2012-02-10T18:24:49-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Statistics: Posted by dustin — February 10th, 2012, 6:24 pm

2011-07-18T09:57:57-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Jtborth wrote:

For the Swept Away Quest:
For the reward it says 'You have completed A Void Dance!'....PRETTY sure that is a mistake...if I am wrong oops I guess...oh yeah it's actually supposed to say 'You have completed Swept Away'
There is also a minor type in Elemental Workshop 4 where you forgot a space in step 10. (It says TheThird Puzzle)
In the quest guide for Itchlarin's Little Helper in the FAQs one of the questions is: 'Can I use any type of Cat for this quest?' and the answers said as long as it is not a kitten. This is not true. You can take kittens with you in the quest, you just need to bring a fish or two so it does not die.

Fairly old topic...hopefully I posted this in the correct spot.
Thanks for the submissions Jtborth! Don't worry, as long as it is in this forum category is is correct :) I'll fix these tonight!

EDIT: All changes done! thanks!

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — July 18th, 2011, 9:57 am

2011-07-14T08:31:54-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> For the reward it says 'You have completed A Void Dance!'....PRETTY sure that is a mistake...if I am wrong oops I guess...oh yeah it's actually supposed to say 'You have completed Swept Away'
There is also a minor type in Elemental Workshop 4 where you forgot a space in step 10. (It says TheThird Puzzle)
In the quest guide for Itchlarin's Little Helper in the FAQs one of the questions is: 'Can I use any type of Cat for this quest?' and the answers said as long as it is not a kitten. This is not true. You can take kittens with you in the quest, you just need to bring a fish or two so it does not die.

Fairly old topic...hopefully I posted this in the correct spot.

Statistics: Posted by Jtborth — July 14th, 2011, 8:31 am

2010-06-27T22:07:33-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Looks as though Elemental Workshop III is still absent.

Statistics: Posted by 2toon2fast — June 27th, 2010, 10:07 pm

2010-06-05T20:13:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Statistics: Posted by Henner — June 5th, 2010, 8:13 pm

2008-08-24T14:17:27-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>
For those curious as to what will be done with this, at the moment nothing will be done, at least by myself. We're currently working on several projects that we'd like to get finished before taking on this, but once we reach the stage where our goal will be to revamp all the quest guides, this will be of excellent help, and all credit will be awarded in the appropriate places. (So don't worry, we'll get to this soon!)

Thanks again, guys. And you don't necessarily have to PM me, I check this forum every day so it will be done either way (thanks Dark). But whatever is easier for you. :)

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — August 24th, 2008, 2:17 pm

2008-08-24T13:25:30-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Statistics: Posted by dragon1019 — August 24th, 2008, 1:25 pm

2008-08-11T18:18:05-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Rayseima wrote:

Hey guys, I think Ghosts Ahoy needs to be changed around a little -_-

First of all, step 8. . . .erase it. And in the "Items Needed" section, delete these items: Cup of tea, bowl of water, and gloves. In in their place, put "Nettle Tea" with a URL (from the text) directing to the "Nettle Tea" item in the items database. And in the notes section of the Nettle Tea item put "Made by getting a bowl of water and putting nettles into it, then cooking it, then using that on a drunken cup of tea." since that section doesn't have that information in there yet :| . And change step 9 on the first sentence change "Head back to the Old Woman and tell her you have her tea." to "Once you have made the nettle tea, head back to the Old Woman to tell her you have her tea." And on step 7, add to the end of the sentence: "(If you need to find a nettle patch to make the tea, there's one just northeast of the Slayer Master in Canfis)"

I'll edit this later and add in pictures, I can't input them right now.

Great to see your interested in helping :)
But if you want to suggest a change in a guide, then you would have better chances by either PMing Donut Juice or posting a topic about it in the RuneVillageSubmissions & Corrections Forum ...and if you're really into this, you might even want to join The Guide Coders by PMing Donut Juice.
Though he's currently inactive, so don't expect a quick reply ^_^;

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — August 11th, 2008, 6:18 pm

2008-08-11T10:19:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>

First of all, step 8. . . .erase it. And in the "Items Needed" section, delete these items: Cup of tea, bowl of water, and gloves. In in their place, put "Nettle Tea" with a URL (from the text) directing to the "Nettle Tea" item in the items database. And in the notes section of the Nettle Tea item put "Made by getting a bowl of water and putting nettles into it, then cooking it, then using that on a drunken cup of tea." since that section doesn't have that information in there yet :| . And change step 9 on the first sentence change "Head back to the Old Woman and tell her you have her tea." to "Once you have made the nettle tea, head back to the Old Woman to tell her you have her tea." And on step 7, add to the end of the sentence: "(If you need to find a nettle patch to make the tea, there's one just northeast of the Slayer Master in Canfis)"

I'll edit this later and add in pictures, I can't input them right now.

Statistics: Posted by Rayseima — August 11th, 2008, 10:19 am

2008-07-20T15:38:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — July 20th, 2008, 3:38 pm

2008-07-17T09:02:13-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>
And yay for super-updates! I stole a moment in the area's library so I'm updating this post now.

Statistics: Posted by Blackmage172 — July 17th, 2008, 9:02 am

2008-07-09T09:24:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> Rayseima wrote:

O.K., now that the graphics update is here, can we submit our new "graphically enhanced" pictures in the databases :?: we need permission to get them entered....

I don't even know how to submit pictures in the databases anyway :-s

That would be very apreciated Rayseima :D
You can just post the pictures in the Monster and Inhabitants Database Submission Forum or the Item Database Submission Forum or you can also just PM us (the Database Team).
And it would be perfect if the pictures were taken from the front, in about 200x170 pixel dimensions, in highest brightness and saved as .GIF.

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — July 9th, 2008, 9:24 am

2008-07-08T22:21:12-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> we need permission to get them entered....

I don't even know how to submit pictures in the databases anyway :-s

Statistics: Posted by Rayseima — July 8th, 2008, 10:21 pm

2008-07-06T12:40:27-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>

That TzHaar quest you mentioned really doesn't need a rewrite, we just wrote the guide not too long ago.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — July 6th, 2008, 12:40 pm

2008-07-06T00:55:45-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>

Statistics: Posted by Palo — July 6th, 2008, 12:55 am

2008-07-05T20:56:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]>
And Archer, you don't need permission. Feel free to start on whatever you want.

edit- Change in plans. I got home pretty late from my camp and I have to pack + sleep + shower etc for the next one, so yeah =\ I'm home Friday, so I'll have time then, and I go to Key Largo next, so I'll have nothing to do cept lay on the beach with my laptop :P

Statistics: Posted by Blackmage172 — July 5th, 2008, 8:56 pm

2008-07-04T08:02:00-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> or any other uneed help with im happy to help. just pm me

Statistics: Posted by Palo — July 4th, 2008, 8:02 am

2008-07-03T18:02:43-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Like Questing? Help RV with our quest database!]]> TheAmericanDonub wrote:

Toa wrote:
Ill update the Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf guide after the graphics update.

Thanks Toa, that guide has been in need of a facelift for quite awhile now. Don't worry about the initial map also, I mapped Keldagrim for the Keldagrim City Guide not too long ago, so if any changes need to be made to that, I can make them quite easily for you. :)

Unforchanetly, I would rather remake it with the new graphics, but those aren't working for me right now, so its going to take longer than I thought.
But anyway, here's the new map.(Based off yours :P )

Statistics: Posted by Toa — July 3rd, 2008, 6:02 pm
