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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-03-14T08:55:45-06:00 2008-03-14T08:55:45-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Quote:

The Dwarven City

To reach Keldagrim, you must either take a mine cart (from the Ice Mountain or White Wolf Mountain), or enter through the cave near the Rock Crabs in north-east Rellekka.

The first time you enter the city, you will go immediately to the Commander and that will initiate the "Giant Dwarf" quest.

The first time you enter the city, you will immediately go to the Commander, which will start the Giant Dwarf quest.


1) Quality Weapons

Quality Weapons is Keldagrim’s local weapon store run by the dwarf, Santiri. It is located in the north-east corner of Keldagrim.


2) Quality Armor

As you’ve guessed, Quality Armor is Keldagrim’s local armor store, located in the south-west corner of Keldagrim, and run by Saro. This store contains an array of helms, chainbodies and shields.


3) Agmundi Quality Clothes

At this clothing store, you can purchase all the finest fashions of the Dwarves, located in central Keldagrim.


4) Vigr's Warhammers

If you can wield a warhammer, this is the store for you! Vigr’s Warhammers stock every warhammer except the rune warhammer, and is located directly east of Agmundi.


5) Gunslik's Assorted Items

Next up on the list, found directly south of the previous two stores, is Gunslik’s General Store! Within this store you are able to make handy purchases.


6) The Marketplace

In this area of Keldagrim, there are six stalls that you can steal from: Crossbow, Gem, Bakery, Silver, Crafting and Silk. This is really a great place to train Thieving or any form of fighting, as you can fight the Black Guard members and replenish your health by stealing from the bakery.

From the various stalls, you are able to buy:

Crafting Stall – Chisels (1 GP), Ring/Necklace Moulds (5 GP), Needles (1 GP), Thread (4 GP) and Balls of Wool (5 GP)
Level 5 Thieving is required to steal from the Crafting Stall.

Gem Stall – Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds. The Gem Stall has no Main Stock, so the price will vary per item.
Level 75 Thieving is required to steal from the Gem Stall.

Bakery Stall – Bread (12 GP), Cake (50 GP), and Chocolate Slices (30 GP)
Level 5 Thieving is required to steal from the Bakery Stall.

Clothing Stall – Skirts (455 GP), Trousers (715 GP), Shorts (364 GP), Woven Tops (650 GP), Shirts (585 GP) and Silk (55 GP)
You are unable to steal from the Clothing Stall.

Crossbow – Wooden Stock (60 GP), Oak Stock (81 GP), Willow Stock (159 GP), Teak Stock (231 GP), Apple Stock (300 GP), Mahogany Stock (399 GP), Bronze Limbs (60 GP), Iron Limbs (210 GP), Steel Limbs (750 GP), Mithril Limbs (1,950 GP), Adamantite Limbs (4,800 GP)
Level 49 Thieving is required to steal from the Crossbow Stall.

Silver Stall – Unstrung Symbol (200 GP)
50 Thieving is required to steal from the Silver Stall.

Above the marketplace, you can find the "Trade Octagon", where the eight parts of the Dwarven Consortium meet. This area is mainly used in the Giant Dwarf quest.


7) Kebab Seller

Kjut will sell you normal kebabs for one coin per kebab. Yum!


8) Pick-Is-Mine

A very handy pickaxe store, in which all types of pickaxes (bronze-rune) are sold.


9) Blast Furnace Entrance

Down these stairs lies the Blast Furnace, the pinnacle of Dwarven engineering. You need multiple people to work it, and Level 60 Smithing or higher is required to use it for free. There are also many anvils and water dispensers down there, a dwarf who sells ores, and another who sells high-level armors downstairs.

Armor Store

Jorzik runs the Armor Store, which has no Main Stock, instead only player stock. So, if you’re looking for high leveled armor, this probably isn’t the store for you.


Ore Store

Ordan runs the Ore Store, in which you can buy seven different types of ore, which can be seen below. This shop also lacks a Main Stock, but the Player Stock will be updated periodically.

Please note, the above prices are only applicable when the item is at full stock.

10) The Dwarven Public Minecarts

Here, you can take a trip to the White Wolf (100 GP), or Ice Mountains (100 GP).


11) The Brewery

One of only two breweries in all of RuneScape, it is located on the second floor of this bar. You can brew beers and cider here! The helpful Dwarf Blandebir is also located here, lending assistance if needed.


12) The Stonemason

With the release of the Construction skill, a new shop was added to Keldagrim! Here you can buy a few construction supplies that you can't get anywhere else! Although be warned – they don’t come cheap!


13) The Bank

The bank is located in the west portion of Keldagrim. It is no different than any other bank, and you are able to check or change your PIN settings.


Ending Notes

*In the mines, you can start the "Between a Rock" Quest. In the city you can start the Rise of the Red Axe Series of quests, which currently includes "The Giant Dwarf" and "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf"

**There are two bars in Keldagrim.

If someone would redo the map, I'd be very thankful. Maps are certainly not my forte. I didn't redo any of the numbering, but it would look better redone.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — March 14th, 2008, 8:55 am

2008-03-09T14:20:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Donut Juice wrote:

TheAmericanIdiot wrote:
Is anyone working on this still? I know that Halley is semi-inactive right now, and that Donut is a busy person, but I'd still like to know of any progress that's been made so far :)

The Idiot Has Been Here


Wow, I completely forgot about this. I'll have members back shortly, and I'm on break now, so I'll get on it shortly.


Yeh, I plan on starting this a week tomorrow.

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — March 9th, 2008, 2:20 pm

2008-03-08T08:00:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> TheAmericanIdiot wrote:

Is anyone working on this still? I know that Halley is semi-inactive right now, and that Donut is a busy person, but I'd still like to know of any progress that's been made so far :)

The Idiot Has Been Here


Wow, I completely forgot about this. I'll have members back shortly, and I'm on break now, so I'll get on it shortly.


Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — March 8th, 2008, 8:00 am

2008-03-08T07:47:34-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]>

The Idiot Has Been Here

Statistics: Posted by TheAmericanIdiot — March 8th, 2008, 7:47 am

2008-01-19T09:26:25-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]>
It looked much better :( But got changed with chain update D:

Statistics: Posted by Sky Demon — January 19th, 2008, 9:26 am

2008-01-18T22:03:01-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Statistics: Posted by Fullmetal Shinobi — January 18th, 2008, 10:03 pm

2008-01-17T19:11:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Rocky Martin wrote:

Donut Juice wrote:
posting from my iPod

Sorry to take this a wee bit off subject, but how do you post from an iPod? @_@

iPod Touch. :P

Best buy I've ever made.

Sorry for being offtopic. ^_^;

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — January 17th, 2008, 7:11 pm

2008-01-17T18:38:00-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Rocky Martin wrote:

Donut Juice wrote:
posting from my iPod

Sorry to take this a wee bit off subject, but how do you post from an iPod? @_@

I'm thinking it's an iPhone or something. iPhone's have internet access.

...and to be on topic. I would do this guide, but I'm quite busy with exams right now.

Statistics: Posted by Justin — January 17th, 2008, 6:38 pm

2008-01-17T18:01:02-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Donut Juice wrote:

posting from my iPod

Sorry to take this a wee bit off subject, but how do you post from an iPod? @_@

Statistics: Posted by Rocky — January 17th, 2008, 6:01 pm

2008-01-17T17:25:20-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — January 17th, 2008, 5:25 pm

2008-01-15T02:37:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Donut Juice wrote:

Sure, we can each take a half, Halley. I'm a bit occupied with exams right now, and posting from my iPod, so I won't be starting for a couple days or so.

Feel free to talk half, I'll catch up. ;)

In that case I'll do some this weekend.
I've got exams today and friday, so I'm focusing on those. (I'm on study leave, so I better go and study...)

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — January 15th, 2008, 2:37 am

2008-01-14T17:07:48-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]>
Feel free to talk half, I'll catch up. ;)

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — January 14th, 2008, 5:07 pm

2008-01-14T15:36:56-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> The123king wrote:

Really all that needs to beupdated is the map and you only need to add the new gravestone and wrist clothes shop thingy.

And new shop images, new characters and are there any new quests?

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — January 14th, 2008, 3:36 pm

2008-01-14T14:06:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Halley92 wrote:

Donut, if you feel like taking a break and going outside I'll do the guide or help you.

I don't think he knows what outside is. Jk

Really all that needs to beupdated is the map and you only need to add the new gravestone and wrist clothes shop thingy.

Statistics: Posted by The123king — January 14th, 2008, 2:06 pm

2008-01-14T12:36:15-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]> Maybe I could do say east Keldagrim and then you format it to match the formatting of your west Keldagrim guide?
Anyway, drop me a PM ;)

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — January 14th, 2008, 12:36 pm

2008-01-12T10:47:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Keldagrim]]>
One last finishing touch on the Pest Control guide and I'll start this. :)

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — January 12th, 2008, 10:47 am

2008-01-12T10:33:35-06:00 <![CDATA[[UPLOADED] Keldagrim]]>
If you are up to helping us with the task, you can either write your own guide or modify and edit the existing guide by Fullmetal Shinobi (below). Any help is greatly appreciated.

Fullmetal Shinobi wrote:


The Dwarven City

To reach Keldagrim, you must either take a minecart (From the Ice Mountain or White Wolf Mountain) or enter through the cave near the Rock Crabs in north-east Rellekka

The first time you enter the city, you will go Immediatly to the Commander and that will initiate the "Giant Dwarf" quest.


1. Quality Weapons

Here you can buy several different types of weapons, all for a fairly cheap price!



2. Quality Armor

Quite a few pieces of armor are available here, all for sale!



3. Agmundi Quality Clothes

You can buy very fashionable dwarven clothes here!




4. Vigr's Warhammers

Many of one of Runescapes least used weapons are found here, the mighty warhammer!



5. Gunslik's Assorted Items

A general store where you can buy many items.


6. Marketplace

Around this spot of Keldagrim, there are 6 stalls that you can steal from: Crossbow, Gem, Bakery, Silver, Crafting and Silk. It's really a great place to train theiving or any form of fighting, as you can fight the black guard members and replenish your health by stealing from the bakery.

From the various stalls, you can buy:

Crafting Stall -Chisels and Ring/Necklace Moulds

Gem Stall -Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds

Bakery Stall -Bread, Cake, and Chocolate Cake Slices

Clothing Stall -Skirts, Trousers, Shorts, Tops, Shirts and Silk.

Crossbow -All Crossbows, Limbs and Stocks.

Above the marketplace, you can find the "Trade Octagon", where the eight parts of the dwarven consortium meet. This area is mainly used in the Giant Dwarf quest.

7. Kebab Seller

He will sell you normal kebabs for one gold coin per kebab. Yum!

8. Pick-Is-Mine

A very handy pickaxe shop, with all types available.



9. Blast Furnace Entrance.

Down these stairs lies the blast furnace, the pinnacle of Dwarven engineering. You need multiple people to work it, and 60+ Smithing to use it for free. There are also anvils and water dispensers down there. There is also a dwarf who sells ores, and another who sells high-level armors downstairs.




10. The Dwarven Public Minecarts

Here, you can take a trip to the White Wolf or Ice mountains, for 100 and 150 gp each (respectively).

11. The Brewery

One of only two breweries in all of runescape, it is located on the second floor of this bar. You can brew beers and cider here!


12. The Stonemason

With the new release of the Construction skill, a new shop was added to Keldagrim! Here you can buy a few construction supplies that you can't get anywhere else!



*As you can probably see, there is a bank in the west side of the City.

**There are two bars in Keldagrim.

***In the mines, you can start the "Between a Rock" Quest. In the city you can start the Rise of the Red Axe Series of quests, which currently includes "The Giant Dwarf" and "The Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf"

The Idiot Has Been Here

Statistics: Posted by TheAmericanIdiot — January 12th, 2008, 10:33 am
