Hey everyone, I thought I'd just point out that the RV chat - as it appears to me - is in-accessible....:
1. It wont auto-log in as it usually does when you are logged onto the forums.
2. The text boxes were to put your user name and password still don't have borders and it is difficult to see exactly were to type.
3. Upon typing in the invisible text boxes and hitting 'Login' the page simply re-loads and displays the login page again..
Again, I don't know if this is everybody or just myself - but any ideas?
EDIT: Just notced - after attempting to log in several times it says I am in the chat on the main index page
and also, I forgot to mentio I am using Mozilla Firefox and I've never had this problem before
Thanks heaps
Statistics: Posted by -knight- — March 30th, 2008, 6:18 am