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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2007-06-17T03:03:50-06:00 2007-06-17T03:03:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]> Statistics: Posted by The123king — June 17th, 2007, 3:03 am

2007-06-16T12:54:13-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]> Chip Hazard wrote:

Hey not bad Donut! :)

Very err... informative pictures :shifty:

Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment ;)

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 16th, 2007, 12:54 pm

2007-06-16T10:12:01-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>

Very err... informative pictures :shifty:

Statistics: Posted by Chip Hazard — June 16th, 2007, 10:12 am

2007-06-16T07:50:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>

EDIT: Updated your part, Mageman, thank you.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 16th, 2007, 7:50 am

2007-06-13T16:22:48-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>

Should be ok.

Statistics: Posted by Paul IV — June 13th, 2007, 4:22 pm

2007-06-13T15:13:53-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]> [spoil]

Lletya - the city of the elves, accessible after starting the quest, Mourning's End - Part 2. Lletya is popular for it's convenience in Flax picking, as the patch of Flax is nicely located a couple steps from the bank.

There are two ways to get into the grand city of Lletya:
1)When starting the quest, Mourning's End - Part 2 you will be given an Elf Crystal after talking to Arianwyn. This crystal will teleport you to Lletya, but it only has a set amount of charges, to recharge the crystal talk to Eluned. Uncharged crystals are also dropped by Elf Warriors.

2)Simply make your way through the elven forests, you will eventually find an odd arrangement of trees, click these to enter the city!

Without further ado, welcome to the guide!


1. Flax Fields:
This is the Flax Field, as you can see it's just several small seconds away from the bank, this is the best place in RuneScape for picking flax. Once done picking the Flax, you can spin it into bowstrings, to spin it into bowstrings you need a spinning wheel, the ideal places for spinning wheels are in Lumbridge Castle and Seers Village. Located at the South-Western portion of Lletya.

2. The Bank:
Ah ha! One of the most important parts of every city - The Bank! This is just a few steps from the Flax Field, as well as a nice quiet place for doing activities like Fletching, if you don't want a noisy, busy area. Located at the South-Western portion of Lletya.

3. Arianwyn's Area:
This is where Arianwyn is - one of the key NPC's in the Mourning's End - Part 2 Quest. Located at the Eastern portion of Lletya.

4. Lletya Seamstress Store and Spinning Wheel:
Oronwen owns this store, it actually stocks all of the dyes - very convenient for those of you too lazy to get the supplies yourself! Ha ha.

These are the items that the store stocks:
Thread - 1 GP
Needle - 1 GP
Ball of Wool: 1 GP
Dyes: 6 GP

Also in the store is a spinning wheel - now we have a Flax Field and a spinning wheel, for crafting XP you'd never have to leave the city! Although this isn't the most convenient place for a spinning wheel, as it's far from the bank.

5. Lletya General Store:
This is an essential part in every city - the Geneal Store, and like almost every city, Lletya has one as well. It is owned by the NPC Eudav.

These are the items the store stocks:
Pot: 1 GP
Jug: 1 GP
Shears: 1 GP
Bucket: 2 GP
Tinderbox: 1 GP
Chisel: 1 GP
Hammer: 1 GP
Spade: 3 GP
Knife: 7 GP

6. Sheep Pen:
Here's where you find a group of sheep, doesn't serve much of a purpose, but you can always sheer them!

7. Archery Shop:
This is the shop in Lletya that stocks all the items needed for the Ranged Skill, they have a great variety and amount of items here.

These are the items the store stocks:
Iron Arrows: 3 GP
Steel Arrows: 15 GP
Mithril Arrows: 41 GP
Adamant Arrows: 104 GP
Rune Arrows: 520 GP
Bronze Bolts: 1 GP
Oak Shortbow: 130 GP
Oak Longbow: 208 GP
Crossbow: 91 GP
Willow Shortbow: 260 GP
Willow Longbow: 416 GP

8. Center of the City:
Welcome to the dead center of Lletya - here you can find a well, for filling up buckets, and you can also find Elf Warriors (lvl 108) - Elf Warriors drop Uncharged Elf Crystals, also - be careful as they're quite strong.

9. Ladder to Second Floor of Lletya:
Go up this ladder to take you to the Second Floor of Lletya.

Welcome to the second floor, you can access this in many different ways, generally by climbing the many ladders in the city.

1. Prayer Altar:
This is where one would go if they wanted to recharge their Prayer lvl back to the maximum, climb the ladder by Arianwyn to get here.

2. Ranges:
Here's where you would cook your food if you were a devoted citizen of Lletya, Gethin the Chef appears to keep you company as well if you're cooking large amounts!

And that's all of Lletya - happy travels!
It's my first guide, be gentle.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 13th, 2007, 3:13 pm

2007-06-01T20:29:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>

Statistics: Posted by BlitzAceSamy — June 1st, 2007, 8:29 pm

2007-06-01T15:21:51-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>
Also, does anyone have upper Lletya (the second floor) mapped? If so could you post it?

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 1st, 2007, 3:21 pm

2007-06-01T15:09:14-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]>
I'll be sure to check it over once you finish - I know a lot about that place. :P

Statistics: Posted by Christopher — June 1st, 2007, 3:09 pm

2007-06-01T14:18:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Lletya City Guide - DONE]]> Finally, sorry for the long wait, exam studying and such.


Lletya - the city of the elves, accessible after starting the quest, Mourning's End - Part 2. Lletya is popular for it's convenience in Flax picking, as the patch of Flax is nicely located a couple steps from the bank.

There are two ways to get into the grand city of Lletya:
1)When starting the quest, Mourning's End - Part 2 you will be given an Elf Crystal after talking to Arianwyn. This crystal will teleport you to Lletya, but it only has a set amount of charges, to recharge the crystal talk to Eluned. Uncharged crystals are also dropped by Elf Warriors.

2)Simply make your way through the elven forests, you will eventually find an odd arrangement of trees, click these to enter the city!

Without further ado, welcome to the guide!


1. Flax Fields:
This is the Flax Field, as you can see it's just several small seconds away from the bank, this is the best place in RuneScape for picking flax. Once done picking the Flax, you can spin it into bowstrings, to spin it into bowstrings you need a spinning wheel, the ideal places for spinning wheels are in Lumbridge Castle and Seers Village. Located at the South-Western portion of Lletya.

2. The Bank:
Ah ha! One of the most important parts of every city - The Bank! This is just a few steps from the Flax Field, as well as a nice quiet place for doing activities like Fletching, if you don't want a noisy, busy area. Located at the South-Western portion of Lletya.

3. Arianwyn's Area:
This is where Arianwyn is - one of the key NPC's in the Mourning's End - Part 2 Quest. Located at the Eastern portion of Lletya.

4. Lletya Seamstress Store and Spinning Wheel:
Oronwen owns this store, it actually stocks all of the dyes - very convenient for those of you too lazy to get the supplies yourself! Ha ha.

These are the items that the store stocks:
Thread - 1 GP
Needle - 1 GP
Ball of Wool: 1 GP
Dyes: 6 GP

Also in the store is a spinning wheel - now we have a Flax Field and a spinning wheel, for crafting XP you'd never have to leave the city! Although this isn't the most convenient place for a spinning wheel, as it's far from the bank.

5. Lletya General Store:
This is an essential part in every city - the Geneal Store, and like almost every city, Lletya has one as well. It is owned by the NPC Eudav.

These are the items the store stocks:
Pot: 1 GP
Jug: 1 GP
Shears: 1 GP
Bucket: 2 GP
Tinderbox: 1 GP
Chisel: 1 GP
Hammer: 1 GP
Spade: 3 GP
Knife: 7 GP

6. Sheep Pen:
Here's where you find a group of sheep, doesn't serve much of a purpose, but you can always sheer them!

7. Archery Shop:
This is the shop in Lletya that stocks all the items needed for the Ranged Skill, they have a great variety and amount of items here.

These are the items the store stocks:
Iron Arrows: 3 GP
Steel Arrows: 15 GP
Mithril Arrows: 41 GP
Adamant Arrows: 104 GP
Rune Arrows: 520 GP
Bronze Bolts: 1 GP
Oak Shortbow: 130 GP
Oak Longbow: 208 GP
Crossbow: 91 GP
Willow Shortbow: 260 GP
Willow Longbow: 416 GP

8. Ranges:
Just a few steps from the bank, go up a ladder, and voila - here's where you would cook your food if you were a devoted citizen of Lletya, Gethin the Chef appears to keep you company as well if you're cooking large amounts!

9. Center of the City:
Welcome to the dead center of Lletya - here you can find a well, for filling up buckets, and you can also find Elf Warriors (lvl 108) - Elf Warriors drop Uncharged Elf Crystals, also - be careful as they're quite strong.

10. Ladder to Second Floor of Lletya:
Go up this ladder to take you to the Second Floor of Lletya.

Welcome to the second floor, you can access this in many different ways, generally by climbing the many ladders in the city.

1. Prayer Altar:
This is where one would go if they wanted to recharge their Prayer lvl back to the maximum, climb the ladder by Arianwyn to get here.

And that's all of Lletya!

That's my first guide, please be gentle! ;)

EDIT: Updated it a bit.

Statistics: Posted by Donut Juice — June 1st, 2007, 2:18 pm
