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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-04-07T13:10:18-06:00 2008-04-07T13:10:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]> Glodenox wrote:

Seeing the amount of Monster Slaying guides we're starting to get, it might be an idea to include such a section on RV2.0... Hmm, I'll look into it next Friday, then I've finished my exams for the current period.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

That would be a great idea, I don't see many other help sites with that feature (that being positive).

InSanity wrote:

Nice work Donut!

Thanks. :)

ZinyX wrote:

Really good and helpful guide, Donut. The only thing I would like to point out is that the enchanted Salve amulet gives a 20% Attack and Strength bonus against the undead. It's the non-enchanted version that gives 15%. :wink:

Ah, thanks for that. I guess that's why I post it in public. ;)

Dark Paladin wrote:

wow donut, you've been really active in guide-making lately!
Great work! =D>


Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — April 7th, 2008, 1:10 pm

2008-04-07T08:32:09-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]>
- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — April 7th, 2008, 8:32 am

2008-04-06T19:23:55-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]> Statistics: Posted by SanityCore — April 6th, 2008, 7:23 pm

2008-04-06T10:27:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]>

Statistics: Posted by ZinyX — April 6th, 2008, 10:27 am

2008-04-06T09:18:10-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]> Great work! =D>

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — April 6th, 2008, 9:18 am

2008-04-06T07:56:39-06:00 <![CDATA[[UPLOADED] Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons]]> Guide to Damis' Lair Skeletons

Damis' Lair is a dungeon used in the Desert Treasure quest to access the boss, Damis. In this guide, focusing on the popular level 80 Giant Skeletons, and the best ways to tackle them. Many players also use these 'Desert Treasure Skeletons' for their drop of long or curved bones, which award you Construction XP and some Gold Pieces.

The skeletons within this lair (also referred to as 'Desert Treasure Skeletons'), are a very popular and effective training area, due to the fact that they automatically attack you, and are undead. The fact that they are undead allows the player to use Salve Amulet, or the Salve Amulet (e).

Getting There
The quickest way to access Damis' Lair would via Ardougne. Seers Village is also quite quick, but Ardougne is a slightly closer teleport, so it's recommended that you use Ardougne. When teleporting to Ardougne, go to the north bank, and stock up on your items (see Items Required section) and then make your way to the lair by traveling north past the Warrior Women and Moss Giants.

Items Required
You absolutely need a Ring of Visibility, as you will not be able to see the entrance without it. Although, once you're in the lair, you're able to change to whatever ring you'd like.

If you do not have a Ring of Visibility, please see our Desert Treasure quest guide to find out how to attain one.

The equipment you bring is solely up to you, as it may vary dependent on the attack mode you wish to train. Below is simply what is recommended, and you may wish to alter it slightly to your own desire.
Salve Amulet (e) - Increases Attack and Strength against undead creatures by 20%. Reward from Tarn's Lair miniquest.
Ring of Visibility - Allows you to access Damis' Lair. Without this ring, you won't be able to see the ladder. Once you're in the lair, you're free to remove this ring, and change it with another ring. I recommend a Ring of Life as you will not be able to die with it on. A Berserker Ring is another possibility.

You are able to alter the items you bring, but I'd only recommend changing the food, all the others work very well. Monkfish was chosen as it heals a large amount, and is relatively inexpensive.
Ardougne Teleport - A teleport to Ardougne requires two law runes and two water runes. Giant Skeletons drop many water runes, as well as law runes, so you will not lose any GP on teleports.
Dragon Battle-Axe - Far cheaper than using Super Strength Potions, also saves inventory space. Use only for special attack (20% more Strength).
Restore and Super Attack Potions - Both are relatively cheap. Once you've used the Dragon Battle-Axe, drink a Restore Potion to regain lost stats, and a Super Attack Potion to boost your Attack level higher.
Ring of Life - You will need a Ring of Visibility to access the lair, but once you're in, I recommend changing to a Ring of Life, as it will lower your chances of dying to almost nothing. A Berserker Ring is another possibility, but it's highly recommended to wear a Ring of Life.

The Skeletons
The Giant Skeletons within the lair are aggressive, and will attack you without you needing to attack them. With Auto-Retaliate ON, this makes for excellent training in conjunction with the Salve Amulet (e), without a lot of attention needed. If your the Giant Skeletons lower your HP too greatly, and you are over 85 HP, you can never die, as the Skeletons cannot hit high enough for your Ring of Life to not activate.

There are two areas in which you train against the Giant Skeletons. This allows you to change to the opposite area when the Giant Skeletons become unaggressive. The first spot is directly by the ladder-entrance, and there are two skeletons to attack. The second area is near the middle (as shown on the map) and there are two skeletons there also. By the time one skeleton dies, the chances are that the other skeleton will have re-spawned, and will attack you. If on the rare chance the other doesn't re-spawn by the time you kill the first skeleton, you only will have to wait 1-2 seconds for the re-spawn.

They are the only efficient areas to train against the Giant Skeletons.


Q: Are there any little tricks?
A: Yes!
  • Train against the Giant Skeletons in a high-population world (IE: World 2, 18, etc.) as the skeletons will re-spawn faster.
  • Do the Dragon Battle-Axe special whenever you're within six points of your normal level. Then drink the two potions to level out.
  • A Salve Amulet (e) is an excellent amulet to have for the bonuses. It's free, and only requires two short quests to get. The first is Haunted Mine and the second is Tarn's Lair. It offers a 20% bonus to Attack and Strength.
  • Have full Prayer Points before entering the lair, and use either Protect from Melee, or Ultimate Strength for optimal experience.

Q: What do I do when they become unaggressive?
A: I would suggest running to the other of the two spots and continue training there. Or, run into another area of the cave, get a skeleton to attack you, and then run back.

Q: What's the XP rate?
A: Of course, that's dependent on your level. But at around 85 Strength, you're looking at around 50,000 XP per hour in the skill you're training. The higher combat you are, the better XP you will get.

Q: Someone stole my spot!
A: As unfortunate as that is, there's nothing you can do about it. Go to the other area, or hop worlds.

Q: How long can I stay inattentive?
A: Up to half an hour, then they will become unaggressive.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — April 6th, 2008, 7:56 am
