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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; phpbb_feed_topic has a deprecated constructor in /home/poorsh5/public_html/ThePub/feed.php on line 973
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 173: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-02-28T12:30:17-06:00 2008-02-28T12:30:17-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — February 28th, 2008, 12:30 pm

2008-02-28T02:27:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>

Of course, there is still the question of priorities. I guess that this sort of hack is lower on the list than a number of others.

Statistics: Posted by Tweedy — February 28th, 2008, 2:27 am

2008-02-27T18:34:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> The123king wrote:

Tweedy wrote:
Well it comes down to how easy it would be to apply the change. If it were possible to create a mod which would do this without too much difficulty, then I'm all for it.

The idea is good in principle, it's just a question of whether it can be done.

In response to those who say it'd make things too easy...the same argument could be raised with the Quick Reply box, but many people (myself included) found it handy for smaller messages.

virtually anything can be done with php and phpbb, it really just depends on the complexity of the mod (which thinking about it on a phpbb2 base, doesn't actually seem to hard... but RV uses phpbb3...). I'm all up for it if someone want to write a MOD for it. :D

Ive not properly checked out PHPBB3 yet, though the code is quite a bit differnt than 2 from what ive seen, it shouldnt be that hard to make tbh, Just need to make new database stuff

Statistics: Posted by reggie — February 27th, 2008, 6:34 pm

2008-02-24T08:30:02-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> Tweedy wrote:

Well it comes down to how easy it would be to apply the change. If it were possible to create a mod which would do this without too much difficulty, then I'm all for it.

The idea is good in principle, it's just a question of whether it can be done.

In response to those who say it'd make things too easy...the same argument could be raised with the Quick Reply box, but many people (myself included) found it handy for smaller messages.

virtually anything can be done with php and phpbb, it really just depends on the complexity of the mod (which thinking about it on a phpbb2 base, doesn't actually seem to hard... but RV uses phpbb3...). I'm all up for it if someone want to write a MOD for it. :D

Statistics: Posted by The123king — February 24th, 2008, 8:30 am

2008-02-24T01:32:44-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>
The idea is good in principle, it's just a question of whether it can be done.

In response to those who say it'd make things too easy...the same argument could be raised with the Quick Reply box, but many people (myself included) found it handy for smaller messages.

Statistics: Posted by Tweedy — February 24th, 2008, 1:32 am

2008-02-23T19:28:34-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> but your opinions seem reasonable too

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — February 23rd, 2008, 7:28 pm

2008-02-23T19:12:12-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>
It's not that hard, If you really want to when you log onto RV just have the text colour font etc copied.

For example; If you'd like
as your default text just copy that so all you have to do is click paste and it's all ready for you.

Statistics: Posted by Garth — February 23rd, 2008, 7:12 pm

2008-02-23T07:26:31-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> Statistics: Posted by H K — February 23rd, 2008, 7:26 am

2008-02-23T00:07:34-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> Jackstick wrote:

I'm gonna have to agree with Mack. It's a good idea, but I'm sure it would be more trouble than its worth to find such a mod. The color pallet is good enough :mrgreen:

Palette. :P
Like Jack, i agree with mack.
getting font colours easier now, you don't get a pop-up window anymore. It's there for you

Statistics: Posted by Rory — February 23rd, 2008, 12:07 am

2008-02-22T23:43:10-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>

Statistics: Posted by Jackstick — February 22nd, 2008, 11:43 pm

2008-02-22T21:42:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>
I don't like it. If you want to change your font from the default go for it but I don't think it is a good idea to be able to set it as a default... That makes things to easy, stick to the default if it is to hard.

Statistics: Posted by Mackerel — February 22nd, 2008, 9:42 pm

2008-02-22T17:58:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]> Jackstick wrote:

I'm not sure what you're suggesting, do you think you can go into more detail?

Are you saying there should be a UCP where you can set it so every post appears in a certain font and certain color?

UCP = User Control Panel
didn't want to make title too long

A preset font, font size and colour which you set in the user's control panel, Board Preferences

Let's say you always want to write in blue because it looks pretty with your name (Blue would fit with A5chow's name for example :p) and you don't want to insert the blue colour in each post and just change the setting and let it be blue as a default for your account.

Do you get it now? [-o< :D

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — February 22nd, 2008, 5:58 pm

2008-02-22T16:02:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>
Are you saying there should be a UCP where you can set it so every post appears in a certain font and certain color?

Statistics: Posted by Jackstick — February 22nd, 2008, 4:02 pm

2008-02-22T11:21:19-06:00 <![CDATA[UCP:Board Preferences: Font; Font Colour; Font Size]]>
My idea is it to add a new option to the user's control panel in the forum. In my opinion it is pretty useful and helps or you can just call me lazy for not just using my font, size, colour or so in every post :-s .
I don't know if it is possible to make this change but firstly it would help to hear your opinion RV.
So click the magically glowing Post Reply button at the bottom of the page ;)

Statistics: Posted by Dark Paladin — February 22nd, 2008, 11:21 am
