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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2007-05-23T03:50:50-06:00 2007-05-23T03:50:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Price adds.]]> Statistics: Posted by Mackerel — May 23rd, 2007, 3:50 am

2007-05-20T11:08:10-06:00 <![CDATA[Price adds.]]>
EDIT: I added some of them, but am now realising there are other, more important things to do right now.

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — May 20th, 2007, 11:08 am

2007-05-20T06:40:23-06:00 <![CDATA[Price adds.]]>
Well I have noticed that the prices on items are all... old.. so the new prices are:

[s]Abyssal whip: 1,500,000gp - 1,650,000gp

Adament 2h sword: 8,000gp - 10,000gp

Adamant Axe: 2,000gp - 3,000gp

Adamant Battleaxe: 2,700gp - 4,100gp

Adamant Chainbody: 4,500gp - 6,000gp

Adamant Claws: 4,400gp - 6,500gp

Adamant Dagger: 700gp - 900gp

Adamant Full Helm: 2,500gp - 4,000gp

Adamant Kiteshield: 8,000gp - 10,000gp

Adamant Mace: 900gp - 1,100gp

Adamant Med Helm: 900gp - 1,500gp

Steel spear ...500gp - 620gp

Adamant Warhammer: 3,800gp - 4,500gp

Adamantite Scimitar: 3,500gp - 4,500gp

Adamantite Spear: 2,800gp - 4,000gp

Black Axe: 500gp - 1,000gp

Black Chainbody: 1,000gp - 1,500gp

Black Claws: 7,500gp - 9,500gp

Black Dagger: 150gp - 200gp

Black Kiteshield: 1,500gp - 3,000gp

Black Mace: 1,300gp - 2,800gp

Black Med Helm: 400gp - 2,100gp

Black Sq Shield: 1,000gp - 1,050gp

Black Warhammer: 1,500gp - 2,100gp

Bronze Claws: 50gp - 100gp

Bronze Battleaxe: 60gp - 90gp

Bronze Dagger: 10gp - 20gp

Bronze Full Helm: 15gp - 30gp

Bronze Kiteshield: 45gp - 50gp

Bronze Longsword: 30gp - 40gp

Bronze Mace: 5gp - 15gp

Bronze Med Helm: 5gp - 10gp

Bronze Plate Body: 60gp - 100gp

Bronze Plate Skirt: 40gp - 60gp

Bronze Platelegs: 50gp - 60gp

Bronze Spear: 40gp - 100gp

Bronze Sq Shield: 25gp - 30gp

Bronze Two-handed Sword: 70gp - 90gp

Bronze Warhammer: 25gp - 40gp

Iron 2h Sword: 90gp - 150gp

Iron Boots: 800gp - 1,200gp

Iron Chainbody: 90gp - 150gp

Iron Claws: 90gp - 160gp

Iron Dagger: 30gp - 45gp

Iron Full Helm: 60gp - 100gp

Iron Kiteshield: 110gp - 150gp

Iron Mace: 35gp - 60gp

Iron Med Helm: 30gp - 70gp

Iron Spear: 115gp - 155gp

Iron Sq Shield: 90gp - 120gp

Iron Warhammer: 80gp - 100gp

Mithril full helm: 950gp - 1,250gp [/s]

Mithril plateskirt: 2,100gp - 2,600gp

Mithril platebody: 4,000gp - 5,500gp

Mithril platelegs: 2,800gp - 3,100gp

Mithril kiteshield: 2,800gp - 3,100gp

Mithril boots: 3,000gp - 10,500gp

Mithril chainbody: 1,100gp - 1,500gp

Mithril sq shield: 800gp - 1,100gp

Mithril med helm: 350gp - 400gp

Mithril dagger: 500gp - 1,500gp

Mithril mace: 640gp - 850gp

Mithril sword: 550gp - 760gp

Mithril spear: 1,000gp - 1,600gp

Mithril claws: 2,400gp - 3,500gp

Mithril warhammer: 2,200gp - 2,950gp

Mithril 2h sword: 2,100gp - 3,300gp

Mithril scimitar: 1,650gp - 2,000gp

Mithril longsword: 1,100gp - 1500gp

Mithril battleaxe: 1,000gp - 1,300gp

Mithril halberd: 4,700gp - 7,000gp

All credit for mithril goes to peterness my mithril crazy freind who told me the prices for the mithril.

Edit. My freind sent me a email showin steel prices. here it it. His name is toywiz dood. give credit for steel to him.
toywiz dood wrote:

Steel kiteshield ...450gp - 550gp
Steel platebody... 1,000gp - 1,300gp
Steel platelegs ...650gp - 750gp
Steel claws... 500gp - 550gp
Steel plateskirt... 650gp - 700gp
Steel full helm... 280gp - 350gp
Steel med helm ...110gp - 160gp
Steel chainbody...390gp - 450gp
Steel sq shield... 290gp - 330gp
Steel dagger... 100gp - 120gp
Steel mace ...100gp - 130gp
Steel sword ...100gp - 120gp
Steel halberd ...800gp - 1,800gp
Steel warhammer ...100gp - 190gp
Steel scimitar ...220gp - 280gp
Steel longsword... 200gp - 260gp
Steel battleaxe... 550gp - 600gp
Steel 2h sword... 550gp - 720gp
Steel boots... 1,800gp - 2,500gp

Statistics: Posted by BOOM! — May 20th, 2007, 6:40 am
