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Good guide Tyler, but, now that the 3k limit is in place.. We could only make 3k on an item. RIP merchanting -Adam-
The whole idea of the guide, if you had read it, is to teach people how to merchant using the grand exchange.
To summarise what Tyler wrote, you buy items at the low guide price, (or below market price) and sell them (still on the grand exchange) for more money.
Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — January 3rd, 2008, 7:17 am
Well the first thing you'll need to do is have a little sum of cash and a nice item that can be sold and bought fast. Now what I'll teach you is how to determine how to merchant it and when to merchant it. Well here it is.
Item's needed: Access to Forums A good sum of money. (The more the better) Grand Exchange access A little knowledge of items. Decent skills. P2P (Required for Mid and Low)
Grand Exchange High and low exchange (Low level merchanting) After you've acquired the money and you know a little bout the economy at the moment. You'll want to go to GE and look around. Try buying 1 item at a low price and try to sell it at high. Just by 1 of it, after you find a nice item start in increments of 10 buying it at low selling it at high. After you find a item that you feel comfortable continue the process until you have a good amount of money. After that check out the Mid level merchanting.
Skills with Grand Exchange (Mid level Merchanting,P2P) Well this section is for those with a nice herblore, fletching, smithing, and crafting level. With that nice sum of money you can eventually afford to buy supplies to make items. Like for example (You can buy supplies for Saradomin Brews, Prayer Pots, or any potion.) for cheap and create the potion and sell it on the GE market for a nice profit. See the point of this is to buy the supplies for it use your skills to make the item. Sell it at max and make enough money for more supplies while gaining profit; not to mention the free exp. Though there are so side-affects to this. While some supplies are cheap the others may raise. So you'll have to gauge when you want to buy and sell them. After you acquire double that money say around 1 million or so try the High level merchanting.
Forums and GE (High level) This is the hardest of all merchanting. It's risky and I do not recommend this to anyone unless you know the forums prices and GE market prices well enough you trust it. This involves going on the forums and buying a specific item for under the value of the GE market and sell it mid or highest even lowest if you'd like any profit at all. Merchanting using this is very easy but difficult at the same time. For example: Post a topic on the forums about buying say full guthans for 7m and the GE price is at 7.3m at low, 7.5 mid, and 7.8 high. You could make 300k profit if you sell low, 500k for mid, and 800k for high. It's all about knowing the prices.
Other details
When to merchant items: Merchanting items during the week is one of the most common mistakes I see. Merchanting is usually done during the weekends at mid day when most players are online. If you want to merchant during the day you might not find a buyer for awhile and the prices will change on you. So if you plan on merchanting the best times are Mid day on a weekend.
What items to merchant: Good items to merchant are any item doing well or is in high demand at the moment. Anything from Potion supplies to bowstring even logs. But I would like to warn you, The following items are to be merchanted only if in high demanded: barrows, Treasure Trail items, Rares and Dragon Armor.
Statistics: Posted by Tyler — December 31st, 2007, 4:02 pm