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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-04-02T02:54:30-06:00 2008-04-02T02:54:30-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Witches potion guide]]>
Written by Gamestar, 'eh?

Well, yeah. Use this if ya want, Glode, or use the images or whatever. Or not. I don't care xD

Statistics: Posted by Gamestar — April 2nd, 2008, 2:54 am

2008-03-30T04:28:41-06:00 <![CDATA[Witches potion guide]]>


Items Required Beef, Eye of Newt (Where to obtain described in guide)

Levels Required None

Quests Required: None

To start this quest talk to Hetty the Witch in Rimmington.


Tell Hetty that you are in search of a quest, and that you wish to become more profound in the dark arts. She will ponder this for a minute and eventually asks you to collect her 4 ingredients to be used in her potion.

1 Eye of Newt
1 Rats Tail
1 Onion
1 piece of Burnt Meat.


The only way to obtain the Rats Tail is by killing level 1 Rats. They only drop their tails during the course of this quest, and can be found in Brians Archery Supplies Store, which is to the left of Hettys house.


Next stop is the Onion patch, just north of where you currently are, and just west of Melzars Maze. Pick up an Onion from the field.


Located just northeast of here is a Cow paddock. Kill the Cows in here and pick up the meat that is dropped. Of course, you can use any Raw Meat, except Raw Chicken, but this paddock is convieniently located to make it easier for you. Cook the meat on an open fire, or on a range to obtain Burnt Meat. You can cook Cooked Meat again on a fire or range to burn the Cooked Meat


Finally, you have to get an Eye of Newt. This can be brought from Bettys Magical Emporium in Port Sarim for just 3 gold pieces.


It was written by Gamestar, not me.

alvaged it off of my old RS fansite project. There is also a sheep sheaer guide on there.... :?

Statistics: Posted by The123king — March 30th, 2008, 4:28 am
