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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-06-01T17:38:46-06:00 2008-06-01T17:38:46-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Rory — June 1st, 2008, 5:38 pm

2008-06-01T15:25:52-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]> Tweedy wrote:


How does this guide look guys? Do you think it's close to being finished?

Unfortunately, should they wish to continue with this several of the images/instructions need to be updated due to Jagex's Graphical Update to the Grand Exchange. It's been made more 'simplistic' and the interface has changed slightly.

But it's an easy enough fix if they decide to continue with it, luckily.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 1st, 2008, 3:25 pm

2008-06-01T15:23:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]>
How does this guide look guys? Do you think it's close to being finished?

Statistics: Posted by Tweedy — June 1st, 2008, 3:23 pm

2008-01-28T00:42:49-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]>
for me :D

Statistics: Posted by Jocund — January 28th, 2008, 12:42 am

2008-01-27T18:23:04-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]>

But Chrismas = limited downloads. 700mb means Chrismas's neck on a washing line covered in honey and waiting for a heap of fire ants to take me away to their secret underground lair so that the queen ant can suck all my blood and make mutant babies :-s

Statistics: Posted by Garth — January 27th, 2008, 6:23 pm

2008-01-27T17:58:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]>
Chrismas I love you, Come play FlyFF with me :shifty:

Statistics: Posted by Jocund — January 27th, 2008, 5:58 pm

2008-01-27T16:27:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Grand exchange! The guide! (started)]]> I'll update my bit and add yours. ;)

Statistics: Posted by Garth — January 27th, 2008, 4:27 pm

2008-01-27T03:57:56-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Grand exchange! The guide! (started)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Elanthiel — January 27th, 2008, 3:57 am

2008-01-27T03:29:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Grand exchange! The guide! (started)]]> 6 items at a time - not 5 :wink:

Statistics: Posted by ♥Malkin — January 27th, 2008, 3:29 am

2008-01-27T03:28:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Grand Exchange! The Guide! (Continued)]]> Statistics: Posted by Nish — January 27th, 2008, 3:28 am

2008-01-26T22:03:40-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Grand exchange! The guide! (started)]]>
If there are other buyers or sellers buying or selling at the same price point, you are put in a queue and have to wait your turn.

If you are the only buyer, then you will always pay at the lowest price the sellers selling at or below your price will offer at the quantity the sellers will offer. For example, if you offer to buy 100 yew logs at 360 ea and there are 80 logs at 340 ea and 100 logs at 350 ea for sale, then you will buy 80 logs for 340 ea and 20 logs at 350 ea. This is assuming other buyers either don't exist or offer less than 340 ea and other sellers either don't exist or sell for more than 360 ea.

Inversely, if you are the only seller then you will get the best offer the buyers have assuming it is equal or higher in price than your offer.

The market price is calculated from the average price traded since the last update. If there isn't enough trade volume the price isn't updated (unless Jagex intervenes). Some items have fixed absolute price caps that prevent it from going below or above a certain amount.

BTW nish wants to make a GE guide too. You should collaborate with him.

Statistics: Posted by Miracle Blade IV — January 26th, 2008, 10:03 pm

2008-01-26T18:17:15-06:00 <![CDATA[Garth's and Nish's Grand exchange guide! (started)]]> NOTE: This guide is made by me and Nish, just because I have the post with everything in it Nish has been doing a great amount of work

This is Mine and Nish's guide for Grand Exchange I hope you like it and it informs you about the Grand Exchange!

1. Location and getting there.
2. Getting Starting
3. The Price Checkers.
4. Grand Exchange, The basics.
5. Buying.
6. Selling.
7. Collecting.
8. Sets.
9. Conculsion.

1. Location and getting there.

The Grand Exchange is located just north West of Varrok.


Varrok Teleport is the easiest way to get there. If you are unable to teleport it's just a short walk east from Barbarian Village. Edgeville and Falador.


2. Getting Started.

You can't start trading using the complex system of the Grand Exchange straight away! You have to go through a Tutorial.
Once you enter the Grand Exchange, you will see Brugsen Burson who will explain every detail of the Grand Exchange. If you are to anxious to read all of his long tutorial, there is a Grand Exchange Tutor just to the west of Brugson who will give you a short and concise Tutorial on the Grand Exchange and you'll be trading in no time!


3. The Price Checkers.

After you have read the tutorial it's time to start trading! But before you start selling all you items you may want to know how much each is worth. Around the edge of the Grand Exchange is 5 different Merchants each specialising in a certain type of item.

ImageHofuthand - He specialises in Armour and Weapons.

ImageBob Barter - He specialises in Herbs.

ImageRelobo Blinyo - He specilises in all types of Wood.

ImageFarid Morrisane - He may be small but he specialises in Ores.

ImageMurky Matt - He specialises in Runes.

These merchants are recognised by they're Icon on the map.

4.Grand Exchange, The Basics.

Now it's time for the trading to begin! Firstly once you go into the center of the Grand Exchange there will be a big desk with Grand Exchange Clerks whom will let you Exchange items, make sets (more on that later) and Bankers who of course, let you access your Bank Account.


To start selling or buying items Right-Click on one of the Clerks who are behind the big desk and are dressed in Blue and click "Exchange" this screen will come up.


In Free-To-Play (F2P) you can only buy or sell 2 different Items at a time. But in Members (P2P) you can buy or sell 6 different items at a time!. Now just click on one of the empty Boxes and you will see 2 more icons pop up.

The arrow going down into the back pack is buy and the other is sell.

5. Buying.

5. Buying.

Now to buy just click on the Backpack with the Green arrow and you will see another screen.


What you see is the Buy screen. From here you can regulate how much you sell your item for, but we'll go into more detail later. For now your attention should be on the "Buy Offer" Box. It's flashing yellow and has a magnifying glass on it. After clicking on it, your message area will turn into a item search window.


Every item in the game is in this database. So go ahead and type something in there. For me, I'm fishing so I typed "feath" into the search box.


You don't have to type in whole item names because the results are "live." So everything with "feath" in it's name pops up, as I type more letters in, more results will be ruled out. Click on the item your looking for and the Buy screen will pop back up, this time with your item in the box you clicked on.


A - The item you are purchasing

B - Item Description

C - The amount of the item you are purchasing, to modify click on the up and down arrows or click on one of the pre-determined amounts. Clicking on ... will let you set your own amount.

D - The price for just 1 of the item/s you are purchasing, clicking onImage will set the default market price for your item. Clicking on the down arrow will set your buying price to minimum. Clicking on the up arrow will obviously set your buying price to maximum.

E - The total cost of the item/s that you are buying.

Pressing on Confirm Offer will put your request onto the Grand Exchange. Now it will search everything that everyone else is selling, and locate your item.

After clicking confirm, you will be re-routed to your summery, which will show all of the sell, or buy boxes that are being used.


Click on the box with the item you purchased, and click on your item in the bottom right hand corner to put it into your inventory. If you bought something for a higher price than what someone was selling it for, the extra change will be there as well to collect.

If you want to cancel it, click on the red X and your money will be there to collect.


*Note: If you want to buy an item for say 100gp, if everyone is selling for 101gp, your not going to get that item. So if a purchase isn't made right away, and the maximum buying price for an item is not too much higher than the suggested price, I would suggest buying for maximum price.

This guide is a work in progress. Updates will be made daily. Feel free to private message Nish or Garth Elgar with suggestions.

Statistics: Posted by Garth — January 26th, 2008, 6:17 pm
